Different retention policies for RMAN

on our DB Server with RHEL 6 and Oracle we're creating the following backups with RMAN:
- every day at 11:00 pm Level 0 backup
- every day at 05:00 am, 11:00 am and 05:00 pm Level 1 backup
I've activated this retention policy:
So every backup is obsolete after 7 days. We use the control file and no recovery catalog. We have to get so much backups in front of SLA's.
Now (in front of our physical disk space) i want to switch the retention policy to the following:
- Fullbackups (level 0)should be obsolete after 7 days
- incremental backups (level 1) should be obsolete after 2 days
- arch. redologs should be obsolete after 7 days (i like to use LogMiner and mostly i need the arch. redo logs from the last 7 days in our company)
Is it possible in RMAN to define different retention policies for the different types of backups?
Thanks for your help and regards,

David_Pasternak wrote:
on our DB Server with RHEL 6 and Oracle we're creating the following backups with RMAN:
- every day at 11:00 pm Level 0 backup
- every day at 05:00 am, 11:00 am and 05:00 pm Level 1 backup
I've activated this retention policy:
So every backup is obsolete after 7 days. We use the control file and no recovery catalog. We have to get so much backups in front of SLA's.
Now (in front of our physical disk space) i want to switch the retention policy to the following:
- Fullbackups (level 0)should be obsolete after 7 days
- incremental backups (level 1) should be obsolete after 2 days
- arch. redologs should be obsolete after 7 days (i like to use LogMiner and mostly i need the arch. redo logs from the last 7 days in our company)
Is it possible in RMAN to define different retention policies for the different types of backups?
Thanks for your help and regards,
You misunderstand what retention policy is and how it works.
When you say 'retention policy 7 days' you are telling rman to keep everything -- all backups of all types -- that are necessary to recover to any point within the last 7 days.   If you say 7 days, rman makes the decision on what he needs to recover, not you.
And note that all recovery begins with the most recent full backup prior to the requested point in time.   So if you are taking a level 0 backup every seven days, with a 7 day retention, six days into the cycle, you will still need the level 0 backup from 13 days ago, so rman will not consider it obsolete.

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    Login to microsoft 365 as exchange Administrator
    Click Admin > Exchange
    Click ‘Compliance Management’ on left side
    Click ‘Retention Tags’
    Create desired retention tag by folder (choose default folder or user created folder)
    Save each tag as it is created
    Click ‘Retention Policies’
    Click ‘New’ to create a new policy
    Add desired tags to policy and click save
    To apply Retention Policy click ‘Recipients’ on left side
    Click ‘mail boxes’
    Select user and click edit > mailbox features
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    What am I doing wrong?

    We can try to use managed folders to specify retention settings for default folders such as Inbox, Deleted Items, and Sent Items. See:
    Also check this:
    Since this question is more related to Exchange server, it's better to post your question to Exchange forum:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents,
    and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

