Discoverer on Windows 2003

I would like to know if there is any known problem with Discorever running with Windows 2003 server.
I have installed Oracle Discoverer on a computer running Windows 2003 server, I can connect the EUL, create and refresh new reports, but if I try to save it either on My Computer or Database, I got the error 'an unnamed file contains an invalid path'.
I would be very happy if somebody could help me or tell me were can I find information about this issue.
Silvia Sawada

Hi All,
If you have access to Metalink check Note:298486.1 unable to Open or Save Workbooks with Desktop 10g (9.0.4) on Windows 2003.
There is an error reported in Bug 4081010 UNABLE TO OPEN OR SAVE WORKBOOKS WITH DESKTOP 9.0.4 ON WINDOWS 2003, the bug was fixed in Patch 4085873 for Discoverer 10g (9.0.4). Unfortunately they did not mention Discoverer 9.0.2.
I hope it helps.

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    No, Discoverer 4i is not supported with Windows 2003, see Note 332433.1. 10g is compatible with Windows 2003.
    Rod West

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    1. Discoverer 4.1 has been desupported but was only certified for Windows 200 and XP
    2. Discoverer Desktop and Admin is support on Windows 2003:
    2003 SP1+ 10g ( )
    One thing I have to mentioned is that Oracle does not support any Citrix client operations.
    If ever you encounter a problem you will need to reproduce the problem
    outside of the Citrix environment to prove that it is not the cause of the problem.
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    This is a bug in your version of Discoverer. There is a patch to make it work with windows 2003 or you can upgrade your Discoverer to a later version. The patch should be available from Oracle support. I don't know of anyway to make your version work with 2003.
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    Before proceeding with the Virtual Machine, I suggest you to refer to this Metalink Note> Certified Software on Oracle VM
         Doc ID:      Note:464754.1
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    [email protected]

