Differentiating between sessions created by same client

Using JAVA Servlets and JSP how can I differentiate between session established by same client but using different browser windows.
Niraj Rathi

maheshguruswamy wrote:
You don't have to do anything special. Each new browser window->new session. Just trace the session id passed around in the HTTP request, it will be different when the sessions are different.Partially wrong. That is only true if you use physically different browsers (firefox, IE, opera, etc.). If you open multiple windows of the same browser, they will each share the same session. And that is by design.

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    Hello Preethy,
    This would not be possible as when you have to create the logical systems, you cannot create two entries for the same client.
    And  while defining the partner profiles as well.
    IDocs are basically for two systems or two clients.
    YOu may not require IDoc in one system itself.

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    srhcan wrote:
    maheshguruswamy wrote:
    srhcan wrote:
    gimbal2 wrote:
    baftos wrote:
    Put each method invokation in its own try/catch block.Or in fact not use SQLException, but exceptions that are unique.So each DAO method has its own exception?
    public int getLocationCode(String locationName) throws GetLocationCodeException;
    public int getDepartmentCode(String departmentName) throws GetDepartmentCodeException;would not that means I have to create a lot of exception classes?
    Edited by: srhcan on Aug 9, 2012 2:54 PMLet me ask you this, what do you plan to do in the catch block? Do some sort of recovery? rollback? If it is just for logging purposes, I am pretty sure the exception message will give you enough information to find out where the error was.* I would like to give user a specific message based on which method fails. So if getLocationCode("NJ") fails the message can be: Unable to find code for Location "NJ". And if getDepartmentCode("Sales") fails the message can be: Unable to find code for Department "Sales".
    * I would like to print the exception's stacktrace in the log file.
    * I may do a rollback depending on if its an INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statement.Well, in that case why not log it in the DAO methods themselves...inside getLocationCode and getDepartmentCode. Instead of trying to do the recovery/logging in the process method, do it in the individual dao methods. The calling classes should not be responsible for logging/recovery etc. It should be done in the DAO classes themselves and the DAO method should return an appropriate message/code to the consumer tier classes indicating the status of the transaction. Just my 0.02$.

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              call to the bean the request seems to unpredictably go to any of the
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              home:ejb20-statefulSession-TraderHome>. Then any subsequent requests
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              and vice versa. If the request happens to go to the third server that
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              error that the bean was not available. From my understanding I thought
              the replica aware stub would know which server is the primary host for
              that bean and send the request there.
              Thanks in advance,

              If 'allow-concurrent-call' does exactly what you need, then you don't have a problem,
              do you?
              Except of course if you switch ejb containers. Oh well.
              "FBenvadi" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >I've got the same problem.
              >I understand from you that concurrent access to a stateful session bean
              >not allowed but there is a
              >token is weblogic-ejb-jar.xml that is called 'allow-concurrent-call'
              >does exactly what I need.
              >What you mean 'you'll get a surprise when you go to production' ?
              >I need to understand becouse I can still change the design.
              >Thanks Francesco
              >[email protected]
              >"Mike Reiche" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              >news:[email protected]...
              >> Get the fix immediately from BEA and test it. It would be a shame to
              >> December only to get a fix - that doesn't work.
              >> As for stateful session bean use - just remember that concurrent access
              >a stateful
              >> session bean is not allowed. Things will work fine until you go to
              >> and encounter some real load - then you will get a surprise.
              >> Mike
              >> [email protected] (Justin Meyer) wrote:
              >> >I just heard back from WebLogic Tech Support and they have confirmed
              >> >that this is a bug. Here is their reply:
              >> >
              >> >There is some problem in failover of stateful session beans when its
              >> >run from a java client.However, it is fixed now.
              >> >
              >> >The fix will be in SP2 which will be out by december.
              >> >
              >> >
              >> >Mike,
              >> >Thanks for your reply. I do infact believe we are correctly using
              >> >stateful session bean however it may have been misleading from my
              >> >description of the problem. We are not accessing the bean
              >> >concurrently from 2 different clients. The second client will only
              >> >come into play if the first client fails. In this case we want to
              >> >able to reacquire the handle to our stateful session bean and call
              >> >from the secondary client.
              >> >
              >> >
              >> >Justin
              >> >
              >> >"Mike Reiche" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              >news:<[email protected]>...
              >> >> You should be using an entity bean, not a stateful session bean
              >> >this application.
              >> >>
              >> >> A stateful session bean is intended to be keep state (stateful)
              >> >the duration
              >> >> of a client's session (session).
              >> >>
              >> >> It is not meant to be shared by different clients - in fact, if
              >> >attempt to
              >> >> access the same stateful session bean concurrently - it will throw
              >> >an exception.
              >> >>
              >> >> We did your little trick (storing/retrieving handle) with a stateful
              >> >session bean
              >> >> on WLS 5.1 - and it did work properly - not as you describe. Our
              >> >were not
              >> >> replicated as yours are.
              >> >>
              >> >> Mike
              >> >>
              >> >> [email protected] (Justin Meyer) wrote:
              >> >> >I am trying to access the same stateful session bean from multiple
              >> >> >clients. I also want this bean to have failover support so we want
              >> >to
              >> >> >deploy it in a cluster. The following description is how we have
              >> >> >to solve this problem, but it does not seem to be working. Any
              >> >> >insight would be greatly appreciated!
              >> >> >
              >> >> >I have set up a cluster of three servers. I deployed a stateful
              >> >> >session bean with in memory replication across the cluster. A client
              >> >> >obtains a reference to an instance of one of these beans to handle
              >> >a
              >> >> >request. Subsequent requests will have to use the same bean and
              >> >> >come from various clients. So after using the bean the first client
              >> >> >stores the handle to the bean (actually the replica aware stub)
              >> >be
              >> >> >used by other clients to be able to obtain the bean. When another
              >> >> >client retrieves the handle gets the replica aware stub and makes
              >> >a
              >> >> >call to the bean the request seems to unpredictably go to any of
              >> >> >three servers rather than the primary server hosting that bean.
              >> >the
              >> >> >call goes to the primary server everything seems to work fine the
              >> >> >session data is available and it gets backed up on the secondary
              >> >> >server. If it happens to go to the secondary server a bean that
              >> >> >the correct session data services the request but gives the error
              >> >> ><Failed to update the secondary copy of a stateful session bean
              >> >> >home:ejb20-statefulSession-TraderHome>. Then any subsequent requests
              >> >> >to the primary server will not reflect changes made on the secondary
              >> >> >and vice versa. If the request happens to go to the third server
              >> >> >is not hosting an instance of that bean then the client receives
              >> >> >error that the bean was not available. From my understanding I
              >> >> >the replica aware stub would know which server is the primary host
              >> >for
              >> >> >that bean and send the request there.
              >> >> >
              >> >> >Thanks in advance,
              >> >> >Justin

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    Sorry, that's not possible with Firefox. Firefox uses a single executable instance to run all windows and tabs, where IE starts another process for each window. Chrome uses a separate process for each tab (or window), which seems real nice until it sucks the life out of an older processor with the "overhead" of all those separate processes.
    Depending upon what you want a "different session" for, there are 3 extensions that allow for multiple cookie sessions which allow for multiple, simultaneous logins to the same server. That works to allow the user to log into multiple webmail accounts at the same service provider. <br />
    Multifox: <br />
    http://br.mozdev.org/multifox/ <br />
    Cookie Swap extension: <br />
    https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3255/ <br />
    Cookie Pie extension: <br />

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    Idoc will come from XI as an inbound idoc to SAP, now I have to read this inbound Idoc and split it into Several Inbound Idocs and now needs to be posted in the same client.
    please let me know the procedure..
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Sagar,
    Develop a cusom Z-Inbound function module, configure the Z-FM to trigger when idoc is recieved from XI. In your Z-Inbound function module split the idoc (Recieved from XI)  into respective Idocs and Using MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE post the IDOCs into the same system.
    Thanks & Regards

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    I don't know what you see.
    It is really, Really, REALLY difficult to fix a problem that can not be seen.
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    Oracle is too dumb to lie about what is wrong.

