Discoverer Export Problem - Column headers dropped & row data used instead

In Discoverer 9i, when I export the data for a 12 month period from one of my workbooks to Excel 2002, three of the twelve column headers are dropped in the spreadsheet and one piece of row data is used as a column header instead. The total number of records exported for the workbook is 33586 which is below the export limit for Excel. This problem does not happen when 11 months of data (28174 rows) is exported out to Excel. Any idea what may be causing this?

As usual the Express VI has its limitations.  It seems to be setup for a 2D array of info in this case.  The best way I've found is to name range in template and use the Excel Easy

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  • Facing problem during uploadation of Routing data using CA01-BDC - URGENT

    Dear All,
    When I am trying to upload Routing data using CA01 in the Table Control scenario, then I am facing problem as my last 2 records are not getting uploaded from my Test file.
    For example, I am having 47 records in my Test File and after setting ‘Default size’ parameters (to avoid screen resolution problem)
    I have 15 table control line items data per page. The Page down logic ('=P+') is working fine, but my below BDC code failed to take
    the remainder last 2 records from the Test File.
    Analysis: When I am running my “Call Transaction” bdc in foreground, then the 1st page down occurs after 15th record, 2nd page down occurs after 29th record( as in Table Control 1st page’s 15th record is coming on the Top of 2nd page). 3rd page down occurs after 43rd record
    (as 2nd page’s 29th record is coming on the top of 3rd page). In the 4th Table Control Page 43rd record of previous page is coming on top, and then it’s taking 44th & 45th records from the Test File and then it is triggering SAVE (=BU). Thus, our last 2 records
    (i.e. 46th, 47th record) are not getting uploaded in the routing screen from our Test File.
    If anybody has encountered this scenario previously, please help me URGENTLY in fixing the bugs here. It’s VERY, VERY URGENT…
    FYI. For others 45 successful records already uploaded, all the screen fields values are coming properly in the routing screen, and here there is no issue.
    Thanks very much…
    Thanks & Regards
    Sudipta – Project Lead
    Volvo Client Location
    I am pasting my BDC source code below:
                           NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING
                           LINE-SIZE 255.
                            I N C L U D E S                              *
    Include for Data Declarations
    INCLUDE zrout_top.
    Include for Forms
    INCLUDE zrout_form.
    INCLUDE zrout_include_f_ca01.
    Attaching F4 help with filename
      PERFORM F1001_GET_F4.
               S T A R T   -   O F  -  S E L E C T I O N                 *
    Perform to read the input file
      PERFORM f_read_file.
    Perform to fill the BDC data
      PERFORM f_fill_bdctab.
                   E N D   -   O F  -  S E L E C T I O N                 *
      FREE: i_bdcdata,
    *&  Include           ZROUT_TOP                                        *
                      D A T A B A S E    T A B L E S                     *
    TABLES: t100.          "Messages
                    D A T A    D E C L A R A T I O N S                   *
    T A B L E    T Y P E S *****************************
    For input data
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_record,
            matnr(18),  "Material Number
            werks(4),   "Plant
            verwe(3),   "Usage
            statu(3),   "Status
            arbpl(8),   "Work Center
            steus(4),   "Control Key
            ltxa1(40),  "Description of Operation
            bmsch(13),  "Base Quantity
            meinh(3),   "Unit of Measure
            vgw01(11),  "Machine
            vge01(3),   "Unit of measure of activity
          END OF ty_record.
    I N T E R N A L    T A B L E S ***********************
    Internal Table for input file name
    DATA: i_file_tab  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sdokpath   INITIAL SIZE 0.
    Internal Table for BDC Data
    DATA: i_bdcdata   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bdcdata    INITIAL SIZE 0.
    Internal Table for BDC Messages
    DATA: i_messtab   TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bdcmsgcoll INITIAL SIZE 0.
    Internal Table for Input file
    W O R K      A R E A S *************************
    Work Area for input file name
    DATA: wa_file_tab LIKE sdokpath.
