Disable apple ids

I had to go into my local Apple store today and get my iPhone 4 replaced - the home button on the one I was using was stuck and the phone was still under warranty, so they gave me a new one. I stayed in the store and got everything reset, got all my information from iCloud, and the phone line restored.
My phone keeps asking me to authorize other people's Apple IDs and I don't know how to disable them. I do have purchased music from a friend and was able to authorize her ID, but the other 3 must be from people who were in the Apple store? They pop up every couple minutes and it's starting to get pretty irritating. How do I disable them and make my phone stop?

you don’t need to disable one — just don’t use one.

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    I recently got an Iphone 5s.  I've had several iPODs. and had to disable one of my emails that my Apple ID was linked to. However, that Apple ID has not been used for several years. I didn't manage to find it. However, I'd like to have both my new and old Apple IDs on my iPhone 5S so I can get all my apps, books, music, and stuff on my phone, how is this possible.  Since the old email address that is linked to the old AppleID is disconnected?
    What steps do I take to link my old and new Apple IDs onto my iPhone without disconnecting the other.

    Sorry you can't merge the apple id Frequently asked questions about Apple ID
    You would need to redownload apps to your new apple id.

  • Can my wife and I share when we have separate Apple IDs

    My wife and I have seperate Apple IDs for our Macs and iPhones. We now have a couple Apple TVs and we are trying to sort out the best way to setup so we can see each of our content from iCloud and also to watch moves, play music from whatever of our accounts we purchased.
    It is totally confusing and not intuitive how best to do this. Does anyone have a best practice.
    My in-laws just use one Apple ID for everything but that doesn't work for us as we consume too much content and I don't always want to see what Apple my wife buys, etc.
    Also, between the 2 of us and our daughter. we have 3 Macbooks, 3 iPhones, 3, iPads and iPod and 2 Apple TV's. Is seems like Apple limits us to 5 devices. Clearly, we are good customers! Any advice anyone?

    There are two settings on the Apple TV that will interest you.
    Settings > iTunes Store > Apple ID's.
    Here you can set up both your accounts and once both are set up you can use this option to switch between them. Switching your ID for the iTunes store will change the content in the movies, TV shows and music apps on the Apple TV.
    Settings > iCloud.
    Here you can log out of your Apple ID and into another one. Note this is not as convenient as being able two switch as above. Changing your ID for iCloud will change the photos in photo stream.
    Note: disabling photostream and re-enabling it will result in any photos that are currently in the photostream album on your device, that are older than 30 days old, not being added back.

  • Best setup of Apple IDs in a household?

    Apple's FAQ does not seem to provide good guidance on using Apple IDs in a home with multiple people, particularly with the launch of iCloud today. 
    Here are the users/devices I have:
    1) Me - iPhone 4 and iPad 2
    2) Wife - iPhone 4 and iPad 2
    3) Child1 - iPad 2
    4) Child2 - iPad 2
    To date, we have primarily used a single Apple ID for all store purchases (it isn't reasonable to think we would buy each app 4 times for example, and Apple's terms allow this kind of sharing in a household so it has been a good solution).  Here are my goals:
    1) Make syncing new content as painless as possible, whether it is apps, music, books, or other. 
    2) Allow each user of iBooks to read the same book and sync between their devices without messing up the page on other users' devices. 
    3) Allow each user to have their own iCloud email/calendar/contacts. 
    4) Allow sharing when desired between calendars and contacts. 
    5) Allow us all to share one Photo Stream using iCloud. 
    It does not seem like I am going to be able to meet all of these goals easily, particularly the last two.  In my current setup, my wife uses a separate Apple ID for iBooks only.  This allows us to meet the first two goals.  The kids don't really use iBooks yet, but when they do creating separate Apple IDs for them would be a possibility. 
    For iCloud, it seems that we can either choose between 3 and 4, meaning that we can either all have separate IDs and separate mail/calendars/contacts, or we can all share.  If iCloud would allow multiple accounts per device, then we could have one shared account and each also have a separate account.  This would allow us to all put things on a shared calendar, but unfortunately we could not view each others' calendars for items not explicitly shared (sometimes my wife would like to determine if I am in a work meeting, for example).  Perhaps the best solution is to have a separate provider for email/calendar/contacts, then to keep one Apple ID for iCloud which will act as the shared calendar/contacts (and basically would then be pretty useless for email).  This would also enable 5 (one shared photo stream).  It is unfortunate that I am forced to choose between either using the full features of iCloud myself (e.g., for personal email/calendar/contacts) or having robust sharing between family members.  I may have it wrong though and I'm hoping others have found a better solution. 
    Any suggestions are most welcome! 