  • Difference between Session method and call transaction

    please give me the differences between session method and call transaction,
    briefly explaining synchronus , asynchronus, process, update.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Vijay Kumar
    CLASSICAL BATCH INPUT (Session Method)
    This method is also called as ‘CLASSICAL METHOD’.
    Asynchronous processing.
    Synchronous Processing in database update.
    Transfer data for more than one transaction.
    Batch input processing log will be generated.
    During processing, no transaction is started until the previous transaction has been written to the database.
    This is another method to transfer data from the legacy system.
    Synchronous processing. The system performs a database commit immediately before and after the CALL TRANSACTION USING statement.
    Updating the database can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The program specifies the update type.
    Transfer data for a single transaction.
    Transfers data for a sequence of dialog screens.
    No batch input processing log is generated.
    Among the two methods call transaction is better compared to session bcoz data transfer is faster in it.
    Differences between call transaction and session.
    Session Method:
    1) Data is not updated in the database table until the session is processed.
    2) No sy-subrc is returned.
    3) Error log is created for error records.
    4) Updation is always synchronous.
    Call Transaction Method:
    1) Immediate updation in the database table.
    2) sy-subrc is returned.
    3)Error need to be handled explicitly.
    4) updation can be synchronous as well as asynchronous.
    2) ya u can use using the N mode no screen.
    3)u can't handle multiple transaction in call transaction.
    4) u can handle multiple transaction in session using the BDC_INSERT fm.
    5)When u go to SM35 u can able to see the error records.
    Which is best?
    That depends on your requirement. Both of them have there advantages.
    According to the situation u can choose any one of these.
    difference between batch input and call transaction in BDC Session method.
    1) synchronous processing.
    2) can tranfer large amount of data.
    3) processing is slower.
    4) error log is created
    5) data is not updated until session is processed.
    Call transaction.
    1) asynchronous processing
    2) can transfer small amount of data
    3) processing is faster.
    4) errors need to be handled explicitly
    5) data is updated automatically
    For session method,these are the function modules to b used.
    For call transaction,this is the syntax.
    MODE A or E or N
    UPDATE A or S
    Take a scenario where we need to post documents in FB01 and the input file has say 2000 records (2000 documents, not line items in FB01 but 2000 records)
    In the BDC call transaction method
    We call the transaction FB01 2000 times (once for each record posting) and if the processing fails in record no 3 it can be captured and start with reocord 4.
    Eg: Loop at itab.
    call transaction FB01
    capture errors
    In the session method.
    We do not explicity call the transaction 2000 times, but all the records are appeneded into a session and this session is stored. The processinf of the session is done wwhenever the user wants it to be done. Hence the errors cannot be captured in the program itself
    Check these link:
    Batch Input Session method is asynchronous as told by others here. But the advantage of this is that you have all the error messages and the data for each transaction held persistantly. You don't have to code anything for processing them or writing the logs.
    But at the same time, the same feature can be disadvantageous if you need to react to an error or if there are too many errors to manually correct in a session. Since the session are created in the program and its execution is done seperately, you loose the trackability of such transactions.
    With a call transaction, what was a disadvantage above will become an advantage. Call transaction immediately gives you messages back and you can react to it in your program. But the disadvantage is that, if you have several hundreds of transactions to run, running them from within the program can be resource crunching affair. It will hamper the system performance and you cannot really distribute the load. Of course, you have some mechanisms with which you can overcome this, but you will have to code for it. Also, storing the messages and storing the errored transaction data etc will have to be handled by you in the program. Whereas, in batch input session, your program's job is to just create the session, after that everything is standard SAP system's responsibility.
    Ideally, you should do a call transaction if the resources are not a problem and if it fails, put the errored transaction into a session.
    You can decide based on the data volume that your BDC is processing. If data volume is high go for session else call transaction will do.The call transaction updates will be instantaneous where as session needs to be processed explictly after creation.
    Session Method
    1) Session method supports both small amount of data aswell as large amount of data
    2) data processing is asynchronus and data updation is synchronus.
    3) it process multiple apllication while perfomaning validations.
    4) in session method data will be updated in data base only after processing session only.
    5) system provide by default logfile for handling error records.
    6) it supports both foreground aswell as background process
    in bdc we use FM ...
    bdc_open_group " for creating Session
    bdc_insert " adding transaction and bdcdata table for updating database
    bdc_close_group " for closing Session
    Call Transaction
    1) Call transaction exclusively for small amout of data
    2) it supports only one apllication while perfoming validations
    3) there is no default logfile, We can explicitly provide logic for creating logfile for handling error records.
    we can create logfile by using structure....BDCMSGCOLL
    4) it doesn't support background processing.
    5) data processing is synchronous and Data updation is Synchronous( default), in
    this method also supports daya updation in asynchronus process also.
    Call transaction <transaction-name> using BDCDATA
    mode <A/N/E>
    update <L/A/S>
    messages into BDCMSGCOLL.
    Batch Data Communication (BDC) is the process of transferring data from one SAP System to another SAP system or from a non-SAP system to SAP System.
    Features :
    BDC is an automatic procedure.
    This method is used to transfer large amount of data that is available in electronic medium.
    BDC can be used primarily when installing the SAP system and when transferring data from a legacy system (external system).
    BDC uses normal transaction codes to transfer data.
    Types of BDC :
    CLASSICAL BATCH INPUT (Session Method)
    This method is also called as ‘CLASSICAL METHOD’.
    Asynchronous processing.
    Synchronous Processing in database update.
    Transfer data for more than one transaction.
    Batch input processing log will be generated.
    During processing, no transaction is started until the previous transaction has been written to the database.
    This is another method to transfer data from the legacy system.
    Synchronous processing. The system performs a database commit immediately before and after the CALL TRANSACTION USING statement.
    Updating the database can be either synchronous or asynchronous. The program specifies the update type.
    Transfer data for a single transaction.
    Transfers data for a sequence of dialog screens.
    No batch input processing log is generated.
    For BDC:
    Check these link:
    call Transaction or session method ?
    Check the following links:
    See below example code :
    Once you execute the program and it creates the session at SM35 Transaction.
    Report : ZMPPC011
    Type : Data upload
    Author : Chetan Shah
    Date : 05/05/2005
    Transport : DV3K919557
    Transaction: ??
    Description: This ABAP/4 Program creates new Production Versions
    (C223). It accepts tab-delimited spreadsheet input and
    creates BDC sessions.
    Modification Log
    Date Programmer Request # Description
    06/10/2005 Chetan Shah DV3K919557 Initial coding
