Disable JRE logo while loading Applet

Hi All,
How can I hide JRE logo displayed while loading Applet? Please advice me.
Thanks in advance,
Veeranna Ronad.

ronad, don't you feel like replying to responses received on your earlier threads? Or do you think it's better to leave those that tried to help you wondering whether you ever so much as read what they posted?

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    To the point, just let JS fire a specific HTTP request inside the same session.
    This can be done in several ways. 1) Create a hidden <img> element and set the `src` attribute so that it will request a (fake) image from the server. The server just have to intercept on this specific request. 2) Fire an ajaxical request and let the server intercept on it. You can use a Filter for this which sets a token in the session scope to inform that the client has JS enabled.

  • JRE freeze when loading applet twice, through VSAT network

    Here is a good one for you guys I think ...
    What I got:
    I have a java web application, runing with Tomcat 5.5.
    I use a Apache HTTP Server 2.0.52 for my statiques ressources (html, etc ...), and the modjk connector 1.2.13 to forward all the dynamic requests from the client to the application server.
    One of my html pages contains a signed java applet.
    Basically, this applet control a scanner and send the scanned image to the web application server.
    This applet:
    - use some swing components
    - use the netscape.javascript.JSObject to call javascript functions
    - use the morena API (which include a native library) in order to control a TWAIN scanner
    - format the scanned image into a JPEG image
    - send the formatted image to the web server, using an HttpURLConnection
    (I use a servlet on server side to get the uploaded image)
    - wait for the server response, that tells my applet if the upload has been successfull or not
    Some additional infos:
    - I use morena
    - I use JRE to run the applet
    - JRE on client side is configured as follow:
    - no applet caching
    - network parameters: "use the browser parameters"
    My problem is:
    - Through a LAN network, the applet works perfectly ...
    - Through an internet network (I use a VSAT / IDIRECT network), I can load and run my applet the first time
    but when I try to run my applet for the second time (without closing the browser), it just doesn't start, and the JRE crash
    (i.e. the java console freeze ..., just like if it was waiting for something ...)
    nothing happen after that, and I have to kill my JRE / Browser
    the funny stuff about it is that the applet works fine (even through VSAT network) when I don't upload the scanned image on the server
    load and run ok as many time as I want ...
    => seems that something's going wrong during the uploading process
    What I have already tried:
    1/ getting rid of the Java - Javascript communication (JSObject seems to have heaps of bugs ...)
    => no changes
    2/ be careful to close correctly my HttpURLConnection, with a HttpURLConnection.disconnect()
    => no changes
    3/ put the morena jars directly on the client side (in the lib/ext directory of the JRE):
    the morena API use a native library, and apparently, a native library can not be loaded by 2 different ClassLoader
    just to avoid any "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError"
    as shown on http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?forumID=31&threadID=628889
    => no changes
    4/ have a closer look on the http apache server, just to get rid of the error
    "OS 64)The specified network name is no longer available. : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed."
    as shown on the bug 21425 in http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=21425
    => no changes
    5/ use the upgrade version of the JRE
    => no changes
    ANY HELP ?
    and as usual, I had to fix this problem for yesterday ... :)))
    Any ideas about that ?
    need more infos ?: just let me know
    Here is the piece of code I use to upload the image from the client to the web server:
    * Upload de cette image sur le serveur, apr�s passage au format JPEG
    * @param imageSelectionnee BufferedImage image � transf�rer
    * @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception pouvant etre lev� lors de l'upload
    public void uploadImage(BufferedImage imageSelectionnee)
        throws ComposantNumerisationException {
        // connexion http au server
        HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
        // flux de sortie, permettant d'envoyer les donn�es vers le serveur
        OutputStream fluxSortie = null;
        // parametres pour le libelle de l'exception
        ParametresProprietes parametres = null;
        // flux d'entr�e, pour lire la r�ponse du serveur
        BufferedReader fluxEntree = null;
        // r�ponse du serveur
        String reponseServeur = null;
        // image au format JPEG
        BufferedImage imageFormatJPEG = null;
        try {
            /* conversion de l'image au format JPEG */
            imageFormatJPEG = this.formatterImage(imageSelectionnee);
            /* ouverture d'une connexion vers le serveur */
            connexionServer = this.ouvrirConnexion(imageFormatJPEG);
            /* ecriture des donn�es dans le flux de sortie, vers le serveur */
            // cr�ation d'un outputStream
            fluxSortie = connexionServer.getOutputStream();
            // transfert des donn�es vers le serveur
            ImageIO.write(imageFormatJPEG, Constantes.TYPE_IMAGE, fluxSortie);
            /* lecture de la r�ponse du serveur */
            // cr�ation d'un flux de lecture sur le flux d'entr�e
            fluxEntree = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
            // lecture de la r�ponse du serveur
            reponseServeur = fluxEntree.readLine();
            // v�rification du succes de l'upload, en fonction de la r�ponse du serveur
            if (!reponseServeur.startsWith("REPONSE")) {
                /* cas ou le message retour ne commence pas par "REPONSE":
