JRE freeze when loading applet twice, through VSAT network

Here is a good one for you guys I think ...
What I got:
I have a java web application, runing with Tomcat 5.5.
I use a Apache HTTP Server 2.0.52 for my statiques ressources (html, etc ...), and the modjk connector 1.2.13 to forward all the dynamic requests from the client to the application server.
One of my html pages contains a signed java applet.
Basically, this applet control a scanner and send the scanned image to the web application server.
This applet:
- use some swing components
- use the netscape.javascript.JSObject to call javascript functions
- use the morena API (which include a native library) in order to control a TWAIN scanner
- format the scanned image into a JPEG image
- send the formatted image to the web server, using an HttpURLConnection
(I use a servlet on server side to get the uploaded image)
- wait for the server response, that tells my applet if the upload has been successfull or not
Some additional infos:
- I use morena
- I use JRE to run the applet
- JRE on client side is configured as follow:
- no applet caching
- network parameters: "use the browser parameters"
My problem is:
- Through a LAN network, the applet works perfectly ...
- Through an internet network (I use a VSAT / IDIRECT network), I can load and run my applet the first time
but when I try to run my applet for the second time (without closing the browser), it just doesn't start, and the JRE crash
(i.e. the java console freeze ..., just like if it was waiting for something ...)
nothing happen after that, and I have to kill my JRE / Browser
the funny stuff about it is that the applet works fine (even through VSAT network) when I don't upload the scanned image on the server
load and run ok as many time as I want ...
=> seems that something's going wrong during the uploading process
What I have already tried:
1/ getting rid of the Java - Javascript communication (JSObject seems to have heaps of bugs ...)
=> no changes
2/ be careful to close correctly my HttpURLConnection, with a HttpURLConnection.disconnect()
=> no changes
3/ put the morena jars directly on the client side (in the lib/ext directory of the JRE):
the morena API use a native library, and apparently, a native library can not be loaded by 2 different ClassLoader
just to avoid any "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError"
as shown on http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?forumID=31&threadID=628889
=> no changes
4/ have a closer look on the http apache server, just to get rid of the error
"OS 64)The specified network name is no longer available. : winnt_accept: Asynchronous AcceptEx failed."
as shown on the bug 21425 in http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=21425
=> no changes
5/ use the upgrade version of the JRE
=> no changes
and as usual, I had to fix this problem for yesterday ... :)))
Any ideas about that ?
need more infos ?: just let me know
Here is the piece of code I use to upload the image from the client to the web server:
* Upload de cette image sur le serveur, apr�s passage au format JPEG
* @param imageSelectionnee BufferedImage image � transf�rer
* @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception pouvant etre lev� lors de l'upload
public void uploadImage(BufferedImage imageSelectionnee)
    throws ComposantNumerisationException {
    // connexion http au server
    HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
    // flux de sortie, permettant d'envoyer les donn�es vers le serveur
    OutputStream fluxSortie = null;
    // parametres pour le libelle de l'exception
    ParametresProprietes parametres = null;
    // flux d'entr�e, pour lire la r�ponse du serveur
    BufferedReader fluxEntree = null;
    // r�ponse du serveur
    String reponseServeur = null;
    // image au format JPEG
    BufferedImage imageFormatJPEG = null;
    try {
        /* conversion de l'image au format JPEG */
        imageFormatJPEG = this.formatterImage(imageSelectionnee);
        /* ouverture d'une connexion vers le serveur */
        connexionServer = this.ouvrirConnexion(imageFormatJPEG);
        /* ecriture des donn�es dans le flux de sortie, vers le serveur */
        // cr�ation d'un outputStream
        fluxSortie = connexionServer.getOutputStream();
        // transfert des donn�es vers le serveur
        ImageIO.write(imageFormatJPEG, Constantes.TYPE_IMAGE, fluxSortie);
        /* lecture de la r�ponse du serveur */
        // cr�ation d'un flux de lecture sur le flux d'entr�e
        fluxEntree = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
        // lecture de la r�ponse du serveur
        reponseServeur = fluxEntree.readLine();
        // v�rification du succes de l'upload, en fonction de la r�ponse du serveur
        if (!reponseServeur.startsWith("REPONSE")) {
            /* cas ou le message retour ne commence pas par "REPONSE":
             * ce n'est pas la r�ponse de la servlet
             *  => Tomcat nous a redirig� vers la page d'authentification */
        } else if (reponseServeur.compareTo("REPONSE:OK") != 0) {
            // la r�ponse du serveur indique qu'il y a eu un probl�me lors de l'upload
            throw new IOException(reponseServeur);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // cr�ation des parametres pour ce libelle d'erreurs
        parametres = new ParametresProprietes();
        parametres.ajouterParametre("0", e.toString());
        throw new ComposantNumerisationException(
                proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD", null),
                proprietes.getPropriete("ERREUR_UPLOAD_TECH", parametres),
    } finally {
        try {
            // fermeture de ce flux de sortie
            if (null != fluxSortie) {
            // fermeture du flux de lecture de la reponse
            if (null != fluxEntree) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        // fermeture de la connexion
        if (null != connexionServer) {
* Ouverture d'une connexion vers la servlet d'upload de l'image
* @param image BufferedImage image � transf�rer
* @return HttpURLConnection une connexion http
* @throws IOException exception IO
