Difference between mov, m4v and mv4?

I had a "large" mov-file and saved it as H.264 in QuickTime Pro, still with the .mov suffix in the name. The result was a folder with .mov.mov suffix containing among other files a .mov-desktop.m4v file and a .mov-poster.jpg file.
Now I did not want to create a webpage, just send someone the resulting H.264 file. I deleted the desktop-part of the file name ending up with just .mov and tested it. I played in Quicktime, so I sent it.
The recipient could not open it. QuickTime reported "movie could not be opend. It is not a movie file".
Renaming the file .m4v makes it open and play in iTunes. .mv4 does not work. QuickTime reports the same error.
Why is QuickTime so picky about filenames? Or rather: Why doesn't QuickTime object to the .mov file on my disk but rejects the very file after a tour on the internet? Is this the result of hidden metadata in MacOS?
If that is the case, I would prefer QuickTime to display an error when a mismatch between metadata and suffix is detected.

Open the .m4v file with QuickTime Pro and use Save As to place it in a .mov container.
No re-encoding done on the file and very fast. It will also make a "fast start" (progressive download) file.
Upload the file to your server and include just the link in the email. The recipient can then "copy" the link, open the free QuickTime Player, "Open URL" (File menu) and paste the URL. The file will begin playing almost instantly.
Too much work for a louse.

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    I am normally a FCP 4.5 user but I just got the new Macbook Pro and need to capture some footage this weekend using iMovie. Is there any difference between the .mov files we capture with FCP and the .dv files captured with iMovie as far as compression or quality?
    I've looked and looked but can't find the answer. Thanks!
    MacBook Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Hi there. can you explain this a bit more ?
    "you can scrub audio over a .dv clip in a sequence"
    and explain why the .dv video is so doggy in fcp hd?
    so,you CAN NOT convert .dv to fcp - right? or .mov to fcp?- right
    Here is my experience with iMovie, .dv files and
    iMovie can be useful, because it breaks DV clips up,
    and handles time code breaks - by ignoring them!
    I had canon camera, which if I captured with FCP, the
    audio would drift over the hour capture - it was over
    a second out by the end of the tape, so I used iMovie
    Dropping .dv files into DV FCP sequences does not
    require a video render or transcode - the original
    image quality is maintained, but will require an
    audio render to stop the audio 'beeping' during play
    back - it seems an arbitrary limitation to me, you
    can scrub audio over a .dv clip in a sequence, and
    you can play audio when the .dv file is in the
    viewer, but not from a sequence.
    Then - it gets more annoying - every edit you do,
    typically requires a re-render of the audio, if you
    don't want the beeping, but there are two tricks
    that can help: 1) make a sequence for each .dv clip,
    unedited, render the audio in that sequence, then
    edit that into the master sequence, or 2) use
    'extract audio' in iMovie, then find the .aiff in the
    Media folder, and replace the .dv sourced audio with
    that in the FCP timeline.
    There is no re-capture, as Shane says, you have to
    stay on disc forever, or risk having to tweak and
    re-trim your project, if you hope iMovie will create
    the same files on a future capture - I have never
    tested that, my guess would be no.
    Most of the folks on the board will dismiss such a
    workflow - and with good cause - but its not totally
    useless, in certain circumstances.
    I have not tried this with the iMovie in iLife '06 -
    so your mileage may vary. Ideally, the beeping audio
    from .dv would be fixed in FCP - I understand it is
    harder to extract and play from a .dv file, but we
    have fairly powerful machines, these days, and,
    iMovie seems to manage just fine
    Good luck!
    iMovie was what got me into Macs in the first place,
    and after my first 'home movie editing appliance'
    (also known as an iMac G3) I started to do less and
    less on PC's, and have not tried to edit video on one

  • Difference between movement 309 and 201

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    I see I can do it with transaction 201 in MB1A.
    What would be the difference of this on accounting?

    does anyone has made this change on their enviroment and had significal differences in accounting - from my side NO.
    Regarding account between 309 adn 201/202 movements
    As mentioned.. 309 is material to material transfer and 201 are movements related to cost center.
    When we do 309 movement for material to material transfer, one material document will be created but with two line items.
    An accounting document also will be created along with the material document capturing the financial impact of the transfer. ie if both are having different valuation classes and hence different account postings, the issuing material stock a/c is credited and the receiving material stock account is debited.
    For Movement 201, 202 the account postings will be the same as normal business process.
    Syed Hussain.

