Directory names

This is from a non production machine that is probably closer than usual to a default install
I would really appreciate knowing what the directories are used for (or what they are intended to be used for)
like logs go in var, configs go in etc and stuff like that.
I have filled in the items I know. Please enter suggestions and I will update the list.
# ls -1pA  /
.ICEauthority // Used for GUI
.Xauthority // Used for GUI
.bash_history // bash history :)
.dt/ // Used for GUI
.dtprofile // Used for GUI
.gconf/ // Used for GUI
.gconfd/ // Used for GUI
.gnome/ // Used for GUI
.gnome2/ // Used for GUI
.gnome2_private/ // Used for GUI
.gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 // Used for GUI
.metacity/ // Used for GUI
.nautilus/ // Used for GUI
.recently-used // Used for GUI
.softwareupdate/ // Used for Software updater (GUI?)
.ssh/ // Used for SSH client
Desktop/ // Created by GUI
Documents/ // Created by GUI
bin // Executables
etc/ // Configurations
tmp/ // temporary storage
var/ // generally for data and log storage?

Some or most of this should apply.

Similar Messages

  • Problems with spaces in file or directory names and Word.exe

    I'm trying to open a file with Word from my java aplication, and I have a problem with some file/directory names.
    I have this
    String cmd = "c:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office10\\WINWORD.EXE" + " " + path;
    try {
    } catch (Exception errorea){ }
    Here is what happens:
    if path is something like this: "c:\people\info.doc" , there's no problem, Word opens the document, but if path contains blank spaces somewhere, it doesn't work. For example:
    path = "c:\Documents and Settings\info.doc"
    path = "c:\Hi everybody\info.doc"
    path = "c:\tests\test results.doc"
    with the above examples it doesn't work :( Word tries to open "c:\Documents", "c:\Hi" or "c:\tests\test".
    Can anyone help? thanx a lot ! : )

    Hint: use the variant Runtime.exec(String[] args).
    Create a command array, with each token in a separate argument. The entire filename with spaces goes into one argument.

  • Index.html pages in local sub-directories will not load automatically when sub-directory name entered into address field, followed by a forward-slash

    I am in the process of designing a website-on-a-CD. In order to make things easier for my clients, I decided to organize this site into local sub-directories with an index.html page in each one. However, when I try to enter the local sub-directory name, followed by a forward-slash, the index page does not open automatically. Instead, I get a raw directory listing that includes the index.html file, and anything else that is present within it. I would like to know if there is any way to force this page to load automatically within Firefox from a local storage medium as it would load from a web-server.

    You need to use file:// as the protocol instead of C:/. The latter may never work (C:\ might).
    Where is the main HTML located ?
    Easiest if to store the images in a sub folder of the location because you can't go back via ../ beyond that root location for security reasons.

  • "There was an error opening this document. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is i

    "There was an error opening this document. The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect."
    I tried different versions, no avail.
    I think it has to do with the password somehow, but I do not know. I can copy the files from the web folder to my desktop and they open fine (after entering the password AGAIN), but I can not open them directly form the web folder - it does not ask for the password again, just pops up the error.
    Adobe's support really upset me (insert explicative here) by keeping me on the phone for 20 min, collecting all sorts of information about me (not the problem) with some lady who barely spoke English, just to tell me to go to the website. No surprise they need to charge for tech support, customer service is doing everything but "service". I hate companies that do this. I am thinking of using another PDF reader, I have heard good things about them. Check
    Has anyone ever been able to find a fix? I can not find anything on this site.

    Howdy, Moritz!
    Thanks for the suggestion, but this is not an issue of filename and language conflicts, at least in my environment. I highly doubt that's the root cause of this issue.
    The PDF files in my tests have all had very simple names, such as 123.pdf and test.pdf, as well as more complicated names with spaces in them. Nothing about the files contains anything outside of the English language, including the content and filenames.
    From everything I've been able to determine, this is a WebDAV-related security issue that affects programs like Acrobat Reader. I know for a fact that MS's KB892211 WebDAV patch doesn't create the issue, however MS's update to that 892211 patch DOES create the issue. As I've outlined earlier in this thread, my extensive testing has proven this more than once.
    At this point, I haven't been able to accurately uninstall the update to 892211 after the update has been installed. And, as far as I can tell, the update to 892211 comes down from MS as a Office and/or Windows Update component. So, everyone has it, the uninstaller doesn't work, and there's no documentation detailing what registry entries are being changed when the update to 892211 is installed.
    My ultimate goal is to bring a test machine to the point just before the update to 892211 goes on, fire up the Registry, Process, and File monitors on my test box, and install the 892211 update. This should give me an accurate picture of what I need to restore in order to rid the machine of the update to 892211.
    Until Microsoft officially fixes the issue, I am not totally sure how this will be resolved. I've ceased my work on the issue for now since copying the PDF file from the WebDAV share to the user's desktop gets the user what they wanted in the first place - the ability to open the PDF file!
    Maybe, once some other projects slow down a bit, I might get back to creating a solution, but it's going to be a "hack" no matter which way you slice it. I'd much rather MS spend their time creating the solution. If I have to do it, my fee to MS will be quite HIGH! :*)
    George B.