* @throws ComposantNumerisationException exception
private HttpURLConnection ouvrirConnexion(BufferedImage image)
    throws IOException, ComposantNumerisationException {
    // url du server
    URL urlServer = null;
    // connexion http au server
    HttpURLConnection connexionServer = null;
    // signature
    String signature = null;
    // g�n�ration de la signature de l'image � transf�rer
    signature = this.genererSignatureImage(image);
    // construction de l'url du serveur � appeler pour cet upload
    // en incluant un parametre pour transmettre la signature de l'image � transf�rer
    // + identifiant du passeport d'urgence courant
    urlServer = new URL(this.urlServeur + this.action +
                        "?" + Constantes.PARAM_SIGNATURE_IMAGE + "=" + signature +
                        "&" + Constantes.PARAM_IDDEMANDE + "=" + idDemande +
                        "&" + Constantes.PARAM_CODEMAJ + "=" + codeMaj +
                        "&" + Constantes.PARAM_TYPEDEMANDE + "=" + typeDemande);
    if (null == urlServer) {
        throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
                            "ERREUR_UPLOAD_CREATION_URL_SERVEUR", null));
    // ouverture d'une connexion http, gr�ce a cette url du server
    connexionServer = (HttpURLConnection) urlServer.openConnection();
    if (null == connexionServer) {
        throw new IOException(proprietes.getPropriete(
    // param�trage de cette connexion
    // m�thode de transmission = POST
    // autorisation de lire les donn�es venant du serveur
    // autorisation d'�crire des donn�es vers le serveur                         
    // pas d'utilisation de caches
    // sp�cification du type des donn�es que l'on envoie vers le serveur
    connexionServer.setRequestProperty("content-type", "img/jpeg");
    return connexionServer;
Here is the piece of code I use on server side to get the scaned image from the client:
* Lecture des donn�es en provenance de l'applet
* @param request HttpServletRequest
* @return ByteArrayOutputStream buffer contenant les donn�es lues
* @throws TechnicalException exception
* @throws FunctionalException si erreur fonctionnelle
private ByteArrayOutputStream lireDonnees(HttpServletRequest request)
    throws FunctionalException, TechnicalException {
    // stream de sortie sur l'image
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
    // id du passeport d'urgence au format Integer
    // image issue de l'applet
    BufferedImage image = null;
    try {
        /* r�cup�ration de l'image */
        image = ImageIO.read(request.getInputStream());
        if (null == image) {
            logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
            throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                    null, "", true, false, false));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-13", null));
        throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-13",
                null, "", true, false, false));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error(THIS_CLASS + Libelles.getLibelle("ERR-TEC-16", null));
        throw new TechnicalException(new ErreurVO("ERR-TEC-16",
                null, "", true, false, false));
    return baos;
* Ecriture de la reponse � envoyer � l'applet
* @param response HttpServletResponse
* @param erreur Message d'erreur
* @throws IOException exception
private void ecrireReponse(HttpServletResponse response, String erreur) throws IOException {
    // r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
    String reponseServer = null;
    // flux de reponse
    PrintWriter fluxReponse = null;
    // construction de la r�ponse � envoyer � l'applet
    if (null == erreur) {
        reponseServer = "REPONSE:OK";
    } else {
        /* cas ou il y a eu une exception lev�e lors de la reception des donn�es */
        reponseServer = "REPONSE:ERREUR:" + erreur;
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug(THIS_CLASS +
                "Envoie de la r�ponse � l'applet, indiquant si l'upload s'est bien d�roul�: " +
    //envoie de la r�ponse a l'applet
    fluxReponse = response.getWriter();
here is the traces I get when the applet doesn't work, through a VSAT network:
Java Plug-in 1.5.0_01
Utilisation de la version JRE 1.5.0_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
R�pertoire d'accueil de l'utilisateur = C:\Documents and Settings\assistw
network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy d�finie par l'utilisateur ...
network: Termin�.
network: Chargement de la configuration du proxy � partir de Netscape Navigator ...
network: Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier de registre : C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Mozilla\registry.dat
network: Termin�.
network: Chargement de la configuration proxy du navigateur ...
network: Termin�.
network: Configuration du proxy : Configuration du proxy du navigateur
basic: Le cache est d�sactiv� par l'utilisateur
c:   effacer la fen�tre de la console
f:   finaliser les objets de la file d'attente de finalisation
g:   lib�rer la m�moire
h:   afficher ce message d'aide
l:   vider la liste des chargeurs de classes
m:   imprimer le relev� d'utilisation de la m�moire
o:   d�clencher la consignation
p:   recharger la configuration du proxy
q:   masquer la console
r:   recharger la configuration des politiques
s:   vider les propri�t�s syst�me et d�ploiement
t:   vider la liste des threads
v:   vider la pile des threads
x:   effacer le cache de chargeurs de classes
0-5: fixer le niveau de tra�age � <n>
basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
basic: Chargement de l'applet...
basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
security: Acc�s aux cl�s et au certificat dans le profil utilisateur Mozilla : null
security: Chargement des certificats AC racine depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
security: Certificats AC racine charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\cacerts
security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\Documents and Settings\assistw\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs
security: Chargement des certificats JPI depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
