Difference between paint() and paintcomponent()

What's the difference between the paint(), paintComponent(), paintAll(), repaint() and update() methods? Which one is preferred when printing graphics with a printer?

paint          ---> AWT
paintComponent ---> Swing
repaint(AWT)   ---> update(background) ---> paint
repaint(Swing) ---> in paintComponent  ---> super.paintComponent(background)

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    can any body tell me the difference between paint and paintComponent?and when i should use paint and when use paintComponent?
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    and when i should use paint and when use paintComponent?Simple answer:
    a) override paint() when doing custom painting on an AWT component
    b) override paintComponent() when doing custom painting on a Swing component
    Detailed answer:
    Read the article on [url http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/painting/index.html]Painting in AWT and Swing.
    Read the Swing tutorial on [url http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/14painting/index.html]Custom Painting.

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    paintComponent is the method used by Swing components to do the painting necessary for the component. If you are making a custom Swing component, it is recommended that you override paintComponent instead of paint. Non-swing AWT components do not have a paintComponent method.
    A Swing component's default paint() method partitions the painting of a component into separate phases, including painting the component itself, painting the component's border, and finally painting all its children. Overriding paintComponent in a custom Swing component only affects the drawing of the component itself without impacting these other phases of drawing.

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    DrClap wrote:
    You can't. Because no part of your application can tell when that happens.
    Try it with some application that you're familiar with. Like the browser you're using right now. Grab one of the window edges and drag it to make the window
    smaller. Now stop dragging, but don't lift your finger off the mouse button. See how the browser redisplays itself, even though resizing might not have stopped yet?
    Good point.
    I was under the impression that resize stopped when the mouse button was released.
    But, now that you mention it, things are being redrawn while resize is happening.

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    Hi Naveen,
    Basically ALV is a way to display the output and Table Control is designed in screen painter through which you can get entries in Table Control, can delete some records etc for further processing and  its not use only for Display.
    <b>ALV is Application List viewer:-</b>
    Sap provides a set of ALV (ABAP LIST VIEWER) function modules which can be put into use to embellish the output of a report. This set of ALV functions is used to enhance the readability and functionality of any report output. Cases arise in sap when the output of a report contains columns extending more than 255 characters in length. 
    In such cases, this set of ALV functions can help choose selected columns and arrange the different columns from a report output and also save different variants for report display. This is a very efficient tool for dynamically sorting and arranging the columns from a report output. 
    <b>TABLE CONTROL:-</b>
    ABAP offers two mechanisms for displaying and using table data in a screen. These mechanisms are table controls and step loops. Table controls and step loops are types of screen tables you can add to a screen in the Screen Painter.
    Rewards if useful.

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    when you extend a class, your class that you are coding inherits every method and field from the extending class. For example:
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    User Exits:
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    SXX: S is for standard exits that are delivered by SAP. XX represents the 2-digit exit number.
    UXX: U is for user exits that are defined by the user. XX represents the 2-digit exit number
    Menu Exits:
    Menu exits add items to the pulldown menus in standard SAP applications. You can use these menu items to call up your own screens or to trigger entire add-on applications.
    SAP creates menu exits by defining special menu items in the Menu Painter. These special entries have function codes that begin with "+" (a plus sign). You specify the menu item’s text when activating the item in an add-on project.

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    C# has ventricles, being a more modern, hip,and
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    on an after-market turbo charger and paint some
    go-faster stripes.
    Java doesn't need ventricles, as the language is
    built as a bifurcative scrobbidibbit from theground
    And here I thought you were smart.The ventricles add power on the backswing and keep
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    Oh, I see.
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    Jeffries tubes too huh? And measure productivity in
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    That may have worked back when you carved FORTRAN on
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    lady to club and take home. But modern software
    development techniques demand a focus on the
    regressive thromboid paradigm, and ventricles only
    get in the way when you're trying to calibrate that
    against the latest fractal suppository data.At least I have actual experience in carving FORTRAN on stone tablets, so I know what I'm talking about. (The clubbing was the other way around but that's neither here nor there.) As for your regressive thromboid paradigm, regressive is exactly what it is. Progressive paradigms, whether thromboid or rhomboid, require ventriculation to achieve their maximum potential.
    And I suppose if you're still using those Jeffries tubes in your VM, it's not surprising that it's humptied to the max. Try installing Apache Fallopian if you really want to dehumptify it, or Apache Eustachian for 64-bit VMs.

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    veryConfused wrote:
    There is a null in java, but no NULL. null means no value. However, when assigning value, the following is different:Although the empty String has no special role. Null means, the referential type is not assigned (doesn't refer) to a specific object. The empty String is just another object though, so seeing it or pointing it out as something special when it actually isn't at all (no more special than new Integer(0) or new Object[0]) just adds to the confusion.