                 * ce n'est pas la r�ponse de la servlet
                 *  => Tomcat nous a redirig� vers la page d'authentification */
            } else if (reponseServeur.compareTo("REPONSE:OK") != 0) {
                // la r�ponse du serveur indique qu'il y a eu un probl�me lors de l'upload
                throw new IOException(reponseServeur);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // cr�ation des parametres pour ce libelle d'erreurs
            parametres = new ParametresProprietes();
            parametres.ajouterParametre("0", e.toString());
            throw new ComposantNumerisationException(
                    proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD", null),
                    proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD_TECH", parametres),
        } finally {
            try {
                // fermeture de ce flux de sortie
                if (null != fluxSortie) {
                // fermeture du flux de lecture de la reponse
                if (null != fluxEntree) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            // fermeture de la connexion
            if (null != connexionServer) {
    * Ouverture d'une connexion vers la servlet d'upload de l'image
    * @param image BufferedImage image � transf�rer
    * @return HttpURLConnection une connexion http
    * @throws IOException exception IO
    * @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception
    private HttpURLConnection ouvrirConnexion(BufferedImage image)
        throws IOException, ComposantNumerisationException {
        // url du server
        URL urlServer = null;
        // connexion http au server
        HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
        // signature
        String signature = null;
        // g�n�ration de la signature de l'image � transf�rer
        signature = this.genererSignatureImage(image);
        // construction de l'url du serveur � appeler pour cet upload
        // en incluant un parametre pour transmettre la signature de l'image � transf�rer
        // + identifiant du passeport d'urgence courant
        urlServer = new URL(this.urlServeur + this.action +
                            "?" + Constantes.PARAM_SIGNATURE_IMAGE + "=" + signature +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_IDDEMANDE + "=" + idDemande +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_CODEMAJ + "=" + codeMaj +
                            "&" + Constantes.PARAM_TYPEDEMANDE + "=" + typeDemande);
        if (null == urlServer) {
            throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
                                "ERREUR_UPLOAD_CREATION_URL_SERVEUR", null));
        // ouverture d'une connexion http, gr�ce a cette url du server
        connexionServer = (HttpURLConnection) urlServer.openConnection();
        if (null == connexionServer) {
            throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
        // param�trage de cette connexion
        // m�thode de transmission = POST
        // autorisation de lire les donn�es venant du serveur
        // autorisation d'�crire des donn�es vers le serveur                         
        // pas d'utilisation de caches
        // sp�cification du type des donn�es que l'on envoie vers le serveur
        connexionServer.setRequestProperty("content-type", "img/jpeg");
        return connexionServer;
    Here is the piece of code I use on server side to get the scaned image from the client:
    * Lecture des donn�es en provenance de l'applet
    * @param request HttpServletRequest
    * @return ByteArrayOutputStream buffer contenant les donn�es lues
    * @throws TechnicalException exception
    * @throws FunctionalException si erreur fonctionnelle
    private ByteArrayOutputStream lireDonnees(HttpServletRequest request)
        throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException {
        // stream de sortie sur l'image
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
        // id du passeport d'urgence au format Integer
        // image issue de l'applet
        BufferedImage image = null;
        try {
            /* r�cup�ration de l'image */
            image = ImageIO.read(request.getInputStream());
            if (null == image) {
                logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
                throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                        null, "", true, false, false));
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-13", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-13",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
        return baos;
    * Ecriture de la reponse � envoyer � l'applet
    * @param response HttpServletResponse
    * @param erreur Message d'erreur
    * @throws IOException exception
    private void ecrireReponse(HttpServletResponse response, String erreur) throws IOException {
        // r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
        String reponseServer = null;
        // flux de reponse
        PrintWriter fluxReponse = null;
        // construction de la r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
        if (null == erreur) {
            reponseServer = "REPONSE:OK";
        } else {
            /* cas ou il y a eu une exception lev�e lors de la reception des donn�es */
            reponseServer = "REPONSE:ERREUR:" + erreur;
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug(THIS_CLASS +
                    "Envoie de la r�ponse � l'applet, indiquant si l'upload s'est bien d�roul�: " +
        //envoie de la r�ponse a l'applet
        fluxReponse = response.getWriter();
    here is the traces I get when the applet doesn't work, through a VSAT network:
    Java Plug-in 1.5.0_01
    Utilisation de la version JRE 1.5.0_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    R�pertoire d'accueil de l'utilisateur = C:\Documents and Settings\assistw
    network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy d�finie par l'utilisateur ...
    network: Termin�.
    network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy � partir de Netscape Navigator ...
