Disable Command Link (Button)

From my backing Bean I would like to dynamically disable
the buttons on my jsp form. How do you do it? I have tried as I
would with fields but I get a failure.

There is no "disabled" attribute for commandLink. Perhaps it would be ok if you just set the "rendered" attribute to false? Of course, that would eliminate the commandLink completely from the page.

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    I am new to ADF, i am facing 1 issue while implementing ADF mobile browser application.
    Issue: command link / button action is not taking place if i use it in iterator. its just refreshing the page it self and displaying as no records.
    Scenario is i am populating the search results in results page from search page using iterator, i want to get the complete details in different page (results page -> details page) .
    I have tried in different ways.like
    <tr:panelGroupLayout id="pgl2" layout="vertical" styleClass="af_m_panelBase">
    <tr:panelHeader text="#{classviewBundle.SEARCH_RESULTS}" id="ph1"/>
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    binding="#{SessionBean.subjectTable}" verticalGridVisible="true"
    emptyText="No Records" width="100%">
    <tr:column id="c9" sortable="false" styleClass="width:100%">
    <*tr:commandLink text="Section: #{ssrClass.ClassSection}-#{ssrClass.SsrComponentLovDescr} (#{ssrClass.ClassNbr})"*
    id="commandLink2" styleClass="af_m_listingLink"
    //remaining code
    in this case commandlink action is not able to invoke serachaction() method
    case 2:
    <tr:commandLink text="Section: #{ssrClass.ClassSection}-#{ssrClass.SsrComponentLovDescr} (#{ssrClass.ClassNbr})"
    id="commandLink2" styleClass="af_m_listingLink"
    in this case its not able to navigate to classdetails page.
    I gave correct navigation cases and rules in taskflow,but its working fine when the command link is out of iterator only.
    i tried with actionlistener too.. but no use.. please help me out of this problem .
    *Update to issue:*
    The actual issue is when i use command link/button in an table/iterator whose parent tag is another iterator then the action is not taking place.
    the structer of my code is
    < iterator1>
    #command link action1
    < iterator2>
    #command link action2
    </ iterator2>
    < /iterator1>
    #command link action1 is working but "#command link action2" is not...
    Edited by: shyam on Dec 26, 2011 5:40 PM

    To solve my problem I used a af:foreach instead.
    <af:forEach items="#{viewScope.DataBySubjectServiceBean.toArray}" var="text">
    <af:commandLink text="#{text.IndTextEn}" action="indicator-selected" id="cl1">
    <af:setActionListener from="#{text.IndCode}" to="#{pageFlowScope.IndicatorCodeParam}" />
    By the way you need to convert the iterator to an Array using a ManagedBean.
    public Object[] toArray() {
    CollectionModel cm = (CollectionModel) getEL("#{bindings.TView1.collectionModel}");
    indicators = new Object[cm.getRowCount()];
    for(int i=0;i<cm.getRowCount();i++){
    indicators[i] = cm.getRowData(i);
    return indicators;
    public static Object getEL(String expr) {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    return fc.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(fc,expr,Object.class);
    Hope that helps-
    Edited by: JuJuZ on Jan 3, 2012 12:23 AM
    Add getEL Method

  • PanelTabbed how to change tab as per command link button

    Hi Team,
    I have a page which has 3 tabs under the panel tab and the page is being built under a page template.
    The page template has 3 command links buttons on whose selection opens that particular tab.
    Can some one guide me for how to approach this.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Cycle,
    I am getting the following error after executing the code.
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.lifetech.portal.ui.beans.LifeTechTemplateBean.refreshTabs(LifeTechTemplateBean.java:108)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
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         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
         at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at com.sun.el.MethodExpressionImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.taglib.util.MethodExpressionMethodBinding.invoke(MethodExpressionMethodBinding.java:53)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXComponentBase.broadcastToMethodBinding(UIXComponentBase.java:1256)
         at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXCommand.broadcast(UIXCommand.java:183)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.UIXInclude.broadcast(UIXInclude.java:102)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent$1.run(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:92)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent._processPhase(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:361)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.ContextSwitchingComponent.broadcast(ContextSwitchingComponent.java:96)
         at oracle.adf.view.rich.component.fragment.UIXInclude.broadcast(UIXInclude.java:96)
         at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.broadcastEvents(UIViewRoot.java:444)
         at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processDecodes(UIViewRoot.java:541)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl$ApplyRequestValuesCallback.invokeContextCallback(LifecycleImpl.java:1394)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(LifecycleImpl.java:397)
         at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(LifecycleImpl.java:194)
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:265)
    I wish to clarify one thing.
    is it correct that the binding property of the showdetailsItem components is on the bean page of the template.