    Work Area for BDC Data
    DATA: wa_bdcdata LIKE bdcdata.
    Work Area for BDC Messages
    DATA: wa_messtab LIKE bdcmsgcoll.
    Work Area for Input file
    DATA: wa_record TYPE ty_record.
    V A R I A B L E S ****************************
    DATA: v_filename TYPE string,
          v_fnam(40) TYPE c.
    DATA: wa_opt TYPE ctu_params.
    C O N S T A N T S ***************************
    CONSTANTS: c_werks TYPE rc27m-werks VALUE 'tp',
               c_steus TYPE plpod-steus VALUE 'PP01'.
    *Selection Screen.
              Input file name
                P_FILE TYPE rlgrap-filename OBLIGATORY. " DEFAULT 'C:\'.
    *&  Include           ZROUT_FORM                                       *
    *&      Form  f_fill_bdctab
          Form to fill the BDC Data
    FORM f_fill_bdctab.
      TABLES mapl.          "Assignment of Task Lists to Materials
      DATA: l_cnt_item(3)  TYPE n VALUE 1.    "Line item counter
      DATA: first(3)  TYPE n VALUE 16.    "Line item counter
      DATA: next(3)  TYPE n .    "Line item counter
      DATA: lin(3) TYPE n .    "Line item counter
      DATA: l_v_bmsch(13),   "Base qty
            l_v_meinh(3),    "Unit of Measure
            l_v_vgw01(11),   "Machine
            l_v_vgw02(11),   "Labour
            l_v_vge01(3).    "Unit of measure of activity
      DATA l_v_nextline TYPE sy-tabix.
      DATA wa_temp TYPE ty_record.
        Initialize Counter
          l_cnt_item = 1.
      SORT i_record BY matnr.
      LOOP AT i_record INTO wa_record.
    AT NEW matnr.
        REFRESH: i_bdcdata,
        PERFORM f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCPDI' '1010'.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
      Material Number
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'RC27M-MATNR'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'RC27M-WERKS'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'RC271-PLNNR'
      Check if routing already exits for the material
        SELECT * FROM mapl
                      INTO mapl
                                WHERE matnr EQ wa_record-matnr
                                  AND werks EQ c_werks
                                  AND plnty EQ 'N'.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            PERFORM f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCPDI' '1200'.
            PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
                                            '=ANLG  '.
        perform f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCPDA' '1200'.
        perform f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
    Group Counter
        perform f_bdc_field       USING 'PLKOD-PLNAL'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'PLKOD-VERWE'
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'PLKOD-STATU'
        PERFORM f_bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLCPDI' '1400'.
      Check if page is full
        IF l_cnt_item EQ '16'.
        Page down
          PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
          l_cnt_item = 1.
    PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
       CLEAR v_fnam.
      Populate item level details
    Work Center
        CONCATENATE 'PLPOD-ARBPL(' l_cnt_item ')' INTO v_fnam.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING v_fnam
      Control Key
        CONCATENATE 'PLPOD-STEUS(' l_cnt_item ')' INTO v_fnam.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING v_fnam
      Description of Operation
        CONCATENATE 'PLPOD-LTXA1(' l_cnt_item ')' INTO v_fnam.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING v_fnam
      Base Quantity
        CONCATENATE 'PLPOD-BMSCH(' l_cnt_item ')' INTO v_fnam.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING v_fnam
      Unit of Measure
        CONCATENATE 'PLPOD-MEINH(' l_cnt_item ')' INTO v_fnam.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING v_fnam
        CONCATENATE 'PLPOD-VGW01(' l_cnt_item ')' INTO v_fnam.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING v_fnam
       CONCATENATE 'PLPOD-VGW02(' l_cnt_item ')' INTO v_fnam.
       PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING v_fnam
      Unit of measure of activity
        CONCATENATE 'PLPOD-VGE01(' l_cnt_item ')' INTO v_fnam.
        PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING v_fnam
          l_cnt_item = l_cnt_item + 1.
       CLEAR wa_record.
    AT END OF matnr.
         PERFORM f_bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
          PERFORM f_bdc_field         USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