security: Certificats JPI charg�s depuis C:\PROGRA~1\Java\JRE15~1.0_0\lib\security\trusted.certs
security: Chargement des certificats depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
security: Certificats charg�s depuis la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
security: Recherche du certificat dans le magasin de certificats permanent JPI
security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
security: Obtenir l'objet de stockage des cl�s de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
security: Recherche du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
security: D�terminer si le certificat peut �tre v�rifi� � l'aide des certificats de la zone de stockage des certificats AC racine
... [check certifications]
<no principals>
java.security.Permissions@157b46f (
(java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
(java.security.AllPermission <all permissions> <all actions>)
(java.io.FilePermission \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
(java.net.SocketPermission localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
... [check certifications]
security: La v�rification du certificat � l'aide des certificats AC racine a �chou�
security: Aucune information d'horodatage disponible
basic: Modalit� empil�e
basic: Modalit� d�sempil�e
basic: Utilisateur s�lectionn� : 0
security: L'utilisateur a accord� les droits d'acc�s au code pour cette session seulement
security: Ajout du certificat dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
security: Certificat ajout� dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
security: Enregistrement des certificats dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
security: Certificats enregistr�s dans la zone de stockage des certificats de session JPI
... [check certifications]
<no principals>
java.security.Permissions@fe315d (
(java.lang.RuntimePermission accessClassInPackage.sun.audio)
(java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
(java.security.AllPermission <all permissions> <all actions>)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission javaplugin.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission browser.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission browser.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission browser read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission http.agent read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
(java.net.SocketPermission rma_phileas connect,accept,resolve)
(java.net.SocketPermission localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
... [check certifications]
<no principals>
java.security.Permissions@bd09e8 (
(java.lang.RuntimePermission stopThread)
(java.security.AllPermission <all permissions> <all actions>)
(java.io.FilePermission \C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01\lib\ext\Smorena.jar read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor.url read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.class.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission file.separator read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission os.arch read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.name read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vm.specification.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.specification.version read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission java.vendor read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission path.separator read)
(java.util.PropertyPermission line.separator read)
(java.net.SocketPermission localhost:1024- listen,resolve)
Morena - Image Acquisition Framework version
Copyright (c) Gnome s.r.o. 1999-2004. All rights reserved.
Licensed to "XXX".
network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageInputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageOutputStreamSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageTranscoderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec proxy=DIRECT
network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageWriterSpi avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/uploadimage.do?signature=c07690c12904320a253cbdeeded59238&idDemande=7&codeMaj=1133967329473&typeDemande=PU avec proxy=DIRECT
network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/flux/protected/uploadimage.do?signature=c07690c12904320a253cbdeeded59238&idDemande=7&codeMaj=1133967329473&typeDemande=PU avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"
basic: Arr�t de l'applet...
basic: R�cepteur de progression supprim� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@77eaf8
basic: Jonction du thread d'applet...
basic: Destruction de l'applet...
basic: Elimination de l'applet...
basic: Sortie de l'applet...
basic: Thread d'applet joint...
basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s non enregistr�
basic: Recherche d'informations...
basic: Lib�ration du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=0
basic: Mise en cache du chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913
basic: Taille de cache du chargeur de classes courant : 1
basic: Termin�...
basic: R�cepteur de modalit�s enregistr�
basic: R�f�rence au chargeur de classes : sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@b30913, refcount=1
basic: R�cepteur de progression ajout� : sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@1e16483
basic: Chargement de l'applet...
basic: Initialisation de l'applet...
basic: D�marrage de l'applet...
network: Connexion de http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec proxy=DIRECT
network: Connexion http://rma_phileas/Client/html/composants/scanner/SAppletNumerisation.jar avec cookie ":::langueSettings:::=FR; :::menuSettings_gabaritMaquette:::=%3CSETTINGS%3E%3CVERSION%3EVersion%201.2-Utilisateur%3C/VERSION%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM1%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM1%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM2%3E0%3C/INDEX_ITEM2%3E%3CINDEX_ITEM3%3Enull%3C/INDEX_ITEM3%3E%3C/SETTINGS%3E; JSESSIONID=D064486FD6C7CC17E7B256B66965FFEE"