    I'm posting an update to my own post after a few days of working with this.  The Apple ID is used in many, many places, and I start by listing them all here to define the scope of the problem.  At the end, I detail how we are currently set up and what is working well after a few days of use. 
    iBooks - keys off what is set for Settings->Store.  This affects book synchronization and must be different for two people reading the same book that each has more than one device (e.g., an iPad and iPhone) that they want to stay in sync.  This is one of the biggest problems in my house because we want to stay configured on the same "Store" account so that all purchases go through one account and are available to everyone, but we often read the same books and don't want one's reading to flip pages for the other when a sync of bookmarks occurs.  We also don't want to turn off syncing because we both have multiple devices and we want syncing to happen between our individual iPhones and iPads. 
    FaceTime - set in Settings->FaceTime.  Typically each user will want to get FaceTime calls at a separate "address".  You have two choices.  You can use the same Apple ID and configure FaceTime to respond at different email addresses, or you can use separate Apple IDs and there is no conflict at all.  For an iPhone you will already have separate phone numbers, but for an iPad people will use an email address to FaceTime with you, so the email addresses you use have to be different. 
    iMessage - set in Settings->Messages.  This is almost identical to FaceTime.  You have to provide an Apple ID, but you can distinguish different users based on email addresses. 
    App Store - set in Settings->Store.  The Apple ID used here is what is used for purchases.  This applies not just to purchases when you're in the App Store application, but also any in-app purchases, any bookstore purchases via the "Store" button in iBooks, any purchases in the iTunes app, and purchases from the "Store" button in Newsstand. 
    iCloud - set in Settings->iCloud.  Defines one fixed set of storage, mailbox, calendar, contacts, and Find My iPhone.  I'm going to split this up and talk about each area separately below.  The main choice here is whether two people should share an iCloud account or should have individual ones.  In addition, some people have proposed creating a third "family" iCloud account for sharing some information.  Much of what could be done with a family account could be done by adding each person's individual iCloud account to all devices, so I don't treat that separately here.  In addition to the reasons below, one good reason for having separate iCloud IDs is that you each get 5GB of free storage. 
    Mail - I don't know anyone that wants to share mail in a household, so this probably isn't a big problem and using separate Apple IDs is probably acceptable here.  For someone that wants to share this much, they would probably just all use one Apple ID anyway. 
    Calendar - iCloud actually has calendar sharing, it's just only available on the web as far as I have found.  If you log in to your account at icloud.com, go to the Calendar, and click one of the little icons on each calendar's name, you can share that calendar.  My wife and I have decided to make her calendar the "main" one, and she shares it to me for viewing and editing.  I can then view it on my iPhone and iPad even though I used my own Apple ID to configure iCloud.  When I go to the Calendar App and select the Calendars button in the upper left, her shared calendar is listed with "Shared by <wife's name>" under it.  Pretty slick. 
    Contacts - I wish iCloud allowed sharing contacts in the exact same way it shares calendars, but so far as I know it doesn't yet.  The best solution for now seems to be to add my wife's iCloud account as a secondary iCloud account on my devices, and turn off everything except Contacts.  There may be some downsides to this as secondary iCloud accounts on a device do not use push notifications.  This may mean that contacts only get updated when I open them individually or open the Contacts app, for example, this needs further verification.  We've just decided to not share contacts for the time being. 