         wa_opt-DISMODE = 'A'.
         wa_opt-DEFSIZE = 'X'.
         wa_opt-UPDMODE = 'S'.
        PERFORM f_bdc_transaction USING 'CA01'.
       Initialize Counter
         l_cnt_item = 1.
    ENDFORM.                    " f_fill_bdctab
    *&  Include           ZROUT_INCLUDE_F_CA01                             *
    *&      Form  f_read_file
          Form to read the file from presentation server
    FORM f_read_file .
    To get the file name
      DATA l_v_file TYPE string.
    l_v_file = P_FILE.
            filename                = l_v_file
            filetype                = 'ASC'
            has_field_separator     = 'X'
            data_tab                = i_record
            file_open_error         = 1
            file_read_error         = 2
            no_batch                = 3
            gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
            invalid_type            = 5
            no_authority            = 6
            unknown_error           = 7
            bad_data_format         = 8
            header_not_allowed      = 9
            separator_not_allowed   = 10
            header_too_long         = 11
            unknown_dp_error        = 12
            access_denied           = 13
            dp_out_of_memory        = 14
            disk_full               = 15
            dp_timeout              = 16
            OTHERS                  = 17.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " f_read_file
    *&      Form  f_bdc_dynpro
          Form to populate BDC Tab for new screen
         -->fp_program   Screen program name
         -->fp_dynpro    Screen Number
           Start new screen                                              *
    FORM f_bdc_dynpro USING fp_program fp_dynpro.
      CLEAR wa_bdcdata.
      wa_bdcdata-program  = fp_program.
      wa_bdcdata-dynpro   = fp_dynpro.
      wa_bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_bdcdata TO i_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM.                    "f_bdc_dynpro
    *&      Form  f_bdc_field
           Insert field                                                  *
    FORM f_bdc_field USING fp_fnam fp_fval.
      IF NOT fp_fval IS INITIAL.
        CLEAR wa_bdcdata.
        wa_bdcdata-fnam = fp_fnam.
        wa_bdcdata-fval = fp_fval.
        APPEND wa_bdcdata TO i_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM.                    "f_bdc_field
    *&      Form  f_bdc_transaction
          Call transaction and error handling
         -->fp_tcode   Transaction code
    FORM f_bdc_transaction  USING fp_tcode.
      DATA: l_mstring(480),
            l_color         TYPE i,
            l_mode          TYPE c.
      REFRESH i_messtab.
    CALL TRANSACTION fp_tcode USING i_bdcdata
                       OPTIONS FROM wa_opt
                       MESSAGES INTO i_messtab.
    Messages during upload
      LOOP AT i_messtab INTO wa_messtab.
        CASE wa_messtab-msgtyp.
          WHEN 'S'.
            l_color = 5.
          WHEN 'E'.
            l_color = 6.
          WHEN 'W'.
            l_color = 3.
        FORMAT COLOR = l_color.
        SELECT SINGLE * FROM t100 WHERE sprsl = wa_messtab-msgspra
                                  AND   arbgb = wa_messtab-msgid
                                  AND   msgnr = wa_messtab-msgnr.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          l_mstring = t100-text.
          IF l_mstring CS '&1'.
            REPLACE '&1' WITH wa_messtab-msgv1 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&2' WITH wa_messtab-msgv2 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&3' WITH wa_messtab-msgv3 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&4' WITH wa_messtab-msgv4 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&' WITH wa_messtab-msgv1 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&' WITH wa_messtab-msgv2 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&' WITH wa_messtab-msgv3 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&' WITH wa_messtab-msgv4 INTO l_mstring.
          CONDENSE l_mstring.
          WRITE: / wa_messtab-msgtyp, l_mstring(250).
          WRITE: / wa_messtab.
    ENDFORM.                    " f_bdc_transaction
    FORM F1001_GET_F4.
                PROGRAM_NAME  = SY-REPID
                DYNPRO_NUMBER = SY-DYNNR
                FIELD_NAME    = P_FILE
                FILE_NAME     = P_FILE
                MASK_TOO_LONG = 1
                OTHERS        = 2.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
      File is not selected
       MESSAGE I000 WITH TEXT-M01.
    ENDFORM.                    " F1001_GET_F4