    report zmppc011 no standard page heading line-size 120 line-count 55
    message-id zz.
    pool of form routines
    include zmppn001.
    Define BDC Table Structure
    data: begin of itab_bdc_tab occurs 0.
    include structure bdcdata.
    data: end of itab_bdc_tab.
    Input record layout of Leagcy File
    data: begin of itab_xcel occurs 0,
    matnr(18) type c,
    werks(4) type c,
    alnag(2) type c,
    verid(4) type c,
    text1(40) type c,
    bstmi like mkal-bstmi,
    bstma like mkal-bstma,
    adatu(10) type c,
    bdatu(10) type c,
    stlal(2) type c,
    stlan(1) type c,
    serkz(1) type c,
    mdv01(8) type c,
    elpro(4) type c,
    alort(4) type c,
    end of itab_xcel.
    data: begin of lt_pp04_cache occurs 0,
    matnr like itab_xcel-matnr,
    werks like itab_xcel-werks,
    alnag like itab_xcel-alnag,
    plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
    arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
    ktext like crtx-ktext,
    end of lt_pp04_cache.
    data: v_ssnnr(4) type n,
    v_lines_in_xcel like sy-tabix,
    v_ssnname like apqi-groupid,
    v_trans_in_ssn type i,
    wa_xcel LIKE itab_xcel,
    l_tabix like sy-tabix,
    v_matnr like rc27m-matnr,
    v_plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
    v_plnal like mapl-plnal,
    v_tcode like sy-tcode value 'C223',
    v_plnty like plas-plnty value 'R',
    v_objty like crhd-objty value 'A',
    v_plpo_steus like plpo-steus value 'PP04',
    v_verwe like crhd-verwe value '0007'.
    selection-screen: skip 3.
    selection-screen: begin of block 1 with frame.
    parameters: p_name like rlgrap-filename
    default 'C:\My Documents\InputFile.txt'
    bdc session name prefix
    p_bdcpfx(6) default 'ZPVCRT'
    number for transction per BDC session
    p_trnssn type i
    default 2000 obligatory,
    retain the BDC session after successfull execution
    p_keep like apqi-qerase
    default 'X',
    user who will be executing BDC session
    p_uname like apqi-userid
    default sy-uname
    selection-screen: end of block 1.
    possible entry list (F4 dropdown) for input file name
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_name.
    call function 'WS_FILENAME_GET'
    DEF_FILENAME = ' '
    def_path = 'C:\Temp\'
    mask = ',.,..'
    mode = 'O'
    title = 'Select File '(007)
    filename = p_name
    RC =
    inv_winsys = 1
    no_batch = 2
    selection_cancel = 3
    selection_error = 4
    others = 5.
    if sy-subrc 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    begin the show
    read data from input file
    perform transfer_xcel_to_itab.
    loop at itab_xcel.
    hang on to xcel line num
    l_tabix = sy-tabix.
    each line in the xcel file marks begining of new prod.version defn
    if num-of-trnas-in-session = 0, create new BDC session
    if v_trans_in_ssn is initial.
    perform bdc_session_open.
    begin new bdc script for rtg create trans
    fill in bdc-data for prod.version maintenance screens
    perform bdc_build_script.
    insert the bdc script as a BDC transaction
    perform bdc_submit_transaction.
    keep track of how many BDC transactions were inserted in the BDC
    add 1 to v_trans_in_ssn.
    if the user-specified num of trans in BDC session is reached OR
    if end of input file is reached, close the BDC session
    if v_trans_in_ssn = p_trnssn or
    l_tabix = v_lines_in_xcel.
    perform bdc_session_close.
    clear v_trans_in_ssn.
    call function 'Z_HEADER'
    FLEX_TEXT1 =
    FLEX_TEXT2 =
    FLEX_TEXT3 =
    Transfer Xcel Spreadsheet to SAP Internal Table *
    form transfer_xcel_to_itab.
    Read the tab-delimited file into itab
    call function 'WS_UPLOAD'
    filename = p_name
    filetype = 'DAT'
    filelength = flength
    data_tab = itab_xcel
    conversion_error = 1
    file_open_error = 2
    file_read_error = 3
    invalid_table_width = 4
    invalid_type = 5
    no_batch = 6
    unknown_error = 7
    others = 8.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    sort the data
    sort itab_xcel by matnr werks.
    clear v_lines_in_xcel.
    if no data in the file - error out
    describe table itab_xcel lines v_lines_in_xcel.
    if v_lines_in_xcel is initial.
    write: / 'No data in input file'.
    if file upload failed - error out
    write: / 'Error reading input file'.
    Open BDC Session *
    form bdc_session_open.
    create bdc session name = prefix-from-selectn-screen + nnnn
    add 1 to v_ssnnr.
    concatenate p_bdcpfx v_ssnnr into v_ssnname.
    open new bdc session
    call function 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP'
    client = sy-mandt
    group = v_ssnname
    keep = p_keep
    user = p_uname
    client_invalid = 1
    destination_invalid = 2
    group_invalid = 3
    group_is_locked = 4
    holddate_invalid = 5
    internal_error = 6
    queue_error = 7
    running = 8
    system_lock_error = 9
    user_invalid = 10
    others = 11.
    Build BDC *
    form bdc_build_script.
    data: l_arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
    l_text1 like mkal-text1,
    l_mdv01 like mkal-mdv01,
    l_mapl like mapl.
    clear bdc-data itab - begin of new bdc transaction
    clear itab_bdc_tab.
    refresh itab_bdc_tab.
    read material cross reference tables to determine sap part#
    clear : v_matnr, v_plnnr, v_plnal.
    perform read_matnr_cross_ref using itab_xcel-matnr
    changing v_matnr.
    determine the version description to use
    if itab_xcel-text1 is initial.
    l_text1 = itab_xcel-verid.
    l_text1 = itab_xcel-text1.
    determine the routing group# and group ctr# to use
    perform read_routing .
    determine the production line to use
    if itab_xcel-mdv01 is initial.
    if not provided in the file then:
    prod line = work ctr on the last PP04 op of the rtg determined above
    perform read_wc_on_last_pp04 using v_plnnr v_plnal
    changing l_mdv01.
    NOTE: when executing the above form\routine, if v_plnnr is initial
    or v_plnal is initial, THEN l_mdv01 will automatically be
    returned blank (ie initial)
    l_mdv01 = itab_xcel-mdv01.
    build bdc script
    perform bdc_build_script_record
    fill in initial screen
    using: 'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=ENTE',
    ' ' 'MKAL-WERKS' itab_xcel-werks,
    ' ' 'MKAL-MATNR' v_matnr,
    ' ' 'MKAL_ADMIN-DISPO' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL-PLNNR' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL_ADMIN-STTAG' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL-PLNNG' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL-MDV01' space,
    ' ' 'MKAL-PLNNM' space,
    click create button on initial screen and go to detail screen
    'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=CREA',
    fill in the detail screen and go back to initial screen
    'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '2000',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=CLOS',
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-MATNR' v_matnr,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-VERID' itab_xcel-verid,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-TEXT1' l_text1,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BSTMI' itab_xcel-bstmi,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BSTMA' itab_xcel-bstma,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ADATU' itab_xcel-adatu,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-BDATU' itab_xcel-bdatu,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-PLTYG' v_plnty,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-PLNNG' v_plnnr,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ALNAG' v_plnal,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-STLAL' itab_xcel-stlal,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-STLAN' itab_xcel-stlan,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-SERKZ' itab_xcel-serkz,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-MDV01' l_mdv01,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ELPRO' itab_xcel-elpro,
    ' ' 'MKAL_EXPAND-ALORT' itab_xcel-alort,
    save the production version from initial screen
    'X' 'SAPLCMFV' '1000',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SAVE'.
    Submit BDC Session *
    form bdc_submit_transaction.
    Load BDC script as a trqansction in BDC session
    call function 'BDC_INSERT'
    tcode = v_tcode
    dynprotab = itab_bdc_tab
    internal_error = 01
    not_open = 02
    queue_error = 03
    tcode_invalid = 04.
    form bdc_build_script_record using dynbegin name value.