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    제품 : RMAN
    작성날짜 : 2004-05-20
    오라클 9i RMAN 에서는 백업을 보다 효율적으로 할 수 있는 기능을 보강 했다.
    지금 소개할 "Retention Policies" 기능을 통해서 보다 효율적인 RMAN 백업
    전략을 세울 수 있다.
    1. 백업 화일 최적화 방법 (Backup File Optimization)
    백업 화일 최적화란 백업에 소요되는 공간을 최소화 하는 전략이다. RMAN
    백업시에 같은 정보 (dbid, checkpoint, and resetlogs data 등등) 를 가지고 있는
    화일이 이미 존재하는 백업 셋 내부에 있는지 체크하게 된다. 만일 같은 화일이
    이미 백업 되어 있다면 BACK UP 명령은 해당 화일에 대해서는 백업을 하지 않게
    이때 같은 화일이라고 판단하는 기준은 다음과 같다.
    * Datafile: 같은 DBID, checkpoint SCN, resetlogs SCN 과 time. 데이타 화일은
    반드시정상적으로 offline 되었거나, read-only 이거나, 또는 정상적 으로 close
    되어야 함.
    * Archived redo log: 같은 thread, sequence number, 그리고 같은 Resetlogs
    SCN 과 time.
    * Backup Set: 같은 Backup Set recid 와 stamp.
    RMAN 이 백업을 수행하다가 위와 같은 조건의 화일이 이미 존재함을 확인하면
    이것은 건너뛰게 될 화일의 대상이다. 하지만 이때 바로 Skip 을 결정하지 않고
    정해진 Retention Policies 를 조사 한후에 Skip 여부를 결정 하게 된다.
    만일 백업 명령에 DELETE INPUT option 이 사용되면 RMAN 은 백업이 Skip
    되어도 화일을 지우게 된다.
    RMAN 은 모든 화일에 대한 백업이 Skip 되어도 에러메시지나 경고를 보내지
    그러나 만일 데이터 화일에 대한 백업이 recovery policy window 보다 오래
    된 것 이면 RMAN 은 새로운 백업 화일을 만들기 위해서 화일을 백업 하게 된다.
    자체적인 expirations policy 를 가지고 있는 media manager 를 사용할 경우에는
    이런 백업 최적화 정책을 사용하는 것에 신중을 기해야 한다.
    백업 최적화 를 사용하기 위해서는 CONFIGURE 명령을 사용한다. CONFIGURE
    명령은 명령 수행 이후에 이루어지는 모든 백업에 대해 적용이 된다.
    2. Backup Optimization에 Retention Policies 적용 하기
    Retention Policy 로 백업 최적화를 조절 할 수 있다. 그러나 retention policy를
    이용해서 명시적으로 retention policy를 사용하지 않는다고 해야 한다. 디폴트로
    REDUNDANCY = 1 이 적용 된다.
         a. Recovery Window 를 이용한 Backup Optimization
    만일 백업 최적화가 enable 되어 있고 Recovery Window 가 retention policy
    적용을 위해서 셋업 되어 있으면 RMAN 은 항상 가장 최근의 백업이 Recovery
    Window 보다 오래된 데이터 화일을 백업한다.
    예를 들면 다음과 같은 조건에서
    o Today is February 21.
    o The recovery window is 7 days.
    o The most recent backup of tablespace tbs2 to tape is January 3.
    o Tablespace tbs2 is read-only.
    2월 21일에 tbs2 테이블 스페이스를 테이프로 백업을 하라는 명령을 내리면,
    RMAN 은 이 화일이 1월3일 이후에 변경 사항이 없는데도 불구 하고 백업을 하게
    된다. 이로써 RMAN 은 최근 7일 동안에 최소한 한번의 백업이 있어야 된다는
    조건을 지키게 된다.
    이러한 작동 방식은 media manager 가 오래된 테잎을 제거 해도 되도록 한다.
    그렇지 않다면, media manager 는 1월 3일의 백업을 무한정 가지고 있게 된다.
    2월 21일에 tbs2 테이블 스페이스의 보다 최근의 백업을 만듦으로 써, RMAN 은
    media manager 가 1월 3일에 백업 했던 테입을 지워도 되도록 한다.
         b. Redundancy 를 이용한 Backup Optimization
    Retention policy 로 Redundancy 를 채택 한 경우에 RMAN 은 Redundancy
    에 1을 더한 갯수를 초과하는 오프라인 또는 읽기 전용 화일의 백업을 건너뛴다.
    Redundancy의 갯수를 정한다.
    아래와 같은 백업 최적화 명령을 내린 경우를 예로 든다:
    아카이브 테이블스페이스를 한번도 백업을 받은적이 없고 다음의 작업을 1주일
    동안 한다고 하자.
    Day Action Result Redundant Backup
    Monday Take tablespace archive offline clean.
    Tuesday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up.
    Wednesday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up.
    Thursday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up. Tuesday backup.
    Friday Run BACKUP DATABASE. n/a Tuesday backup.
    Saturday Run BACKUP DATABASE. n/a Tuesday backup.
    Sunday Run DELETE OBSOLETE. The Tuesday backup is deleted.
    Monday Run BACKUP DATABASE. The archive tablespace is backed up. Wednesday backup.
    화요일, 수요일, 그리고 목요일의 백업은 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를 복사 해서
    3개의 백업이 반드시 존재 해야 한다는 조건을 충촉 시킨다. (1+Redundancy)
    금요일과 토요일에는 백업 최적화 조건에 의해서 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를
    복사하지 않게 된다.
    RMAN 은 일요일에는 유효기간이 지난 백업 화일을 지우게 된다. 따라서 화요일에
    만든 백업은 삭제 된다. 월요일의 전체 백업은 3개의 백업이 존재 해야 한다는 조건
    때문에 아카이브 테이블 스페이스를 또 다시 백업하게 된다. 이런 방식으로 백업
    사이클이 진행 된다.
    주의 사항:
    자체가 존재 하지 않는다는 의미 이며 백업은 expire 되지 않으며 'DELETE
    OBSOLETE' 명령은 사용 할 수 없게 된다. 후자는 디폴트 RETENTION POLICY
    (REDUNDANCY 1) 를 사용하게 된다는 의미 이다.
    'DELETE OBSOLETE' 명령은 RETENTION POLICY 기준으로 expire 된 백업을
    제거 하라는 명령이다.
    보다 자세한 내용은 Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide and
    Reference의 Backup Optimization 부분을 참고 하시기 바랍니다.
    --------------THE END----------------------------------------------