    Hi Milan;
    I have configured Oracle Discoverer upgraded its version using patch 5983622 on our Production server(227) that has forms and web on it.
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    Reading ini file - 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal/j2ee/deploy.ini'
    Adding web-app 'webapp.war' for app 'portalHelp2'.
    Adding web-app 'jpdk.war' for app 'jpdk'.
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    Adding web-app 'query.war' for app 'UltrasearchPortlet'.
    Adding web-app 'omniPortlet.war' for app 'portalTools'.
    Adding web-app 'sample.war' for app 'portalTools'.
    Adding web-app 'webClipping.war' for app 'portalTools'.
    Adding web-app 'providerBuilder.war' for app 'portalTools'.
    Adding web-app 'portalTools.war' for app 'portalTools'.
    Adding web-app 'portal.war' for app 'portal'.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal':  Adding java stop command line option '-server'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal':  Adding java command line option '-Xmx256m'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal':  Adding Environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\jdk\jre\lib\sparc'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal':  Adding Environment variable 'DISPLAY' with value 'localhost:0'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal':  Adding property 'oracle.http.configfile=C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/portal/conf/cache.xml'
    Adding web-app 'oraudrepl.war' for app 'oraudrepl'.
    Adding web-app 'op.war' for app 'OP'.
    Adding web-app 'redemo.war' for app 'OP'.
    Adding web-app 'web.war' for app 'reports'.
    Adding web-app 'reports_demo.war' for app 'reports'.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding Environment variable 'DISPLAY' with value 'localhost:0'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding property 'oracle.forms.configFileName=C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/forms/server/formsweb.cfg'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding property 'oracle.path=C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/bin;C:/oracle/appserver/OraInfra/bin;C:/oracle/appserver/OraInfra/jlib;C:/Python25/;C:/Perl/bin/;C:/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1/bin;c:/vmtools/defrag;C:/Program Files/Support Tools/;C:/WINDOWS/system32;C:/WINDOWS;C:/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem;c:/svn/bin;c:/nant/bin;c:/vmstage/utils;C:/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding OC4J start command line option '-userThreads'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding Environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\jdk\jre\lib\sparc'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Env Option 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' already exists with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\jdk\jre\lib\sparc'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding property 'java.rmi.server.randomIDs=true'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding property 'oracle.disco.activation.preferencePort=16001'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding java command line option '-Xmx512M -Xms128M'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding property 'oracle.discoverer.applications.port=7778'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Adding property ''
    Adding web-app 'discoverer.war' for app 'discoverer'.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Env Option 'DISPLAY' already exists with value 'localhost:0'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'oracle.forms.configFileName' already exists with value 'C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/forms/server/formsweb.cfg'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'oracle.path' already exists with value 'C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/bin;C:/oracle/appserver/OraInfra/bin;C:/oracle/appserver/OraInfra/jlib;C:/Python25/;C:/Perl/bin/;C:/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1/bin;c:/vmtools/defrag;C:/Program Files/Support Tools/;C:/WINDOWS/system32;C:/WINDOWS;C:/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem;c:/svn/bin;c:/nant/bin;c:/vmstage/utils;C:/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Env Option 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' already exists with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\jdk\jre\lib\sparc'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Env Option 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' already exists with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\jdk\jre\lib\sparc'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'java.rmi.server.randomIDs' already exists with value 'true'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'oracle.disco.activation.preferencePort' already exists with value '16001'
    Ignoring jvm command-line option '-Xmx512M -Xms128M'.  Larger heap already specified with '-Xmx512M -Xms128M'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'oracle.discoverer.applications.port' already exists with value '7778'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property '' already exists with value 'VS-ORAWEB'
    Adding web-app 'formsweb.war' for app 'formsapp'.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Env Option 'DISPLAY' already exists with value 'localhost:0'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'oracle.forms.configFileName' already exists with value 'C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/forms/server/formsweb.cfg'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'oracle.path' already exists with value 'C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/bin;C:/oracle/appserver/OraInfra/bin;C:/oracle/appserver/OraInfra/jlib;C:/Python25/;C:/Perl/bin/;C:/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1/bin;c:/vmtools/defrag;C:/Program Files/Support Tools/;C:/WINDOWS/system32;C:/WINDOWS;C:/WINDOWS/System32/Wbem;c:/svn/bin;c:/nant/bin;c:/vmstage/utils;C:/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Env Option 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' already exists with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\jdk\jre\lib\sparc'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Env Option 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' already exists with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib:C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\jdk\jre\lib\sparc'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'java.rmi.server.randomIDs' already exists with value 'true'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'oracle.disco.activation.preferencePort' already exists with value '16001'
    Ignoring jvm command-line option '-Xmx512M -Xms128M'.  Larger heap already specified with '-Xmx512M -Xms128M'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property 'oracle.discoverer.applications.port' already exists with value '7778'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms':  Property '' already exists with value 'VS-ORAWEB'
    Adding web-app 'wsrp-samples.war' for app 'portletapp'.
    Adding web-app 'webapp.war' for app 'BC4J'.
    OC4J instance 'home':  Adding property 'jbo.server.in_oc4j=true'
    Adding web-app 'IsWebCacheWorkingWeb.war' for app 'IsWebCacheWorking'.
    Adding web-app 'ptg-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'xms-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'push-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'notification-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'workflow-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'provisioning-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'location-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'j2me-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'mcs-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'j2me-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'multimedia.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'async-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'resource-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'webtool-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'mobile-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    Adding web-app 'studio-web.war' for app 'wireless'.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding java command line option '-Xmx256m'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding java stop command line option '-Doracle.wireless.home=C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding java stop command line option '-Doracle.wireless.oraclehome=C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding java stop command line option '-Djava.awt.headless=true'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding OC4J start command line option '-userThreads'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding OC4J stop command line option 'force'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding Environment variable 'DISPLAY' with value 'localhost:0.0'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding Environment variable 'PATH' with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\bin;C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib;C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\wireless\lib;C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\ocal\lib'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding Environment variable 'SHLIB_PATH' with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32;C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\wireless\lib;C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\ocal\lib'
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless':  Adding Environment variable 'LIBPATH' with value 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\lib32;C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\wireless\lib;C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\ocal\lib'
    Adding web-app 'webclipping-web.war' for app 'webclipping'.
    Adding web-app 'mobile-examples-web.war' for app 'mobile-examples'.
    Initializing DCM..done.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal' already exists.
