Disable ability to IM a distribution list

Good afternoon,
Our users have figured out how to IM an entire distribution list in Lync. I have been researching and can't seem to find an answer. Is there a way to disable this?

Base on my knowledge, it is impossible to disable the function to IM an entire distribution list in Lync.
Best Regards,
Eason Huang
Eason Huang
TechNet Community Support

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    On 12.12.2011 20:56, chrisjmolloy wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I was asked by my supervisor to ensure that only internal email clients
    > can send to GroupWise distribution lists, and they cannot send email to
    > GroupWise distribution lists via external email account.
    > Most of the distribution list has a space between full distribution
    > name. and I was under the impression that as long as there are spaces,
    > it's not a valid SMTP name and no one will be able to send it. Tested
    > with external account (hotmail) and could not send to Distribution lists
    > with spaces as it bounced back as invalid email address.
    > However, he informed me that problem is there is an option to allow
    > substituting the space with a "." and it works.
    > I re-tested with a "." between the spaces and it still bounced back, is
    > there anything else I should/could try to ensure that email from
    > external accounts can be sent to GW distribution lists.
    > Are there no access control lists for distribution groups that we could
    > use here?
    You can disable receiving external emails to distribution lists entirely
    in the GWIA. "Expand groups on incoming messages" is the setting.
    Disable that, and all distribution lists are unreachable from the internet.
    Massimo Rosen
    Novell Knowledge Partner
    No emails please!

  • How to filter disabled accounts out of Dynamic Distribution Groups/Lists?

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    Unfortunately I cannot rely on the ExchangeUserAccountControl flag as that relates to just hiding from Address Lists, and I have disabled accounts that need to be in the GAL.  Further I have active mailboxes for disabled AD accounts so I cannot use IsMailboxDisabled.
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    Hi Simon.  Thanks for your response.
    I'm not sure what additional information I can provide that I have not already regarding the my suggestion/requirement, short of re-stating my original query.
    With Exchange 2003, we could simply exclude disabled accounts from dynamic distribution lists via the use of an LDAP filter that used bitwise logic against the UserAccountControl attribute, e.g.
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    Since a phone number field in Contacts does not have the ability to delineate between numbers, probably not. Theoretically, I suppose it could work if applied for recipients getting iMessages AND using email as the receive address, but hard to say. But for SMS texting, no.

  • Giving users control of their own distribution list control to add or remove external email addresses from their list

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    Our goal is to have the user create / maintain / add / remove external their own email addresses  (Not the IT department)
    There must be many companies whose requirements match ours. Are there third party tools that would handle creation of distribution list? 
    Any constructive advice would be greatly appreciated ! THank you

    I wouldn't give the ability to create contacts to everyone in the environment because it will become mess at some point of time and IT will have to jump to control it
    anyway so why don’t from the start...
    I would give this to certain people like Leads or Managers of the groups under certain IT Policy so it will be still under control and people
    will think before asking their superior to create them and someone gets responsibility to manage these contacts...
    Though here is the more specific article on how to delegate creating and editing contacts...
    Creating RBAC Role To Delegate
    Editing Contacts
    Blog |
    Get Your Exchange Powershell Tip of the Day from here

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    If my team has an email distribution list, and I need to email everyone else on the team, is there any way to set something so that the person sending the email doesn't get their own email back if they are on the list they are sending to?
    Currently, if I send an email to our "IT" list, and I'm on the "IT" list, I get a copy of my own email sent back to me.  This seems silly to me.  I know I've used some program in the past that was smart enough not to do that
    but I don't recall if Exchange/Outlook has the ability to not do that.
    An outlook rule or hub transport rule to delete messages sent from you should do it. In the old Exchange/Outlook days, it didnt do that, yes.
    Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
    Well, I'd want to do this globally at our company, not just for myself.
    I dont think there is any easy way to do that then. 
    Twitter!: Please Note: My Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

  • Link between SAPConnect and SO23 Distribution List Settings for CCMS Alerts

    Hi All,
    We have CCMS email Alerts configured for around 90 systems adminsitered through a CUA SOlMan 4.0 System.
    We are not receiving these emails after the SolMan 4.0 System was Patched for Java.
    All the settings seem to be fine. We are not able to figure out how the Distribution List for external email Ids(RZ20, RZ21) is connected with SAPConnect SMTP settings.
    Please advise.
    Immediate help is greatly appreciated
    Kalyan Jonna
    [email protected]

    - ability to choose deletion of an email on handset only
    - desktop software working with all older BB's allowing drag and drop type of transferring data, contacts etc. (BB link doesn't recognize my old Storm) 
    - auto power on/off
    - contacts syncing with yahoo & Outlook (almost two weeks trying to work around it and no luck)

  • Expand (deploy) distribution lists not working Outlook 2013 + Outlook Mac 15.9

    I try to figure out how to expand (deploy) the distribution lists in both Outlook 2013 (Windows) and Outlook for Mac 15 (Apple). Actually it's extremely weird because it work randomly... We mainly uses Outlook for Mac 15.9 in the Office and some people (only
    a few ones) actually see a blue down-pointing arrow in from of the Distribution Lists when they are it to the "TO" field in Outlook for Mac 15.9. Then if they click on it, the list are deploying and been replaced by employees in the list. On Outlook
    2013 for Windows, there's NO WAY to get the small "+" sign in front of the distribution list... FYI, the same person who can deploy on Outlook for Mac 15, can't deploy on Outlook 2013 for Windows.
    I already eliminate a lack of permission somewhere in my Exchange Online manager, because I am the "owner" of distribution list and I can't expand (deploy) it anyway in Outlook 2013 and I tried to promote somewhere else as the "owner" and
    it doesn't make him/her able to expand any more.
    FYI I created few distribution lists in my Exchange Online admin into the "GROUP" section, they are all Dynamics Distribution Lists and as I told you, some people can deploy (well, 99.9% of peoples CAN'T deploy lists, but a few CAN do it, 0.01% of
    I checked carefully in the distribution list settings on Exchange Online admin portal, but there's not much settings I can change...
    The point is I MUST get the deploy feature to work with the distribution list because SEVERAL TIMES a week administration teams need to send email to all employees but while excluding a few of them, so they need to be able to deploy the dynamic list, then remove
    manually the 2-3 peoples from the recipients list. As you can see on my screenshot, there's a few people where the blue arrows are working (Outlook for Mac 15.9)...