    Backup optimisation = +- do not copy empty space.
    So, when you issue your BACKUP statement, it backs up the datafile. dot. nothing more.
    In order to achieve what you're testing, look into TFM for BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL x .

  • RMAN Retention Policies

    We are looking for two retention policies for our backups. 30 days retention for all backups on TAPE and 7 days retention on all backups on DISK. If we set retention policy to 30, disk couldn't accommodate all backups on disk at the same time, we need backups on tape for at least 30 days.
    Any ideas?

    You would have some block of code in your script to delete obsolete backups... replace that with two commands (one global and one for disk). You would still have retention policy for 30 days

  • Different Password Policy for Different User Groups in ACS 4.2

    Hi All,
    Can some one provide a solution for the below requirement?
    We do have ACS 4.2 appliance managing firewalls of different clients. The users are common i.e, helpdesk administrators. One of the client came up with setting different password policy for managing their devices i.e, the client wants to have min 15 characters as password length. We do have currently 8 characters as min password length. Can we change the password policy to min 15 characters only for managing the firewalls of this client whereas for all other client firewalls we feel better to have 8 characters as min password length?
    It seems that these password policies are global & affects all the users.
    This is something like, having two sets of password (for each user) policy depending on the client which he is going to manage.
    For my knowledge, i think that this is not possible. But, thought to cross-check with experts!

    Hi jags,
    Yor're correct. Password policy on ACS will affect all internal user. We can't create different password policies for diferent clients/connections/set_of_users
    Password validation options apply only to user passwords that are stored in the ACS internal database. They do not apply to passwords in user records in external user databases; nor do they apply to enable or admin passwords for Cisco IOS network devices.

  • Archiving and different Retention period by  specific interface

    We want to specify different Retention period for different interfaces (audit reasons)... and based on search in SDN, it does not seem like this is  supported by SAP...
    Do any of you know if SAP intends to support this in future? Any ideas for overcoming this gap? or is this limitation deliberate (and has been kept in place for a reason)?

    Hi Krish,
    Actually I don't think we have this option of setting the retention period for specific interfaces,
    but for the global interfaces in the system.
    If you want to increase the time for Audit Log messages you need to change parameter 'messaging.auditLog.memoryCache' to false in order to persist the audit logs in PI 7.1 system. Take a look at note #1314974 for more details.
    And notice that after changing the parameter to false, audit logs are persisted till the corresponding messages are deleted. The default retention period of messages on AE is 30 days, keep in mind that it could have a little impact on the data volume.
    To increase the retention time in AFW, go to:
    Services -> XPI Adapter: XI:
    For the Integration Engine, it's under SXMB_ADM -> Integration Engine Configuration and Configuration.
    Caio Cagnani

  • Cisco ISE patch 4 (Authorization polices for company asset & non company asset)

    Is there any way to differentiate company asset & non company asset machines as both use same AD credentials but only difference is company asset is domain joined machines & non company asset only use AD credentials.
    We want to create different authorization polices for company & non company asset machines. What condition I can use under authentication & authorization which help us to differentiate them except certificate.
    We want to do posture assetment for them as well.