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    I would suggest to always use the GUI_UPLOAD.  I say this because this is the function module which is used in the GUI_UPLOAD method of the class CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES.   Really, you should probably use the class/method instead of the function module.
      data: filename type string.
      filename = p_file.
      call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
                  filename                = filename
                  filetype                = 'ASC'
                  data_tab                = iflatf
                  file_open_error         = 1
                  file_read_error         = 2
                  no_batch                = 3
                  gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
                  no_authority            = 6
                  unknown_error           = 7
                  bad_data_format         = 8
                  unknown_dp_error        = 12
                  access_denied           = 13
                  others                  = 17.
    Rich Heilman

  • Difference between char and varchar, also the difference between varchar2

    Can anyone explain me the difference between char and varchar, and also the difference between varchar and varchar2...

    Varchar2 is variable width character data type, so if you define column with width 20 and insert only one character to tis column only, one character will be stored in database. Char is not variable width so when you define column with width 20 and insert one character to this column it will be right padded with 19 spaces to desired length, so you will store 20 characters in the dattabase (follow the example 1). Varchar data type from Oracle 9i is automaticlly promoted to varchar2 (follow example 2)
    Example 1:
    SQL> create table tchar(text1 char(10), text2 varchar2(10))
    2 /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into tchar values('krystian','krystian')
    2 /
    1 row created.
    SQL> select text1, length(text1), text2, length(text2)
    2 from tchar
    3 /
    krystian 10 krystian 8
    Example 2:
    create table tvarchar(text varchar(10))
    SQL> select table_name,column_name,data_type
    2 from user_tab_columns
    3 where table_name = 'TVARCHAR'
    4 /
    Best Regards
    Krystian Zieja / mob

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    Can some one explain to me the difference between Lion and Mtn Lion? I'm currently 10.6.8 Is it beneficiall for me to upgrade?

    Mountain Lion is an enhanced version of previous OS X and so that is Mavericks.
    About upgrading it all depends on what your needs are and if your hardware supports it.
    System requirements for OS X Lion
    System requirements for OS X Mountain Lion
    OS X Mavericks: System Requirements
    Please check also applications compatibility. From Lion onward, you cannot run PPC application.

  • The difference between N80 and N80IE ?

    What is the difference between M80 and N80ie?

    07:45 PM
    korngear wrote:
    The Nokia N80 Internet Edition is a new version of this handset with the same hardware as the normal N80. It is due for release in Q4 of 2006 and will be available in Patina Bronze or Pearl Black, and has the following additional software included.
    Yahoo Go! for Mobile
    Some Amazon Branded Software
    'Download!' App management
    Internet Telephone - SIP VOIP Frontend
    WLAN Wizard
    Gizmo VOIP - Gizmo Project VOIP Frontend.
    Could N80 be upgraded to N80IE?

  • The difference between SFP+ and X2

    Dear Expert,
    I need to know what is the difference between SFP+ and X2! and can I use SFP+ card and module instead of X2?
    Mohammad Saeed

    They are both used for 10Gig interfaces.  The difference is the connector type.
    SFP+ is LC and X2 is SC.
    You can not put an SFP+ into an X2 slot or X2 optic into a SFP+.

  • Difference between ok_code and sy-ucomm

    Can any one tell me the difference between ok_code and sy-ucomm

    Actually OK_CODE and SY-Ucomm are the same. But experts suggest use of OK code for following reason:
    In each PAI event that a user triggers by choosing either a pushbutton on the screen or an element in a GUI status, the corresponding function code is placed into the system field SYST-UCOMM or SY-UCOMM and placed in the OK_CODE field (as long as the function code is not empty). Empty function codes are placed in neither the SY-UCOMM field nor the OK_CODE field.
    In your ABAP programs, you should work with the OK_CODE field instead of SY-UCOMM. There are two reasons for this: Firstly, the ABAP program has full control over fields declared within it, and secondly, you should never change the value of an ABAP system field. However, you should also always initialize the OK_CODE field in an ABAP program for the following reason:
    In the same way that the OK_CODE field in the ABAP program and the system field SY-UCOMM receive the contents of the corresponding screen fields in the PAI event, their contents are also assigned to the OK_CODE screen field and system field SYST-UCOMM in the PBO event. Therefore, you must clear the OK_CODE field in the ABAP program to ensure that the function code of a screen is not already filled in the PBO event with an unwanted value. This is particularly important when the next PAI event can be triggered with an empty function code (for example, using ENTER). Empty function codes do not affect SY-UCOMM or the OK_CODE field, and consequently, the old field contents are transported.

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