Direct pixel access on MovieClips | AS2.0.

How can anyone read and change the RGBA pixel values of
MovieClips in AS2.0?
This question comes up, when we need to apply self coded
filters on a MovieClip.
For example I want to make a MovieClip to appear mirrored and
it's pixels to change their alpha from 100 to 0, from the top side
to down. As far as I know all Flash filters are applied to the
whole MovieClip. Thus I guess the only way is to make a function
that will take the pixels RGBA values and their positions relative
to the origin of the MovieClip instance and change dynamic their
values. This technique is used in many Photos presentations as far
as I have seen, where the photo is apperead as mirrored and
In another case I want a dynamic Fish-Eye filter to be
applied to panoramic moving image, giving in that way the sense of
depth to the viewer. In order to do that I have to know the XY-RGBA
(A for Alpha) values of each pixel, and to be able to change them
dynamically on runtime.
Anyone that can help?...

a) yes only for bitmap image data - however you can 'draw'
any on stage clip into a BitmapData object. Then you can
attachBitmap using the Bitmap data object to the current clip.
b) yes - in the colors pallet if you have applied a gradient,
you can select any of the color points on the bar and reduce the
alpha by any amount.
However, if you are planning on using this for the 'mirror'
effect - you will need to create a mc that 'overlays' the newly
created mirror image clip and then use it to mask the mirror -
remember that when using a alpha based mask both the mask and the
maskee need to have their 'cacheAsBitmap' properties set to true.
sorry for jumpin in there kg :)

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    I didnt tested using url, but the same works with using presentation variables.
    To your direct sql add where clause for those two columns like WHERE col='@{col1}' and col ='@{col2}'
    and try to run from url.
    let me know updates

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    ADF Security is JAAS permission based and not container managed. Note that unless you explicitly configured ADF Security you don't use ADF Security but container managed security, which is all that I can see in your configurations.
    Not sure which version fo JDeveloper you use, but if you could change the following setting
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           While creating datasource there is an option for direct access.This option  shows if the DataSource supports direct access to data.
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    Eventhough the aim of the two methods are to report on the latest data, there is a difference in both.
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    in my opinion all that Auditing is only interesting to watch your Administrators hands...
    What do you need to access the oracle database?
    - client-software ... at least a jdbc driver
      (May be available on many computers)
    - the hostname, the listener port, a network connection that works and the DB SID
      (that should not be so easy... DB Server should be in a seperate network zone... at best only reachable via the Application Servers)
    - OR: physical access to the database
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    To come back to your question: if you want to check the dba actions, yes auditing is a nice thing. But it is just a way to proof later on who did something wrong. It's a finger pointing tool.
    I would put more effort in trying to avoid such things from happening - limit the access to the database. Double check changes to the database - via procedures (e.g. no interactive sqlplus access to the productive database) and 4 eyes checks.
    Best regards,

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    No problem Yasser.
    Once you have created a policy with the settings you require you can apply it to a user (or multiple users) by using either the ECP or using the shell:
    In ECP there are 2 ways:
    1. Select the mailbox (or mailboxes) then select "View Details" under "Email Connectivity". This will open a dialog allowing you to apply the relavant owa policy.
    2. Edit the mailbox and navigate to "Mailbox Features". Then select "View Details" under "Email Connectivity". This will open a dialog allowing you to apply the relavant owa policy.
    In Shell:
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    More details can be found here:

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    It is an orphan that will be removed from EMC is a future update. The feature itself has been removed from 2010, you can no longer access SharePoint or file servers through OWA. There is still "direct file" access in OWA, but in the spirit of being able to directly open an attachment without being forced to use the web viewer.Brian Day, Overall Exchange & AD Geek
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    MovieClip1, MovieClip2, MovieClip3 is instances Names.

    Your approach is correct.  Based on the change in spelling between the two lines you show, if you are having a problem, that may be the cause.

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         for(var i=0; i<myArray.length; i++)
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         for(var i=0; i<myArray.length; i++)
    gives the error: A term is undefined and has no properties.
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    For whatever reason, dynamically added children cannot be targeted that way.  If you added the textfields dynamically you may need to use getChildByName() to target them.  It partly depends on how you created them and whether or not you have direct access to them.  Aside from that you could also assign the textfields to variables that you create for the mc and target those by their variable names.
    The following demos these two approaches:
    var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    var tf:TextField = new TextField();
    tf.text = "this is text";
    // first way = "tfield";
    // second way
    mc.tfid = tf;
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    Hi Roger,
    you may of course find an answer here.
    But mySAP PLM DMS is not a focus topic here (besides maybe connecting it into the SAP Portal and KM). Thus, you may be better off using a contact or a message to PLM.
    Regards, Karsten

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    In this example, should page2.xhtml and page3.xhtml go in the root of the webapps directory, or in a directory under WEB-INF?

    A session timeout should actually net a view expiry exception.
    You do know that JSF 2.0 made page navigation that bit easier by not requiring you to do the XML configuration? There is now a convention built in plus some new components to add GET enabled requests to the JSF lifecycle (notably h:button and h:link). If you have an action method that returns the following:
    public String doSomething(){
      return "something";
    }then JSF will by default want to render a view 'something.xhtml' when you don't define any navigation rules. If you want to make that a redirect you can do this:
    public String doSomething(){
      return "something?faces-redirect";
    }(of course this is a prime target to turn into a utility method on a backing bean base class).
    Navigation rules are still necessary when you want to put views in a subdirectory, but at least this way you can greatly simplify general cases. Other than that I can only say: research research research because this material is vital to understand if you want to be productive using the framework; navigation and the 6 JSF lifecycle phases are two items you should put on the top of your list to hammer out until you really get it. A good JSF book will help you immensely there. Balusc's blog is also a good source of deeper understanding:
    Most of his articles are on JSF 1.2 but most of the information still applies.
    Oh and its no surprise that you're a bit confused - this framework is not easy to pick up especially when you don't know any other web frameworks. If you keep running into a wall you should consider checking out something else like Wicket or Play framework. It might just be that JSF simply isn't the tool for the job you're trying to do.

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