    Hello Tabish-
    There are several ways you can do that. The easiest way (In my opinion) is to use PEAP machine based authentication for your domain computers while using PEAP user based authentication for non domain computers. Based on that a different authorization profile will be applied to the supplicant. For example, you can have a rule where if a computer is part of domain computers then it gets an throziation profile called Full_Access but if a domain user then apply authorization profile called Limited_Access. An important part of this solution is for your AD to be locked down where only certain users/admin's can add computers to the domain. Otherwise, by default, any domain users can add a computer to a domain. Putting some posture checks in between those would also not be a problem.
    Some other methods are to use EAP-TLS with digital certificates but this requires that you have  a PKI in place and every single domain computer is issued a digital certificate.
    Some more advanced methods are EAP-Chaining where you can perform both machine and user authentication.
    I hope this helps!
    Thank you for rating!

  • How to use retentions policies in OWA

    Please don't use acronyms without defining them first
    I am trying to setup retention policies for my boss's email. He uses Outlook 2013 on his laptop. Am I correct in thinking that if I set up retention policies through his microsoft 365 Outlook Web App, the retention policies will be applied to Outlook
    2013 client on his laptop? He does have exchange. 
    As I understand it, retention policies cannot be applied to default folders (Inbox, sent items, deleted items, and junk mail). Retention policies can only be applied to created custom folders. Is this true?
    Are Deleted items and Junk Mail retained for a certain period and then deleted by default? If so, what is the default retention period? Can it be changed?
    Does Office 365 back up emails? If so, how long does it retain emails? Can it be changed?
    I did setup a Test folder with a retention policy that was a week long. A week later I check on an email I placed in the Test folder and the email said it had 0 days until expiration. I checked the Test folder again a week later and it was deleted.
    Is the Test email recoverable? I would prefer that it is not. I did some research and found that the Managed Folder Assistant needs to run before expired items are deleted. How do I get Managed Folder Assistant to run every night? I don't know how to use Powershell
    and only have access to OWA.
    I need to figure this out pretty soon. If you need more info. just ask. 

    Mr. Bomb Diggity
    2. Policies are applied at the Mailbox Level. So if you apply a Retention Policy to his mailbox, it would indeed be "pushed" to his outlook.
    3. Default Folders do have retention policies, however I believe the users can not change them. I will have to verify that. I do know that you can setup custom policies for other folders and the users can choose which policies they want on that folder. 
    4. Again you will have to find out which policy is applied to that mailbox and find out which retention tags are set for those folders. 


    Dear all,
    Thanks for advance !

    In ORACLE 8i, there are NO stored RMAN parameters (I believe, 9i was the first version to add this feature).
    Instead, in ORACLE 8i you had to specify all channel parameters, formats etc in a run block ... So, the good news is, in ORACLE 8i these parameters should be already "hardcoded" in the RMAN scripts ... in other words, nothing to transfer on a database level ...

  • Help needed - setting password policies for different types of accounts

    We have a situation where we have different types of users created on a solaris server. We have regular users, admins, functional accounts and device accounts. Of course solaris does not differentiate between regular user and other types, i think. The default password policy applies to all the users on the server. I want to configure different policy for different types of user accounts. Is it possible? The difference between the accounts on our side is
    Regular user accounts - 8 digit numbers ( 00667265) - expire password every 90 days
    Functional accounts - 8 digits starting with F ( F0253466) - do not expire, but password length must be 10-12 and complex
    Device Accounts - 8 digits starting with Z ( Z2367249) - do not expire, but password length must be 12 and complex - like upper case, lower case, number, special chars etc.
    Is it possible to set up different password policies, is so how?

    The password expiration policy is pretty easy, it can be set on a per account basis when the account is created. I'm not aware of a simple way to define a complexity policy for groups of accounts but the policy is enforced using pam, so you should be able to write a pam module which would enforce your complexity policy. The pam manual page would be a reasonable starting point for learning about pam.