    Find My iPhone/iPad - If two related people have separate accounts for this, then they cannot see all of their devices in one place in Find My Phone.  They can know both Apple IDs and passwords and log into Find My Phone with the appropriate set of credentials to see a particular device.  For example, if I want to find my iPhone or iPad I log in with my Apple ID, and if I want to find my wife's iPhone or iPad, I log in with her ID.  I have found the Find My Friends app to be a good replacement for this, but it is a different feature in that it follows a "person" and not a "device".  My wife configures whether her friends are following her iPhone or her iPad, and whereas Find My Phone can find her with either, Find My Friends requires that she be carrying the right device to be useful.  She almost always has her phone, so this is a satisfactory switch.  This may have other disadvantages though.  For example, if she ever hides her location in Find My Friends from her other friends (this is a switch you can turn on and off when you want privacy), she will also prevent me from finding her.  That may be her intent :), but Find My Phone wouldn't ever allow that.  We have found that Find My Phone avoids a lot of the "are you almost home" calls to each other.  Find My Friends looks like it will offer a lot more features and be better for that rather than misusing Find My Phone the way we were before. 
    Photo Stream - I currently have no good solution for photo stream.  From Apple's support documents it appears that the secondary iCloud account solution would not work, but I have not tried it.  For now I simply am not using it.  I sync all of our photos to a PC, then back out to each device once a week.  The PC also uses home sharing through iTunes to share with an Apple Tv.  I would still have to do this anyway as Photo Stream is only for storing your last 1,000 photos and as such isn't very useful to me (we have over 12,000 photos since my kids were born 4 years ago). 
    Other Cloud Data - iCloud is storing a lot of other data, like bookmarks, that two people may or may not want to share.  In my case, my wife and I visit pretty different websites, so we don't want to share bookmarks.  We also don't want to share Notes or Reminders, so this works out good.  If we did want to share these, then adding a secondary iCloud account would probably be the best solution. 
    Apple could do a few things that would almost completely alleviate my current problems.  First, allow specifying a separate ID in iBooks for the purpose of page/bookmark syncing.  I may want my wife and me to purchase books on the same account, but I want to separate our syncing of bookmarks.  Second, if iCloud Contacts had a sharing feature just like iCloud calendars do, we would be in good shape with contacts.  We have a very similar set of contacts, and we have no desire to maintain them separately.  Third, allow inviting others to a Photo Stream much like Find My Friends.  Then our whole family could share one Photo Stream. 
    So in the end this is how we have our devices configured:
    1) We each have a separate iCloud account (i.e., we use our individual Apple IDs for this), and only one iCloud account is configured for each device.  This means that we each get our own mail, contacts, calendars, bookmarks, and Find My Phone.  My wife shares her calendar to me so that shows up in my iCloud account (you can do this from the web on icloud.com).  The only downside I have noticed is that we do not currently share contacts in any way and we would like to, but we could do this by one of us adding the other's iCloud account as a secondary account on our devices.  For some reason I just don't like that solution and am avoiding the secondary account.  We also do not use Photo Stream yet. 
    2) We share one Apple ID for all purchases.  This is okay most of the time, but is a pain for iBooks as noted above.  What often happens is my wife signs out of my Apple ID and logs into her own if she will be using iBooks, but then she has to switch back again whenever she makes any purchases (including in-app purchases). 
    3) For FaceTime and iMessage we happen to use separate Apple IDs, but it is the email addresses that matter so this isn't significant as far as I can tell.  For a household sharing an email address, you might prefer separate Apple IDs for this. 
    4) My kids do not yet use email or any of the iCloud features other than Find My iPhone (which really I use on their behalf in case their devices get lost).  So for now iCloud for them uses my Apple ID just for Find My Phone, and the other services are disabled.  We have their restrictions (under Settings->General->Restrictions) locked down so they do not have access to Safari, the App Store, iTunes, or FaceTime.  Thus, they don't have any bookmarks to sync or other services to configure.  The biggest pain point for them will be when they start reading more (they are currently 2 and 4) if iBooks continues to leverage the App Store account for bookmark syncing.  Even then it will only be a problem if we all read the same book at the same time, which is less likely than it is between my wife and me.  Once they are old enough for their own email we should be able to repeat the above to give them their own iCloud accounts.  We will then all likely share mom's calendar for family events (perhaps in addition to individual calendars), and we will all add each other in Find My Friends. 

