Dig_Block_In with DAQmx

I have to transfer a program for a 6534 card from traditional NIDAQ
to DAQmx for digital data acquisition. Now I am searching how I can
translate the Dig_Block_In function to DAQmx.
I found some identical question here in the forum but I didn't found the answer.
Does any one of you know how I can realize the Dig_Block_In function with DAQmx?
Thanks in advance

"Walter van Iterson" wrote:
>>Hi John,>>> DIG_Block_Check(FiDevice, iIN_GROUP, @ulBytesLeft);>> if ulBytesLeft
> 0 then DIG_Block_Clear(FiDevice, iIN_GROUP);>>Just a silly question...>>If
you call DIG_Block_Clear also when ulBytesLeft <= 0, does it also >give a
blue screen? I know, the documentation says... but the >documentation doesn't
say anything about a blue screen either...>>Maybe a DIG_SCAN_Setup with a
groupsize of 0, to release the ports?>>Good luck,>Walter
Hi Walter,
If ulBytesLeft <= 0, then there is no transfer in progress and DIG_Block_Clear
will return an error. Releasing the ports appears to have cured the problem
Thanks for the suggestions.

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    I refer to your posts because i am using the PCI 7041/6040E card as
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    Would be nice if you had a look on it, maybe you can help me. BTW, the
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    Thank you!
    Dirk Völlger
    Message Edited by ratschnowski on 07-28-2005 07:14 AM

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    Write_Dig_Port.vi ‏48 KB

    I took a look at the example you attached and it looks fine. Here are a few things to try out BEFORE running the example from MAX:
    1) Remove any SCXI, SCC, and accessories from the configuration in MAX so that no DIO lines are reserved for communication.
    2) Reset the driver to work in DAQmx mode for your board. To do this, first right-click the "Traditional DAQ Devices" and say "Reset Driver" and then right-click your 6025E under DAQmx Devices and say "Reset Driver" again. This should enable the driver for DAQmx.
    3) In MAX, under DAQmx Devices, run the test panel and make sure you can read/write all the DIO lines there first. If that works fine you should be able to run the example.
    Remember that the port names for the 6025E are Port 0, Port 2, Port
    3, and Port 4 (no Port 1).
    Good Luck!!!
    Brooks Bailey
    Application Engineering
    National Instruments

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    Using LV2012 and MAX 5.3.1 running on Windows 7 32 bit.
    Build Daq Task Snippet.png ‏58 KB

    Nope.  That's a delete from array, length 1, index 3.
    In any case, I eliminated that block since the string array wired to the for loop controls how many devices the VI attempts to configure.  Same result, verified it was trying to configure ai2.  Here's the updated snippet:
    Build Daq Task Snippet v2.png ‏54 KB

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    Hello ilabtech,
    From my understanding you are using an SCXI 1001 chassis with an SCXI 1102 and 1303 terminal block to perform thermocouple measurements.  You are upgrading to LabVIEW 8.2 and DAQmx.  I am assuming you were using LabVIEW 6.1 since there isn’t a LabVIEW 6.5.  You mentioned that are able to get a correct reading of 0.5 mV with LabVIEW 6.1 but you see a rail of 5V with LabVIEW 8.2 and DAQmx. 
    My first suggestion is that you ensure that the SCXI is set at the appropriate range and for the correct thermocouple type.  You can also configure these settings in MAX as detailed on page 27 of the SCXI 1102 User Manual and Specifications Guide. 
    My second suggestion is for you to start off using an example program to see if you see the same error.  When you are in a LabVIEW 8.2 VI you can go to Help>>Find Examples to open the NI Example Finder.  You then choose Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Analog Measurements>>Temperature>> Cont. Acq Thermocouple Samples-Int CLK.vi.   This example program is supported by your hardware and is a good resource to use to troubleshoot.
    If these suggestions aren't helpful please answer the following questions in your reply.
    1.        I would like to know what range you have set the SCXI 1102 to read. 
    2.       What version of DAQmx are you using?  You can find the version my opening Measurement and Automation explorer (MAX), expanding the “Software “and clicking on NI-DAQmx.
    3.       What operating system are you using?
    4.  Does your Traditional DAQ program work in LabVIEW 8.2?
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    LabVIEW Introduction Course - Six Hours
    Getting Started with NI-DAQmx

  • Pulse Generation application with DAQmx and a PXI-6624 module?

    What is the best implementation method for the following pulse generation application
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    I have two rising edge trigger signals (Trigger-1 and Trigger-2).
    There is ample spacing between each trigger. They never occur at the same time.
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    Would DAQmx and the PXI-6624 TIO support this implementation?
    What is the best way to accomplish the task at hand.
    Thank You.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Scooby,
    I have looked into the application you have described and I see a potential problem with what you describe.  In DAQmx, it is not possible to call the counters of the same DAQ device in the same task, so you cannot have the finite pulse train generation and the single pulse generation tasks running at the same time.  What you can do, since you mention the triggers will not occur at the same time, is to stop one counter task while you are triggering another.  The way I would suggest you merge the outputs is with a two input Or logic gate to avoid damaging your counters.  Your signals will effectively be added together by this logic gate.   I do not see any way to merge the outputs internal to the DAQ device. 
    Please let me know if I can be of additional assistance.