  • Can I disable the LINK button at the top of the toolbar.

    I don't know how many times I've accidentally clicked the link button when I went to select the pointer tool and been taken away from indesign and into my browser. Frustrating and adding up to lots of loss of productivity.
    Is there a way this button can be disabled? The wide button above the select and direct select tools at the very top of the tools palette that when clicked links to: http://www.adobe.com/products/indesign/ --- anyway to disable this?

    >I don't know how many times I've accidentally clicked the link button when I went to select the pointer tool.
    I would suggest use a more accurate curser moving device than you have now. I use a Wacom and have never accidently hit the link.

  • How can i disable a link/button after clicked while content active

    hello all
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    the issue is i dont want the link to work again after its been
    clicked ie when the link is active then
    when another link is clicked it is re activated and
    can be used again!?
    i am using the behaviours panel in dreamweaver?
    cant seem to find an option to
    toggle this function
    i am not great at js or html
    but any help would be appreciated!
    many thanks

    Because we are not privy to your code I shall answer this in general.
    You can use the Spry Element Selector to target your link and to disable that link. When clicking another link you could cycle through your links and enable them before disabling the newly clicked link.
    More info on the Spry Element Selector can be found here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/articles/element_selector/index.html and here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/articles/element_selector/selector_examples.html

  • Command link not working for project on deployment as ear file

    Hi Jdev team / Jheadstart team,
    Its a very strange problem i am facing ..
    I have two screen with the same VO showing the details records split in two pages ( Master/ details)
    it shows a table structure in the firts screen and on clicking through the command link shows the details in the secong page .
    its working fine on the LOCAL machine ( JDEV) but once the ear file is deployed to the server it gives the follwing exception :
    07/08/08 09:01:23 [1681] *** Using bean introspection to lookup value :currentRowIndexInRange
    07/08/08 09:01:23 [1682] Key(String, AttributeDef[]): Invalid Key String found. AttributeCount:31599 does not match Key attributes
    07/08/08 09:01:23 [1683] DCBindingContainer.reportException :oracle.jbo.InvalidParamException
    07/08/08 09:01:23 [1684] oracle.jbo.InvalidParamException: JBO-25006: Invalid parameter value 7B6F7E6F7BF9747D for String passed to method Constructor:Key. Explanation: {3}     
    at oracle.jbo.Key.parseBytes(Key.java:489)
         at oracle.jbo.Key.<init>(Key.java:183)
         at oracle.adf.model.bc4j.DCJboDataControl.setCurrentRowWithKey(DCJboDataControl.java:863)
    Secondly when i use the button instead of the command link it works fine on the machine and deployed on server.
    Please tell me is it some thing to take care in the bindings files when regenerating through Jheadstart
    (I am using JHeadstart, Jdev 10.1.3) and regenerating using AMApplication Generator file.
    the bindings its generating in both cases (command links / button )are :
    <action id="setCurrentRowWithKeySmeFundingAdviser"
    RequiresUpdateModel="false" Action="96">
    <NamedData NDName="rowKeyStr" NDValue="#{row.rowKeyStr}" NDType="java.lang.String"/>
    Please its very urgent .....

    Use the uninstall scripts from Adobe to completely remove all vestiges of PPro from your computer. Then perform the installation.
    Links to the scripts are on the troubleshooting page.

  • Linked button

    I hav created my own form through screen painter and dragged a linked button on it.
    "I am using the following code to disable the link button"
    private SAPbouiCOM.Form oContStatus;
    oContStatus = SBOApplication.Forms.GetFormByTypeAndCount(pVal.FormType, pVal.FormTypeCount);
    oContStatus.Items.Item("11").Enabled =false;

    Hi yash, strange that you want to disable the link button, as it's only valid when the linked object exist. If not, it will not appear. How ever, if you want to "disable" it what ever reason, use the "Visible" property. With it you will erease it from the screen.