    network: Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier de registre : C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Mozilla\registry.dat
    network: Termin�.
    network: Chargement de la configuration proxy du navigateur ...
    network: Termin�.
    network: Configuration du proxy : Configuration du proxy du navigateur
    basic: Le cache est d�sactiv� par l'utilisateur
    c:   effacer la fen�tre de la console
    f:   finaliser les objets de la file d'attente de finalisation
    g:   lib�rer la m�moire
    h:   afficher ce message d'aide
    l:   vider la liste des chargeurs de classes
    m:   imprimer le relev� d'utilisation de la m�moire
    o:   d�clencher la consignation
    p:   recharger la configuration du proxy
    q:   masquer la console
    r:   recharger la configuration des politiques
    s:   vider les propri�t�s syst�me et d�ploiement
    t:   vider la liste des threads
    v:   vider la pile des threads
    x:   effacer le cache de chargeurs de classes
    0-5: fixer le niveau de tra�age � <n>
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
    basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
    basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
    basic: Chargement de l'applet...
    basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
    basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    security: Acc�s aux cl�s et au certificat dans le profil utilisateur Mozilla : null
    security: Chargement des certificats AC racine depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Certificats AC racine charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
    security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
    security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
    security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
    security: Chargement des certificats depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificats charg�s depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Recherche du certificat dans le magasin de certificats permanent JPI
    security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    security: D�terminer si le certificat peut �tre v�rifi� � l'aide des certificats de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals>
    java.security.Permissions@157b46f (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    (java.security.AllPermission <all permissions> <all actions>)
    (java.io.FilePermission \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    (java.net.SocketPermission localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    ... [check certifications]
    security: La v�rification du certificat � l'aide des certificats AC racine a �chou�
    security: Aucune information d'horodatage disponible
    basic: Modalit� empil�e
    basic: Modalit� d�sempil�e
    basic: Utilisateur s�lectionn� : 0
    security: L'utilisateur a accord� les droits d'acc�s au code pour cette session seulement
    security: Ajout du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificat ajout� dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Enregistrement des certificats dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    security: Certificats enregistr�s dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals>
    java.security.Permissions@fe315d (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission accessClassInPackage.sun.audio)
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    (java.security.AllPermission <all permissions> <all actions>)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission javaplugin.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission browser read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission http.agent read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    (java.net.SocketPermission rma_phileas connect,accept,resolve)
    (java.net.SocketPermission localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    ... [check certifications]
    <no principals>
    java.security.Permissions@bd09e8 (
    (java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
    (java.security.AllPermission <all permissions> <all actions>)
    (java.io.FilePermission \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\Smorena.jar read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.name read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
    (java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
    (java.net.SocketPermission localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
    Morena - Image Acquisition Framework version
    Copyright (c) Gnome s.r.o. 1999-2004. All rights reserved.
    Licensed to "XXX".
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/uploadimage.do?signature=c07690c12904320a253cbdeeded59238&idDemande=7&codeMaj=1133967329473&typeDemande=PU avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/uploadimage.do?signature=c07690c12904320a253cbdeeded59238&idDemande=7&codeMaj=1133967329473&typeDemande=PU avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
    basic: Arr�t de l'applet...
    basic: R�cepteur de progression supprim� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
    basic: Jonction du thread d'applet...
    basic: Destruction de l'applet...
    basic: Elimination de l'applet...
    basic: Sortie de l'applet...
    basic: Thread d'applet joint...
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s non enregistr�
    basic: Recherche d'informations...
    basic: Lib�ration du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=0
    basic: Mise en cache du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913
    basic: Taille de cache du chargeur de classes courant : 1
    basic: Termin�...
    basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
    basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
    basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@1e16483
    basic: Chargement de l'applet...
    basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
    basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
    network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
    network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"

