Disable track pad with SL

I just upgraded to snow leopard. Before the upgrade, I could disable the track pad when I used my mouse. This option doesn't exist in system preferences.
Its annoying that every time I touch the pad (even after ticking the box for ignoring accidental) it respond when I don't want it on at all.
Any one know what to do to disable?

krobbie wrote:
I just upgraded to snow leopard. Before the upgrade, I could disable the track pad when I used my mouse. This option doesn't exist in system preferences.
it still exists but for some reason it was moved to universal access system preferences.
Its annoying that every time I touch the pad (even after ticking the box for ignoring accidental) it respond when I don't want it on at all.
Any one know what to do to disable?

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    * browser.gesture.pinch.in -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReduce</b>
    * browser.gesture.pinch.in.shift -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReset</b>
    * browser.gesture.pinch.out -> <b>cmd_fullZoomEnlarge</b>
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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    The symbols in Blue may be being activated by pressing the fn key - the next time this happens, try pressing the fn key again to see if this toggles back to normal keyboard entry.
    Regarding the touchpad, the Orange light you see coming on ( and the touchpad turning off ) is probably caused by double tapping the top left corner of the Touchpad.  Double tapping this area again should toggle the Touchpad back on.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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