Disabling JPanel Components

Dear ,
I have the following method that disable all the components in a JPanel;
It has a JLabel, JTextField, and a JButton.
When I call this method from the constructor of the parent class; It is only disabling the JLabel, and the JTextField.
If I extend this class from another class, and call this method; None of the components are disabled.
public void disablePanel()
        allCom = myPanel.getComponents();
        for (int i = 0 ; i < allCom.length; i++)
Would any one, suggest what might the reason be?
Best Regards,
M. Tleis

Your code disables only the first-level children of myPanel .
If the JButton is not a first-level child but merely a grandchild (e.g. added to a JPanel that is itself added to the initial myPanel), your loop never iterates to the button.
I suggest you have a look at camickr's DisabledPanel : http://tips4java.wordpress.com/2009/08/02/disabled-panel/

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    I think this block of code solve your problem.
              JFrame f=new JFrame();
              f.getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              JButton b1=new JButton("Demo1");
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    First, it's not "my way". When you have multiple components, exactly
    one of which should be displayed at a time, and they're collocated,
    the preferred solution is CardLayout. Not my preferred solution --
    the preferred solution.
    Second, I'll add whatever comments I like. I'm well within the
    bounds of the forum rules. Feel free to ignore me. That's your
    Your hack might make sense in the specific bounds of your
    codebase, but it certainly isn't the correct way to approach the general
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    solutions that rely on hard-coding component sizes are brittle.
    Bottom line - you're telling somebody who can't
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    can play games with GBL and setVisible().
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    information that will confuse them or lead them
    down a wrong path in the future. It's not clear
    to me why you're doing so, but you probably

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                   if (component.getClass().toString().equals("class javax.swing.Box")) {
                        for(Component subComponent: ((Box)component).getComponents()) {
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    Well you could extend Box and override the setEnabled method to call setEnabled of all it's components, and then use that as your Box instead.
    But I have a couple of suggestions regarding the code you posted.
    1. You should use instanceof operator to check whether the component is an instance of Box
    2. You don't handle the case when there's a Box within a Box.
    public void setEditable(boolean editable) {
        for (Component c : getComponents()) {
            setEditable(c, editable);
    private void setEditable(Component c, boolean editable) {
        if (c instanceof javax.swing.Box) {
            for (Component subC : ((javax.swing.Box)c).getComponents())
                setEditable(subC, editable);

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    emailList = new JList( emailVector );
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    JPanel rightPanel = new JPanel( new GridLayout(0,1) );
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    messageLabel = new JLabel( "Message: ", JLabel.RIGHT );
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    leftPanel.add( messageLabel );
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    getContentPane().add( mainPanel, "Center" );

    Review the Java Swing Tutorial on Layout Managers: (the BoxLayout may be what you need)
    The entire tutorial can be downloaded free from:

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    I don't even know how your code works. Normally you assign a LayoutManager to the panel first and then you add the components to the panel.
    leftPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout( leftPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) );
    leftPanel.add(sizeLabel);If you want additional spacing then you just add use:
    leftPanel.add( Box.createVerticalStrut(10) ); Its even easier to use the Box class:
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    box.add( ??? );
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    box.add( ??? );

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    initially, what ever the components you want to disable set the disabled="true" in the jspx. Once you fetch the query results and in that action enable the componens like commandButton1.setDisabled(Boolean.FALSE);. that's how I am doing. You can dynamically enable/disable by having a boolean variable in the backing bean and set the disable property of component lke disabled="#{backingBeanScope.yourbean.blnAddBtn}".

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    If BI publisher is listed as an application in the deployments environment you can stop it.
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    Well normally all you need to do is:
    validate() (for AWT components or revalidate() for
    Swing components
    repaint() is sometimes required.
    If you need further help then you need to create a
    Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example
    Program that demonstrates the incorrectbehaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are
    doing based on the information provided.
    And don't forget to use the [url
    e Formatting Tags so the code retains its
    original formatting.
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    It gets removed as soon as the code is executed unless you have some other code that is blocking the GUI from repainting itself.
    If you need further help then you need to create a [url http://homepage1.nifty.com/algafield/sscce.html]Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable, Example Program (SSCCE) that demonstrates the incorrect behaviour, because I can't guess exactly what you are doing based on the information provided.
    Don't forget to use the [url http://forum.java.sun.com/help.jspa?sec=formatting]Code Formatting Tags so the posted code retains its original formatting.

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    " textfield.setEnabled(false)"

    Try this:
    Component[] components = myPanel.getComponents();
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < components.length ; i++){
    You'll have to adjust that to your situation, and if the panel has subcontainers they will have to be treated in the same manner.
    That should get you started.

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    2.- Set "Disabled" property true or false depending if the SelectOneChoice is selected or not
    3.- Set the Partial triggers to the SelectOneChoice in the three components.
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    CASE 2: The SelectOneChoice is marked. The three components appears enabled and when I unmark the SelectOneChoice, the components continue enabled. They don't disable until I press the submit button.
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    i try with de ChangeValueListener, but it only works where the SelectOneChoice changes from unmarked to marked.

    I think the problem is, when the value is null the checkbox return with the selected state, b'coz u r
    returning the checkbox (as it is). so pl'z try with below code (ADDED).
    public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value,
    boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,
    int row, int column){
    if(value != null){
    Boolean booleanValue = (Boolean)value;
    else /// ADDED
    setSelected(false);/// ADDED
    return this;

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    <h:command_button actionRef="xyzBean.goToPage" label="Go" commandName="submit" />
    public Action getGoToPage() {
    return new Action() {
    public String invoke() {
    return "success";
    The question is, how do I access the components for the page that I am going to rather than the page that I am coming from. I tried this:
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    UISelectMany myMenuComponent= (UISelectMany) context.getTree().getRoot().findComponent("myMenuComponent");
    myMenuComponent.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
    However, this fails because the tree that I get access to is the tree I am coming from, raher than the one I am going to.
    Is there a way to access the new tree?

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