    A workaround would be: don't use IE9. You want a solution, not a workaround.
    I think at this juncture you are best of creating a new bug report and be sure to reference the old closed one. It doesn't look entirely related though, your symptoms are different from what is described in it (freeze VS a crash). You tried this on several systems right? Also on machines on a different network?

  • Message while loading applet

    I would like to display a message inside my HTML page "Please wait... applet is loading..." and when applet loads I would like to hide that HTML message and to show the applet. Is this possible? How should I do that?

    Depends what you mean by "when asked to load/run the applet" - do you mean whilst the applet is loading?
    In that case I'd make the Javascript event handler for the button set a boolean value, and in your Javascript function called by the applet on loading, check for it. So if the user's clicked cancel it won't change the CSS attributes to display it.

  • IMac -Intel-freezes while loading.

    It all started today while it was unsually slow. I verified the disk permissions and it took for ever.
    I reset it abut it just freezed on the apple logo while loading. Any idea?

    Reinstall OS X without erasing the drive
    Do the following:
    1. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior and/or Tech Tool Pro to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    2. Reinstall Snow Leopard
    If the drive is OK then quit DU and return to the installer.  Proceed with reinstalling OS X.  Note that the Snow Leopard installer will not erase your drive or disturb your files.  After installing a fresh copy of OS X the installer will move your Home folder, third-party applications, support items, and network preferences into the newly installed system.
    Download and install the Combo Updater for the version you prefer from support.apple.com/downloads/.
    Reinstalling Lion Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alterhatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You can also re-download the Lion installer by opening the App Store application. Hold down the OPTION key and click on the Purchases icon in the toolbar. You should now see an active Install button to the right of your Lion purchase entry. There are situations in which this will not work. For example, if you are already booted into the Lion you originally purchased with your Apple ID or if an instance of the Lion installer is located anywhere on your computer.

  • Could not load applet in a browser using jre 1.6.0_06

    I am facing problem with loading applets when the browser uses jre 1.6.0_06.
    Not able to understand what actually the problem is, I tried to check with a small applet that would simply print Hello World on the java console. Even this applet also could not be loaded on the browser. I could load this applet in the test environment of eclipse, but not able to load it on the browser when the applet is deployed on Tomcat.
    We have no problems in loading applet if the browser is using an earlier version of the jre.
    One more thing we have found out that, if we change the SSL cipher suite of the ssl.conf file such that it can support weaker protocols, my applet works with jre 1.6.0_06 also.
    But one thing we could not understand is that why changes in SSL cipher suite of the ssl.conf file creates problem in loading the applet, only in case the browser is using jre 1.6.0_06. I mean to say that changes in the SSL cipher suite does not create any problem in loading the applet if my browser is using an earlier version of jre 1.6.0_06.
    Please help me out as I don't have any clue regarding this problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    We have found a wor around for this problem.
    The following option has been unchecked and the applet could be loaded.
    Go to java control panel
    Under the Advanced Tab
    Under the Security section
    Uncheck the last option "Use TLSv1.0".
    This makes the applet work.
    But could not understand as why this is creating a problem.
    We have tried to include TLSv1.0 in the cipher suite of our apache server, while keeping the above option in java plugin control panel checked, but even that did not solve the problem.
    Please help me of how should I proceed for this problem, as I am totally stuck.
    Thank you.