    Would request you to post this to ABAP-Forum for Immediate response.
    I had this problem, but the ABAP guy did something to correct was more of screen resoultion difference between the recorded system and uploading system. Please try to use the same system which was used to record and try.

  • Freeze the column headers for htmlb:tableView using CSS

    I am using a <htmlb:tableView > in BSP to display data.
    i want to freeze the column headers so that they dont scroll when table data is scrolled.
    Is it possible ?

    Hi Rajendra,
    Have a look at the links below:
    [Freeze tableview header-I|]
    [Freeze tableview header-II|Freeze table header in HTMLB Tableview]
    [Freeze Columns of tableview|]
    Search the forum and you will find information on this.

  • Export JTable Column headers to Excel document

    Hello all!!! I am having a small problem while trying to export some data from a jTable to an excel document.
    I have a jTable and I use a custom TableModel with this:
    private String[] columnNames = {"First", "Second", "Third", "Forth"};as names for each column of the table.
    The thing I am trying to do is to export exactly the same "headers" from the columns of the jTable to the excel spreadsheet using Jakarta POI. Unfortunately I don't know how to do it and I haven't found anything yet on this forum. Can anyone help me with this?
    In simple words I want to know how I can have the same headers from my jTable columns, with the headers from the excel doument I will create.
    Many thanks in advanve!!!

    Thank you for your reply first of all. The problem is how to get the heading text and how to put it to the excel's first row OR to excels "headings" (if it is possible...). [in other words replace A,B,C,D from the excel document with the headers I get from the jTable...] .
    I hope now you can see what I am looking for... If there is no solution to this please tell me what are the alternatives. (B) could be a good example.
    Thanks you very much!!

  • Power View Enhancement Request - Allow for columns to drop off PowerView when column name changes in data model instead of rendering the PowerView inaccessible

    Currently in PowerView, if a column name changes in the tabular model, and that column is being used in a PowerView chart, the PowerView will become inaccessible.
    It would be nice if it functioned similar to Pivot Table. If a column name changes for a column that is being used in a Pivot Table, the field is just removed from the chart, and the user can select the newly named column. 

    Hi plantm,
    After testing the issue in my environment, I can reproduce it. After we change a column name which is used in a Power View chart, Power view will render the message that” The external data connection has been disabled for this Power View report. Please enable
    the connection.” when we reopen the file.
    To fix this issue, we can click Refresh button under POWER VIEW menu, then it would prompt us that” Power View was not able to complete the action due to a query failure. This can happen if the structure of your data has changed, in which case closing and
    re-opening the application will resolve the problem.”
    According to the error message, we should try to reopen the file to fix this issue. Power view will render the message that” Please refresh to see the data for this Power View Sheet. You can set properties in the Connection Properties dialog so that the
    data refreshes automatically when you open the file.” when we reopen the file. Then we can refresh it again, the report will be displayed without that field.
    Based on my research, inherently what the message means is that Power View cannot be used as a tool for snapshot reporting. With an Excel PivotTable, we can see the data last saved in the PivotTable. Power View, however, does not behave the same way – it
    won’t render the last saved state. If we want to avoid this message when we reopen the file, there are two methods:
    When we create the Power View report, we can select the checkbox that “Refresh data when opening the file”.
    After it’s been set up, go to Connections on the Data menu, then choose Properties.
    For more details about the settings, we can refer to the following blog:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Export all the db except rows data

    is that enough?
    i am on 8174

    is that enough?
    yes. But have alternatives, if your db version > 9i you can use expdp instead of exp which has more additional features and keep it in mind expdp works faster than exp, cause it works on server side.
    ex of expdp
    # expdp "'ulfet/ulfet123@ulfet'" dumpfile=exp.dmp logfile=exp.log full=y directory=DPUMPDIR
    ex of exp:
    # exp ulfet/ulfet123@ulfet full=y file=ulf.dmp log=ulf.log consistent=y
    Edited by: Ulfet Tanriverdiyev on Jul 24, 2010 12:49 AM

  • How can I read the complex data for the stand-alone offline time-frequency analyzer, which only accept real data, that is one-column or one row data ?

    I have real complex data (i,q data) for the ISAR imaging. I don't have any knowledge of Labview programming. I bought this signal processing toolset to use only stand-alone time-frequency analyzer.

    In the LabVIEW functions palette on the block diagram, if you go to Numeric>>Complex you have to VI's that splits a complex number into rectangular or polar components. Click on the help file for those VI's to see the kind of datatypes you can wire to them.
    Cyril Bouton
    Active LabVIEW Developper