A workaround would be: don't use IE9. You want a solution, not a workaround.
I think at this juncture you are best of creating a new bug report and be sure to reference the old closed one. It doesn't look entirely related though, your symptoms are different from what is described in it (freeze VS a crash). You tried this on several systems right? Also on machines on a different network?

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    Extension Manager CS6 freezes when loading extensions
    When launching Extension Manager CS6 it starts loading extensions but totally freezes when the last 30 percent of the loading extension bar is still unaccomplished. It is not possible to close the window, not even with the task manager.  I have restart the computer to get rid of it.
    My OS is Windows 7, 64 bit. The most recent versions of the entire Adobe CS family are installed, freshly updated, including the Extension Manager CS6.
    To trace the cause of the problem I tried to create a log file in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Extension Manager CS6. I logged in as administrator and wrote in the Command Prompt Window:
    echo > ExManLog.YES
    The log file was created but contains nothing but "ECHO is on".
    A possible cause of the problem might be that I have two installed active version of Ajatix Advanced CSS Drop Down Menu, which is an add-on to Dreamweaver. The first version is the free one, the second is the full paid version. I would like to deactivate the first one since which might make the Extension Manager happier. But the only way to deactivate it that I know of is to use the Extension Manager. Catch 22.

    Dear Carl, thanks for the advice that made me understand how to remove an extension without using the Extension Manager. However, the problem persists, i.e the Extension Manager freezes soon after it is launched, when the last 30 percent of the loading extension bar is still unaccomplished.
    Following your instruction I have tried to remove both my versions of the troublesome DW extension (Ajatix Advanced CSS Drop Down Menu). Which in my case meant that I deleted the following files:
    the files com.ajatix.AdvancedCSSMenuLight.mxi, com.ajatix.AdvancedCSSMenuLight.mxi_air and com.ajatix.AdvancedCSSMenuLight.zxp in C:\Users\<My UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store\Dreamweaver CS6
    and the files ajxcssmenu2.3.0.mxi, ajxcssmenu2.3.0.mxi_air and ajxcssmenu2.3.0.mxp in C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store\Dreamweaver CS6
    In the hope of cleaning out everything from this extension I have also deleted the following files:
    AJXCSSMenu.chm, AJXCSSMenu.dll in C:\Users\UpdatusUser\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS6\en_US\Configuration\JSExtensions
    and AJXCSSMenu.chm, AJXCSSMenu.dll, AJXCSSMenuLight.chm, AJXCSSMenuLight.dll in C:\Users\ipb-master\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS6\en_US\Configuration\JSExtensions
    Every time I thus get rid of the Ajitex files the Extension Manager seems happy and loads the only extension I currently have left (Adobe exchange). However when I reinstall the Ajitex extension, the Extension Manager behaves in the same bad manner, freezes after approximately 70 percent of the process of loading extensions. Same thing when I remove this extension and try to install another from Ajitex (Email Spam Blocker). It seems to install all right but afterward the Extension Manager freezes when launched.
    Don't know what to do now.