  • What i need to override to change picture while loading an applet?

    My question is where animation (progress bar) takes place when an applet is loaded in a browser. I'm afraid that my applet will be too big and will take long to load. I'd like to put something funny in the box.

    I don't know, it's why i'm asking. Sounds plausible to
    Well, in Zukovski book about 1.4 said:
    through java plug-in you can change the box "The
    <applet> tag supports attributes of BOXMESSAGE,
    appearance. These attributes only have an affect
    within the java plug-in and will not do anything with
    applets run using the default JRE found in most
    Now I realized that you are probably right. OK,
    thanks.this Mediatracker is keeping track of loading, is that something you look for?
    draw a progressbar with FillRectangle until all things are loaded?
    or write seconds counting, while loading?
    Image image1=getImage(...);
    Image image2=getImage(...);
    Image image3=getImage(...);
    MediaTracker mt=new MediaTracker(this);
    // Wait for all images to load, polling once a second...
    do {
    try { mt.waitForAll(1000); } // Wait a second
    catch(InterruptedException e) {;}
    } while((mt.statusAll(true)&MediaTracker.LOADING)==MediaTracker.LOADING);
    but I am not sure you are looking for that

  • Sun PKCS#11 provider ignores the PIN while loading keystore in Windows JRE

    We are using smart card based login in our GUI application. We use active client for Card reader. We are using sun PKCS#11 provider to read certificate from the CARD. In the code we are passing PIN while loading the keystore. It seems the pin is getting ignored and we get active client pin dialog.
    PS: In linux JRE the pin passed while loading keystore is working properly.
    Below is the code snippet that i used for testing.
    public static void  main(String arg[]) throws Exception
             //Create our certificates from our CAC Card
            String configName = "card.config";
             Provider p = new sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11(configName);
             char[] pin = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6' };
             KeyStore cac = null;
             cac = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS11");
             cac.load(null, pin);
          catch(Exception ex)
       public static void showInfoAboutCAC(KeyStore ks) throws KeyStoreException, CertificateException, FileNotFoundException, IOException
          Enumeration<String> aliases = ks.aliases();
           int count = 0;
          while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) 
             String alias = aliases.nextElement();
             X509Certificate[] cchain = (X509Certificate[]) ks.getCertificateChain(alias);
             if (cchain != null){
             System.out.println("Certificate Chain for : " + alias);
             for (int i = 0; i < cchain.length; i ++)
                System.out.println(i + " SubjectDN: " + cchain.getSubjectDN());
    System.out.println(i + " IssuerDN: " + cchain[i].getIssuerDN());
    content of card.config is
    name = myConfig
    library = C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\acpkcs211.dll
    Alternative we can see the same behaviour if we run the following command
    keytool -keystore NONE -storetype PKCS11 -providerClass sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 -providerArg "E:\work1\card.config" -list
    This command will ask ping in the command line and again active client PIN diaolog will be prompted.
    Please let me know if this a bug in Sun PKCS#11 provider in Windows and is there any work around to fix the issue.
    Enviornmnet Details::
    OS Win XP sp3
    Java version "1.6.0_17"
    Active client library version :
    P11 Library:
    Name:  acpkcs211.dll
    Version: 4-0-0-12
    Thanks in advanced

    The program is just to simulate the issue. I understand that user have to pass the pin. In our GUI we have our own dialog to get the pin from user and pass it to the PKCS#11 provider that uses the pin while loading the keystore.
    cac.load(null, pin); // the pin passed in load method is not used at all
    My problem here is even after the proper pin is supplied by the user the active client PIN dialog is prompted. Whereas in LInux JRE this works fine.
    We have a command line application where active client dialog popup is not acceptable. We need to get the PIN from user as command argument and load the keystore.
    Please let me know if this clarifies the confusion.