    Copying LDAP-configured jazn.xml from 'home' OC4J instance...done.
    Adding dependent libraries for application 'default'...done.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms' already exists.
    Security configuration from 'C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\discoverer\config\disco.policy' already appended to java2.policy file - ignoring.Adding dependent libraries for application 'default'..done.
    OC4J instance 'home' already exists.
    OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless' already exists.
    Adding dependent libraries for application 'default'...done.
    Starting OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal'..
    ERROR:  Start failed.
    Error message returned is: Failure to send a command to the OPMN process due to I/O problem. OPMN Request: /start?mode=sync&process-type=OC4J_PortalCheck OPMN configuration and OPMN log files
    Starting OC4J instance 'OC4J_BI_Forms'..
    ERROR:  Start failed.
    Error message returned is: OPMN Request: /start?mode=sync&process-type=OC4J_BI_Forms
    OPMN Response: If there is no response from OPMN, check OPMN configuration and restart DCM daemon. If OPMN response is available, identify the failure and the corresponding log files indicated in the OPMN response contents
    Starting OC4J instance 'home'..done.
    Deploying application 'portletapp' to OC4J instance 'home'.
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for portletapp STARTS [ 2008-10-02T13:39:06.336ADT ]
    Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
    Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/j2ee/home/applications/portletapp.ear
    Notification ==> Copy the archive to C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\j2ee\home\applications\portletapp.ear
    Notification ==> Unpack portletapp.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Unpack portletapp.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize portletapp.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize portletapp.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize wsrp-samples begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize wsrp-samples ends...
    Notification ==> deleting:  C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\j2ee\home\applications\portletapp.ear
    Notification ==> deleting:  /C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/j2ee/home/applications/portletapp/wsrp-samples.war
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for portletapp COMPLETES [ 2008-10-02T13:39:08.399ADT ]
    Deploying application 'BC4J' to OC4J instance 'home'.
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for BC4J STARTS [ 2008-10-02T13:39:08.800ADT ]
    Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
    Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/j2ee/home/applications/BC4J.ear
    Notification ==> Copy the archive to C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\j2ee\home\applications\BC4J.ear
    Notification ==> Unpack BC4J.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Unpack BC4J.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize BC4J.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize BC4J.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize webapp begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize webapp ends...
    Notification ==> deleting:  C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\j2ee\home\applications\BC4J.ear
    Notification ==> deleting:  /C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/j2ee/home/applications/BC4J/webapp.war
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for BC4J COMPLETES [ 2008-10-02T13:39:13.226ADT ]
    Deploying application 'ADFBCManager' to OC4J instance 'home'.
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for ADFBCManager STARTS [ 2008-10-02T13:39:13.226ADT ]
    Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
    Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/j2ee/home/applications/ADFBCManager.ear
    Notification ==> Copy the archive to C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\j2ee\home\applications\ADFBCManager.ear
    Notification ==> Unpack ADFBCManager.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Unpack ADFBCManager.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize ADFBCManager.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize ADFBCManager.ear ends...
    Notification ==> deleting:  C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\j2ee\home\applications\ADFBCManager.ear
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for ADFBCManager COMPLETES [ 2008-10-02T13:39:36.579ADT ]
    Deploying application 'IsWebCacheWorking' to OC4J instance 'home'.
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for IsWebCacheWorking STARTS [ 2008-10-02T13:39:36.589ADT ]
    Notification ==> Undeploy previous deployment
    Notification ==> Removing files for app file:/C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/j2ee/home/applications/IsWebCacheWorking.ear
    Notification ==> Copy the archive to C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\j2ee\home\applications\IsWebCacheWorking.ear
    Notification ==> Unpack IsWebCacheWorking.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Unpack IsWebCacheWorking.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize IsWebCacheWorking.ear begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize IsWebCacheWorking.ear ends...
    Notification ==> Initialize IsWebCacheWorkingWeb begins...
    Notification ==> Initialize IsWebCacheWorkingWeb ends...
    Notification ==> deleting:  C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal\j2ee\home\applications\IsWebCacheWorking.ear
    Notification ==> deleting:  /C:/oracle/appserver/OraPortal/j2ee/home/applications/IsWebCacheWorking/IsWebCacheWorkingWeb.war
    Notification ==> Application Deployer for IsWebCacheWorking COMPLETES [ 2008-10-02T13:39:37.200ADT ]
    Starting OC4J instance 'OC4J_Wireless'..
    ERROR:  Start failed.
    Error message returned is: OPMN Request: /start?mode=sync&process-type=OC4J_Wireless
    OPMN Response: If there is no response from OPMN, check OPMN configuration and restart DCM daemon. If OPMN response is available, identify the failure and the corresponding log files indicated in the OPMN response contents
    Calling updateConfig to notify DCM of new deployments...failed!
    ERROR: Caught exception calling updateConfig: oracle.ias.sysmgmt.exception.TaskException: The configuration files for this Oracle Application Server instance are inconsistent with the
    configuration stored in the repository. In order to protect the repository,
    no further configuration or deployment operations are allowed until the problem with the configuration on the filesystem is resolved. This condition arises when a prior operation was unsuccessful. The exception associated with this failed operation is:
    .  Please also check the logs located at
    ORACLE_HOME/dcm/logs to determine why DCM was unsuccessful in updating
    the configuration files on disk.  Some possible causes are:
    *     permissions on files
    *     file contention issues on Windows NT
    *     internal Oracle error
    After resolving the problem that prevented DCM from updating the configuration
    files, you may use the dcmctl resyncInstance command to resolve the problem.
    Alternatively, you can stop and then restart the active dcmctl or EMD
    process and resyncInstance will automatically be performed.
    Base Exception:
    String index out of range: -1
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
         at java.lang.String.substring(
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.clustermanagement.OpmnAgent.validateOperation(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.clustermanagement.OpmnAgent.sendRequest(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.clustermanagement.StartInput.execute(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.clustermanagement.ClusterManager.execute(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.ClusterManagementAdapter.execute(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.execute(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMasterReceiver.process(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMasterReceiver.handle(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.sync_evaluate(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.TaskMaster.internal_evaluate(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.ias.sysmgmt.task.RemoteEvaluate.execCommand(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
    ERROR! DEPLOY TOOL CANNOT CONTINUE DEPLOYMENTS: could not update DCM repository with newly deployed applications - ALL APPLICATIONS WILL BE UNDEPLOYED.
    Undeploying application 'portalHelp2' from OC4J instance 'OC4J_Portal'.
    java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null"
         at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
         at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
         at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
         at com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory.getInitialContext(
         at com.evermind.client.orion.Oc4jAdminConsole.executeCommand(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    ERROR: Caught exception while undeploying 'portalHelp2' from 'OC4J_Portal':
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: com.evermind.client.orion.AdminCommandException: Could not connect to the remote server. Please check if the server is down or the client is using invalid host, ORMI port or password to connect: Connection refused: connect
         at com.evermind.client.orion.Oc4jAdminConsole.executeCommand(
         ... 8 more
    Terminating DCM..done.
    Copying C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal/j2ee/deploy.ini to C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal/j2ee/deploy.ini.1222965609887.bak.
    Writing any undeployed entries back to C:\oracle\appserver\OraPortal/j2ee/deploy.ini.
    Oc4jDeploy tool completed, but with errors.
    Configuration assistant "OC4J Instance Configuration Assistant" failedi've looked through the log files that it states to read, but i'm not sure where to go from there.