  • How to configure a continuous pulse generation that doesn't end after the VI exits with DAQmx?

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    again. The pulses were generated even after I closed LV, so it was all in the hardware.
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    It is possible to achieve this behavior using the DAQmx API by using the DAQmx Create Task VI to explicitly create the task (rather than relying on DAQmx Create Channel to do it implicitly) and setting the AutoCleanup attribute to False.  This method prevents LabVIEW from automatically clearing the task when your VI (or the function you'll be exporting to your C .dll) finishes executing.  The disadvantage is that you might accidentally "leak" a task if you're not careful.  In order to stop the pulse generation on command, you can either reset the device or somehow store the task name you created and come back later to call DAQmx Stop and/or Clear Task.
    Here's how you would start the generation:
    ...and how you could come back and stop it later, using the task name you created:
    Hopefully this helps-
    Message Edited by Tom W [DE] on 11-16-2007 07:54 AM
    Tom W
    National Instruments
    autoCleanup.JPG ‏17 KB
    clearTask.JPG ‏4 KB

  • How to generate sequence of pulse trains with DAQmx?

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    Now I thought that I could solve this problem if it were possible to multiply two counter outputs: the first counter would generate the pulses (continuously) whereas the second one would switch between low and high on a slower timescale in order to gate the first counter, thereby providing an initial offset and the "off" phases between the pulse trains.
    Is it somehow possible to multiply two outputs with DAQmx and the card I have? Or is there another solution to the problem?
    Thanks a lot in advance for any hints!

    Hi dlanger,
    what you want to do requires a little bit more work. 
    First look at the example "Gen Dig Pulse Train-Continuous.vi" from the LV example finder.
    This example generates a continuous* pulse train. As you see, you need a sample clock VI for setting the sample mode. 
    * NOTE: Generating a finite pulse train with a M-series card requires 2 counter.
    With a pause trigger (DAQmx trigger property node) you can gate the output of that counter.
    Now you have to generate a gate-signal with the the 2nd counter. That means, only if  Ctr1-out is high Ctr0-out outputs the 20 kHz-signal. 
    Maybe you have to adjust the times in my example a bit. 
    Unfortunately there is just one "small" problem: "let's say 10 pulse trains in total" 
    This is not possible, because a 3rd counter would be necessary (*). 
    As a workaround you can modify the while-loop that both tasks are cleared after 50s. This is not brilliant, but should work fine for you. 
    A more sophisticated way is to perform a correlated DIO. So you can generate custom pattern for multiple outputs. 
    A good example can you find here: 
    Retrigger and Repeat Finite Digital Pulse Train in LabVIEW
    or here:  
    Generating More Than 2 Pulse Trains Using CompactDAQ
    Hope this helps.
    With best wishes,
    Ralf N. 
    Gen Gated Dig Pulse Train-Continuous.vi ‏38 KB

  • Pci 6602: configuring a frequency-divider with daqmx using labview7.1

    i´m using labview 7.1 and the pci6602 counter-board. i want to configure a counter as an frequency-divider with varaibale division-rate, witch is a easy thing to do with the classic "old" daq-driver.
    it´s recommended to use the "new" daqmx-driver, and i want to do so, cause i´m using also other ni-devices and want to use the same driver for all of them, but i can´t find any possibility in the daqmx-vi´s to configure such a frequency-divider.
    i also couldn´t find any example-code for this problem.
    please help me!!

    hi, thanks for the answer, but unfortunatly it´s not what i ment.
    i need to configure a counter on the pci6602 wich divides down the frequency "f_in" of the square pulses connected to it´s "source" pin by "divisor" and puts out square pulses with frequency f_out=f_in/divisor at another pin. That process should take place only on the 6602-board without using the cpu.
    i´ve found the solution already, how to configure a counter on the pci6602 with daqmx like described above. see attachment.
    Divider_Config_mw.vi ‏40 KB

  • Installing LabVIEW 8.2.1 with DAQmx 8.0 on Suse 10.2 for Linux.

    We recently installed LabVIEW 8.2.1 on Opensuse 10.2 for Linux.  After some work, my advisor was successful at getting the install to work with DAQmx 8.0 and NIKAL 1.5.  I thought I would post the install notes for anyone who finds them useful.  Everything seems functional thus far.
    Jeff Hay
    installnotes_2007aug13.txt ‏12 KB

    Thanks for the extremely detailed post.  I have actually been experimenting with this combination of software for the past couple weeks (i.e. OpenSUSE 10.2, DAQmx, LabVIEW 8.2.1).  Your steps match mine very closely.  I did have a one thing to add, and one question about your steps.  First, I just want to mention that NI-KAL 1.6 has been released and it fixes several issues when installing NI-KAL with newer kernels.  This is available at:
    I would highly recommend using NI-KAL 1.6.
    Second,  I wanted to ask about step #2 where you modify the modpost.c file.  When I ran updateNIDrivers I was not required to make this change.  However I did have to increase the allowable symbol length.  I changed the line:
    #define SZ 500
    #define SZ 1024
    in modpost.c.
    I then proceeded to follow the steps you mentioned and was able to run updateNIDrivers without error.  Could you test to see if changing the allowable symbol length fixed the problem without having to ignore the "parse error in symbol dump file."  I don't exactly know what the read_dump function does but it always makes me nervous to ignore errors.  Since NI-KAL uses modpost to install a kernel module, this failure may be important, although I don't know for sure.
    Once again thanks for your awesome post.
    Neil S.
    Product Support Engineer
    Multifunction Data Acquisition
    National Instruments