  • Error while loading javaGUI from BSP via Applet

    Hello Folks,
    i saw an interesting Thread by Thomas Jung (SAP) how to starting a R/3 Transaction via javaGUI from a Business Server Page. I did the same steps but get an Java Error while loading the applet. Can anyone help me?
    The error listed in the JavaConsole is:
    java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission com.sap.platin.productType read)
         at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
         at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.System.getProperty(Unknown Source)
         at com.sap.platin.micro.Version.guessVersionType(Version.java:230)
         at com.sap.platin.GuiAppletBase2.findProductType(GuiAppletBase2.java:324)
         at com.sap.platin.GuiApplet2.getProductType(GuiApplet2.java:18)
         at com.sap.platin.GuiAppletBase2.<init>(GuiAppletBase2.java:54)
         at com.sap.platin.GuiApplet2.<init>(GuiApplet2.java:14)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    All Jar-Libraries are imported in the Application Mime-Repository...and regardless the JavaGUI is installed on my local host or not, i get the same error...
    Thanks in advance for your help,
    Christian Kremer

    You can check the below forums.
    DTP with error RSBK257
    - Jaimin

  • Java applet freezes while loading on Firefox on Mac OS 10.9

    I am using Mac OS 10.9.4 with Firefox 32 and Java 7 update 67. The java applet freezes while loading for the first time. On double clicking, it loads successfully. Once the applet gets loaded then it loads successfully until the web-page is refreshed or cache is cleared. I don't see any error message or any errors in the java console logs. Any help on this issue, apart from the double click work around? Any permanent solution?

    This delay can also happen when Java has been unloaded from memory and needs to be reloaded from disk and (re)initialized.
    You may be tight on available (free) memory if this happens all the time.

  • Hi my iMAc 27 inch starts up to the grey screen with apple logo and loading bar underneath it loads halfway then freezes up and shut down after a while please help

    Hi my iMAc 27 inch starts up to the grey screen with apple logo and loading bar underneath it loads halfway then freezes up and shut down after a while please help

    Try the tips listed here Mac OS X: Gray screen appears during startup - Apple Support

  • Error while migrating Applet Swing components from JRE1.5.13 to JRE 1.6.05

    We have planned to migrate the Applet screens from JRE 1.5.13 to JRE 1.6.05 browser,
    but the APPLET files are still compiled using JDK 1.5.
    If any of you have had experience in this migration ,let me know the issues
    you have encountered.
    One problem which i understood through one of the thread
    from this site is performance is really bad with JRE 1.6 browsers.
    Please share the other issues which i need to take care.
    Thanks in advance

    We have planned to migrate the Applet screens from JRE 1.5.13 to JRE 1.6.05 browser,
    but the APPLET files are still compiled using JDK 1.5. >Then the applet should work in 1.6 without alteration. (Barring bugs that cropped up in 1.6, or changes to 1.6 that revealed broken code from applets compiled for earlier versions.)
    Your best way to check is to test the applet (as is, without any changes or recompilation) using a browser running a 1.6 JRE.
    Is the applet publicly available? If so, what is the URL? (I have a couple of browsers here, all using 1.6.)
    One problem which i understood through one of the thread
    from this site is performance is really bad with JRE 1.6 browsers.>Which thread, do you have a link?

  • How disable a ajax portlet in portal while "Loading....." ?

    I have a portal application. My requirment is, while loading a ajax portlet it takes time. So meanwhile user is allowed to click other link or controls thats propegate new request but previous one is not got completed so it will throw a exception(next request is depanded on previous one).
    So, is there any way to restrict user to hold on till last request get complete.

    After deployed inside the OC4J server. Run the index page by
    Calling like http://hostname:port/earname/index.jsp
    While deploying the ear file you would have given a name for the ear file use that name in the URL.
    If so then you can see the provider displayed on the index page. Then click on the provider name it will take you to the next page where it will display all the portlet inside the provider.
    Please copy the URL and paste it while registering the Provider with the portal server.
    Because the server will try to navigate to the URL mentioned while registering if the server dint find the proper URL then registration fails.
    Try this and let me know.