  • Retention policy for specific backupset

    Actually I am envolved in a Proof Of Concept for Exadata. My customer wants to set a specific rentention for one backupset. These are the steps followed and the problem:
    1. Perform a "backup as backupset" for database to disk.
    2. Perform a "backup backupset" to tape for the backup of step 1.
    3. Change the retention policy only for the backup of step 2 and set it to be kept until sysdate+x days.
    Does anyone know how can be this done?
    Best regards.

    You will need to create two different backup one to device type DISK with default retention and another backup to device type SBT_TAPE with specific retention.
    The SAME backup (backupset) cannot have two different retention (even if it's a copy). The copy of backupset belongs to a Backup which already has it own retention.
    see this example:
    RMAN> backup current controlfile ;
    Starting backup at 17-OCT-12
    allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
    channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=10 device type=DISK
    channel ORA_DISK_1: starting compressed full datafile backup set
    channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
    including current control file in backup set
    channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 17-OCT-12
    channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 17-OCT-12
    piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2012_10_17/o1_mf_ncnnf_TAG20121017T145951_87xwjrjn_.bkp tag=TAG20121017T145951 comment=NONE
    channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:04
    Finished backup at 17-OCT-12
    RMAN> backup backupset from tag TAG20121017T145951 ;
    Starting backup at 17-OCT-12
    allocated channel: ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
    channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: SID=10 device type=SBT_TAPE
    channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: Data Protection for Oracle: version
    channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: input backup set: count=14735, stamp=796921191, piece=1
    channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: starting piece 1 at 17-OCT-12
    channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: backup piece /u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2012_10_17/o1_mf_ncnnf_TAG20121017T145951_87xwjrjn_.bkp
    piece handle=BKP_CONTROL_ORCL_14735_1_20121017_2 comment=API Version 2.0,MMS Version
    channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: finished piece 1 at 17-OCT-12
    channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1: backup piece complete, elapsed time: 00:00:04
    Finished backup at 17-OCT-12
    RMAN> list backup;
    BS Key  Type LV Size
    14667   Full    1.11M
      Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 142367578    Ckp time: 17-OCT-12
      Backup Set Copy #1 of backup set 14667
      Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
      DISK        00:00:02     17-OCT-12       YES        TAG20121017T145951
        List of Backup Pieces for backup set 14667 Copy #1
        BP Key  Pc# Status      Piece Name
        14667   1   AVAILABLE   /u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2012_10_17/o1_mf_ncnnf_TAG20121017T145951_87xwjrjn_.bkp
      Backup Set Copy #2 of backup set 14667
      Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time Compressed Tag
      SBT_TAPE    00:00:02     17-OCT-12       YES        TAG20121017T145951
        List of Backup Pieces for backup set 14667 Copy #2
        BP Key  Pc# Status      Media                   Piece Name
        14668   1   AVAILABLE   44531                   BKP_CONTROL_ORCL_14735_1_20121017_2
    RMAN> change backuppiece 14668 keep forever logs;
    using channel ORA_DISK_1
    using channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of KEEP command at 10/17/2012 15:02:24
    RMAN-06528: CHANGE ... KEEP not supported for BACKUPPIECEIn example above the BACKUPSET 14667 have two BACKUPPIECE (14667,14668) if you change retention of BACKUPSET 14667 you will change retention of both BACKUPPIECE.
    I don't recommend do this ,but is a poor option:
    RMAN> delete backuppiece 14667;
    using channel ORA_DISK_1
    using channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
    List of Backup Pieces
    BP Key  BS Key  Pc# Cp# Status      Device Type Piece Name
    14667   14667   1   1   AVAILABLE   DISK        /u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2012_10_17/o1_mf_ncnnf_TAG20121017T145951_87xwjrjn_.bkp
    Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? yes
    deleted backup piece
    backup piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/2012_10_17/o1_mf_ncnnf_TAG20121017T145951_87xwjrjn_.bkp RECID=14667 STAMP=796921192
    Deleted 1 objects
    RMAN> list backup;
    BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    14667   Full    1.11M      SBT_TAPE    00:00:02     17-OCT-12
            BP Key: 14668   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: YES  Tag: TAG20121017T145951
            Handle: BKP_CONTROL_ORCL_14735_1_20121017_2   Media: 44531
      Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 142367578    Ckp time: 17-OCT-12
    RMAN> change backupset 14667   keep forever;
    using channel ORA_DISK_1
    using channel ORA_SBT_TAPE_1
    keep attributes for the backup are changed
    backup will never be obsolete
    backup set key=14667   RECID=14667 STAMP=796921193
    RMAN > list backup;
    BS Key  Type LV Size       Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time
    14667    Full    1.11M      SBT_TAPE    00:00:02     17-OCT-12
            BP Key: 14667   Status: AVAILABLE  Compressed: YES  Tag: TAG20121017T145951
            Handle: BKP_CONTROL_ORCL_14735_1_20121017_2   Media: 44531
            Keep: BACKUP_LOGS        Until: FOREVER
      Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 142367578    Ckp time: 17-OCT-12Edited by: Levi Pereira on Oct 17, 2012 4:02 PM