  • Oracle Security Patch Error while applying --The filename, directory name,

    I am running into strange error while applying Oracle Security Patch 68 by using Opatch.
    Supposedly, All the environment variables are set properly.
    Path=E:\oracle\OPatch;C:\jdk1.3.1_10\bin;E:\oracle\Perl\bin;E:\oracle\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin\client;E:\oracle\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin;E:\oracle\ora92\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\bin;C:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Files\VERITAS Shared;\NetBackup\bin;C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\;C:\Program Files\Support Tools\;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;E:\usr\sap\YBQ\SYS\exe\run
    Installed Active Perl. latest version
    downloaded Opatch
    and the patch number 3738339
    I went to that directory and run the command :
    perl apply
    It started of well.
    OPatch version is:
    Using ORACLE_HOME/oui to look up oui libs...
    Oracle Home = E:\oracle\ora92
    Location of Oracle Inventory = E:\oracle\ora92\inventory
    Oracle Universal Installer shared library = E:\oracle\ora92\oui\lib\win32\oraInstaller.dll
    Path to Java = "E:\oracle\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe"
    Location of Oracle Inventory Pointer = N/A
    Location of Oracle Universal Installer components = E:\oracle\ora92\oui
    Required Jar File under Oracle Universal Installer = jlib\OraInstaller.jar
    find under OH/oui/jlib
    found OraInstaller.jar
    Checking if this is a RAC system...
    Accessing inventory... This may take up to 300 seconds.
    (retry 10 times, delay 30 seconds each time)
    System Command: ""E:\oracle\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe" -Dopatch.retry=10 -Dopatch.delay=30 -DTRACING.ENABLED=TRUE -DTRACING.LEVEL=2 -Dopatch.debug=true -classpath "E:\oracle\ora92\oui\jlib\OraInstaller.jar;E:\oracle\ora92\oui\jlib\srvm.jar;jlib\opatch.jar;E:\oracle\ora92\oui\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;E:\oracle\ora92\oui\jlib\share.jar;.:E:\oracle\ora92\jlib\srvm.jar" opatch/O2O "e:\oracle\ora92" "E:\oracle\ora92\oui""
    ----- DEBUG is ON -------
    oracle.installer.startup_location will be set to E:\oracle\ora92\oui
    oracle.installer.oui_loc will be set to E:\oracle\ora92\oui
    oracle.installer.scratchPath will be set to /tmp
    opatch.local_node_only is OFF
    retryOption is ON: 10
    delayOption is ON: 30
    Few more stuff here .. not pasting the entire contents
    System Command: ""E:\oracle\ora92\jre\1.4.2\bin\java.exe" -Dopatch.retry=10 -Dopatch.delay=30 -DTRACING.ENABLED=TRUE -DTRACING.LEVEL=2 -Dopatch.debug=true -classpath "E:\oracle\ora92\oui\jlib\OraInstaller.jar;E:\oracle\ora92\oui\jlib\srvm.jar;jlib\opatch.jar;E:\oracle\ora92\oui\jlib\xmlparserv2.jar;E:\oracle\ora92\oui\jlib\share.jar;." opatch/CheckConflict "E:\oracle\ora92\oui" "e:\oracle\ora92" 3738339 "3741539 3528282 3516951 3622875 3668572 3371796 3239873 3356103 3543125 3666502 2800494 2824035 2964252 3617042 3320622 3571233 3253770 3492040 3566469 3354470 3625370 3583686 3150750 3617519 3635177 3597640 3749394 3542588 3698501 2954891 2918138 3559212 3518909 3412818 3430832 3172282 3358490 3637624 3458446 3179637 2810394 3668224 3609791 3566813 3475932 2338704 3412136 3388633 3540576 3571226 3575743 2690205 3240280 3509265 3177513 3575747 3811906 3554319 3752406 3323435 " E:\3738339\etc\config\actions"
    Result: version:
    Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
    The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
    Error in executing Java program to check conflict
    ERROR: OPatch failed during pre-reqs check.
    Now there is no problem with executing the last java program in the same prompt by removing the first and the last double quote "
    Please advise.
    Thanks in advance.