  • Popup window without using a command button or command link in Adf10g

    I need to show a table in a popup window on clicking in a component in the jspx page. The component can't be a command button or a command link, so i can't use 'useWindow' or 'useDialog'. What can be done in such a case. I am using Jdev version 10.1.3.
    I doubt if <af:dialog> or <af:popup> components are available in ADF10g.

    There's a way, but frakly I would try to change the functional side instead of trying it. Anyhow, if you want to do it, you'll have to use a combination of autoSubmit/onclick along with DialogService.launchDialog (accessible through AdfFacesContext), but that's a very obscure part of the framework.
    ~ Simon

  • JSF Command Button and Command Links

    The main page of my JSF application has a Save button and Command Links. After making any changes on the main page the user should click Save before using any of the Links. Most of the time almost all users do this. However, some users are making changes then clicking a Link, thereby losing their changes.
    I could always execute my save method in the backing bean when a link is clicked, but, most of the time this would be doing a lot of processing which usually would not be necessry.
    Is their some way to check if any changes have been made and then doing the save only when necessary?
    Al Malin

    What would be beneficial is something like this. If somehow it could be determined if any of the JSF fields on the page were modified. Then, in the backing bean method that handles the ActionEvents for the links, I would check if changes were made and, if so, call my save method.
    In other words is it possible to determine, in the backing bean, whether or not JSF fields have changed?
    Al Malin

  • JDev 10 - disable command button depending on which row is selected

    I am using JDeveloper 10, and I have a table which has some data columns and a selection facet with View and Edit command buttons.
    I would like all rows to be viewable. When you click the view event it goes to another .jsp with the view action.
    It does the same thing with the edit action, however I would like to only allow rows which have an EffectiveDate column in the future to be editable.
    Is there some way to disable the edit button when those rows are selected, or to throw a validation error when the edit button is clicked for that row?
              <af:table value="#{bindings.RateList.collectionModel}" var="row"
                          emptyText="#{bindings.RateList.viewable ? 'No rows yet.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                  <af:column sortProperty="RateType" sortable="false"
                    <af:outputText value="#{row.RateDescription}"/>
                  <af:column sortProperty="EffectiveDate" sortable="false"
                    <af:outputText value="#{row.EffectiveDate}">
                      <f:convertDateTime pattern="dd-MMM-yyyy"/>
                  <f:facet name="selection">
                    <af:tableSelectOne text="Select and">
                      <af:commandButton text="View" action="view">
                        <af:setActionListener from="#{row.rowKeyStr}"
                      <af:commandButton text="Edit"

    So, I first tried using Chan advice, I added a new editable property from the database and then added Edit buttons to each row in the table with disabled property set to the editable property.
    This correctly displayed buttons which were editable in the correct rows.
    However, I was no longer using the select functionality which passed the rowId of the selected row to the edit page.
    I wasn't able to quickly solve this problem so I tried John's solution.
    I feel really dumb, but after about 20 rereadings it was still completely Greek to me, I have no idea what he was recommending.
    So I added onclick="return editTest()" to the Edit button.
    The I added ID to the relevant locations, and the following javascript to the page, and this is working well enough now.
    (Oh, I display the date in a slightly odd dd-MMM-yyyy format, due to slightly odd customer requirements.)
    I've probably misspelled one of the months, haven't yet finished testing.
    A couple of gotchas I found
    - Do not add onclick="editTest()" or else it will continue processing and allow all rows to be edited.
    - Putting date = document.getElementById('mainFormId:tableId:'+i+':EffectiveDateId'); would work for the original search,
    but after filtering results i and found_it are not equivalent, and date was not found in the page.
               function editTest(){
                  var found_it;
                  var date;
                  for (var i=0; i < document.getElementsByName('mainFormId:tableId:selected').length; i++)  {
                     if (document.getElementsByName('mainFormId:tableId:selected').checked) {               
    found_it = document.getElementsByName('mainFormId:tableId:selected')[i].value;
    date = document.getElementById('mainFormId:tableId:'+found_it+':EffectiveDateId');
    var result = date.innerHTML.split("-");
    var day = result[0];
    if (day.charAt(0) == '0'){
    day = day.charAt(1);
    var month;
    var monthTxt = result[1];
    switch (monthTxt) {
    case 'Jan':
    case 'Feb':
    case 'Mar':
    case 'Apr':
    case 'May':
    case 'Jun':
    case 'Jul':
    case 'Aug':
    case 'Sep':
    case 'Oct':
    case 'Nov':
    case 'Dec':
    var year = result[2];
    var today = new Date();
    var effDate = new Date();
    if (effDate < today) {
    alert ('Sorry, you cannot change a rate with an effective date in the past');
    return false;
    } else {
    return true;