    clear itab_bdc_tab.
    if dynbegin = 'X'.
    move: name to itab_bdc_tab-program,
    value to itab_bdc_tab-dynpro,
    'X' to itab_bdc_tab-dynbegin.
    move: name to itab_bdc_tab-fnam,
    value to itab_bdc_tab-fval.
    shift itab_bdc_tab-fval left deleting leading space.
    append itab_bdc_tab.
    Close BDC Session *
    form bdc_session_close.
    close the session
    call function 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP'
    not_open = 1
    queue_error = 2
    others = 3.
    skip 2.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    write: / 'Error Closing BDC Session ' , 'RETURN CODE: ', sy-subrc.
    write : / 'Session created:', v_ssnname,
    50 '# of transactions:', v_trans_in_ssn.
    *& Form read_routing_cache
    *FORM read_routing_cache USING pi_matnr
    DATA: BEGIN OF lt_plpo OCCURS 0,
    vornr LIKE plpo-vornr,
    objty LIKE crhd-objty,
    objid LIKE crhd-objid,
    arbpl LIKE crhd-arbpl,
    END OF lt_plpo,
    l_mapl_plnnr LIKE mapl-plnnr.
    determine the routing group#
    CLEAR lt_pp04_cache.
    chk if its in the cache first, if not then get it from MAPL table
    and put it in the cache
    READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
    werks = pi_werks
    alnag = pi_alnag.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    do nothing - lt_pp04_cache header line has rtg#
    get the routing group # from MAPL
    SELECT plnnr INTO l_mapl_plnnr
    FROM mapl UP TO 1 ROWS
    WHERE matnr = pi_matnr AND
    werks = pi_werks AND
    plnty = 'R' AND
    plnal = pi_alnag AND
    loekz = space.
    put it in the cache internal table
    IF NOT l_mapl_plnnr IS INITIAL.
    lt_pp04_cache-matnr = pi_matnr.
    lt_pp04_cache-werks = pi_werks.
    lt_pp04_cache-alnag = pi_alnag.
    lt_pp04_cache-plnnr = l_mapl_plnnr.
    APPEND lt_pp04_cache.
    if the rtg# was determined AND
    -- the work center was not determined yet AND
    -- work center was really needed for this line in the input file
    -- read the work center from last PP04 operation on the routing
    -- update the cache accordingly
    IF NOT lt_pp04_cache-plnnr IS INITIAL AND
    lt_pp04_cache-arbpl IS INITIAL AND
    ( pi_verid IS INITIAL OR
    pi_mdv01 IS INITIAL ).
    read the last PP04 operation
    CLEAR lt_plpo.
    REFRESH lt_plpo.
    SELECT vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
    FROM plas AS b
    INNER JOIN plpo AS c
    ON bplnty = cplnty AND
    bplnnr = cplnnr AND
    bzaehl = czaehl
    INNER JOIN crhd AS e
    ON carbid = eobjid
    WHERE b~plnty = v_plnty AND
    b~plnnr = lt_pp04_cache-plnnr AND
    b~plnal = lt_pp04_cache-alnag AND
    c~loekz = space AND
    c~steus = v_plpo_steus AND
    e~objty = v_objty AND
    e~werks = lt_pp04_cache-werks AND
    e~verwe = v_verwe.
    SORT lt_plpo BY vornr DESCENDING.
    READ TABLE lt_plpo INDEX 1.
    IF NOT lt_plpo-arbpl IS INITIAL.
    lt_pp04_cache-arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.
    read work center description
    SELECT SINGLE ktext INTO lt_pp04_cache-ktext
    FROM crtx WHERE objty = lt_plpo-objty AND
    objid = lt_plpo-objid AND
    spras = sy-langu.
    the following read will get the index of the correct record to be
    updated in the cache
    READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache
    WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
    werks = pi_werks
    alnag = pi_alnag.
    MODIFY lt_pp04_cache
    INDEX sy-tabix
    TRANSPORTING arbpl ktext.
    *ENDFORM. " read_last_pp04_operation_cache
    *& Form read_routing
    form read_routing.
    data: begin of lt_mapl occurs 0,
    plnnr like mapl-plnnr,
    plnal like mapl-plnal,
    end of lt_mapl,
    l_arbpl like crhd-arbpl.
    get all the rtg# and grp ctr# from MAPL
    select plnnr plnal
    into corresponding fields of table lt_mapl
    from mapl
    where matnr = v_matnr and
    werks = itab_xcel-werks and
    plnty = v_plnty and "Rate Routing
    loekz = space. "with del flag = OFF
    sort lt_mapl by plnal.
    if not itab_xcel-verid is initial.
    if the verid=0001 then use the 1st good rtg-grp# and grp-ctr#
    if itab_xcel-verid = '0001'.
    read table lt_mapl index 1.
    v_plnnr = lt_mapl-plnnr.
    v_plnal = lt_mapl-plnal.
    if the verid0001 then use the rtg-grp# and grp-ctr# of the routing
    whose work center on the last PP04 operation matches the given verid
    loop at lt_mapl.
    clear l_arbpl.
    get the work center from the last PP04 operation
    perform read_wc_on_last_pp04 using lt_mapl-plnnr
    changing l_arbpl.
    if itab_xcel-verid = l_arbpl.
    v_plnnr = lt_mapl-plnnr.
    v_plnal = lt_mapl-plnal.
    do nothing
    For version IDs that are other then '0000' or 'ZWIP' :--
    if itab_xcel-verid NE '0000' and
    itab_xcel-verid NE 'ZWIP'.
    if routing group# or group counter was not determined, make the
    valid-to date 99/99/9999 so that the BDC, on execution, errors out.
    if v_plnnr is initial or
    v_plnal is initial.
    itab_xcel-bdatu = '99/99/9999'.
    determine the routing group#
    CLEAR lt_pp04_cache.
    chk if its in the cache first, if not then get it from MAPL table
    and put it in the cache
    READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
    werks = pi_werks
    alnag = pi_alnag.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    do nothing - lt_pp04_cache header line has rtg#
    get the routing group # from MAPL
    put it in the cache internal table
    IF NOT l_mapl_plnnr IS INITIAL.
    lt_pp04_cache-matnr = pi_matnr.
    lt_pp04_cache-werks = pi_werks.
    lt_pp04_cache-alnag = pi_alnag.
    lt_pp04_cache-plnnr = l_mapl_plnnr.
    APPEND lt_pp04_cache.
    if the rtg# was determined AND
    -- the work center was not determined yet AND
    -- work center was really needed for this line in the input file
    -- read the work center from last PP04 operation on the routing
    -- update the cache accordingly
    IF NOT lt_pp04_cache-plnnr IS INITIAL AND
    lt_pp04_cache-arbpl IS INITIAL AND
    ( pi_verid IS INITIAL OR
    pi_mdv01 IS INITIAL ).
    read the last PP04 operation
    CLEAR lt_plpo.
    REFRESH lt_plpo.
    SELECT vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
    FROM plas AS b
    INNER JOIN plpo AS c
    ON bplnty = cplnty AND
    bplnnr = cplnnr AND
    bzaehl = czaehl
    INNER JOIN crhd AS e
    ON carbid = eobjid
    WHERE b~plnty = v_plnty AND
    b~plnnr = lt_pp04_cache-plnnr AND
    b~plnal = lt_pp04_cache-alnag AND
    c~loekz = space AND
    c~steus = v_plpo_steus AND
    e~objty = v_objty AND
    e~werks = lt_pp04_cache-werks AND
    e~verwe = v_verwe.
    SORT lt_plpo BY vornr DESCENDING.
    READ TABLE lt_plpo INDEX 1.
    IF NOT lt_plpo-arbpl IS INITIAL.
    lt_pp04_cache-arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.
    read work center description
    SELECT SINGLE ktext INTO lt_pp04_cache-ktext
    FROM crtx WHERE objty = lt_plpo-objty AND
    objid = lt_plpo-objid AND
    spras = sy-langu.
    the following read will get the index of the correct record to be
    updated in the cache
    READ TABLE lt_pp04_cache
    WITH KEY matnr = pi_matnr
    werks = pi_werks
    alnag = pi_alnag.
    MODIFY lt_pp04_cache
    INDEX sy-tabix
    TRANSPORTING arbpl ktext.
    endform. " read_last_pp04_operation_cache
    *& Form read_wc_on_last_pp04
    form read_wc_on_last_pp04 using pi_plnnr
    changing pe_arbpl.
    data: begin of lt_plpo occurs 0,
    vornr like plpo-vornr,
    objty like crhd-objty,
    objid like crhd-objid,
    arbpl like crhd-arbpl,
    end of lt_plpo.
    get all the PP04 operations for the given rtg# & grp-ctr#
    select vornr eobjty eobjid e~arbpl
    into corresponding fields of table lt_plpo
    from plas as b
    inner join plpo as c
    on bplnty = cplnty and
    bplnnr = cplnnr and
    bzaehl = czaehl
    inner join crhd as e
    on carbid = eobjid
    where b~plnty = v_plnty and "Rate Routing
    b~plnnr = pi_plnnr and
    b~plnal = pi_plnal and
    c~loekz = space and "Oper Del Flag = OFF
    c~steus = v_plpo_steus and "PP04
    e~objty = v_objty. "WC Obj Type = 'A'
    read the last operation
    sort lt_plpo by vornr descending.
    read table lt_plpo index 1.
    pe_arbpl = lt_plpo-arbpl.
    endform. " read_wc_on_last_pp04
    Goto LSMW-> Select Direct Input method in 1st step. These are the standard programs for data transfer.
    Otherwise goto SPRO->SAP Reference IMG-> Under this you'll find standard data transfer programs module wise.
    Reward points,