    are you installing as administrator, or as some domain user? Please remind you need local administrator privileges (these I/O errors happened only to me if I am installing as some domain user)

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    I have applied all preprequisites and patches to the source environment, as per Metalink note 230672.1.
    I have successfully prepared the source system, copied the souce system to the target system and configured the target system database server.
    However when I attempt to configure the target system application tier, I get a small error message saying 'Installation failed'. The cloning process continues to run but hangs at 50%.
    The command I am executing is:
    cd <COMMON_TOP>\clone\bin
    perl appsTier
    The last entries in the log file are:
    AutoConfig Services Phase
    Running Service Process 1 of 12 for AD_TOP
    Executing script in InstantiateFile:
    F:\MASTER\oracle\masterora\iAS\Apache\perl\5.00503\bin\MSWin32-x86\perl.exe -I F:\MASTER\oracle\masterora\iAS\Apache\perl\5.00503\lib\MSWin32-x86 -I F:\MASTER\oracle\masterora\iAS\Apache\perl\5.00503\lib -I F:\MASTER\oracle\masterora\iAS\Apache\perl\site\5.00503\lib\MSWin32-x86 -I F:\MASTER\oracle\masterora\iAS\Apache\perl\site\5.00503\lib -I F:\MASTER\oracle\masterappl\au\11.5.0\perl F:\MASTER\oracle\mastercomn\admin\install\MASTER_lsvgl01\
    script returned:
    Validating information in AD_APPL_TOPS table........
    .end std out.
    .end err out.
    AutoConfig Services Phase
    Running Service Process 2 of 12 for AD_TOP
    Executing script in InstantiateFile:
    I have noted from Metalink Note 218089.1, FAQ 55 that there is a known issue with adsvalsn.cmd and AutoConfig. I have applied the solution:
    copy %AD_TOP%\bin\adstart.exe %COMMON_TOP%\util\SrvStart.exe
    and re-run
    This gets rid of the error message but the process still hangs at 50%.
    Any assistance is gratefully received.