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    What OS? What version of AI? Do you get any error messages? New computer?

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    I changed the setting, but unfortunately, this didn't fix the problem. This situation does seem to occur more, when I load or reload my eBay home page. I noticed that all data and information would go ahead and load, but the random ads bar would not immediately load and when I would left click anywhere on the page, Firefox would temporarily freeze, the page turns white, Firefox not responding will display, and then the banner would load and everything is fine. I'm wondering if it has something to do with my Flash Player. Any additional suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Reggie

  • Safari slow and freezes when loading pages

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    Any help greatly appreciated its driving me nuts.

    I only posted the other post because I hadnt anticipated getting such a quick responce from you , Im on a tight deadline for work and I needed to get this problem sorted a.s.a.p, I didnt think that anybody else would hop onto this discussion Anyway heres the output I get
    Last login: Wed May  9 13:18:21 on console
    Gareth-Joness-iMac:~ gareth$ kextstat -kl | awk '!/com\.apple/{printf "%s %s\n", $6, $7}'
    Gareth-Joness-iMac:~ gareth$ sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.(apple|openssh|vix)|edu\.mit|org\.(amavis|apache|cups|isc|ntp|postfi x|x)/{print $3}'
    WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
    or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
    typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.
    To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.
    Sorry, try again.
    Gareth-Joness-iMac:~ gareth$ launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple|edu\.mit|org\.(x|openbsd)/{print $3}'
    Gareth-Joness-iMac:~ gareth$ ls -1A /e*/mach* {,/}L*/{Ad,Compon,Ex,Fram,In,Keyb,La,Mail/Bu,P*P,Priv,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo,Sta} * L*/Fonts 2> /dev/null
    Adobe AIR.framework
    /Library/Input Methods:
    /Library/Internet Plug-Ins:
    Flash Player.plugin
    Quartz Composer.webplugin
    QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    /Library/Keyboard Layouts:
    Flash Player.prefPane
    Adobe Unit Types.osax
    Microsoft Office.mdimporter
    Library/Address Book Plug-Ins:
    Library/Input Methods:
    Library/Internet Plug-Ins:
    Library/Keyboard Layouts:
    com.apple.AddressBook.ScheduledSync.PHXCardDAVSource.E3CFAA50-1194-4D76-B170-E96 8592213B6.plist
    [email protected]list
    Gareth-Joness-iMac:~ gareth$ osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get name of every login item' 2> /dev/null
    Gareth-Joness-iMac:~ gareth$

  • Error 6A80 when loading applet to my card

    Hi everyone,
    First, please excuse me for my bad english, i'm french.
    So, i'm trying to upload an applet to my eGate CyberFlex 32K JavaCard, but some code lines causes 6A80 error.
    Here is my applet source (it's just a first test ;-) ) :
    package applet;
    import javacard.framework.*;
    public class TheApplet extends Applet {
        private final static byte CARD_CLA      = (byte)0x80;
        private final static byte INS_TEST      = (byte)0x02;
        private final static byte PIN_TRY_LIMIT = (byte)0x03;
        private final static byte MAX_PIN_SIZE  = (byte)0x04;
        final static short SW_PIN_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED = 0x6301;
        protected byte[] name = {'T', 'e', 's', 't'};
        private OwnerPIN pin;
        protected TheApplet() throws PINException {
            pin = new OwnerPIN(PIN_TRY_LIMIT, MAX_PIN_SIZE);
            byte[] pins = {(byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0, (byte)0};
            pin.update(pins, (short)0, MAX_PIN_SIZE);
            byte i = pin.getTriesRemaining();
            //pin.check(pins, (short)0, MAX_PIN_SIZE); // CAUSES 6A80 error when loading
        public static void install (byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength)
        throws ISOException {
            new TheApplet();
        public boolean select() {
            /*if (pin.getTriesRemaining() == 0) { // CAUSES 6A80 error too..
                return false;
            return true;
        public void process(APDU apdu) throws ISOException, PINException {
            byte[] buffer = apdu.getBuffer();
            if (selectingApplet() == true) {
            if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] != CARD_CLA) {
            if (buffer[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS] != INS_TEST) {
            //pin.isValidated(); // Causes error.
            apdu.sendBytesLong(name, (short)0, (short)name.length);
    }In fact, all access to pin causes error when loading, when commented lines are uncommented, the applet loads successfully.
    Do you know what the problem is ?
    I'm using JavaCard 2.1.2, and GPshell 1.4.2.
    This is the gpshell script :
    echo mode_201 > $OUT/config.txt
    echo establish_context >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo card_connect >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo select -AID $CARDSECURITYDOMAIN2 >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo open_sc -security 1 -keyind 0 -keyver 0 -mac_key $CARDKEY -enc_key $CARDKEY >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo install_for_load -pkgAID $PACKAGEAID -nvCodeLimit 500 >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo load -file $OUT/$PROJECT/$PKGAPPLET/javacard/$PKGAPPLET.cap.transf >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo install_for_install -instParam 00 -priv 02 -AID $APPLETAID -pkgAID $PACKAGEAID -instAID $APPLETAID -nvDataLimit 500 >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo card_disconnect >> $OUT/config.txt
    echo release_context >> $OUT/config.txtwith :
    PACKAGEAID=A00000006203010C06The error i got is :
    load_applet() returns 0x80206A80 (6A80: Wrong data / Incorrect values in command data.)Thank you for your help.
    Edited by: Anakim14 on Apr 20, 2009 3:12 AM


