Discoverer Administrator protocol

Anyone knows which protocol is used between Disco Admin (I guess it's the same for Desktop) and the DB server ??
This comes from our security department immediately followed by «Can it be securized ??».
I presume TCP/IP is the protocol (not sure tough) and have no clue whatsoever about the «securizing» part.

Disco Admin and Desktop use TNS (Oracle Net Services) to connect to the server. The network protocol e.g. TCP/IP used is defined in the tnsnames.ora file. See the Oracle Net Service Admin guide for more detail.
You can use a firewall to control access to the server and Oracle Advanced Security to secure the connection between the client and the server.
Rod West

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    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 29-AGO-2
    005 17:53:34
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2003, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Archivos de parßmetros utilizados:
    Adaptador EZCONNECT utilizado para resolver el alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=BDINFRA.aplicativ
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    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = aplicativo)(PORT = 1521))
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    Check the firewall settings on your server. Make sure that port 1521 is not blocked.

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    Well Abhijit,
    The eul workbooks have been created by oracle specifically to analyze your eul and make your work easier!. So, I prefer this way to view the information about my eul in a report format in the desktop. Try it! you may like it.
    If you want you can follow these steps:
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    Then import the eul5.eex file located at <discoverer_installation_path>\discoverer\ in the discoverer administrator.
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    Hope it helps you!

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    Hi Nakul, you may be running into a problem with the sql for your custom folder. For some reason Discoverer Admin will allow you to create a custom folder with sql, but then if you change it and it has any advanced sql, i.e. grouping sets, analytic functions etc., you probably receive an error.
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    Hope this helps.

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    Discoverer Administrator is part of the Oracle Developer Suite and is a windows product that must be installed separately on a windows workstation.
    Rod West

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    At the very least the Discoverer Administrator should have Administration privileges with Format Business Area, Create/Edit Business Area and Set Privilege. This can be given directly to the user or through a role/responsibility.
    Hope that helps,
    Rod West

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    What do you mean by refreshing the EUL business folders? The definitions of the EUL are updated whenever a workbook/worksheet/business area/hierarchy/ any other object inside the EUL is changed/added/deleted. Also, the contents of your EUL are updated whenever summaries are refreshed (either manually or on a schedule), or when scheduled workbooks run and their contents stored inside the EUL.
    Abhinav Agarwal
    Oracle Business Intelligence Product Management

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    The Out of Memory is not 100% related to the amount of memory you have on your machine. There is an internal cache that it is working with and this is controlled from within your system registry. These settings can be found in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER]\Software\Oracle\Discoverer 10\Application and they are called MaxVirtualDiskMem and MaxVirtualHeapMem and these are typically set to the amount of memory on your PC or even higher where 512000000 equates to 500 MB. I have rarely seen making a change to these have any impact but you can always try.
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    You seem to be saying when you run the query yet in your question you say running in Discoverer Administrator. You cannot run a query in Administrator so are you saying that you get this issue when running the query in Desktop or in Plus? For Desktop you can try altering the MaxVirtualDiskMem and MaxVirtualHeapMem, whereas for Plus these will have to be changed in the pref.txt for the application server.
    You can also try increang
    Best wishes


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    Discoverer Administrator is a client side tool, you must install it on your machine or even you can install discoverer administrator in your server but you must connect through a connection string which you must enter in your tnsnames

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    Did you check this
    Look for Oracle BI Discoverer Desktop and Discoverer Administrator

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    It is part of "Oracle Business Intelligence Tools 10g" which can be downloaded from:
    Oracle Business Intelligence Tools 10g ( for Microsoft Windows
    Note: 395820.1 - Is There a Software Download For the Full Discoverer Administrator/Desktop 10g ( Release?
    Note: 1111911.1 - Where / How to Download Discoverer Administration/Desktop 10g Edition Software on OTN
    Note: 743947.1 - How to download software for Discoverer Plus and Viewer 10g
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    You need to download and install Discoverer 10g Developer Suite in order to use the Admin edition. So far you have only installed the web components.
    Click here for the download page:
    and pick the version you need.
    Best wishes

  • Export workbooks not sharded with the oracle Discoverer Administrator

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    Any advice will be highly appreciated. Thanks

    Hi Marc
    The only mechanism to export Discoverer workbooks using the 4.1 Administrator tool is to use the command line.
    However, there are severe restrictions on functionality. These are:
    - Only the owner of a workbook can export a workbook. Discoverer administrators do not have the power to export end user workbooks, therefore user accounts need to be temporarily granted administration privileges during the process
    - There is no mechanism to export “ALL” workbooks for a user account. They have to be named explicitly on the command line
    - Workbooks must be exported on a user by user basis because there is no mechanism to export workbooks for multiple users at the same time
    Drop me an email because I have a white paper that explains in detail how to export workbooks in 4.1 using the Administrator tool.
    I hope this helps
    Best wishes
    Michael Armstrong-Smith

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