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    Dear Experts,
    i need some clarification on Return Po and retuning goods with 122 movement type in the context of Excise invoice.
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    incoming excise,please clarify me.

    Refer the below thread:
    Difference between 102, 122 and 161
    In terms of stock movement, both 122 and 161 represents the return delivery to your vendor. The difference takes place in terms of how you are returning your delivery to your vendor - It is movement type 161 that SAP will automatically propose if your return PO is referenced. Otherwise, 122 movement type will be used instead.
    Edited by: Prashant Prasad on Apr 22, 2011 8:51 AM

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    Locking this thread to avoid duplicate discussion.
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  • Difference between movement types 102 and 122

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    Would you please explain the differences between movement types 102 and 122?
    Thanks in advance,

    102 means you are cancelling the material document (if the user has wrongly posted the document)
    122 sending material to vendor (vendor return for rejected material)
    Both has the same accounting effects
    WRX              Dr
    BSX               Cr
    Just define for two diffrent reasons (logic)

  • What is the difference between MOVE var1 TO var2 and var2 = var1? Help!

    Hi Experts,
        What is the difference between MOVE var1 TO var2 and var2 = var1?

      pls. look into it.Good explanation on you requirement.
    To assign the value of a data object <f1> to a variable <f2>, use the following statement:
    MOVE <f1> TO <f2>.
    or the equivalent statement
    <f2> = <f1>.
    The contents of <f1> remain unchanged. <f1> does not have to be a variable - it can also be a literal, a text symbol, or a constant. You must always specify decimal points with a period (.), regardless of the user’s personal settings.
    Multiple value assignments in the form
    <f4> = <f3> = <f2> = <f1>.
    are also possible. ABAP processes them from right to left as follows:
    MOVE <f1> TO <f2>.
    MOVE <f2> TO <f3>.
    MOVE <f3> TO <f4>.
    In the MOVE statement (or when you assign one value to another with the equal sign), it is not possible to specify the field names dynamically as the contents of other fields. If you need to do this, you must use field symbols .
    There are three possible outcomes of assigning <f1> to <f2>:
    The data objects <f1> and <f2> are fully compatible, that is, their data types, field length, and number of decimal places are identical. The contents of source field <f1> are transferred byte by byte into the target field <f2> without any further manipulation. The MOVE statement is most efficient when this is the case.
    The data objects <f1> and <f2> are incompatible. This is the case, for example, if the two fields have the same type, but different lengths. The contents of the source field <f1> are converted so that they are compatible with the data type of <f2>, and are then transferred. This procedure only works if a conversion rule exists between the data types of <f1> and <f2>. Type conversions make the MOVE statement less efficient. How much less efficient depends on the individual conversion.
    The data objects <f1> and <f2> are incompatible, and no conversion is possible. The assignment is not possible. If this can be recognized statically, a syntax error occurs. If it is not recognized before the program is run, a runtime error occurs.
    The source and target fields can be of different data types. In contrast to other programming languages, where the assignment between different data types is often restricted to a small number of possible combinations, ABAP provides a wide range of automatic type conversions.
    For example, the contents of a source field with an elementary data type can be assigned to a target field with any other data type. The single exception to this rule is that it is not possible to assign values between type D fields and type T fields. ABAP even supports assignments between a structure and an elementary field, or between two structures.
    DATA: T(10) TYPE C,
          COUNT  TYPE I.
    T = 1111.
    MOVE '5.75' TO NUMBER.
    Following these assignments, the fields T, NUMBER, and COUNT have the values ‘1111      ’, 5.75, and 6 respectively. When you assign the number literal 1111 to T, it is converted into a character field with length 10. When you assign NUMBER to COUNT, the decimal number is rounded to an integer (as long as the program attribute Fixed pt. arithmetic has been set).
    Pls. reward if useful

  • What is the difference between MOVE and WRITE TO ststement?