  • I have a Problem with Romming Between SSIDs withing the same WLC but with deferent VLAN .

    HI All,
    I have a Problem with Romming Between SSIDs withing the same WLC but with deferent VLAN . the WLC are providing the HQ and one of the Branches the Wireless services .
    Am using all the available 9 SSIDs at the HQ , and am using only 4 of it at the Brnche.
    The problem that i have are happening only at the Branch office as i cant room between the SSIDs within Diferent VLANs but i can do it with the one that pointing to the same VLAN. Once the client ( Laptop/Phone ) connected to one of the SSIDs. it imposiible to have him connected to the other ones with Different VLAN. meanwhile, It says its connected to the other SSID but its not getting IP from that pool.
    here is the Show Run-Config from my WLC .. and the Problem happening between the SSID AMOBILE and ASTAFF. i have the Debug while am switching between the SSIDs if needed .
    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2013.11.04 10:20:47 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
    show run-config
    Press Enter to continue...
    System Inventory
    NAME: "Chassis"   , DESCR: "Cisco 5500 Series Wireless LAN Controller"
    PID: AIR-CT5508-K9, VID: V01, SN: FCW1535L01G
    Burned-in MAC Address............................ 30:E4:DB:1B:99:80
    Power Supply 1................................... Present, OK
    Power Supply 2................................... Absent
    Maximum number of APs supported.................. 12
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    System Information
    Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
    Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller
    Product Version..................................
    Bootloader Version............................... 1.0.1
    Field Recovery Image Version.....................
    Firmware Version................................. FPGA 1.3, Env 1.6, USB console 1.27
    Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS
    System Name...................................... WLAN Controller 5508
    System Location..................................
    System Contact...................................
    System ObjectID..................................
    IP Address.......................................
    Last Reset....................................... Software reset
    System Up Time................................... 41 days 5 hrs 14 mins 42 secs
    System Timezone Location......................... (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)
    Current Boot License Level....................... base
    Current Boot License Type........................ Permanent
    Next Boot License Level.......................... base
    Next Boot License Type........................... Permanent
    Configured Country............................... US - United States
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Operating Environment............................ Commercial (0 to 40 C)
    Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... 0 to 65 C
    Internal Temperature............................. +36 C
    External Temperature............................. +20 C
    Fan Status....................................... OK
    State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled
    State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled
    Number of WLANs.................................. 10
    Number of Active Clients......................... 61
    Burned-in MAC Address............................ 30:E4:DB:1B:99:80
    Power Supply 1................................... Present, OK
    Power Supply 2................................... Absent
    Maximum number of APs supported.................. 12
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Bundle Information
    Primary AP Image  Size
    ap3g1             5804
    ap801             5192
    ap802             5232
    c1100             3096
    c1130             4972
    c1140             4992
    c1200             3364
    c1240             4812
    c1250             5512
    c1310             3136
    c1520             6412
    c3201             4324
    c602i             3716
    Secondary AP Image      Size
    ap801             4964
    c1100             3036
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    c1130             4884
    c1140             4492
    c1200             3316
    c1240             4712
    c1250             5064
    c1310             3084
    c1520             5244
    c3201             4264
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Switch Configuration
    802.3x Flow Control Mode......................... Disable
    FIPS prerequisite features....................... Disabled
    secret obfuscation............................... Enabled
    Strong Password Check Features:
           case-check ...........Enabled
           consecutive-check ....Enabled
           default-check .......Enabled
           username-check ......Enabled
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Network Information
    RF-Network Name............................. OGR
    Web Mode.................................... Disable
    Secure Web Mode............................. Enable
    Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option High.......... Disable
    Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option SSLv2......... Enable
    OCSP........................................ Disabled
    OCSP responder URL..........................
    Secure Shell (ssh).......................... Enable
    Telnet...................................... Disable
    Ethernet Multicast Forwarding............... Disable
    Ethernet Broadcast Forwarding............... Disable
    AP Multicast/Broadcast Mode................. Unicast
    IGMP snooping............................... Disabled
    IGMP timeout................................ 60 seconds
    IGMP Query Interval......................... 20 seconds
    User Idle Timeout........................... 300 seconds
    ARP Idle Timeout............................ 300 seconds
    Cisco AP Default Master..................... Enabled
    AP Join Priority............................ Disable
    Mgmt Via Wireless Interface................. Disable
    Mgmt Via Dynamic Interface.................. Disable
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Bridge MAC filter Config.................... Enable
    Bridge Security Mode........................ EAP
    Mesh Full Sector DFS........................ Enable
    AP Fallback ................................ Enable
    Web Auth Redirect Ports .................... 80
    Web Auth Proxy Redirect ................... Disable
    Fast SSID Change ........................... Enabled
    AP Discovery - NAT IP Only ................. Enabled
    IP/MAC Addr Binding Check .................. Enabled
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Port Summary
               STP   Admin   Physical   Physical   Link   Link
    Pr Type   Stat   Mode     Mode     Status   Status Trap    POE   SFPType  
    1 Normal Forw Enable Auto       1000 Full Up     Enable N/A     1000BaseTX
    2 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    3 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    4 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    5 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    6 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    7 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    8 Normal Disa Enable Auto       Auto       Down   Enable N/A     Not Present
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Summary
    Number of APs.................................... 8
    Global AP User Name.............................. Not Configured
    Global AP Dot1x User Name........................ Not Configured
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    KNOWLOGY_DC01       2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:1d:45:86:ed:4e KNOWLOGY_DC_Serv 1       US       1
    KNOWLOGY_DC02       2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:21:d8:36:c5:c4 KNOWLOGY_DC_Serv 1       US       1
    KN1252_AP01         2     AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9   00:21:d8:ef:06:50 Knowlogy Confere 1       US       1
    KN1252_AP02         2     AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9   00:22:55:8e:2e:d4 Server Room Side 1       US       1
    Anham_AP03           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9     70:81:05:88:15:b5 default location 1       US       1
    ANHAM_AP01          2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9     70:81:05:b0:e4:62 Small Conference 1       US       1
    ANHAM_AP04           2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:1d:45:86:e1:b8   Conference room 1       US       1
    ANHAM_AP02           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9     70:81:05:96:7a:49         Copy Room 1       US       1
    AP Tcp-Mss-Adjust Info
    AP Name             TCP State MSS Size
    KNOWLOGY_DC01       disabled   -
    KNOWLOGY_DC02       disabled   -
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    KN1252_AP01         disabled   -
    KN1252_AP02         disabled   -
    Anham_AP03           disabled   -
    ANHAM_AP01           disabled   -
    ANHAM_AP04           disabled   -
    ANHAM_AP02           disabled   -
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Location
    Total Number of AP Groups........................ 3  
    Site Name........................................ ANHAM8075
    Site Description................................. ANHAM 8075 Location
    WLAN ID         Interface         Network Admission Control         Radio Policy
    1               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    6               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    9               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    7               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    Anham_AP03           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9   70:81:05:88:15:b5 default location 1     US       1
    ANHAM_AP01           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9   70:81:05:b0:e4:62 Small Conference 1     US       1
    ANHAM_AP04           2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:1d:45:86:e1:b8   Conference room 1     US       1
    ANHAM_AP02           2     AIR-LAP1142N-A-K9   70:81:05:96:7a:49         Copy Room 1     US       1
    Site Name........................................ Knowlogy_DC
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Site Description................................. DC Center Access points
    WLAN ID         Interface         Network Admission Control         Radio Policy
    2               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    4               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    3               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    KNOWLOGY_DC01       2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:1d:45:86:ed:4e KNOWLOGY_DC_Serv 1     US       1
    KNOWLOGY_DC02       2     AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9   00:21:d8:36:c5:c4 KNOWLOGY_DC_Serv 1     US       1
    Site Name........................................ OGR
    Site Description................................. 1934 OGR Office
    WLAN ID         Interface         Network Admission Control         Radio Policy
    1               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    2               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                        None
    4               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    6               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    7               knowlogy_ogr        Disabled                         None
    9               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    8               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    KN1252_AP01         2     AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9   00:21:d8:ef:06:50 Knowlogy Confere 1    US       1
    KN1252_AP02         2     AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9   00:22:55:8e:2e:d4 Server Room Side 1     US       1
    Site Name........................................ default-group
    Site Description................................. <none>
    WLAN ID        Interface         Network Admission Control         Radio Policy
    1               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    2               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    3               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    4               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    5               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    6               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    7               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    8               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                          None
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    9               knowlogy_ogr         Disabled                         None
    10             management           Disabled                         None
    AP Name             Slots AP Model             Ethernet MAC       Location         Port Country Priority
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Config
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 6
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KNOWLOGY_DC01
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:1d:45:86:ed:4e
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Disabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    Cisco AP Location................................ KNOWLOGY_DC_ServerRoom
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. Knowlogy_DC
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................ wireless.knowlogy.com
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address..................
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abortIP Address..................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1130-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX1134T0QG
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 22
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 21
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 25
          WLAN 3 :........................................ 25
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    AP Up Time....................................... 48 days, 20 h 19 m 18 s
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 40 days, 13 h 58 m 18 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Tue Sep 24 21:24:33 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 10 m 47 s
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Attributes for Slot 0
        Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211b
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
       Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 3
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
         CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:1d:71:09:8f:90
         Operation Rate Set
           1000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           2000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           5500 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           11000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
         Country String ............................ US
        Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 1
         Number Of Channels ........................ 11
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 8
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 20 dBm
         Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 17 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 11 dBm
         Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 8 dBm
         Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 5 dBm
         Tx Power Level 7 .......................... 2 dBm
         Tx Power Level 8 .......................... -1 dBm
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
         Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
       Phy DSSS parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Current Channel ........................... 11
         Extension Channel ......................... NONE
         Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
         Allowed Channel List....................... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
         Current CCA Mode .......................... 0
         ED Threshold .............................. -50
         Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
         Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
         Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
       Performance Profile Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Interference threshold..................... 10 %
         Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
         RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
         Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
         Client threshold........................... 12 clients
         Coverage SNR threshold..................... 12 dB
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Coverage exception level................... 25 %
         Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
       Rogue Containment Information
       Containment Count............................ 0
       CleanAir Management Information
           CleanAir Capable......................... No
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 6
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KNOWLOGY_DC01
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:1d:45:86:ed:4e
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Disabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Cisco AP Location................................ KNOWLOGY_DC_ServerRoom
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. Knowlogy_DC
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................ wireless.knowlogy.com
    Primary Cisco Switch Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1130-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX1134T0QG
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 22
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 21
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 25
          WLAN 3 :........................................ 25
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Up Time....................................... 48 days, 20 h 19 m 18 s
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 40 days, 13 h 58 m 18 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Tue Sep 24 21:24:33 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 10 m 47 s
    Attributes for Slot 1
       Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211a
       Radio Subband................................ RADIO_SUBBAND_ALL
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
       Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 3
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
          CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:1d:71:09:8f:90
         Operation Rate Set
           6000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
           9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
           12000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
           18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           24000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
          36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
         Country String ............................ US
       Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 36
         Number Of Channels ........................ 20
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 7
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 15 dBm
         Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 11 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 8 dBm
         Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 5 dBm
         Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 2 dBm
         Tx Power Level 7 .......................... -1 dBm
         Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
         Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
       Phy OFDM parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Current Channel ........................... 44
         Extension Channel ......................... NONE
         Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
         Allowed Channel List....................... 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,
           ......................................... 104,108,112,116,132,136,140,
           ......................................... 149,153,157,161
         TI Threshold .............................. -50
         Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
         Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
       Performance Profile Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Interference threshold..................... 10 %
         Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
         RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
          Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
         Client threshold........................... 12 clients
         Coverage SNR threshold..................... 16 dB
         Coverage exception level................... 25 %
         Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
       Rogue Containment Information
       Containment Count............................ 0
       CleanAir Management Information
           CleanAir Capable......................... No
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 3
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KNOWLOGY_DC02
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:21:d8:36:c5:c4
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Disabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    Cisco AP Location................................ KNOWLOGY_DC_ServerRoom
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. Knowlogy_DC
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W  Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Enabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1130-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX1230T24F
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 22
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 21
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 25
          WLAN 3 :........................................ 25
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    AP Up Time....................................... 48 days, 20 h 24 m 41 s
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 40 days, 13 h 58 m 18 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Tue Sep 24 21:24:35 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 10 m 48 s
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Attributes for Slot 0
       Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211b
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
        Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 3
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
         CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:22:55:a5:0c:30
         Operation Rate Set
           1000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           2000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           5500 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           11000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Country String ............................ US
       Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 1
         Number Of Channels ........................ 11
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 8
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 20 dBm
         Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 17 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 11 dBm
         Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 8 dBm
         Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 5 dBm
         Tx Power Level 7 .......................... 2 dBm
         Tx Power Level 8 .......................... -1 dBm
         Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
       Phy DSSS parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Current Channel ........................... 1
         Extension Channel ......................... NONE
         Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
         Allowed Channel List....................... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
         Current CCA Mode .......................... 0
         ED Threshold .............................. -50
         Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
         Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
         Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
       Performance Profile Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Interference threshold..................... 10 %
         Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
         RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
         Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
         Client threshold........................... 12 clients
         Coverage SNR threshold..................... 12 dB
         Coverage exception level................... 25 %
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
       Rogue Containment Information
       Containment Count............................ 0
       CleanAir Management Information
           CleanAir Capable......................... No
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 3
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KNOWLOGY_DC02
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:21:d8:36:c5:c4
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Disabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    Cisco AP Location................................ KNOWLOGY_DC_ServerRoom
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. Knowlogy_DC
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Enabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Power Type/Mode.................................. Power injector / Normal mode
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1131AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1130-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX1230T24F
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 22
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 21
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 25
          WLAN 3 :........................................ 25
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP Up Time....................................... 48 days, 20 h 24 m 41 s
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 40 days, 13 h 58 m 18 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Tue Sep 24 21:24:35 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 10 m 48 s
    Attributes for Slot 1
       Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211a
       Radio Subband................................ RADIO_SUBBAND_ALL
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
       Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 3
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
         CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:22:55:a5:0c:30
         Operation Rate Set
           6000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
           9000 Kilo Bits........................... SUPPORTED
           12000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
           18000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           24000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
           36000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           48000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
           54000 Kilo Bits.......................... SUPPORTED
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
         Country String ............................ US
       Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 36
         Number Of Channels ........................ 20
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 7
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 15 dBm
        Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 11 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 .......................... 8 dBm
         Tx Power Level 5 .......................... 5 dBm
         Tx Power Level 6 .......................... 2 dBm
         Tx Power Level 7 .......................... -1 dBm
         Tx Power Configuration .................... AUTOMATIC
         Current Tx Power Level .................... 1
       Phy OFDM parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Current Channel ........................... 36
         Extension Channel ......................... NONE
         Channel Width.............................. 20 Mhz
         Allowed Channel List....................... 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64,100,
           ......................................... 104,108,112,116,132,136,140,
           ......................................... 149,153,157,161
         TI Threshold .............................. -50
         Antenna Type............................... INTERNAL_ANTENNA
         Internal Antenna Gain (in .5 dBi units).... 8
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
         Diversity.................................. DIVERSITY_ENABLED
       Performance Profile Parameters
          Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Interference threshold..................... 10 %
         Noise threshold............................ -70 dBm
         RF utilization threshold................... 80 %
         Data-rate threshold........................ 1000000 bps
         Client threshold........................... 12 clients
         Coverage SNR threshold..................... 16 dB
         Coverage exception level................... 25 %
         Client minimum exception level............. 3 clients
       Rogue Containment Information
       Containment Count............................ 0
       CleanAir Management Information
           CleanAir Capable......................... No
    Press Enter to continue or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 5
    Cisco AP Name.................................... KN1252_AP01
    Country code..................................... US - United States
    Regulatory Domain allowed by Country............. 802.11bg:-A     802.11a:-A
    AP Country code.................................. US - United States
    AP Regulatory Domain............................. -A
    Switch Port Number .............................. 1
    MAC Address...................................... 00:21:d8:ef:06:50
    IP Address Configuration......................... DHCP
    IP Address.......................................
    IP NetMask.......................................
    Gateway IP Addr..................................
    NAT External IP Address.......................... None
    CAPWAP Path MTU.................................. 1485
    Telnet State..................................... Enabled
    Ssh State........................................ Disabled
    Cisco AP Location................................ Knowlogy Conference Rooms Side
    Cisco AP Group Name.............................. OGR
    Primary Cisco Switch Name........................
    Primary Cisco Switch IP Address.................. Not Configured
    Secondary Cisco Switch Name......................
    Secondary Cisco Switch IP Address................ Not Configured
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Tertiary Cisco Switch Name.......................
    Tertiary Cisco Switch IP Address................. Not Configured
    Administrative State ............................ ADMIN_ENABLED
    Operation State ................................. REGISTERED
    Mirroring Mode .................................. Disabled
    AP Mode ......................................... H-Reap
    Public Safety ................................... Disabled
    AP SubMode ...................................... Not Configured
    Remote AP Debug ................................. Disabled
    Logging trap severity level ..................... informational
    Logging syslog facility ......................... kern
    S/W Version ....................................
    Boot Version ...................................
    Mini IOS Version ................................
    Stats Reporting Period .......................... 180
    LED State........................................ Enabled
    PoE Pre-Standard Switch.......................... Disabled
    PoE Power Injector MAC Addr...................... Disabled
    Power Type/Mode.................................. PoE/Medium Power (15.4 W)
    Number Of Slots.................................. 2
    AP Model......................................... AIR-LAP1252AG-A-K9
    AP Image......................................... C1250-K9W8-M
    IOS Version...................................... 12.4(23c)JA5
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    Reset Button..................................... Enabled
    AP Serial Number................................. FTX122990L5
    AP Certificate Type.............................. Manufacture Installed
    H-REAP Vlan mode :............................... Enabled
          Native ID :..................................... 118
          WLAN 1 :........................................ 111
          WLAN 2 :........................................ 111
          WLAN 4 :........................................ 112
          WLAN 6 :........................................ 112
          WLAN 7 :........................................ 111
          WLAN 9 :........................................ 112
          WLAN 8 :........................................ 112
    H-REAP Backup Auth Radius Servers :
    Static Primary Radius Server.................... Disabled
    Static Secondary Radius Server.................. Disabled
    Group Primary Radius Server..................... Disabled
    Group Secondary Radius Server................... Disabled
    AP User Mode..................................... AUTOMATIC
    AP User Name..................................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Mode............................... Not Configured
    AP Dot1x User Name............................... Not Configured
    Cisco AP system logging host.....................
    AP Up Time....................................... 26 days, 00 h 24 m 39 s
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
    AP LWAPP Up Time................................. 26 days, 00 h 23 m 48 s
    Join Date and Time............................... Wed Oct 9 10:59:07 2013
    Join Taken Time.................................. 0 days, 00 h 00 m 50 s
    Attributes for Slot 0
       Radio Type................................... RADIO_TYPE_80211n-2.4
       Administrative State ........................ ADMIN_ENABLED
       Operation State ............................. UP
       Radio Role .................................. ACCESS
       CellId ...................................... 0
       Station Configuration
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Number Of WLANs ........................... 7
         Medium Occupancy Limit .................... 100
         CFP Period ................................ 4
         CFP MaxDuration ........................... 60
         BSSID ..................................... 00:22:55:df:a5:90
         Operation Rate Set
           1000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           2000 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
           5500 Kilo Bits........................... MANDATORY
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
           11000 Kilo Bits.......................... MANDATORY
         MCS Set
           MCS 0.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 1.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 2.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 3.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 4.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 5.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 6.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 7.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 8.................................... SUPPORTED
            MCS 9.................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 10................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 11................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 12................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 13................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 14................................... SUPPORTED
           MCS 15................................... SUPPORTED
         Beacon Period ............................. 100
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Multi Domain Capability Implemented ....... TRUE
         Multi Domain Capability Enabled ........... TRUE
         Country String ............................ US
    --More or (q)uit current module or <ctrl-z> to abort
       Multi Domain Capability
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         First Chan Num ............................ 1
         Number Of Channels ........................ 11
       MAC Operation Parameters
         Configuration ............................. AUTOMATIC
         Fragmentation Threshold ................... 2346
         Packet Retry Limit ........................ 64
       Tx Power
         Num Of Supported Power Levels ............. 8
         Tx Power Level 1 .......................... 20 dBm
         Tx Power Level 2 .......................... 17 dBm
         Tx Power Level 3 .......................... 14 dBm
         Tx Power Level 4 ..........