  • Elements 11 Organiser freezes when loading

    When loading Elements 11 the Organiser freezes, Edit loads OK.  I have followed all the suggestions in the Forum and I have found that when setting up a new account, it works OK but the original account doesn't work.  The Forum suggests ask the administrator, but I haven't got one.  Help please.

    You mention stopping active file monitor, but you don't say anything about stopping autoanalyzer, which is far more likely to cause this than anything mentioned in your post. (organizer preferences>media analysis, shut off everything except face recognition, if you use that)
    Incidentally, the chat line et al are not "ours", since this is the user to user forum and we are just other customers like you, not Adobe employees.

  • Firefox sometimes freezes when loading new pages

    I have had an issue for several months now & any help with it would be gratefully appreciated.
    Quite often, when loading a new page, Firefox will hang for up to 30 seconds; the loading circle in the left hand corner of the tab will freeze & I will be locked out of the browser. That website's usually then fine for the rest of the session, but if I close and reopen Firefox the same thing will happen again.
    I have tried other browsers such a IE, and the same thing also happens there. My laptop is becoming quite claggy in general, but I'm hoping I can at least find a solution to this!

    Do you get a dialog saying a script is running slowly with Stop/Continue buttons, or does the problem just clear up without any messages?
    Two other thoughts:
    (1) To diagnose a possible Flash issue, you can switch the Shockwave Flash plugin to "Ask to Activate." The page should load the non-Flash components first. If it's just as slow, then we can rule out Flash as a potential culprit, but if it's much faster, that would be useful to know.
    You can make the change on the Add-ons page. Either:
    * Ctrl+shift+a
    * orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons
    In the left column, click Plugins. Then use the drop-down list for Shockwave Flash to select "Ask to Activate."
    Sites that use Flash will generate a notification icon on the address bar, and either a link will appear in the black rectangle where you normally get videos loading automatically, or an infobar will slide down between the toolbar area and the page.
    (2) About 8 months ago, a user with an enormous font collection discovered that when visiting pages that use downloadable fonts for the first time during a session, Firefox would hang for 3 minutes. ([https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/957111 Firefox hangs on Websites (example: g2play.net)]) I don't know whether this is still a problem, but if you have tons of fonts, as a diagnostic, you could temporarily disable downloadable fonts.
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the search box that appears above the list, type or paste '''gfx''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Double-click the '''gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled''' preference to switch its value from true to false.
    I say temporary because many sites now use fancy fonts to display little icons instead of using images. With downloadable fonts disabled, these icons turn into tall rectangles with two rows of two characters (in other words, useless).

  • Starcraft 2 freezes when loading.