    What is the difference between MOVE and WRITE TO ststement?
    When do we use both of them?
    Thank You

    MOVE source {TO|?TO} destination.
    destination {=|?=} source.
    Both these statements assign the content of the operand source to the data object destination. The variants with the language element TO or the assignment operator = are valid for all assignments between operands that are not reference variables, and for assignments between reference variables for which the static type of source is more specific than or the same as the static type of destination(narrowing cast).
    Variants with the language element ?TO or the assignment operator ?= (casting operator ) must be used if the source and destination are reference variables and the static type of source is more general than the static type of destination (widening cast). For assignments between operands that are not reference variables, use of the question mark ? is not permitted.
    The data object destination can be any data object that can be listed at a write position, and the data object source can be a data object, a predefined function or a functional method (as of release 6.10). The data type of the data object destination must either be compatible with the data type of source, or it must be possible to convert the content of source into the data type of destination according to one of the conversion rules.
    If source and/or destination are field symbols, then, as in all ABAP commands, the system works with the content of the data objects to which the field symbols point. The actual pointer content of a field symbol can only be changed using the statement ASSIGN or the addition ASSIGNING when processing internal tables (value semantics). If source and destination are reference variables, the reference contained in source is assigned to destination (reference semantics).
    Strings and internal tables are addressed internally using references. When assignments are made between strings and between internal tables (as of release 6.10), only the reference is transferred, for performance reasons. After the assignment, the actual string or the actual table body of the source as well as the target object are addressed (sharing). When the object is accessed to change it, the sharing is canceled and a copy of the content is made. The sharing is displayed in the memory consumption display of the ABAP debugger and in the Memory Inspector tool (as of release 6.20).
    Obsolete Form: MOVE PERCENTAGE
    Catchable Exceptions
    Cause: Operand cannot be interpreted as number
    Runtime Error: CONVT_NO_NUMBER (catchable)
    Cause: Overflow with arithmetic operation (type P, with specified length)
    Runtime Error: BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW (catchable)
    Cause: Operand too large or (intermediate) result too large
    Runtime Error: CONVT_OVERFLOW (catchable)
    Cause: Source or target variable are not reference variables
    Runtime Error: MOVE_CAST_REF_ONLY
    Non-Catchable Exceptions
    Cause: Source field (type P) does not contain correct BCD format.
    Runtime Error: BCD_BADDATA
    Cause: Assignment for deep structures not permitted if these overlap.
    Cause: Type conflict with the assignment between object references.
    Runtime Error: MOVE_IREF_TO_OREF,
    Cause: Type conflict with the assignment between data references.
    Cause: Assignment between the types involved not supported.
    Runtime Error: MOVE_NOT_SUPPORTED
    Cause: Constants and literals must not be overwritten.
    Cause: onstants and literals must not be overwritten.
    Cause: During a loop in an internal table, an attempt was made to overwrite a reference variable that is linked with the internal table by REFERENCE INTO.
    Runtime Error: MOVE_TO_LOOP_REF
    Syntax Diagram
    WRITE - TO
    WRITE {source|(source_name)} TO destination
    This statement assigns the formatted content of the data object source, or the formatted content of the data object whose name is contained in source_name, to the data object destination. The data objects source_name and destination must be character type and flat. source_name can contain the name of the data object to be assigned in upper or lower case. If the data object specified in source_name does not exist, the assignment is not executed, and sy-subrc is set to 4.
    The statement WRITE TO has the same effect as the statement WRITE for lists. This statement formats the content of source or the source field specified in source_name as described in the field. It does not, however, store the result in an output area of a list in the list buffer, but instead stores it in a variable. The output length is determined by the length of the variable.
    The same additions int_format_options can be specified for formatting the content as in the statement WRITE for lists, except for NO-GAP and UNDER.
    System fields
    sy-subrc Meaning
    0 The data object specified in source_name was found and the assignment was executed.
    4 The data object specified in source_name was not found and the assignment was not executed.
    For the static specification of source, sy-subrc is not set.
    If destination is specified as an untyped field symbol or an untyped formal parameter, and is not flat and character-type when the statement is executed, this leads to an untreatable exception in a Unicode program. In non-Unicode programs, this only leads to an exception for deep types. Flat types are handled as character-type data types.
    After the assignment, the variables date_short and date_long receive the current date in the order specified in the user master record. The variable date_long also contains the defined separators, as the output length is sufficiently long. The content of the variable date_mask is formatted according to the formatting addition DD/MM/YY.
    DATA: date_short(8) TYPE c,
          date_long(10) TYPE c,
          date_mask(8)  TYPE c.
    WRITE sy-datum TO: date_short,
                       date_mask DD/MM/YY.
    Non-Catchable Exceptions
    Cause: Negative length specified for offset/length
    Cause: Negative offset specified in offset/length
    Cause: Offset specified in offset/length specification is longer than the field length.