    Well you need to understand the behavior of h-reap or what it's called now, FlexConnect. In this mode, the clients are still remembers on the WLC until the session timer/idle timer expires. So switching between SSID's in h-reap will not be the same when switching when the AP's are in local mode.
    Take a look at the client when connected in FlexConnect in the WLC GUI monitor tab. Thus will show you what ssid and vlan the client is on. Now switch to a different ssid and compare this. It's probably the same because the client has not timed out. Now go back to the other ssid and look again. Now on the WLC, remove or delete the client and then switch to the other ssid at the same time. Or switch SSID's and then remove the client. The client will join the new ssid and in the monitor tab, you should see the info.
    There is no need to have clients have multiple SSID's unless your testing. Devices should only have one ssid profile configured to eliminate any connectivity issues from the device wanting to switch SSID's.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • New session created with every request

    Hi there,
    I have an web application that we used to deploy on tomcat, websphere and bea without any trouble. We are trying to move to support OAS and the application gives this peculiar behavior:
    A new session is created with every single request by the client browser. I have searched these forums for the better part of today and read some interesting similar cases but none of the fixes seem to have any effect on my problem.
    Is there a different way I need to request the session object from the request in the app for OAS? Or is there a configuration that I should have? I am deploying the app as a .war file. Is there a better way to deploy on OAS, should I stick the war in a .ear?
    Any help on this would be most greatly appreciated!

    I have a problem that matches with this subject line but its somewhat different. This original posting wants to create new session and invalidate the existing one but my problem is to keep the session invalide if it has expired for the browser.
    Anyways, here is my problem. I have JSP named entity_actions.jsp which has 3 pop-up links that opens up with code like:
    My web.xml has this tag:
    And the way forward the response for each request is:
    context.getRequestDispatcher(urlString).forward(request, response);
    The code I check for session timeout is:
    private void checkForSessionTimeOut(HttpServletRequest request)
    throws SessionTimeoutException
    HttpSession current_session = request.getSession(false);
    logger.info(CLASS_OBJECT, "Session in checkForSessionTimeOut(): "+current_session);
    if (current_session == null)
    logger.error(CLASS_OBJECT, "SessionTimeOutException has thrown.");
    throw new SessionTimeoutException("sessionTimeOut");
    Now lets say I want to show the end user session expiry page after 5 mins of idle time. Now from entity_actions.jsp when I click/open any one popup first time after 5 mins of idle time/session expire,
    logger.info(CLASS_OBJECT, "Session in checkForSessionTimeOut(): "+current_session);
    this loggers shows current_session as 'null' and I can display session exp mesg on the popup page. But when I click/open any other popup or any other link on the page it DOES WORK instead of having current_session = null, it creates new one. And I can see the sessionid which is different than fist session created on the same base page/browser.
    The same pattern of code used to work on Tomcat and JRun before for showing consistant session expiry on all the clicks being made on the same browswer after session gets expire.
    Why OC4J / JDev 10.1.3 is creating new session on the same browser even after session has expired?
    How can I fix this?