    Please follow these steps: -
    RoomFinderShow = 0 under registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Preferences
    The Room Finder behaves the following ways when you start Outlook: -
    The Room Finder is not shown by default on the
    Appointment tab.
    You can manually enable the Room Finder on the
    Appointment tab.
    If you open a new meeting from after enabling the Room Finder in another meeting room, the Room Finder is not shown by default on the
    Appointment tab of the new meeting form.
    If you manually enables and then disable the Room Finder on the
    Appointment tab, nothing is written into the registry.
    When you have the required update installed and
    RoomFinderForceDisabled=1, Outlook will not display the Room Finder pane on either the Scheduling Assistant tab or the Appointment tab in a meeting form.

  • Can't change my distribution lists in my contacts anymore

    When I make a change in my distributionlists (for example person x wants his mails on his private mail adrtes instead of his work adres) and then click on OK
    Contacts does not remember my changings anymore ...
    Working with mountain lion and icloud

    http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20126108-263/address-book-distribution-list -editor-disabled-by-icloud/
    I have not tested this.

  • HT2486 Cannot access Edit Distribution List

    I used to be able to access the Edit Distribution List but it is now grayed out. Does this have anything to do with using iCloud?
    Any ideas?

    Yes it does.  See this article.
    http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20126108-263/address-book-distribution-list -editor-disabled-by-icloud/?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=MacFixIt

  • Contacts - |Syn Distribution List

    Syning Outlook Contacts to iphone Distribution List (Mail Groups)do not syn.
    Is there a solution to syning these.

    Hey pl7626,
    Unfortunately there is no way to view the details of the contacts with the distribution list. The user could setup groups on the device, this would allow them to send to group of people and give them the ability to edit and veiw the details. 
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • How to send spool to Distribution List using JOB_CLOSE

    Please help on sending Distribution list when job defined using JOB_OPEN, JOB_Submit and JOB_CLOSE

    Hi, this is code:
    DATA  WA_RECIPIENT LIKE swotobjid.
    CONSTANTS:  gc_objname  TYPE oj_name    VALUE 'RECIPIENT'.
    PERFORM get_distribucion_list USING    'NAME_LIST'   " name of List of distribution
                                  CHANGING WA_RECIPIENT.
          jobcount                          = l_jobcount
          jobname                           = l_jobname
          strtimmed                         = 'X'
        recipient_obj                     = wa_recipient
       job_was_released                  = l_libero
       cant_start_immediate              = 1
       invalid_startdate                 = 2
       jobname_missing                   = 3
       job_close_failed                  = 4
       job_nosteps                       = 5
       job_notex                         = 6
       lock_failed                       = 7
       OTHERS                            = 8.
    FORM get_distribucion_list USING    p_objnam       TYPE so_obj_nam
                               CHANGING p_wa_recipient LIKE swotobjid.
      DATA: it_tab LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF soxdl
                   INITIAL SIZE 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      CHECK NOT p_objnam IS INITIAL.
          dli_generic_name            = p_objnam
          public                      = 'X'
          subscript                   = 'X'
          dli_display_tab             = it_tab
          communication_failure       = 1
          dl_list_no_entries          = 2
          owner_not_exist             = 3
          system_failure              = 4
          x_error                     = 5
          parameter_error             = 6
          OTHERS                      = 7
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        READ TABLE it_tab INDEX 1.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
              own_logical_system             = p_wa_recipient-logsys
              own_logical_system_not_defined = 1
              OTHERS                         = 2.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          MOVE gc_objname TO p_wa_recipient-objtype.
          CONCATENATE it_tab-dlitp it_tab-dliyr it_tab-dlino
                      INTO p_wa_recipient-objkey.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  • Creating distribution lists in SAP CRM 5.0 business workplace

    Hi Experts,
    We have CRM 5.0 and I have tried to create distribution lists for
    After defining a name and a folder (that is then created) for the
    list the recipient list insertion is a following task.
    I can search for partners of different type by F4 help but no
    matter the type of the partner searched - the type that is
    automatically entered to the lists recipents table is "shared
    distribution list". even though the desired type is among others
    in a list other values cannot be selected.
    Please help, is this a setting that can be undone or what might
    be a problem in the procedure that i use in creating a list?
    has anyone else had similar problems?
    Thank You so much,

    i have received an answer from SAP:
    "The reason for the error is a wrong entry in table TBCS_RECIP. To removethis entry, please use the report which is entered in the description
    of note 735795 or delete the wrong entry direct on table TBCS_RECIP.
    After the run of the report or the deletion on table TBCS_RECIP you willnot find further the selection option 'Business Partner' on the F4 help."
    The entry was removed and for Lists business partners cannot be selected at all - as a standard. really sad endeed.

  • What is difference between distribution list and share point group? Can we add distribution list into person and group column of share point list?

    what is difference between distribution list and share point group? Can we add distribution list into person and group column of share point list?

    there is a workaround you can try, create audience and add DL to them and deal with the audience or convert DL to groups
    Kind Regards,
    John Naguib
    Technical Consultant/Architect
    MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation
    Please remember to mark your question as answered if this solves your problem

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