  • Problem creating a new row when using tabbed regions

    I am new to JHeadstart and ADF and have been using the evaluation version of JHeadstart (in JDev to judge its efficacy for a new significantly-sized application. As part of that evaluation I have created a small application (you can do this with HR schema using say the Departments table) with a single entity and VO. On JHeadstart I have then placed some of the fields into multiple Item regions within a Tabbed region on the same page and below the Group (layout style Table, Table Overflow Style below With Splitter). Existing rows display fine and I can view the data on the separate tabs.
    However, if I try to create a row, I can fill in the data on the main region, but if I fill in data on the first tabbed region I cannot switch to the next tab without an error being generated.
    e.g. using Departments - fill in DepartmentId and DepartmentName on main region, fill in ManagerId on first tabbed region and try to switch to second tabbed region to fill in LocationId:
    Missing mandatory attributes for a row with key null of type HRModule.DepartmentsView1
    Attribute DepartmentId in HRModule.DepartmentsView1 is required.
    Attribute DepartmentName in HRModule.DepartmentsView1 is required.
    If you save, then you can navigate.
    You can also demonstrate something similar (different error message but probably the same root cause) on the myJHSTutorial demo. If you navigate to an employee off the regions page and try and create a new employee (using the '+' button below the 'Employees' label), then the tabs are not refreshed and any attempt to change the tabs results in an error
    Failed to validate a row with key oracle.jbo.Key[999 ] in HRModule.EmployeesView3
    Attribute Salary in HRModule.EmployeesView3 is required.
    Salary must be between 6000 and 12000 for this job.
    The JHS devguide does not help. Any thoughts? I can send the HR sample if you wish.

    OK, I was able to reproduce this. The problem is that when you switch tabs, a partial page request is send to the server which does not include the items filled in the table row itself, hence these items are not updated in the underlying view object row.
    Solution is to have a partial trigger at the table or group level listening to tab events. We will add that to the next release, but you can also apply the fix yourself by adding the following lines to the stackedRegionContainer.vm template:
    #if (${JHS.current.pageComponent.tableLayout} && !(${JHS.current.pageComponent.hasOverflowInline}))
    ## when creating a new row in a table, and using overflow right/below, when switching overflow tabs
    ## the items filled in the table itself must also be processed as part of JSF model update phase, to
    ## prevent required item error when clicking another tab in overflow area
    ## we can enforce this by making the whole group listen to tab events
    Add these lines just before the line starting with
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart team.

  • Problem in extending material master data using BAPI?

    Hi all,
    I have created a program to upload material master using BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA WITH VIEWS
    Basic view, purchase view, account view , storage view and MRP view. I am successful while uploading this data while not  taking  the valuation type  field to account view(passing only valuation area,valuation class and moving price).
    But when i am trying to pass valuation type field also then it is giving error as 'First create the valuation-type-independent data' .
    So i have written another program to extend this material to enter valuation type , then it is giving the error as 'Valuation category does not allow split valuation'.
    Please help me to solve this problem and while modifying what are the mandatory values to pass to BAPI?

    Hi VAMSHI,
    I have your same error but I don't know how to solve it. We have active "material split valuation" and valuation type is mandatory field if using ACCOUNTING and COSTING views.
    Please, let me know.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Problem in uploading material master data using BDC?

    Hi all,
    I am using  BDC call transaction method to upload material data. Here i am facing a problem that a value in the flat file is going to the wrong screen field . But my recording done properly.
    In recording, after entering the data in the view BASIC DATA1 and trying to enter the text . For this i need to scroll down the scroll bar and after that i am clicking on basic data text and entering the text. Here i am not touching the languge field.
    But the problem is the text to be entered into the basic data text is storing in language and giving error.
    Please help me by specifying the reason and solution for this problem? Whether i did any mistake in recording in scrolling?

    Go with BAPI for such huge transactions and screens. Use BAPI: BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA.

  • Facing problem in converting string to date using getOANLSServices()

    I am trying to set a value for date field in my vo and trying to insert into the table.
    In controller I am getting the String which has a date:
    ex: String date="01-NOV-2007";
    while setting into the row I need to convert into Date but it is returning null.
    The below code I used
    to convert into date :
    Date dt = new Date(getOADBTransaction().getOANLSServices().stringToDate(date));
    But this dt is returning a null value is there any solution please advise me.