  • The difference between chapter markers and dvd studio pro markers

    Does anyone know what is the difference between chapter markers and dvd studio pro markers? I can not find anywhere on Google. Also in the tutorials I have seen, suggesting DVD Studio Pro markers, but it did not mention the chapter markers.

    "Adding Chapter and Compression Markers to Your Sequence
    Once you have your edited sequence or program finished, you can add markers to the sequence for use on DVD. Markers are reference points you can place within clips or sequences that identify specific frames. There are two kinds of markers you can add that directly relate to authoring a DVD—chapter markers and compression markers.
    • Chapter markers allow DVD authoring applications to create a navigable chapter list for your exported QuickTime movie. Chapter markers force MPEG keyframes (known as I-frames) at their location, since the DVD specification requires an I-frame at each chapter point.
    • Compression markers identify areas of abrupt change and include two types: those that are automatically inserted by Final Cut Pro at all edit points, and those you manually place in the clip or sequence. Like chapter markers, compression markers force I-frames at their location, although in this case it is for better quality encoding, and they are not used to create a chapter list.
    Note: When you export a QuickTime movie, you have an option to export various kinds of markers, including compression, chapter, or DVD Studio Pro markers. *When you choose to export DVD Studio Pro markers, Final Cut Pro actually exports chapter markers and all compression markers.* This includes compression markers you set manually, as well as ones created automatically by Final Cut Pro at edit and transition points."
    From the Final Cut Pro User Manual.
    So, JS was right the first time

  • What is difference between transport protocol and message protocol

    what is difference between transport protocol and message protocol
    please give definition and small explanation

    Transport protocol gives information about outside of message details, kind of system, security details.
    A transport protocol is a network protocol that has the capability of transferring some payload from one node to another, thus providing some level of transparency from the underlying network.
    Transport protocols are used as a mechanism to move payloads around a network. Typically, a payload will have a transport binding associated with it. For example, SOAP (acting as a payload) has a predetermined binding for HTTP (a transport protocol).
    Some common transport protocols include: HTTP, HTTP-R, SMTP and BEEP.
    Message protocol gives you an idea of message type XI payload

  • Difference between open loop and closed loop mode when finding the index on a stepper motor axis.