    I have had starcraft for a few months now and it has not given me any trouble. But for some reason, this morning it freezes whenever run with wine. I played it yesterday, did not update anything, and it worked fine.
    I then updated all of my software, but the problem persisted. I also removed all configuration problems, and SC still freezes when it runs.
    The freeze occurs right after the game loading screen, and before the user login window is displayed. When SC freezes, one of my cores is stuck at 100% usage.
    I'm running Arch 64 bit, have an NVIDIA 9600M GT graphics card, all of my drivers and software are recent.
    I am particularly confused by this since I literally did nothing to my system before SC started freezing. Below is the output from wine.
    err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winemp3.acm": libmpg123.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    fixme:process:GetLogicalProcessorInformation (0x33fa5c,0x33fd5c): stub
    fixme:hnetcfg:fw_profile_get_FirewallEnabled 0x138970, 0x440f0e8
    fixme:process:GetProcessWorkingSetSize (0xffffffff,0x440ed78,0x440ed7c): stub
    fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x440ea08,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x440e90c,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314644 (as fourcc: DF16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314644) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314644 (as fourcc: DF16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314644) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x34324644 (as fourcc: DF24) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x34324644) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x34324644 (as fourcc: DF24) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x34324644) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x4c4c554e (as fourcc: NULL) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x4c4c554e) in the format lookup table
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x440e7e0,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:d3d:swapchain_init Add OpenGL context recreation support to context_validate_onscreen_formats
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x440e7b8,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xfffffffe): stub
    fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0x825ea38): stub
    fixme:msctf:ThreadMgrSource_AdviseSink (0x78713a8) Unhandled Sink: {71c6e74e-0f28-11d8-a82a-00065b84435c}
    fixme:winhttp:WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser returning no proxy used
    fixme:d3d9:Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 stub
    fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET stub
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0xe32ea38): stub
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0xe32ea38): stub
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
    fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0xe62ea38): stub
    fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0xe96ea2c): stub
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc: R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x44072a4,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x4407578,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x4407568,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x44072fc,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0x211aea38): stub
    fixme:mmdevapi:AEV_GetMute stub
    fixme:winhttp:WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser returning no proxy used
    fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x40054, 0x13eb30): stub
    Last edited by wakkadojo (2010-10-20 18:13:37)

    I am having this exact same issue on ubuntu. I'm running wine-1.3.5 which version are you using?
    Also, a friend of mine had a similar issue under windows where the game would freeze before displaying the login screen. Seems it was the Defense+ system. Now this does not make sense for wine but what it does seem is that if the socket create / bind operation halts the game locks up. If the problem is similar someone did something to wine's networking.
    I'm also getting an error about internal dll mmdevaip.dll not loading. If I remember correctly that needs to be disabled in your wine config. I checked this and attempted setting then unsettling it to no effect.
    Edit: Running starcraft with winedbg Starcraft\ II.exe command line seems to work. Once you have done this once starcraft works with normal wine. I have no idea why but it worked for me.
    NOTE: once winedbg starts you will need to type cont then hit enter. Once you get to the login screen exit and run starcraft normally.
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc:  R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc:  R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc:  R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36314c41 (as fourcc: AL16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36314c41) in the format lookup table
    fixme:d3d:debug_d3dformat Unrecognized 0x36315220 (as fourcc:  R16) WINED3DFORMAT!
    fixme:d3d:wined3d_get_format Can't find format unrecognized (0x36315220) in the format lookup table
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x44072a4,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x4407578,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x4407568,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x44072fc,0x00000000), stub!
    err:ole:COMPOBJ_DllList_Add couldn't load in-process dll L"mmdevapi.dll"
    err:ole:create_server class {bcde0395-e52f-467c-8e3d-c4579291692e} not registered
    fixme:ole:CoGetClassObject CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER not supported
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {bcde0395-e52f-467c-8e3d-c4579291692e} could be created for context 0x17
    fixme:winhttp:WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser returning no proxy used
    fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x50054, 0x1476a8): stub
    fixme:d3d_surface:IWineD3DVolumeImpl_Map (0x981ae88) : pBox=(nil) stub
    Last edited by harkin (2010-10-20 21:15:28)

  • IDVD08 freezes when loading media

    Most of them are AVI files (Xvid and Divx) which I installed proper codec. I don't know why the program freeze when I try to load the media tab to put some movies into the DVD.

    I have exactly the same problem and after try almost all possibilities including:
    1 reinstalling SL
    2 reinstalling ilife 09
    3 delete idvd preference
    Problem continues....however here it was way to solved and hope can help you.
    Create a new user and test imovie, idvd and all other ilife apps and loading imovie projects. It works with a new user. That only means that one of the libraries of ilife is corrupted.
    GO back to your old user account and remove all imovie projects and create a new iphoto library. It problem is solved then one of the videos on one of the libraries is corrupted. Go back to your old iphoto library first and put all videos you have on your iphoto on the trash (temp). Check it, if works only you need to do the videos one by one to the iphoto library until to find it. Same procedure with your imovie projects and events.
    In my case it was a corrupted event in imovie that freeze all the apps in ilife.
    Hope that helps.