  • [svn:fx-3.x] 5343: Link buttons are no longer in button mode when disabled.

    Revision: 5343
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-03-17 07:26:42 -0700 (Tue, 17 Mar 2009)
    Log Message:
    Link buttons are no longer in button mode when disabled.
    Bugs: SDK-19618
    QE Notes: None
    Doc Notes: None
    Reviewer: Carol
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    This is looking like an OAS ADF Faces library issue. I'm in the process of updating those now.

  • Skip Validation on command link click

    Hi All ,   
    I am facing a situation as mentioned below
      <af:table value="#{bindings.IssueRepEachUser1.collectionModel}"
                          var="row" rows="#{bindings.IssueRepEachUser1.rangeSize}"
                          emptyText="#{bindings.IssueRepEachUser1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                          partialTriggers="::cb2213 ::cb211234 ::cb5 "
                          rowBandingInterval="0" id="t2"    styleClass="IssueRepEachUser1"
                          autoHeightRows="25" columnStretching="last"
                        contentDelivery="whenAvailable" immediate="true"><!--   binding="#{pageFlowScope.ISAHelpRequestBean.issrepeachBind}"-->
                  <af:column sortProperty="RequestId"  sortable="false" headerClass="tableHeader1"   styleClass="tablecolumnRep"   width="100"
                  <af:commandLink text="#{row.RequestId}" id="cl2"   clientComponent="true"
                partialSubmit="true" styleClass="golinkact" immediate="true"
      </af:table >
       <!-- dragged and dropped the command button into jspx page -->
       <af:commandButton actionListener="#{bindings.getResult.execute}"
                                                 text="getResult" visible="false"
        <af:panelFormLayout id="pfl2" ">
       <af:selectOneChoice value=""
                                label="usecase" unselectedLabel=""
                                id="soc3"  autoSubmit="true"
                  <af:selectOneChoice value=""
                                label="data module" unselectedLabel=""
                                id="soc3"  autoSubmit="true"
          <af:commandButton actionListener="#{pageFlowScope.Bean.Submit}"
                                text="#{msg['HelpRequest.submit']}"  visible="#{sessionScope.IsaID eq null }"
                                id="cb2213" styleClass="gocommand"/>
           <af:commandButton actionListener="#{pageFlowScope.Bean.Calcel}"
                                id="cb211234" />      
       When I click on the command link in the <af:table> : it should redirect to a new page displaying its equivalent details .
       Issue facing currently :
    When clicked on Command link setting immediate = true  --> not redirecting to the new page and also at the same time page is getting validated the panelform layout for required="true"
    What is going wrong with the above code 
    Any help on this is appreciated.

    "When I click on the command link in the <af:table> : it should redirect to a new page displaying its equivalent details ."
    Do you have page navigation set in the task flow or you are trying something programmatically ?

  • How do i disable a stop button within an event

    Using LabView 8.6 I'd like to disable my vi's stop button so the user can't stop the vi unless the network application is in the correct mode of operation.
    I only want the user to be able to stop the vi when it is ok to do so. What I tried works to prevent the stop button from operating at the wrong time but the vi does not always stop and I have to force the vi to stop.
    My event structure handles all the buttons and inputs for my vi. The event structure is within the while loop that generates commands for the network application when I click on one of the buttons or enter a value into a input field. Another while loop is reading data from the network application and displaying the data on the vi. I used a "Stop" local value to stop the display while loop.
    How am I supposed to disable the stop button but have my vi stop when it is ok to do so in the correct way?
    Image 1.jpg ‏61 KB