  • How can we confiure idoc  in same client sender as well as receiver

    HI Gurus,
    How can we create the ale/idoc within the same client, sender as well as receiver.
    can u give me step by step procedure.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi kumar,
    see this links these may help u.
    Go through the following Tcode for ALE
    Sending System(Outbound ALE Process)
    Tcode SALE ? for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 ? Create Model View
    Tcode BD82 ? Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD64 ? Distribute the Model view
    Message Type MATMAS
    Tcode BD10 ? Send Material Data
    Tcode WE05 ? Idoc List for watching any Errors
    Receiving System(Inbound ALE )
    Tcode SALE ? for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 ? Check for Model view whether it has distributed or not
    Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD11 Getting Material Data
    Tcode WE05 ? Idoc List for inbound status codes
    ALE IDOC Steps
    Sending System(Outbound ALE Process)
    Tcode SALE ?3 for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 !V Create Model View
    Tcode BD82 !V Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD64 !V Distribute the Model view
    This is Receiving system Settings
    Receiving System(Inbound ALE )
    Tcode SALE ?3 for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 !V Check for Model view whether it has distributed or not
    Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD11 Getting Material Data
    Tcode WE05 !V Idoc List for inbound status codes
    Message Type MATMAS
    Tcode BD10 !V Send Material Data
    Tcode WE05 !V Idoc List for watching any Errors
    1)a Goto Tcode SALE
    Click on Sending & Receiving Systems-->Select Logical Systems
    Here Define Logical Systems---> Click on Execute Button
    go for new entries
    1) System Name : ERP000
    Description : Sending System
    2) System Name : ERP800
    Description : Receiving System
    press Enter & Save
    it will ask Request
    if you want new request create new Request orpress continue for transfering the objects
    B) goto Tcode SALE
    Select Assign Client to Logical Systems-->Execute
    000--> Double click on this
    Give the following Information
    Client : ERP 000
    City :
    Logical System
    Client role
    Save this Data
    Step 2) For RFC Creation
    Goto Tcode SM59-->Select R/3 Connects
    Click on Create Button
    RFC Destination Name should be same as partner's logical system name and case sensitive to create the ports automatically while generating the partner profiles
    give the information for required fields
    RFC Destination : ERP800
    Connection type: 3
    Target Host : ERP000
    System No:000
    lan : EN
    Client : 800
    User : Login User Name
    save this & Test it & RemortLogin
    Goto Tcode BD64 -- click on Change mode button
    click on create moduleview
    short text : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Technical Neme : MODEL_ALV
    save this & Press ok
    select your just created modelview Name :'MODEL_ALV'.
    goto add message type
    Model Name : MODEL_ALV
    sender : ERP000
    Receiver : ERP800
    Message type :MATMAS
    save & Press Enter
    4) Goto Tcode BD82
    Give Model View : MODEL_ALV
    Partner system : ERP800
    execute this by press F8 Button
    it will gives you sending system port No :A000000015(Like)
    5) Goto Tcode BD64
    seelct the modelview
    goto >edit>modelview-->distribute
    press ok & Press enter
    6)goto Tcode : BD10 for Material sending
    Material : mat_001
    Message Type : MATMAS
    Logical System : ERP800
    and Execute
    7)goto Tcode : BD11 for Material Receiving
    Material : mat_001
    Message Type : MATMAS
    and Execute --> 1 request idoc created for message type Matmas
    press enter
    Here Master Idoc set for Messge type MATMAS-->press Enter
    1 Communication Idoc generated for Message Type
    this is your IDOC
    Change Pointers
    I know how to change the description of a material using ALE Change Pointers.
    I will give the following few steps
    1) Tcode BD61---> check the change pointers activated check box
    save and goback.
    2) Tcode BD50---> check the MATMAS check box save and comeback.
    3) Tcode BD51---> goto IDOC_INPUT_MATMAS01 select the checkbox save and comeback.
    4) Tcode BD52---> give message type : matmas press ok button.
    select all what ever you want and delete remaining fields.
    save & come back.
    5) 5) go to Tcode MM02 select one material and try to change the description and save it
    it will effects the target systems material desciption will also changes
    6) goto Tcode SE38 give program Name is : RBDMIDOC and Execute
    give Message type : MATMAS and Executte
    ALE/IDOC Status Codes/Messages
    01 Error --> Idoc Added
    30 Error --> Idoc ready for dispatch(ALE Service)
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDMIDOC
    29 Error --> ALE Service Layer
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RSEOUT00
    03 Error --> Data Passed to Port ok
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDMOIND
    12 Error --> Dispatch ok
    Inbound Status Codes
    50 Error --> It will go for ALE Service Layer
    56 Error --> Idoc with Errors added
    51 Error --> Application Document not posted
    65 Error --> Error in ALE Service Layer
    for 51 or 56 Errors do the following steps
    goto WE19 > give the IDOC Number and Execute>
    Press on Inbound function Module
    for 65 Error --> goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDAPP01 then your getting 51 Error
    Electronic Data Interchange
    Cross-company exchange of electronic data (for example business documents) between domestic and international business partners who use a variety of hardware, software, and communication services. The data involved is formatted according to predefined standards. In addition to this, SAP ALE technology is available for data exchange within a company.
    2) ALE
    A means of creating and operating distributed applications.
    Application Link Enabling (ALE) guarantees a distributed, but integrated, R/3 installation. This involves business-controlled message exchange using consistent data across loosely linked SAP applications.
    Applications are integrated using synchronous and asynchronous communication - not by using a central database.
    ALE consists of the following layers:
    Application services
    Distribution services
    Communication services

  • Creation of SO from PO through Idocs in Same client

    Hi frnds,
         Can we create SO from PO through IDOC's in the same client with different company codes.
    Ex: PO created in 100 client in company code AB00. i have to create SO in 100 client in company code AB01.
    Any suggestion on this is highly appreciated. Please provide the steps and idocs or let me know the other approach.

    for posting the IDOC to same system
    use this logic
    The steps to send and receive an IDoc in the same system are as follows:
    u2022     Create a Dummy Logical System.
         Goto T-Code SALE-> sending and Receiving Systems -> Logical Systems -> New entries. Enter SYSID_CLNT, but this one is Dummy so use the first two characters of the SYSID and prefix 'D' then underscore and then the Client number.
    E.g., If ERP_100 is the logical system of the R/3, then create ERD_100 as the dummy system.
    u2022     Create Port for the Original System, (ERP_100)
         Goto WE21 and select Transactional Port and press the Create button. Name the Port as "SAP" concatenated with the SYSID in our example it would be SAPERP Select the appropriate version and enter the RFC destination of the system that you are working on in this case it will be 'ERP'.
    u2022     Create Partner Profile in partner type LS:
         Receiver Side (Outbound to): In Partner type LS name ERD_100create the Outbound Parameters, give the Message type, Receiver Port same as the port we created in step 2. Enter the Basic type.
         Sender Side (Inbound from): In partner type LS name ERP_100 create the Inbound Parameters, give the appropriate message type and the process code.
    u2022     Now create the stand alone program to send the IDoc:
         The program will at some point calls the MASTER_IDOC_DISTRIBUTE function module. When you pass the EDIDC structure it will be populated as follows:
    i_edidc-mestyp = message type.
    i_edidc-idoctp = basic type.
    i_edidc-rcvprt = 'LS'.
    CONCATENATE 'SAP' sy-sysid INTO l_port.
    i_edidc-RCVPOR = l_port.
    i_edidc-rcvprn = 'ERD_000'.
    CONCATENATE sy-sysid '_' sy-mandt INTO l_sndprn.
    i_edidc-SNDPRN = l_sndprn.
    i_edidc-sndprt = 'LS'.
    i_edidc-sndpor = l_port.
    u2022     Observe that the Sender port and the receiver port is the same, this does the trick. The outbound Idoc is sent on the port SAPERP with the Sender as ERP_100 and receiver as ERD_100 and then the Inbound IDoc is also sent to the same port SAPERP with the Sender as ERP_100 and receiver as ERD_10.
    this is the method for creating logical system and setting
    and use the respective function module and mesg type for posting it.
    Edited by: Janagar Sundaramoorthy Nadar on Apr 29, 2009 6:32 AM

  • HR Authorisation Management for different companies in the same client

    Could anyone please help in this....
    My client has two companies. They want to restrict the authorisation to both the companies so that no one can see each other companies data and at the same time access tha data.
    For Eg, there are two payroll officers, each in both the companies, If i give authorisation to run Payroll driver(PC00_M40_CALC), anyone of them can run payroll for any of the companies. (though,their Payroll area is different). There are many restrictions to be maintained like Maintance of Master data, Maintanance of OM structure as assignement of position, running Payroll, viewing the payslip etc...
    How can this all be restricted so that, the respective  companies can view and access their own data without interfering in to the other company.
    I could only find object P_PYEVRUN which helps me restrict to view the created documents of posting for other company code.
    Can anyone put light on how i should proceed further... I heard we can restrict HR master data, but what all i know is we can restrict at infotype level. My problem is, two persons should access PA30(each from different companies), but should not be able to edit other companies data.

    Hi ,
    If you are creating the another company undar the same client . then you can not use different no. range.
    or if you are going different client for different compnay code then you can use different number range for material master.

  • MM-SUS and EBP-SUS in the same client

    Hi experts
    I have a doubt about implementationMM-SUS and EBP-SUS in the same client, If I send a PO from MM to SUS and after send a PO from EBP to SUS to the same vendor, the vendor will be able to see 2 POs with just one logon?
    As I know when I replicate a vendor from MM to SUS a Business partner is created and when I replicate a the same vendor from EBP to SUS  a new Business partner is created and are diferent BP so a user and pass diferent .

    Hi Nilson,
    If i understand your scenario, you'll replicate an existing R/3 vendor to EBP. The vendor will be a direct vendor in R/3 while the same would be used as for Indirects in EBP.
    Well, when you replicate the R/3 vendor to EBP, the vendor has the R/3 link in the form of Backend Logical systen name in EBP.
    So when you replicate the vendor from R/3 or EBP, there will be ideally only one entry for the vendor with references to R/3 and EBP systems.
    Hope this clarifies your question.

  • How to upload data from  flat to ztables with in the same client by idocs

    Hi Experts,
                   I have a requirement in IDOCS, I need to create a custom IDOC .I  am working on IDES 4.6c. The reqirement is , there  are ztables with header and item data. say for example Authors and Books. I need to upload data from flat file which is available in presentation  server of the same client, which will updated in ztables by using idocs.  For this i need to do ale settings also. The client is 800. There is no other client available. With in the same client i need to do the above stuff.
                    For this requirement how to approach (step by step) to accomplish.
    Thanks in Advance.

      This is the procedure.
    create segments using we31. <b>don't forget to relaese it</b>
    create idoc using above segments using we30 <b>don't forget to relaese it</b>
    create message type using we81
    create function module to upload data using se37
    maintain process code using we42
    create  partner profiles we20.
    In the fm module itself write the code for downloading the data from presentation server by GUI_DOWNLOAD.
      Then update the database tables directly by insrt through other internal table in the same client itself.

Maybe you are looking for