  • Multiple tasks with daqmx

    I am currently working on a Senior Design Project where I have to measure torque, RPM, pressure and temperature.  I am using strain gages, a Hall Effect Sensor, pressure sensor and thermocouples to obtain these readings.  A myDAQ collects the RPM and pressure readings while a cDAQ collects the torque and temperature readings with the NI 9237 and NI 9211 modules.  I created LabVIEW VIs for each sensor and they work.  The problem I am having is when I try create a VI with DAQmx that reads all these sensor values simultaneously.  The VI that I have attached randomly displays one of the measurements while all the other measurements remain blank.  How should I edit my VI so I can display all my readings at once?
    Go to Solution.
    SD.vi ‏87 KB

    You can form all of your cDAQ readings into a single DAQmx task.  Do the same for the myDAQ channels.  On the read side, you just read multiple channels.  You can then use the Array Index to separate your channel data and do whatever calculations you need.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
    Multichannel task.png ‏40 KB

  • Can I measure pulswidths with daqmx base and NI-USB6501

    Can I measure pulswidths with daqmx base 1.4 and NI-USB6501? I can measure edges width this function: DAQmxBaseCreateCICountEdgesChan. But, when using DAQmxBaseCreateCIPulseWidthChan I always get an error message back (DAQmxBase Error: <err>Value passed to the Task/Channels In control is invalid).
    I also cannot find any examples about this topic in the software on CD nor on the internet.
    I also don't know what values to use for the float64 minVal and float64 maxVal arguments when using the pulse width function of above (see the NI-DAQ™mx Base 1.x C Function Reference Help).
    Maybe my device (NI USB6501) cannot measure pulse width's and when it does measure pulse width's, what value will it give back? Seconds or ticks and what is the accuracy?
    Ok, enough questions for now. Thank you in avance for answering.
    D. Stollman

    The USB-6501 counter is capable of falling edge edge counting
    measurements only, so the type of measurement you wish to do is not
    possible with that device.  The data sheet for the USB-6501 can be
    found at the following link:
    I believe the DAQPad-6015 and DAQPad-6016 USB devices are capable of
    measuring pulse width, as well as many of NI's PCI data acquisition

  • How to solve the error "The specified resource is reserved" when running with DAQmx And LabVIEW?

    How to solve the error "The specified resource is reserved" when running with DAQmx And LabVIEW?

    I hate "J term"
    OK I love the learning the students get.   And, I like helping them out!  But, as a former man who's got the varicose viens to prove he's spent time "behind the podium" (yeah, "behind the podium" puts 'em to sleep- songs and dances for the young'uns) come on! USE the tools you teach!
    Instructors invited to engage in the forums

  • Error when starting an analog read task with DAQmx 8.5 while 8.0 works

    I am programing a measurement application with Borland C++ Builder 6.
    Problem: Every time when I try to start an analog input task with the DAQmxStartTask() command of DAQmx 8.5 the program execution is interrupted and the error message "Invalid floating point operation" is given out. This problem does not occur with DAQmx 8.0 !

    Hello Johannes,
    the error occurs every time, when I try to start an analog voltage input task either with a simulated or a real device (PXI-4472). Changing any of the measurement parameters did not have any effect. I also tried one of the C-source code examples, which came with the original NI-documentation of the DAQmx 8.5 driver, resulting also in the same error.
    However, starting a counter task with a simulated PXI-6601 device worked without any problems !
    Do you have any ideas ?

  • Error -200141 when doing buffered events with DAQmx and PCI-6602

    When doing buffered events with DAQmx and PCI-6602 I get error 200141 - Data was overwritten before it could be read by the system.
    This error is generated ONLY with random inputs >200/sec.
    My setup is :
    DAQmxSetCICountEgdesChan(taskhandlem,"", "/Dev1/80MHZTimeBase")
    Can somebody help ?

    i'm getting the same Error-200141, while reading semiperiods. (Meas_Buffered semiperiod continous)
    while loop ex.rate seems to be pulsewidth*no.Samples to read. in my case PW=60ms
    Input buffer size measured with Property node= 10000
    why this error happens?? i cant use any mode other than implicit timing for semi-period measurement right??
    more info: all the ai channels are used ~ 16 differencial.
    i found one solution which is _ reinitializing the whole task if an error occur. is this the right way??
    Kudos always welcome for helpful posts
    Counter_1_Meas Buffered Semi-Period-Continuous_main_lv09.vi ‏34 KB
    SemiPeriod_Reconnect Counter on Error.vi ‏35 KB

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