  • Two Apple IDs, one iCloud ID, will it work?

    Two Apple IDs, one iCloud ID, will it work?
    In my house we have two iPhones and one Mac.  My husband and I have two separate Mac accounts, separate  iTunes accounts and one common Mobile Me account we use to synch Calendar and Address book between our Mac and our devices.  In our separate iTunes libraries we have separate songs, podcast settings, and separate apps.  We use one common iPhoto library for our two Mac accounts (which we keep on an external volume with Permissions disabled, to avoid file privilege issues in iPhoto.
    It's all working well with MobileMe, but I'm concerned iCloud will make a big mess.
    We want common calendar.
    We want common address book.
    We want separate Apps (no room for us both to have all apps).
    We want some shared reminders (like shopping list) but some separate ones (like work tasks).  I understand there is a bug about this, but I don't know the resolution (https://bugreport.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/RadarWeb.woa/4/wo/lHQWT8NZajvGPvP 7ObMPj0/8.66)
    We don't care much about common PhotoStream (as long as it works for one of us).
    How can we make this all work, when we move to iCloud? 
    How do we control what synchs and what does not synch?
    Has anyone done this kind of complex setup before?

    I have this same issue and have since day one. I cannot seem to figure out how to get into icloud.

  • HT204053 Can you have multiple apple ids that access one itune account??

    I need to know if I can have multiple Apple Ids attached to one itunes account.  Trying to set facetime up on these separate devices and it keeps failing.  Any help would be appreciated.  I tried to add additional emails, but I all I get is verifying and it never verifies it.

    yes you can still sync all the devices on itunes using one master itunes/appleID account.
    If you want to select specific playlists for your kids, DON'T enable iTunes Match on their devices, otherwise they will get ALL the playlists on their devices (learned that the hard way)
    If you have wi-fi synced enabled that should still work.
    I manually select which apps they get on their devices using itunes. It only changes when they re-sync.
    Don't enable AUTO downloads on their devices for Apps or Music purchases.
    Since I also have young kids using these devices:
    I have restrictions setup on their devices. I don't allow them to install/delete apps, nor do I allow them to make any account changes on their devices. This way their devices stay in order and get backed up to icloud. I can easily restore their devices if I needed too.
    Once in a while I will disable the restrictions so I can update all their apps.
    Hope this helps!

  • Apple IDs for loan devices

    Roger has very handily answered one question regarding separating the two devices that had been on one Apple ID.
    As part of my job I also am purchasing 4 devices, which will all have to be set up with unique Apple IDs. All I can think of is setting them to link in to one email address. How to set up those IDs without putting in credit card details is a major problem, however. These devices will be on short-term loan to disabled users, none of whom should be able to install or alter anything by using the relevant Apple ID for the specific device.
    Any user obviously can set up their own Apple ID, with their own credit card details, if they wish to purchase software to use on the device. It is just the initial Apple ID and assistive software installation for each device that we are having problems working our way around.
    Has anyone got any ideas about how this might be managed? Surely enterprise users of iPads must run into these problems all of the time, and I don't think that all of them would have a corporate credit card. The problem is because, as far as I know, no one can set up an Apple ID without putting in credit card details. Although this is not an issue if it is on one's own device, it could be problematic if this is on a loan device.
    I welcome any suggestions.

    Thank you; I don't know why I couldn't find this during my searches.

  • Should I have different Apple IDs for different family members or one?

    We are four members in a family, sharing the same iMac computer but each having a separate device (such as an iPod, iPad and iPhone). I'm wondering if it would be best to have separate Apple IDs for each family member to manage things like iMessage, iTunes purchases and so on. I'd appreciate any advice you can provide. Cheers!

    The ideal would be to have different Apple IDs for each member. This will allow them to set up their accounts as they like and be able to use iCloud without worrying about the possibility that other members can see their personal data. However, if you want to purchase an app for all the members, you will have to purchase it for each account

  • How can I use 2 Apple IDs in Itunes? I have 2 IOS Devices. They each have there own AppleID. What is the proper way to sync both of them to Itunes?

    How can I use 2 Apple IDs in Itunes? I have 2 IOS Devices. They each have there own AppleID. What is the proper way to sync both of them to Itunes? I wanted my teenager's AppleID to be different from mine so that she couldn't charge stuff to my AppleID, therefore I created me another one. Now when I go to Sync either device, it tells me that this IOS device can only be synced with one AppleID. Then I get a message to erase it, not going to do that, lol. If I logout as one ID and login as the other, will it still retain all synced information on the PC from the first IOS device? If I can just log in out of the AppleID, then I have no problem doing that as long as the synced apps, music, etc stays there for both. I am not trying to copy from one to the other, just want to make sure I have a backup for the UhOh times. If logging in and out on the same PC of multiple AppleIDs is acceptible then I need to be able to authorize the PC for both devices. Thanks for the help. I am new to the iOS world.