    hi somnath,
    this is the portal content management forum. for your database question please use the database forums:

  • SharePoint 2010, Visual Studio 2010, Packaging a solution - The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

    I have a solution that used to contain one SharePoint 2010 project. The project is named along the following lines:
    <Company>.<Product>.SharePoint - let's call it Project1 for future reference. It contains a number of features which have been named according
    to their purpose, some are reasonably long and the paths fairly deep. As far as I am concerned we are using sensible namespaces and these reflect our company policy of "doing things properly".
    I first encountered the following error message when packaging the aforementioned SharePoint project into a wsp:
    "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters."
    I went through a great deal of pain in trying to rename the project, shorten feature names and namespaces etc... until I got it working. I then went about gradually
    renaming everything until eventually I had what I started with, and it all worked. So I was none the wiser...not ideal, but I needed to get on and had tight delivery timelines.
    Recently we wanted to add another SharePoint project so that we could move some of our core functinality out into a separate SharePoint solution - e.g. custom workflow
    error logging. So we created another project in Visual Studio called:
    <Company>.<Product>.SharePoint.<Subsystem> - let's call it Project2 for future reference
    And this is when the error has come back and bitten me! The scenario is now as follows:
    1. project1 packages and deploys successfully with long feature names and deep paths.
    2. project2 does not package and has no features in it at all. The project2 name is 13 characters longer than project1
    I am convinced this is a bug with Visual Studio and/or the Package MSBuild target. Why? Let me explain my findings so far:
    1. By doing the following I can get project2 to package
    In Visual Studio 2010 show all files of project2, delete the obj, bin, pkg, pkgobj folders.
    Clean the solution
    Shut down Visual Studio 2010
    Open Visual Studio 2010
    Rebuild the solution
    Package the project2
    et voila the package is generated!
    This demonstrates that the package error message is in fact inaccurate and that it can create the package, it just needs a little help, since Visual Studio seems to
    no longer be hanging onto something.
    Clearly this is fine for a small time project, but try doing this in an environment where we use Continuous Integration, Unit Testing and automatic deployment of SharePoint
    solutions on a Build Server using automated builds.
    2. I have created another project3 which has a ludicrously long name, this packages fine and also has no features contained within it.
    3. I have looked at the length of the path under the pkg folder for project1 and it is large in comparison to the one that is generated for project2, that is when it
    does successfully package using the method outlined in 1. above. This is strange since project1 packages and project2 does not.
    4. If I attempt to add project2 to my command line build using MSBuild then it fails to package and when I then open up Visual Studio and attempt to package project2
    from the Visual Studio UI then it fails with the path too long error message, until I go through the steps outlined in 1. above to get it to package.
    5. DebugView shows nothing useful during the build and packaging of the project.
    6. The error seems to occur in
    CreateSharePointProjectService target called at line 365 of
    Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.targetsCurrently I am at a loss to work out why this is happening? My next task is to delete
    project2 completely and recreate it and introduce it into my Visual Studio solution.
    Microsoft, can you confirm whether this is a known issue and whether others have encountered this issue? Is it resolved in a hotfix?
    Anybody else, can you confirm whether you have come up with a solution to this issue? When I mean a solution I mean one that does not mean that I have to rename my namespaces,
    project etc... and is actually workable in a meaningful Visual Studio solution.

    Yes, I thought I had fixed this my moving my solution from the usual documents  to
    This builds ok, but when I come to package I get the lovely error:
    Error 2 The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. C:\VS2010\ProjectsOverflow\DetailedProjectTimeline\VisualDetailedProjectTimelineWebPart\Features\Feature1\Feature1.feature VisualDetailedProjectTimeline
    Now, the error seems to be related to 
    Can anyone suggest what might be causing this. Probably some path in an XML file somewhere. Here is my prime suspect!
    <type name="VisualDetailedProjectTimelineWebPart.VisualProjectTimelineWebPart.VisualProjectTimeline, $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$" />
    <property name="Title" type="string">VisualProjectTimelineWebPart</property>
    <property name="Description" type="string">My Visual WebPart</property>
    .... Unless I can solve this I will have to remove the project and recreate but with simple paths. Tho I will be none the wiser if I come across this again.