    Many thanks for your replies, I have now successfully completed rapid clone.
    I checked the log files and there were no errors. The information I posted above was the final entry in the log file.
    Unfortunately I am having to perform this clone through remote desktop which is not ideal but unavoidable.
    For those of you attempting to rapid clone on Windows, I found the key areas to be:
    (1) Before running on the Apps tier:
    Add the target <806 ORACLE HOME>\bin to the system path.
    If, like me, you're unable to restart the server to globally export this variable (there's another running environment on the machine), you can set this dynamically in the command window by issuing the following command:
    set PATH=<806 ORACLE HOME>\bin;%PATH%
    To check if it's correctly set:
    echo %PATH%
    (2) Before running on the Apps tier:
    copy %AD_TOP%\bin\adstart.exe %COMMON_TOP%\util\SrvStart.exe
    This overcomes a known issue with adsvalsn.cmd and AutoConfig (Metalink Note 218089.1, FAQ 55):
    (3) Whilst runs on the Apps tier:
    At 50% the process appears to have trouble starting the Discoverer service. Give it a helping hand by starting it manually in the Services console.
    Now to see if everything works OK!
    Thanks again for your thoughts.

  • Support package / add on import error in DB2 V9.1 / windows 2003 system

    I have installed ERP 6.0 IDES version in Windows 2003 server with DB2 LUW 9.1 / FP5.
    I have selected "Row Compression" and "Deferred Table Creation" during installation.
    Now when I am importing add on BI Content 7.03, I am getting error during Movename tabs phase.
    Error in phase: IMPORT_PROPER
    Reason for error: TP_STEP_FAILURE
    Return code: 0008
    Error message: OCS Package ALL, tp step "6", return code 0008
    The error message in the file D:\usr\sap\trans\log\P090113.IDS is as follows,
    2 ETP301
    3 ETP361 "96" Shadow-Nametabs activated, DDL executed
    2 ETP362 "6" Shadow-Nametab activations failed
    2 ETP360 Begin: Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2009/01/13 02:57:51")
    2 ETP363 End : Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2009/01/13 02:58:07")
    2 ETP301
    1 ETP110 end date and time : "20090113025807"
    1 ETP111 exit code : "8"
    1 ETP199 ######################################
    I have read some notes it may be due to "Row compression" and "Deffered table creation" option in DB2. Please help me in resolving this issue if it is DB2 related.