  • FF4 freezes when loading default homepage, Google and when using search engines

    Whenever I open FF4, it will freeze/hang when loading the default homepage, Google.
    Same with the problem on other search engines, Yahoo!, MSN, Bing, etc.
    Search engines main problem.

    Do you have the McAfee Site Advisor installed? If so, remove it from your PC and try using any search engine with FF. Removing the Site Advisor worked for me, seems like FF 4 b10 isn't compatible with the Site Advisor.

  • ITunes Freezes when loading music

    I dont know what to do, My Itunes freezes when i try load and play music. I have tried reinstalling. Reinstalling an earlier version of itunes. Ive tried diagnostics. I dont know what to Do. HELP!!!!

    FIrst goto control panel>add and remove and uninstall iTUnes AND quicktime there. DIsable antivirus and download/install the latest version off apple.com
    It may be where your library is so big. Also try updating the ipods software witht eh ipod updater 06-28-2006

  • FCE freezes when loading project

    Hello everyone!
    I have a problem when loading a final cut express project. The program freezes when its in the process of opening the file.
    Here is a link to a video so you can see whats happening.
    I have tried to wait for over 8 hours to see if it would eventually start but no. It´s still just the "ball of death"
    Hopefully someone have a solution for this.
    I use a 2011 27 Imac with 6 GB of ram and a i5 processor.
    Running Lion
    If you need any more info just ask!
    Sincerly Henrik

    The movies are .mov with H.264-MPEG4 kodec.
    I think that you are right about the codec creating the problem, because only projects with this codec is freezing. I checked all my projects and those with different codecs was working fine.
    I have no problem opening a new project.
    Does this mean that I have to convert the movies and reedit everything or can a just convert the clips to a propper format and then reconnect them?
    Thanks for your help!
    Sincerely Henrik

  • Firefox freezes when loading some web pages then the computer locks up

    Sometimes, when loading a website, the browser freezes. Then the computer locks up and I have to use the power button to turn it off. There seems to be no pattern to this problem. I'm also not sure whether or not the problem begins within Firefox, but a web page was loading every time it happened. It has only started happening this week.

    I seem to be having a very similar, if not exactly the same issue. I'm using the latest production FF 11.0 release on Win7 64 and as with this not only does FF freeze, but I can't task switch, or anything. The one thing I've noticed is that when the lockup happens, it always appears to be loading some custom font from a CDN, if I breathe deeply and slowly and allow the request to complete everything seems to eventually unfreeze and I can continue, so maybe something to do with implementation of custom font loading?

  • Safari freezes when loading webpages, rainbow wheel

    When loading some webpages, especially blogs with pictures from blogspot.com, safari freezes about 75% into loading the page. The rainbow wheel appears and spins indefinitely and does not stop until I force quit the program. This happens on Firefox, too. The problem occurs nearly every time I try loading these webpages.
    This problem began once I installed Leopard.

    Nevermind, I figured it out.
    Some flash files were corrupted, so I updated those and repaired permissions.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error in Activation of ODS Data

    Dear All, I am getting this error msg while activating ODS Data, It says its not able to execute one of this statements while activation Program Name: GPBUJ6PU7X5TA8TLJSDOPVSU2Z7 The program terminates at this line Types corresponding to Change-Log-s

  • Output to DVD - NTSC Size Challenge

    We have put together our first slideshow. Everything worked great except for the slide titles/captions. When preview on the PC everything looked fine. When viewed on the TV, the titles/captions were cut off in the horizontal. How can I correct this?

  • Add a "%" symbol with Excel Interop

    Hello folks! How do I programmatically put a "%" symbol to a column in the Excel chart. I am using Excel Interop library. Any advice will be appreciated!

  • Download bundled apps

    I just bought a iPad mini 2.  Can someone advise me how to download the bundled apps from App Store.  Thanks!

  • Missing IPTC fields

    Does anybody found the IPTC fields: categories, scenes and subject codes? They are quite important for journalism, but aren't included yet? (like most of the creator infos) It would be nice, if I also can make sets/buttons from other IPTC information