  • Certutil -crl problems (the directory name is invalid)

    Another problem for you fine experts to consider...2 tier PKI, offline Root 2008 R2, 1 Sub Ent CA in Domain1 (2008 R2) and 1 Sub Ent CA in Domain2 (2012 R2).
    SubCA 1 and 2 are configured pretty much identically, however when setting up SubCA 2 I am having issues running the Certutil -CRL command to publish the CRL.
    My CDP locations are configured as follows;
    79:ldap://CN=%7%8,CN=CDP,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,%6%10
    I can confirm that the base CRL publishes correctly to the CertEnroll location and LDAP correctly. But it fails trying to publish to the HTTP/File location (which is the same path).
    I get the error:
    CertUtil: -CRL command FAILED: 0x8007010b (WIN32/HTTP: 267 ERROR_DIRECTORY)
    CertUtil: The directory name is invalid
    Also the Delta CRL fails on the CertEnroll default directory as well as the file/http path with error;
    Active Directory Certificate Services could not publish a Delta CRL for key 0 to the following location: file://\\pki.domain\CertEnrolment\CANAME+.crl.
    Operation aborted 0x80004004 (-2147467260 E_ABORT)<o:p></o:p>
    I'm pretty certain it's not a permissions issue as I've added Everyone for NTFS/share permissions to test without any change. The install was done with an Enterprise
    Admin account but I'm doing all the testing now with a normal admin account (admin in the CA/server but not domain or enterprise admin).<o:p></o:p>
    The File/HTTP location is on the CA itself (I know this is likely not best practise, but needs to be there in the short term) so not sure if the Windows firewall comes into play.

    Hi driko,
    It's not a best practise to give Everyone NTFS/share permissions!
    What I suggest is you
    1. Create a dedicated folder f.e. "C:\Repository" on CA and share it only with permissions to specific account (see below)
    2. In CA publish CRLs to c:\WIndows\System32\CertSrv\CertEnroll\%3%8%9.crl
    only and create a task in task scheduler that will be running on the dedicated account and will copy c:\WIndows\System32\CertSrv\CertEnroll\*.crl
    to \\pki.domain2\Repozitory\*.crl 
    3. Make sure that account that is running this task on CA1 (Domain 1) has enough permissions for Repository share in Domain 2 (try running cmd as this user on
    CA1 and copy files manually to \\pki.domain2\Repository\)
    4. Map your http://pki.domain/CertEnrolment URL with IIS to physial C:\Repository\  folder path
    Did my post help you or make you laugh? Don't forget to click the Helpful vote :) If I answered your question please mark my post as an Answer.

  • DR within Same Site Using Different Virtual Directory Names

    We are deploying Exchange 2013 and have setup a set of 2013 servers in a different building we would like to use for DR.
    We have 2 servers in our main datacenter behind a load balancer and 2 servers in a 2nd datacenter within the same DAG.  So mailbox databases are already on the servers.  However for the CAS role, we are looking at just setting the DR servers to
    have different virtual directory names so in a DR situation, we just need to tell people to access instead of   The DR servers would be behind a 2nd load balancer only configured to talk to those two servers.
    Both of these datacenters are in the same AD site, and the network vLANS are stretched across each datacenter so DAG replication is already working.  The primary serves are already working behind the production load balancer.  Just need to make
    sure we are going in the right direction for the DR setup.  Our public certificate already names the names of,, and on the cert.   We are not really concerned so much with Outlook/ActiveSync
    traffic in a DR situation, but would just like OWA to be a temporary solution while the main datacenter recovers.  So a different virtual directory name should work right?

    From your description, I know four servers are in the same site but with different building. So you create two load balancer. And it seems you add the DAG members into Load Balancer. Could you confirm if you use WNLB?
    In fact, WNLB can't be used on Exchange servers where mailbox DAGs are also being used because WNLB is incompatible with Windows failover clustering. If you're using an Exchange 2013 DAG and you want to use WNLB, you need to have the Client Access server
    role and the Mailbox server role running on separate servers. See more details in the following link:
    For your environment, I have a suggestion: we can deploy two servers with only CAS role installed. One cas in one datacenter. Put them in one Load Balancer. Point OWA URL to this load balancer. So when one datacenter is down, the request will
    go to anoter CAS in another datacenter. And the OWA URL is not changed..
    But if you want to use two OWA URLs for each datacenter. and You can set OWA internal URL and external url on CAS servers in DR site to use And ask users to login instead of when the primary datacenter is down.
    Sent By