    Please find the real error message which I found in the same log file. This is a new installation.
    System configuration details:
    ERP 6.0 IDES SR3 + Windows 2003 enterprise server SP2 + DB2 V9.1 / FP5
    BASIS and ABAP support pack level: (700) 13.
    Error message:
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:53:26: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:53:38: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#BTABD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:05: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:17: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:17: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG" not activated
    3 ETP399 IN "IDS#POOLD"
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:17: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR              " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:29: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR 
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:29: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR" not activated
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:29: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG                  " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:41: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG     
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:41: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/F_ASG" not activated

  • Installation problem on Windows 2003

    Hi All,
    I have installed the saprfc extension on my laptop for testing purposes.
    Definitions of my laptop: Windows XP, IIS 6, PHP 4.4.2, SAP GUI 640
    Everything works fine and I can access the SAP through the web server on my laptop without any problem.
    Now, after finishing my tests I installed my web application on a real production server with the following definitions: Windows 2003 server, IIS 6, PHP 4.4.2
    As you can see – the two differences are the operating system and the fact that I do not have a complete SAP GUI installation on the server – I only located the librfc32.dll under the windows library.
    My problem is that I get the message that the php_saprfc.dll extension cannot be loaded (I edited the php.ini).
    Doe anyone have any idea why?

    I have an installation with my laptop WIN2003 server with apache web server instead of IIS, without problems.
    Are you sure that in your php.ini is all OK?
    Have you tried to copy the WIN2003 php.ini on your laptop and try to load saprfc.dll?

  • Windows 2008 R2 SP1 (64bit) shared folders no longer work with Windows 7 Pro but do work with WindowsXP & Windows 2003

    As of last week, our Windows 7 Pro workstations can not map or browse the Windows 2008 Server shares. They can ping the Windows 2008 server. The Windows 7 Pro machines can still access the Windows 2003 Server Shares. The older workstations running Windows
    XP can still map to the both the Windows 2003 & Windows 2008 Servers. All the servers can browse to each others shared folders (2 windows 2003 server & 1 windows 2008 server). 

    Ok, now you're down to network or permissions issues. An unedited ipconfig /all
    of server and problem workstation may help. You could also try setting up some auditing.
    Regards, Dave Patrick ....
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows]
    Disclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.

  • Migration from Oracle 9i 32 bit to Oracle 10G 64 bit on Windows 2003 Server

    I am working on migrating Oracle 9i 32 bit to Oracle 10G 64 bit on Windows 2003 from Old server to new server. We have db around 500 GB and 3 schemas. I installed Oracle 10G on new server, created tablespaces, schema's blah blah and now doing export and import at schema level from old server to new server.
    Import is taking more than 4 to 5 hours on new server. My manager is saying, window time is bit longer and he wants me to try possiblities to make this process faster. Can some one help me on this, to use the best possible method to complete this process faster?
    Will below step work, if I try?
    If I install, oracle 9i and 10g both on new server in different home directories and take the hot backup from old machine and restore on new machine in 9i home directory and use the upgrade configuration assistant from 10g and do the upgrade? Pls advice.
    Thanks in advance,
    Hari babu
    Edited by: user6367891 on Mar 2, 2010 5:28 AM

    It looks good.
    I have one question in below steps:
    To migrate an Oracle9i or older database to an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) database for 64-bit Windows:
    1 Perform steps 1 - 11 in "Migrating an Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) Database".
    2 Shut down the database on the 64-bit computer:
    3 Start the database migration:
    4 Migrate the database as described in Chapter 3, "Upgrading a Database to the New Oracle Database 10g Release" in Oracle Database Upgrade Guide.
    In step 4, it says, migrate database as described in chapter 3. In chapter 3, it says, to do the upgrade the process using dbca or manually. Pls confirm whether do the upgrade process after issuing startup migrate or not.
    Thanks in advance.

