Disk drive suddently died without warning? :(

I've been trying to get Bootcamp to work- I have a MBP so I cant use a usb drive to start it. After burning a disk in an iMac, I put it into my drive.. it made like a whiring sound, then it whined down.. did that two more times, then it spit out my disk. I tested it on the iMac and did work, so the disk isnt bajorked Drive was working fine yesterday..

That actually is very much the nature of optical and hard drives - they very often do not die a slow nor obvious death with plenty of warning.  They just flip over and die suddenly, and with little or no warning.
Is the MBP still under warranty or AppleCare by any chance?  Your drive would be covered for hardware failure.
If it is out of warranty, take a loot at www.ifixit.com or other self-repair sites - ifixit has SuperDrives for about $150 (late 2008 MBP) and has detailed instructions to replace it yourself).
P,S, you have tested the bad drive with at least one or more other discs though, right?  Just to be sure.

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    You can go ahead and follow the link below to download the CS6 for you.

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    For Windows 7 I corrected the problem using the steps below.  Since Windows 8 is setup for touch screen you will need to find these controls. 
    Corrective Action.  Note that several of these steps require the computer to process the action and may take 20 minutes to complete, depending on the configuration. 
    (This step may not be necessary)
    Start Windows Operating System (OS) in Safe Mode (Restart windows using F8)
    Select “Start” button
    Select “Control Panel”
    Select “Internet Options”
    Select “Advanced” tab
    Select “Reset” tab for “Reset Internet Explorer settings”
    Select “Delete Personal Records”
    Select “Reset”
    If not in WINDOWS SAFE MODE start Windows OS in Safe Mode (Restart windows using F8) Select “Start” button
    Select “Control Panel”
    Select “Programs and Features”
    Select “Turn Windows Features On or Off” (Left pane)
    Uncheck IE# checkbox (# will be the IE version number)
    Select “OK”
    Reboot the computer
    Windows OS will restart in normal mode, or select normal operation
    Select “Start” button
    Select “Control Panel”
    Select “Programs and Features”
    Select “Turn Windows Features On or Off” (Left pane)
    Check “IE# checkbox” (# will be the IE version number)
    Select “OK”
    Reboot the computer
    Select “Start” button
    Select “Control Panel”
    Select “System & Security”
    Select “System”
    Select “System Protection”
    Select “System Restore”
    Select “Chose a different restore point”
    Select a restore point at least 2 weeks ago (Check “Show more restore points” checkbox, if necessary)

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If you only need Windows to run one program (and if this problem does not require the best GPU performance), I recommend you to install Windows in a virtual machine instead of using Boot Camp. With this, you will be able to run Windows without restarting your Mac and there will be no risks during the installation.
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    Restoring Your Aperture System
    If you buy a new computer or use another system at a different location and want access to the Aperture library, you can install Aperture and then transfer the library from your vault (on your backup disk) to the other computer. If you experience equipment failure or other unexpected events, such as fire or weather-related damage to your equipment, you can easily restore the entire library to your new computer from a backup disk.
    HideTo restore the entire library from an external backup disk
    Restoring Your Aperture System
    If you buy a new computer or use another system at a different location and want access to the Aperture library, you can install Aperture and then transfer the library from your vault (on your backup disk) to the other computer. If you experience equipment failure or other unexpected events, such as fire or weather-related damage to your equipment, you can easily restore the entire library to your new computer from a backup disk.
    HideTo restore the entire library from an external backup disk
    If you buy a new computer or use another system at a different location and want access to the Aperture library, you can install Aperture and then transfer the library from your vault (on your backup disk) to the other computer. If you experience equipment failure or other unexpected events, such as fire or weather-related damage to your equipment, you can easily restore the entire library to your new computer from a backup disk.
    HideTo restore the entire library from an external backup disk
    Connect the hard disk drive that contains the most up-to-date vault to your computer and open Aperture.
    Choose File > Vault > Restore Library.The Restore Library dialog appears.
    Choose the vault you want to use to restore your library from the Source Vault pop-up menu.If the vault doesn’t appear in the Source Vault pop-up menu, choose Select Source Vault from the Source Vault pop-up menu, navigate to the vaults location in the Select Source Vault dialog, then click Select.
    Click Restore, then click Restore again.

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    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.5 (win), 5.5 (mac) | 5.4 (win), 5.4 (mac) | 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

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    Hi sth30,
    If you are trying to install Windows under Boot Camp on a Mac without an internal optical drive, you may be able to use a compatible external disk drive, or create an ISO on a USB drive using either that external drive or another Mac. You may find the information and steps outlined in the following articles helpful:
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    Boot Camp: Creating an ISO image from a Windows installation DVD
    - Brenden

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    If you have another Mac or PC, you can use Remote Disc to install Office > http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5287?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US
    If you haven't got any other computer, then you have to buy an optical drive. You can buy the external optical drive you want, without having to buy the official SuperDrive

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    When running Windows in a virtual environment Windows and OSx share your computer's resources such as RAM. Therefore your games can not use all your computer's resources when running.
    If you install Windows natively then Windows and your games can and do use all your computer's resource such as RAM.
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