  • Get Directory name in Chinese and Chinese chars to Excel

    I use "cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse"
    to get the Directory name from the presentation server.
    It works good for the directory names in English.
    However I need to perform a similar operation when the
    user has logged in "<b>Chinese</b>" at OS level,
    say Chinese Version of Windows. In this case this FM
    doesn't get properly the directory names in chinese.
    This might be  because the directory name is of type
    string. is there any other way to achieve this?
    SAP Ver: 4.7
    I need to download chinese description to an excel file from an internal table. I could able to achieve this when I use Chinese version of windows and log into SAP in <b>'ZH'</b>.
    I agree that to see the chinese characters properly we may need to log in the chinese version of Windows. But I don't understand the reason that why do we need to log into chinese version of SAP? i.e 'ZH'. I have decla=red the description field as character in the internal table declaration and in the FM 'GUI_DOWNLOAD', I specify the file type as <b>'ASC'</b>. Any clues on this to get this executed being logged in <b>EN</b> version of SAP?

    Hey there KCR875015,
    It sounds like like you need to change the language your iPad is set to, but you cannot understand the language it currently is. The following article should help you do that:
    iOS: How to change the language when it's set to one you don't understand
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

  • Dynamic File and Directory Name without Mapping

    Hello Experts,
    We have following requirement:
    1) Files will be picked from R/3 AL11 directory and would be placed in corresponding folder in target system.
    2) On source side ,there would be only one folder for all types of files(around 20),but on target side,there would be one folder for each kind of file(20 folders)
    3) File name should be same on the target side but target directory should be selected based on file name.
    I have gone through a number of posts related to similar requirements and hence,sorry for a new post but I am not yet able to find a solution to this.
    I could understand,this can be achieved using DynamicConfiguration UDF .
    But I have no possibility to have mapping in my scenario.It would just be a pass through scenario.
    Can anyone please suggest a solution to this?

    Thanks a lot for suggesting solution to this problem.
    I could achieve this using following Java mapping:
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class GetDynamicConfiguration implements StreamTransformation {
        private Map param;
        public void setParameter(Map map1) {
            this.param = map1;
        public void execute(InputStream inputstream, OutputStream outputstream) throws StreamTransformationException {
            try {
                   AbstractTrace  trace = null;
                // a) Set ouput File name
                String directory=null;
                   trace = (AbstractTrace)param.get(StreamTransformationConstants.MAPPING_TRACE );
                param.put(DynamicConfigurationKey.create("", StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION), "");
                DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) param.get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
                DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("", "FileName");
                   DynamicConfigurationKey key1 = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("", "Directory");
                String filename =conf.get(key);
                conf.put(key, filename);
                   trace.addInfo("File name is "+filename);
                directory = "/home/ftpxi/in";
                   directory = "/home/ftpxi/in/test";
                   directory = "/home/ftpxi/in/test";
                   trace.addInfo("Directory name is "+directory);
                   conf.put(key1, directory);
                // b) Just copy input file to output file
                byte[] b = new byte[inputstream.available()];
            } catch (Exception exception) {
    Thanks again.

  • File and directory names with Danish characters

    I have installed the Novell Client v2.0 for Linux on my Open Suse 10.3. The Client is connecting to my Netware servers (6.0 & 6.5) without any problems...
    There is one problem... Filenames and directory names with the Danish , & (ae, oe & aa), e.g the filename bger.doc (bger = books) is shown as b. and when clicking the file the file disappears from the file list. It seems to be the same problem with the German (umlaub).
    What to do?

    Originally Posted by J.H.M. Dassen (Ray)
    mimo <[email protected]> wrote:
    > There is one problem... Filenames and directory names with the Danish ,
    > & (ae, oe & aa), e.g the filename bger.doc (bger = books) is shown as
    > b. and when clicking the file the file disappears from the file list. It
    > seems to be the same problem with the German (umlaub). What to do?
    As far as I know, the Novell Client for Linux expects that file and
    directory names use the UTF-8 encoding and does not support a traditional
    8-bit encoding like ISO 8859-1. Try changing the encoding of file and
    directory names to UTF-8 as described in
    SDB:Converting Files or File Names to UTF-8 Encoding - openSUSE
    Ray Dassen
    Technical Support Engineer, EMEA Services Center, Novell Technical Services
    Novell, Inc. Software for the Open Enterprise Software for the Open Enterprise
    Seems a good hint. When I create a folder or file from within SUSE using an "Umlaut" everything is OK and NCL 2.0 displays them correctly as they are UTF-8 formatted.
    The proposed tool is no solution: one cannot convert folders or files that one cannot see (does it work for folders at all?). Maybe a windows tool would work because one could search for all files or folders with "Umlaute" and convert them. Other options?