    I have a test system which uses a PXI-7352 motion controller with a MID-7602 stepper motor drive to position a 200 step/revolution stepper motor with an attached 1000 line encoder.  The MID-7602 is configured for 64 microsteps per step, giving 12,800 microsteps and 4000 encoder counts per revolution.  The system is controlled using LabView 7.1 and NI-Motion 6.13.  To home the motor, I've defined a sequence in MAX which first finds the reverse limit switch and then moves forward to the encoder index pulse.
    When finding its reference in open loop mode, the system its reference at the same microstep each time.  When findings its reference in closed loop mode, the system finds its reference somewhere within about a 20 microstep wide range.
    I hope somebody out there with more experience with this controller can describe the difference between finding the encoder index in open loop mode and finding the encoder index in closed loop mode. 
    Mark Moss

    Hello Mark,
    I suspect that the behavior you are experiencing has today
    with the resolution difference between your encoder and your
    microstepping.  Let me illustrate with an
    Example Setup
    Motion Controller
    steps per encoder pulse (Every 10 steps the controller gets an encoder
    pulse, therefore positions 0-9 all appear to be 0 to the controller)
    system has a maximum of 3 pull in moves set
    Open Loop Scenario
    system is commanded to go to position 9.
    controller sends out 9 pulses.
    motor moves to position 9.
    Closed Loop Scenario
    system is commanded to go to position 9.
    controller sends out 9 pulses.
    motor moves to position 9.
    controller checks its position and sees that it is still at position 0
    because it has not received an encoder pulse.
    the controller thinks it is still at position 0, it sends another 9 pulses
    as its first pull in move.
    motor moves to position 18.
    controller checks its position and sees that it is at position 10 because
    it has only received one encoder pulse.
    the controller thinks it is still at position 10, it sends1 reverse pulse
    as its second pull in move.
    motor moves to position 17.
    controller checks its position and sees that it is at position 10 because
    it has only received one encoder pulse.
    the controller thinks it is still at position 10, it sends and additional
    single reverse pulse as its third pull in move.
    motor moves to its final position of 16.
    I believe something similar is happening with your
    application as it looks for the index pulse. 
    Because the controller does not compensate for what it perceives as
    position error in open loop mode, the motor always goes to the same commanded
    position.  In closed loop mode, the motor
    is bouncing around inside the single index encoder pulse trying to find a
    certain position.
    There are several recommendations I can make towards
    correcting this behavior.  These
    recommendations are in order of effectiveness:
    your system so that there are more encoder counts per revolution than
    steps per revolution.
    off pull-in moves by setting them to 0 in MAX.
    Use an
    open loop configuration.
    around with the pull in window in MAX.
    Luke H

  • The difference between FIELD-SYMBOL and normal DATA TYPE

    Dear experts,
    Please see the example below, both are output the same result.
          POSITION TYPE I,
          LENGTH TYPE N,
    EXTERNAL_RECORD = '0005Smith0007Edwards0005Young'.
      IF LENGTH = 0.
      IF POSITION >= 4000.
    --OR It can be written as--
          POSITION TYPE I,
          LENGTH TYPE N.
    EXTERNAL_RECORD = '0005Smith0007Edwards0005Young'.
      IF LENGTH = 0.
      WRITE <ENTRY>.
      IF POSITION >= 4000.
    Is there any special circumstances we need to use FIELD-SYMBOL?
    Why is FIELD-SYMBOL is introduce in the first place?
    Kindly advice with example.
    Thanks in advance for those who can help me on this.