  • Error while loading shared libraries

    error while loading shared libraries
    I just installed 10g . on a Fedora Core 4 machine and after a reboot I tried to run sqlplus and got this type of error. I also got the same error when trying to lsnrctl status ...
    [oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus
    sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: /apps/oracle/product/10g/lib/libnnz10.so: cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
    [oracle@localhost ~]$
    declare -x CLASSPATH="/apps/oracle/product/10g/JRE:/apps/oracle/product/10g/jlib:/apps/oracle/product/10g/rdbms/jlib"
    declare -x EDITOR="vi"
    declare -x G_BROKEN_FILENAMES="1"
    declare -x HISTSIZE="1000"
    declare -x HOME="/home/oracle"
    declare -x HOSTNAME="localhost.localdomain"
    declare -x INPUTRC="/etc/inputrc"
    declare -x KDEDIR="/usr"
    declare -x LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
    declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/apps/oracle/product/10g/lib:/lib:/usr/lib"
    declare -x LESSOPEN="|/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s"
    declare -x LOGNAME="oracle"
    declare -x LS_COLORS="no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=00;32:*.cmd=00;32:*.exe=00;32:*.com=00;32:*.btm=00;32:*.bat=00;32:*.sh=00;32:*.csh=00;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.tif=00;35:"
    declare -x MAIL="/var/spool/mail/oracle"
    declare -x OLDPWD="/home/oracle"
    declare -x ORACLE_BASE="/apps/oracle"
    declare -x ORACLE_HOME="/apps/oracle/product/10g"
    declare -x ORACLE_SID="TST2"
    declare -x ORACLE_TERM="xterm"
    declare -x PATH="/apps/oracle/product/10g/bin:/usr/sbin:/apps/oracle/product/10g/bin:/usr/sbin:/apps/oracle/product/10g/bin:/usr/sbin:/apps/oracle/product/10g/bin:/usr/sbin:/apps/oracle/product/10g/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin"
    declare -x PWD="/home/oracle"
    declare -x QTDIR="/usr/lib/qt-3.3"
    declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash"
    declare -x SHLVL="1"
    declare -x SSH_ASKPASS="/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass"
    declare -x SSH_CLIENT="::ffff: 2503 22"
    declare -x SSH_CONNECTION="::ffff: 2503 ::ffff: 22"
    declare -x SSH_TTY="/dev/pts/2"
    declare -x TERM="xterm"
    declare -x TMP="/home/oracle/tmp"
    declare -x TMPDIR="/home/oracle/tmp"
    declare -x USER="oracle"
    [oracle@localhost ~]$
    Any input would be highly appreciated.

    yap. got it..
    disabled SELinux then run it.
    I didn't get any errors and have it up and running. Here is what I did:
    Full Fedora Core 4 install with SELinux enabled (default settings). Then, after install, disable SELinux in the /etc/selinux/config file.

Maybe you are looking for

  • 4th replacement still have screen flickering problem...

    Well.. this unit is a 07 6th week (0706) and exibhit more flickering that the last one (who was almost acceptable, but not for me. i paidfor a defect-free notebook and i want a defect free notebook). Just asking for other feedback... thanks! macbook

  • Ctrl+O behavior in Office 2013

    When using Word, Excel, PPT 2013.  The CTRL+O shortcut does not launch the Open dialog box for me.  Instead, the File (Alt+F) screen appears.  Why is this?

  • IDSM-2 inline vlan pair mode configs

    Dear all, 1. Is it possible to associate 2 vlans( to be paired) on 2 different data ports on IDSM instead of pairing it on single data port on IDSM ?? & configuring these 2 ports on CAT6509 as access ports instead of trunk... Will this thing work ? 2

  • Im experiencing error 205 while downloading the free trial. what is wrong? i have windows 8

    im experiencing error 205 while downloading the free trial. what is wrong? i have windows 8

  • QT movie controler doesn't work ...

    After draging and placed a QT movie (h.264) and published my site, the movie controler doen't work ... I keep clicking on it and nothing happens .... The movie only starts if click twice over the movie and stops if I click once ....