  • Volume Duplication Policy for RMAN Backups

    I wish to configure a volume duplication policy for RMAN backups. Both the source media family and duplicate media family are 'content managed' as per the documentation. However, the duplication policy 'trigger' is defined as if the media family is 'time managed', which does not seem to make sense in 'content-managed' media families used by RMAN.
    Does anyone have any guidelines on how RMAN volume duplication can be set up so that my duplicates are valid?

    Yes. I understand. The reason I used time-managed volumes in the tutorial is that with time-managed volumes a duplicate may have different retention and rotation than the original. The procedure for time or content managed duplicates are the same.
    A content managed tape may be duplicated to the same or different media family. If to a different media family, the retention would be same...since content managed but it could have a different rotation policy...if desired. For example, if you wanted original tapes left onsite but the duplicates to go offsite for "x" time, then create a new content managed media family and a desired rotation policy...associate that rotation policy to new media family and duplicate tapes to that media family with desired rotation policy. In that scenario, your original media family would have a duplication policy and possible a rotation policy. The new media family would just have a rotation policy.

  • Help desk cannot assign retention policies to new mailboxes

    I am running Exchange 2010 SP1.  I would like to give my help desk the ability to create new mailboxes.  When a new mailbox is created, we select the option to assign a Retention policy to it.  I added the help desk members to the "Recipient
    Management" group.  They can now create new mailboxes but they get an access denied error when they select a retention policy to be assigned to it.  As a member of the "Organization Management" group, I am able to assign retention policies to new
    With the RBAC editor, I created a custom management role group called "Mailbox Management" based on the "Recipient Management" group and added the "Retention Management" role to the group.  I believe this will give them the permissions to apply retention
    policies to new mailboxes but it also gives them the permissions to create/modify/delete retention policies themselves.  I only want to give them the rights to add mailboxes to retention policies. 
    I assume I need to create a custom management role and assign this new role to my new management role group but can someone tell me the minimum role entries I need for my help desk to be able to assign rentention policies during the mailbox creation
    wizard process?

    Hi Steve,
    Due to you post the issue in a wrong type, and we changed the type to give you a suggestion.
    Please refer to below information:
    The permissions required to configure messaging policy and compliance vary depending on the procedure being performed or the cmdlet you want to run. For more information about messaging policy and compliance, see
    Messaging Policy and Compliance, refer to above article you could find out what permissions you need to perform the procedure or run the cmdlet, then you coudl create a roleassignment
    for the customized role group.
    TechNet Community Support

  • Persistent setting for rman in tape backup

    When your are going to take tape backup using RMAN utility, how can u control persistent settings with RMAN(show all). I meant how to set retention policy for datafile,controfile backup and archivelog as well.
    And if i choose to take incremental backup how these things are changed?? Please help me on these issue as i have some confusion with this.

    Can you please read following link: http://oit.scps.nyu.edu/~pallerm/11g/les_04_config_bu.pdf
    Thank you

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