    You can use field symbols to make the program more dynamic. In this example the name of a table control is substituted by a field symbol. Thus you cal call the form with any internal table, using the name of the table control as a parameter.
    form insert_row
    using p_tc_name.
    field-symbols <tc> type cxtab_control. "Table control
    assign (p_tc_name) to <tc>.
    insert 100 lines in table control
    <tc>-lines = 100.
    Field symbols allow you to:
    **     Assign an alias to a data object(for example, a shortened
            name for data objects structured through several hierarchies
            - <fs>-f instead of rec1-rec2-rec3-f)
    **     Set the offset and length for a string variably at runtime
    **     Set a pointer to a data object that you determine at runtime (dynamic ASSIGN)
    **     Adopt or change the type of a field dynamically at runtime
    **     Access components of a structure
    **     (from Release 4.5A) Point to lines of an internal table
            (process internal tables without a separate work area)
    Field symbols in ABAP are similar to pointers in other programming
    languages. However, pointers (as used in PASCAL or C) differ from ABAP
    field symbols in their reference syntax.
    The statement ASSIGN f to <fs> assigns the field f to field
    symbol <fs>. The field symbol <fs> then "points" to the
    contents of field f at runtime. This means that all changes to the
    contents of f are visible in <fs> and vice versa. You declare
    the field symbol <fs> using the statement FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs>.
    Reference syntax
    Programming languages such as PASCAL and C use a dereferencing symbol
    to indicate the difference between a reference and the object to which
    it refers; so PASCAL would use p^ for a pointer instead of p, C would
    use *p instead of p. ABAP does not have any such dereferencing symbol.
    **     In PASCAL or C, if you assign a pointer p1 to a pointer p2,
    you force p1 to point to the object to which p2 refers (reference semantics).
    **     In ABAP, if you assign a field symbol <fs1> to a field
    symbol <fs2>, <fs1> takes the value of the data object to
    which <fs2> refers (value semantics).
    **     Field symbols in ABAP are always dereferenced, that is,
    they always access the referenced data object. If you want to
    change the reference yourself in ABAP, you can use the ASSIGN statement
    to assign field symbol <fs1> to field symbol <fs2>.
    Using field symbols
    You declare field symbols using the FIELD-SYMBOLS statement.
    They may be declared either with or without a specific type.
    At runtime you assign a field to the field symbol using the ASSIGN
    statement. All of the operations on the field symbol act on the field
    assigned to it.
    When you assign a field to an untyped field symbol, the field symbol
    adopts the type of the field. If, on the other hand, you want to assign
    a field to a typed field symbol, the type of the field and that of the
    field symbol must be compatible.
    A field symbol can point to any data object and from Release 4.5A,
    they can also point to lines of internal tables.
    The brackets (<>) are part of the syntax.
    Use the expression <fs> IS ASSIGNED to find out whether the field
    symbol <fs> is assigned to a field.
    The statement UNASSIGN <fs> sets the field symbol <fs> so
    that it points to nothing. The logical expression <fs>
    IS ASSIGNED is then false. The corresponding negative expression
    is IF NOT <fs> IS ASSIGNED.
    An unassigned field symbol <fs> behaves as a constant with
    type C(1) and initial value SPACE.
    MOVE <fs>
    TO dest     Transfers the initial value SPACE to the variable dest
    MOVE 'A' to <fs>     
    Not possible, since <fs> is a constant
    (runtime error).
    To lift a type restriction, use the CASTING addition in the
    ASSIGN statement. The data object is then interpreted as though
    it had the data type of the field symbol. You can also do this
    with untyped field symbols using the CASTING TYPE <type> addition.
    The danger with pointers is that they may point to invalid areas.
    This danger is not so acute in ABAP, because the language does not
    use address arithmetic (for example, in other languages, pointer p
    might point to address 1024. After the statement p = p + 10, it would
    point to the address 1034). However, the danger does still exist, and
    memory protection violations lead to runtime errors.
    A pointer in ABAP may not point beyond a segment boundary. ABAP does
    not have one large address space, but rather a set of segments.
    Each of the following has its own segment:
    *     All global data
    *     All local data
    *     Each table work area (TABLES)
    *     Each COMMON PART
    You should only let field symbols move within an elementary field or
    structure where ABAP allows you to assign both within the global data
    and beyond a field boundary.