    "Method Three
    Create a separate iTunes library for each device. Note:It is important that you make a new iTunes Library file. Do not justmake a copy of your existing iTunes Library file. If iTunes is open,quit it.
    This one may work. I searched and searched on the website for something like this, I guess I just didn't search correctly, lol. I will give this a try later. My daughter is not be back for a few weekends, therefore I will have to try the Method 3 when she comes back for the weekend again. "
    I forgot to mention that she has a PC at her house that she also syncs to. Would this cause a problem. I am already getting that pop up saying that the iPod is synced to another library (even though she is signed in with her Apple ID to iTunes) and gives the pop up to Cancel, Erase & Sync, or Transfer Purchases. My question arose because she clicked on "Erase & Sync" by mistake when she plugged the iPod to her PC the first time. When the iPod was purchased and setup, it was synced to my PC first. When she went home, she hooked it up to her PC and then she erased it by accident. I was able to restore all the missing stuff yesterday using my PC. However, even after doing that it still told me the next time I hooked it up last night that the iPod was currently synced with a different library. Hopefully, you can help me understand all this. She wants to sync her iPod and also backup her iPod at both places. Both PCs have been authorised. Thanks

  • My family has multiple iOS devices, all with 1 Apple ID. With iCloud coming, should I create separate Apple IDs for each member of my family?

    Between my family, we have 2 iPhones, multiple computers, iPads, and an Apple TV ALL tied in to the same Apple ID (the one I created when I got my first device). With iCloud coming, I wanted to know if I need to create separate Apple IDs for each family member (for emails, contacts, calendars, etc.). For instance, I would like to share certain contacts and a calendar with only my wife, all media between all family members, and have home sharing so that I can play/stream content on my Apple TV. Will there be a way to have multiple and distinct me.com accounts and yet share the same Apple ID?
    Apologies for being verbose — just wanted to give ample info/background.

    I happened to stop at the Apple store yesterday for a separate issue and had a discussion about iCloud. Seems like this is how iCloud works (also, there's another thread on this forum that explains it well).
    Each member of the family can have their own iCloud ID, which will be used for Mail, Calendar, Contacts, Apps, Bookmarks, Media, Photos, etc. and having this content synced automatically with a Mac (computer). The iCloud IDs work in tandem with the associated Apple ID — so while you cannot have multiple Apple IDs, you can certainly have multiple iCloud IDs tagged with a certain Apple ID.
    While all this makes sense from the iOS device standpoint, I'm unclear on how things will sync with a Mac computer, especially if the family uses a single iMac with multiple login IDs for various members. For instance, I currently have an iMac and iTunes content resides in my Public folder, which my wife can still access when she logs in with her login ID. I'm guessing that I'll be able to set up her iCloud ID using her login, set up my iCloud ID using my login, while both our iMac logins will retain the same Apple ID. This would take care of syncing Photos, Contacts, Calendars, etc.
    Another (not sure if unique) problem I face is our Address Book — right now, we have one GIANT address book with different groups set up. Certain groups sync to her iPhone, while others to mine. Some contacts are common between both of us. I'm hoping that if she/I updates a common contact, then the change will be reflected in both our groups of contacts. I hope this makes sense — for instance, I update a contact named Joe, and he's on my group of contacts in my iPhone. Hope iCloud updates the master contact card for Joe on the iMac, which would then automatically trigger the update on my wife's group of contacts—that Joe also belongs to— leading to an update on her iOS device as well.
    Apologies for the lengthy response..

  • I have two apple ids somehow, probably from two mobile and two computers - how do I merge them into one account so they all work with iCloud?

    Somewhere, somehow, between two mobile and two macs, I ended up with two apple ids. I figured that this was the root of my problem to syncing. So, I am syncing Mail, Contacts, etc through the one account that I bought storage on this year in iCloud. I want to merge the two accounts, since many of my apps were purchased with my other id. Apparently, Keynote will not merge files since the app was bought with the second id, not the id I am using for icloud.
    What to do??? I read, in the forums, that I am definitely not alone. I always had the id I used for the Apple Store to buy iTunes items, and then apps. The other id, that I am using for iCloud was based on my iDisk id, and apparently I set up as a separate account. The much failed iDisk account appears to be the one that I wish I never got involved with. Should I feel the same way about iCloud. If I cannot merge the two APPLE accounts from the same person (ME!!!), then many dropbox really is the answer for my file sharing needs.
    Please help me decide.