    OK I'll try to handle this point by point.
    Q1, what gets wired to the "SilentShutdown" & "Discard?" when using "Application Instance Close?" 
    A1 Wire a TRUE to Discard?  That's the only thing that event case needs if the Stop condition output is default if unwired "F"   
    REASON you had a problem" it makes not sense to wire the same value to both Discard? and Silent Shutdown?  (Or even use both)  Discard in Filter events is used to "Trap" the event and decide if the app really wants to process it so discarding an app close removes the event and the OS wont process it.  Silient Shutdown? does just about the opposite an tru hear means "Shut down the app without any normal user prompts" Wiring them both T or F would trigger either allowing the app close event to process normally or triggering a application shutdown.
    COMMENT:  I've tried various combinations of nothing & true/false but clicking on the "Windows Red X" still closes the window (as far as I know no one has ever clicked the windows close, but the "Stop" button has been clicked a number of times by mistake)
    RESPONSE: Ah! You have "Trained" LabVIEW users!  They have been burned so often by LabVIEW code that they expect it to misbehave and don't even think about trying to "Close" a LabVIEW window.  In decades past the event structure did not exist in LabVIEW and so the only way to prevent the app close event from firing was "User Training."  There are better practices available now.
    Q2: If I get the previous suggestion to work and follow the next suggestion (Rip off the abort button), I won't be able to ever stop the vi when it hangs. It still does that sometimes. In my actual vi I'm still getting the hangs.
    if the vi stops[,] the network communication & control to the network application is lost.
    then the only way to stop this applications[external app on another processor] is with "^C" in the Putty window.
    A2: You've got the tail wagging the cart before the dog-horse!  BOTH application need to be rethought in such a manner as they can be independantly controlled.  But, this is a LabVIEW forum so I expect that your scope of work is to get the LabVIEW side working in a dignified manner- let's concentrate on that.  PuTTY windows and Task Managers are not evil - for debugging and integration.  especially when integrating multiple processes that may not yet be "Mature".  but a quick VISA write "^C" in your shutdown code might make the other application tolerable
    Q3hould I use a "Flat" or "Stacked" sequence to control the order of execution within the "data" loop?
    A3: NEITHER.  You should do a quick forum search for Queued State Machine or Queued Message Handler (QSM and QMH) after looking at the help for the QSM Sample Project (LabVIEW 2012 or later) the Shipping examples are a good place to start but! many discussion threads have questioned the example's exit practice and offered some alternate examples.

  • Enable/Disable a link based on a column value

    Hi Team,
    I am Using Jdev
    I have a link button named 'register'on first page by clicking on to which will navigate to next page where i will get the option of selecting for the courses through checkboxes.
    When all the checkboxes are checked by clicking on the submit button i am able to update the checkboxes value in the backend and able to navigate to the first page.
    I can count that all the checkboxes are checked.
    My requirement is if all the checkboxes are checked i wanted to disable the register button other wise keep it as enable.
    The data on the first page and second page are joined using a view link.
    the data on the first page contains employee records and the data on the second page contains record for the courses selected for the corresponding employee.
    Please let me know what is the correct approach for it.
    Kindly guide me in it.

    Which scope is the bean defined in?
    You can put the bean in pageFlowScope. This way it can be accessed from both pages. Now you implement a method in the bean which returns the count or better a method which make the decision if all check boxes are checked and returns true if yes and false otherwise.
    The signature of the method looks like
        public boolean isAllChecked()
            // calculate if all marks are checked
            return true;
        }and in your page you access the method on the disabled property like
                  <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1" id="cb1"

  • Command Link in ADF table is not working/ PPR event not getting fired

    Hi All,
    I am having ADF Table, in that one column is with command link if click on command link, it is not navigating to corresponding page or method of a bean. If i give same command link out of the table it working fine, this issue i am facing is in IE9.
    if i use IE in compatibility mode the links works fine, even in IE8 version also.
    Browser: IE 9
    Jdev version:
    I tried all possible things, but nothing workout for me.
    showPopupBehavior not working in IE9 for af:table buttons (jdev11.
    Partial page rendering not working in ie9
    Command Link in ADF table is not working

    please file a bug if you have a customer support contract and provide a testcase

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