  • XI File Adapter: Sender and the use of wildcards in the directory name

    Quick question for you XI guru's.  I have a requirement to <b>read</b> files from an ftp server that live in separate directories like:
    I want to setup the communication channel so that it does something like:
    Normally I would specify the other directories in the advanced tab however there could be potentially 1000's of subdir's so I want to use a wildcard.  Is it possible to do this with a directory name?
    I have read this link and it seems to only indicate using wildcards in the filename.

    I think.. try as below
    It is better to use OS script to read the said three directories.
    bcz you know three directories. so you can use OS script file and that file can be configured in Ftp adapter.
    OS Command from FTP
    Please see the below links
    OS Command on FTP
    OS command line script - Need help
    FTP - Run OS Command before file processing
    /people/sameer.shadab/blog/2005/09/21/executing-unix-shell-script-using-operating-system-command-in-xi - Call UNIX Shell Script

  • Dynamic directory name in Receiving File adapter

    In File to File senario, In receiving system i want to create directory name dynamically. In my mapping there is a field called name, the directory name in the receiving system will be value in the name field. Any one can help me how to do this one...

    Please follow the below to achieve the same.
    input - Store number,
    String dynaname = input;
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container
    .get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION );
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create(
    return "";
    UDF mapping
    Source[input]   -
    > UDF -->    Rootnode of target structure.           
    Hope it helps.
    best regards,

  • Error: filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect

    Using Acrobat Pro 8.1.3. and Flash CS3 ... Have a link on Flash site to a PDF file for people to print/download sheet ... When link is clicked, Acrobat opens and display the error message : "there was an error opening this document. The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect" ...
    Needless to say, all of these things are FINE with NO error whatsoever.
    I know it's not Flash, the link itself works. Computer crashed 2 weeks ago, had to reinstall everything, including Acrobat Pro, and redownload updates ... All was working fine B4 crash (including link from flash and opening of linked files with Acrobat), not anymore since reinstall ... Wondering if some update/patch is messing it up ... Help anybody? Thanks a lot!

    How do your users generate the link? Windows makes it surprisingly difficult to reference a file. I usually resort to 3rd party tools that allow me to copy a file name or path.
    Much to my surprise, I find that if I use '''Insert|Link''' and ''browse'' to the required file, it generates a fully qualified URI and it works correctly when sent and received in Thunderbird. That's TB31.5.0 on Windows 7 Pro. So the transmitted URI will have this format:
    It won't work if you just drop in a plain old DOS type filename.
    Yes, it's a chore to browse to the required file when you have it in plain sight in front of you in your file manager. I'm using FreeCommander XE which is able to generate properly formed pathnames and copy them to the system clipboard, and these can be pasted as-is into message body, or pasted into the address box in the Insert|Link dialogue.

  • File Name and Target Directory name issue in FTP CC

    Hi All ,
    I am using following code to assing file name and directory name in UDF. I don;t want these parameters to be part of my target structure. Since i have created these files names in UDF, what are the values do i need to mention in FTP CC's "File access Parameter" which are mandatory fiels in CC ?
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create(u201C,u201CFileNameu201D);
    String myFileName =biz +".dat";
    conf.put(key, myFileName);
    //Similar code for direcotry
    Thanks for your support.

    in ID in receiver file comm channel, just tick the option of Adapter Specific messge attributes and in it tick FileName and DirectoryName.............
    the filename and directory you give in comm channel will be treated as dummy and the values will be taken from your UDF.......
    Rajeev Gupta

  • Changing directory name of ORACLE_HOME in UNIX

    Whats the process to be followed if we change the directory name (any directory of ORACLE_HOME) in UNIX on the same machine. My understanding is after renaming unix directory we need to do relinking (relink all) and then run file.
    Does it really require to run or relinking will do?

    The "safest" thing to do would be to install (create) a new ORACLE_HOME.
    "clone" your ORACLE_HOME to the new location.
    I believe that Chapter 7 of the OUI documentation :
    may not be complete. There are a few MetaLink Notes on cloning the ORACLE_HOME.
    See Notes 565009.1 and 300062.1

Maybe you are looking for

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