    Smarajeet ,
    See this thread, in one of my replies i have mentioned how to convert string to can use the same for oracle.jbo.domain.Date.
    urgent!How to set the default selected date for an OAMessageDateFieldBean

  • Problem with tooltips and spry data using startLoadInterval

    I am trying to use tooltips with a dynamic table using the spry data example at the bottom of the page:
    I have it working except that it appears to have a memory leak as firefox's memory usage continues to grow.
    I did notice there is a 'new' inside the onPostUpdate:function that is being called on every table update.
    So after looking at the tooltip code I modified the function to:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var tt1;
    var observer = {onPostUpdate:function(){if(tt1 == null){tt1 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip('tooltip','.trigger');}else{tt1.destroy(); tt1.destroy();if(tt1.checkDestroyed()) alert("destroyed");else alert("not destroyed");delete tt1; tt1 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip('tooltip','.trigger');}}}
    Spry.Data.Region.addObserver('mainRegion', observer);
    The tt1.checkDestroyed() always returns false and my memory usage continues to grow.
    Any help?

    Thanks for the reply.  I found a way to get it to work by changing my
    observer function to the following:
    tt1.init('.trigger', 'tooltip',
    Probably not very clean but it doesn’t grow memory and works correctly.
    I just put it back to the old way as in the example with a
    startLoadInterval(1500) :
    And I am over 500MB after ~ 30 minutes where as the top code above ran with
    a startLoadInterval(1500); overnight and is about ~120MB.
    I am using a double repeatchildren loop to build a table with tooltips for
    each cell which may affect it.
    Bottom line is I have a way to make it work so I am moving forward.  If you
    still want to see it I might be able to get it up on the internet and give
    you a link.
    Greg Wirth

  • Problem in uploading material master data using BAPI?

    Hi all,
    I am using BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA to upload materail master data. Here i have to pass moving average price values in two currenices(using account_view and valuationdata in BAPI). But i found only one field for  moving average price i.e moving_pr in valuationdata.
    Please help me on how to upload the moving average price in two currencies?

    There is function module BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA where
    VALUATIONDATA parameter is in the tables tab.
    But I didn't test it. Try, may be it works as you need.

  • Problem in filling Custom segment data using User Exit for ZORDERS05

    I am using Process Code SD10 to generate the custom Idoc ZORDERS05.
    The function module used is IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDRSP.
    I am able to succesfully generate the Custom Idoc (VA02->Extras->Header->Edit) but unable to populate the custom segments in the IDOC.
    I have tried to write the code in User Exit EXIT_SAPLVEDC_003 -> ZXVEDU15. But still I'm unable to populate the Z segments.
    Even though I place a break point in the FM or in the User Exit during the generation of Idoc the control doesn't stop in FM nor in the User Exit.
    I am unable to understand how to go about this.
    Can anybody please help me with this?
    Thanks in Adavance,

    Okay I under what you are speaking about NACE.
    Yes that configuration has been done and I am sucessfully able to generate the IDOC.
    But even though I know that in FM IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDRSP, I have to write code in User Exit EXIT_SAPLVEDC_003 to populate the Z segments; I'm unable to understand y the control doesn't pick the FM and Exit.
    Right now I have code in the Exit to fill Z segments.

  • Column headers and data are mismatched in Data tab of views after move col.

    Currently, I am using Windows XP, SQL Developer Version 1.2.1 Build Main 32.13.
    Java platform 1.5.0_06
    Oracle IDE
    I'm having trouble with display of data from views in the "Data" tab of SQL Developer. If I move a column left or right of its original place, the data no longer line up with the proper column heading. The data are in the correct order, but the column headers are out of whack. Also, in the Single Record View, the data and column headers are mismatched.
    Refreshing the view, closing the view, closing and reopening SQL Developer do not "reset" the view so that the data and proper column headers are lined up. Even dropping and recreating the view does not force SQL Developer to use the proper data-column header match.
    Just to be clear, the data within the view is fine. It is the display of the data-column headers in the "Data" tab of SQL Developer (and the single record view) that is wrong. The mismatch seems to occur after a column is moved in the view.
    Is this a bug? I like the ability to move columns around within the display of the view. However, much more important that the column headers and data line up correctly.

    Thanks much. I found the correct file, deleted it, and the column headers and data match up again.
    I found the correct file by searching the directory for one of the column names that occurs in the view (though I had to find both instances of "COLUMN_NAME" and "COLUMN NAME" (without the underscore)). Not sure why there were files with both versions.
    Do you know if there is any way to prevent those XXXXXXXXXTableSettings.xml files from writing all together (oracle.javatools.controls.nicetable.NiceTablePersistentSettings)? I looked through the SQL Developer preferences but nothing jumped out as being the setting to switch off.
    Should I be doing anything in particular to bring more attention to this potential bug so it might get fixed in a future release?
    Thanks again,

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