  • Difference between Drilldown report and Interactive report

    There is no difference between drill down and interactive report, they are the same.
    With drilldown reporting, SAP provides you with an interactive information system to let you evaluate the data collected in your application. This information system is capable of analyzing all the data according to any of the characteristics that describe the data. You can also use any key figures you wish to categorize your data. You can display a number of objects for a given key figure, or a number of key figures for a given object. In addition, the system lets you carry out any number of variance analyses (such as plan/actual comparisons, fiscal year comparisons, comparisons of different objects, and so on).
    You can produce both simple, data-directed lists (basic reports) and complex, formatted lists in drilldown reporting (form reports).
    Drilldown report provides you with comfortable functions for navigating through your data. For example, you can jump to the next level of detail or the next report object on the same level, hide individual levels and switch between the detail and drilldown lists. It also provides a number of additional functions which let you process lists interactively (sorting, conditions, ranking lists, and so on). SAP Graphics, SAPmail and the Excel List Viewer are also integrated into drilldown reporting.
    The drilldown functions are divided into three groups which differ in the number of functions available. That way each user can choose the functional level most suited for his requirements.
    In addition to the online functions for displaying reports, drilldown reporting also provides functions which let you print reports. A number of formatting functions are available to let you determine the look of your printed reports (page breaks, headers and footers, underscores, and so on).
    The menus and the functions available directly on the drilldown report make it easy to use the information system.
    What is an Interactive Report?
    An interactive report generally works in the following fashion:
    1. Basic list is displayed.
    2. User double clicks on any valid line
        User selects a line and presses as button on the tool bar.
    3. The corresponding event is triggered
    4. Then in the code, the line on which action was done, is read.
    5. Depending on the values in that selected line, a secondary list is displayed.
    6. Steps from 2-5 are repeated till the end.
    From the above explanation, I believe, its clear that, the 20th list, will essentially depend on the "selected line" of 19th list. According to your question, you want to move to 20th list directly, without "a prior list". May I know the exact requirement so that, an appropriate solution can be suggested? 
    Again, your question was, how to move to 20th list directly on pressing of execute button. Its not possible to move to 20th list. You must cross over a basic list, before you can go to a different list level, using the code given by Pavan. 
    What are Drilldown reports?
    The lines of basic list of a drilldown report when clicked, will take the user to the corresponding (standard) object's display.
    For eg: Suppose your report's primary component is purchase requisition, (assume you are printing PR details), and the basic list displays details of many PRs.
    Eg: when clicked on a particular line of the PR basic list, it takes you to std t-code me53 (display of purchase requisition). This is the 'Drill-down' functionality.
    For this, in the at-line selection of your program, as per the above ex: you'll set the parameter ID of PR number BAN (that you can get from Data element) in memory (using set parameter id) and then calling the corresponding transaction (usually skipping initial screen of the std t-code).   
    Likewise, if it's Material Number (Matnr), you'll be displaying MM03 transaction w.r.t. the line's matnr.

    Good, information. But I think you should post these items in Wiki, in place of forum, as here we have Qns & Ans;  problems and solutions.
    [ABAP Development > ABAP General ]
    Wiki is the right place for such knowledge base

  • Difference between Snapshot scenario and non cumulative scenario

    Can any one please tell me the difference between snapshot scenario and non cumulative scenario in
    inventory management.
    Also please give example. I read the pdf " how to handle inventroy management scenarios", but can any one please give some easy to understand examples.
    full points guaranteed-

    In Non-cummulative method your stock movements are stored in the cube (inflow and outflow of NC KF) and the Total stock is calculated during query execution. Hence if there are lot of movements in the stock for the period you want to report on, query will take long time to execute.
    In case of Snap shot scenario Stock movements are not loaded to cube. you use ODS to load the status of the stock and then from ODS you can load to Cube once in a month. So only summarized data will be availabe in Cube. Reporting will be fast.
    Check the below threads
    Inventory Management - SnapShot model
    snapshot scenario?
    SNAP SHOT Scenario in IM

  • Difference between business intelegence and BIEE

    difference between business intelegence and Business Intelegence Enterprise Edition.

    I will try to explain.
    Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition Plus is the Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition in combination with Oracle Hyperion. The difference between the Enterprise Edition and the Enterprise Edition Plus is the addition of Oracle Hyperion.
    Oracle BI Suite Standard Edition One is the little brother/sister of Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition. Oracle BI Suite Standard Edition One is based on the same technology as Oracle BI Suite Enterprise Edition.
    The Standard Edition One version aims at companies of small/medium size. As companies are growing they can easily move to the Enterprise Edition, because of the same technology basis.
    Hope this helps, otherwise I advise you to contact an Oracle Sales Representative.
    Daan Bakboord

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