  • How to Install 64-bit "Generic / Text Only" print driver on a 32-bit Windows 2003 Server?

    Hi All,
    In a nutshell, I need to Install the 64-bit Generic / Text Only print driver on a 32-bit Windows 2003 Server’s “Generic / Text Only 32-bit print queue.
    The problem is that there is no Driver-Disk to get the drivers. I’ve been able to isolate 14 files related to the 64 bit drivers from a Windows 7 x64 computer and copy them to a temp folder on the Windows 2003 x32 server. When I try to add the 64 bit driver
    to the Windows 2003 x32 server,  it wants a *.inf file, which I don’t have and can’t find.
    Because Microsoft will no longer support Windows XP, my client is replacing all of their Point-of-Sale Windows XP x32 systems with Windows 7 x64. They use Terminal Services (Remote Desktop) to connect to a Windows 2003 x32 server to use the POS system. The
    POS software redirects LPT1 back to the local Generic / Text Only printer. This works great for XP x32.
    When we use the Terminal Services POS software on the new Windows 7 x64 system, none of the labels print out because it’s redirected in 32-bit back to the local Windows 7 x64 Generic / Text Only 64-bit printer.
    This will be a huge issue for me if I can’t get this to work.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions and help! -Rob

    those may be helpful...

  • TS130 (1105) Driver Error in Installing Acronis Backup of Windows 2003 R2

    I have run into a serires of errors which Lenovo support believes are related to the Intel Management Driver, but we have been unable to locate the appropriate drivers to deal with these error messages.  The errors I have received are as follows:
    PCI/VEN_8086DEV_1C02&SUBSYS_400017AA&REV_04 for Windows Server 2003 Standard
    PCI/VEN_8086DEV_1C26&SUBSYS_400017AA&REV_04 for Windows Server 2003 Standard
    PCI/VEN_8086DEV_1C2D&SUBSYS_400017AA&REV_04 for Windows Server 2003 Standard
    halmacpi.dll required to install ACPI MultiprocessorPC  (IDtandard computers) in Windows Server 2003 Standard
    Support has gone through the available drivers with me but we have not found a solution. Does anyone know what to download to deal with these issues--my Acronis backup of some critical software for my business will not run without these drivers installed.

    You must not be familiar with Acronis software.
    Let me backup: I had previously purchased a Lenovo server in Dec. 2012 to rebuild my old windows 2003 OS system (a Dell).  We successfully moved all the data and set up the software programs on the original Lenovo server with the sole exception of a single SQl based software program that none of the IT experts I consulted with knew how to move.  I had called the company who owns the rights to that software program repeatedly in the last 1 1/2 years about the fact that my server was dying, they hadn't provided installation files, I needed to reinstall my license (which was still good) on the new server or I needed to buy a new license, they didn't return my calls.
    So, then I bought a second Lenovo server two weeks ago after the old Dell server died yet again (server board this time, Dell thinks) in order to restore this program.  Since I don't have installation files, and the company won't get back to me about selling me a new copy, the only way to restore the program is with Acronis, which I had used successfully in trial version for prior hardware failures of this server (this time I have the full version).  Acronis does a bare metal install of the entire image of the server; however, to use universal restore onto a new hardware system, you must have the proper drivers.  I keep getting errors that these three Intel drivers are missing.  So, tier one Lenovo support asked me to post to this board because they couldn't help. 

  • Unable to install Sql Server 2008 R2 express on windows 2003

    I am unable to install sql server express edition with management tools, on windows server 2003. During rules check, it gives an error that minimum os version is not supported.
    .net framework requirements have been met.
    Is there something that I am missing ? Any pointers would be of immense help

    Whats is Service Pack edition of Windows 2003 server.As per prerequisites it requires SP2 for windows Server 2003 I guess your server is not updated to latest SP.Please refer below link for hardware and software requirement
    Please mark this reply as the answer or vote as helpful, as appropriate, to make it useful for other readers

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