    To begin with, I would like to try to explain Apple's confusing nomenclature in regard to iCloud.
    Apple have called the whole cloud thing iCloud, there are a number of features under the iCloud umbrella, some of which require their own login. iTunes is one of these, another is what Apple have unfortunately also called iCloud too.
    You can use the same Apple ID (account) to login to both iCloud and iTunes, but you don't need to and often users will login to each service using a different ID.
    The part that you need to remember is that the services available when you log into iCloud are completely different and unrelated to those when you log in to iTunes. Your iCloud login enables mail, contacts, calendars, find my phone, Back to My Mac, Documents & Data sharing and photostream, it does not affect any of your iTunes services.
    To avoid confusion when discussing your problem, when I mention iCloud, I am referring to the services under the iCloud login, Whereas I will refer to the whole cloud thing as The Cloud.
    To go back to your question; you cannot merge accounts, but perhaps using one account for iCloud and the other for iTunes will resolve the majority of the reasons you needed to merge to begin with.

  • I have 2 apple ids for iTunes...is there anyway I can combine them into one I'd without loosing all my music?

    I have an older iPod and new iPhone 5s. I have two separate accounts for each. Can I take my iPod account/Id and make into my iPhone id and transfer my music over?...without loosing my music!?

    If you mean Apple IDs, they can't be merged at all.
    If you mean iTunes libraries, import the content and playlists from one to the other.
    You can have content from multiple Apple IDs in one library.

  • I have iTune accounts under two separate Apple IDs.  Can I merge them into one account under one ID?

    I have iTune accounts under two separate Apple IDs.  Can I merge them into one account under one ID?  I have purchased music and video in both.

    No, it is not possible to merge accounts.  Choose one as the primary account and keep a local backup of all purchases so you don't get into the mess where you encounter a 90 day freeze on re-downloading past purchases from multiple accounts.

  • HT5621 I have 2 email addresses ( 1 mac. and 1 blueyonder.) with separate Apple IDs for each ( again 1 mac and 1 blueyonder). This has consistently given me problems with passwords and I would now like to combine them into one account to help overcome thi

    I have 2 email addresses (1 mac.and 1 blueyonder.) each with separate identities and passwords. I am forever getting asked to verify identity and/or passwords and having these refused and me then having to set up new ones. Can I combine my email addresses to a single Apple Identity and Password? If yes then How?
    Any help much appreciated as this is driving me crazy!

    Depending on what you're asking...
    There is no means to merge Apple IDs.  You can change the mail address assocaited with your Apple ID, so you might switch to using and purchasing from one email address, and using the second as a backup.  (There's no means to merge the purchases, and related baggage.)
    While I'm guessing this was about Apple IDs, for completeness...  Combining the mail messages involving multiple email addresses is separate from the Apple ID; that is usually done with some combination of notifying the senders or with the forwarding of messages from one mail server to the preferred server.  Or running multiple mail accounts in parallel, depending on what you are up to.

  • I had 2 Apple IDs but now Apple implemented new conditions and i can't use one of them after 90 days using the prior one..! - "This Device Is Already Associated With an Apple ID"

    I have two Apple IDs because i travel frequently between Mexico and the US, and the apple stores offer different products, so i like to download music, movies and TV series from both sites.
    Apparently apple changed the conditions, becauise until a few days ago i could log our from one account and log in from my other one. Yesterday i was at Miami International Airport and wanted to download a few chapters from one of my TV series (Walking Dead) to watch on my way to Mexico City, but a pop up window came up saying "this device is already associated with an apple id". Curoiously, the ID to which i was connected to was precisely the one under which i had bought weeks ago the chapters i was wanting to download from the cloud. So it says i have to wait 90 days to change apple id.... weard! probably i accepted these terms when dowloading a new IOS version, so legally I'm dead in complaining, but why is it that if i am paying for all that i buy as a model citizen i am now blocked from jumping from one apple id to another one???? I can certainly buy another ipad and have one with one id and another one with the other, but is there any other way i can keep the two in just one device?? If i don't use i-could would anything change? This is really making me mad, and is the first time i have thought of moving our of mac products into samsung or others and buy my music and movies somewhere else where stupid restrictions like this one do not exist. Please help with a solution!

    OK, but in my ipad, the apple id i have in itues is already the one  iwant to have, but th one i used to sin in for i-coud is the other one. Any tip as to how to change the apple id for icloud and any idea how to know what apps i bought with the other apple id so as to delete them from my ipad to avoid being asked to enter another apple id every time they get updated? thanks!

Maybe you are looking for