Disk spinning - doesn't seem to be booting up

After just over a month of ownership - and loving my Apple TV to bits, I came home last night to find that my Apple TV just isn't responding.
The light on the front is continually flashing and I can hear the disk spinning... but I get nothing on the screen. It was working perfectly before and I haven't changed anything - it just doesn't seem to be booting up at all. I've tried using the remote to put it in stand-by mode but that doesn't work. I've even unplugged the power lead but when I've put it back in again, all it does is spin and nothing happens. Haven't fiddled with the HDMI cable or anything and have checked everything's connected correctly. Could it be a physical failure?
Any ideas what I can do? Is there no physical way I can reset to factory settings similar to the reset button on the airport?
Your help is most appreciated!!

Try removing all of the cables, leave the unit 30 seconds before reconnecting and powering up.
HDMI can't be ruled out as the cause of your behavoir, are you able to try another cable or better still component.
If your unit still doesn't function return it to the store.

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    Instead of using the Erase tab, select the DRIVE (not the volume indent below) and go to the Partition tab.
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    Instead of using the Erase tab, select the DRIVE (not the volume indent below) and go to the Partition tab.
    In the Partition tab, select a Volume Scheme (change it from Current), even if you select +1 Partition+. Click on the Options button below the diagram. Select the appropriate Partition Map Scheme in the dialog box. For exclusive use with an Intel Mac, +GUID Partition Table+ is optimum. Click OK. Name the one or more partitions. The format should be Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Click Apply.
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    OK, it's very bad computing to use a backup disk for anything but a backup. The reason being is if/when the HD crashes you will have lost not only all your backup but the data files. While I commend you for wanting redundant backup, you really need separate EHDs for doing so. Format each EHD using Disk Utility to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) using the GUID parttition. When you connect, OS X will ask if you want to use that drive as a Time Machine backup drive, select yes and then let it backup. On the second EHD format the same way however do not use TM as a backup, this time I'd suggest an app such as SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner to make a clone of the internal HD. Leave both EHDs connected and TM will backup new or changed files automatically on a hourly basis. The clone you will need to set to backup on the schedule you want. For example I have my SuperDuper EHD set to backup only changed or updated files at 2AM every day.
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    cat /etc/fancontrol
    # Configuration file generated by pwmconfig, changes will be lost
    sudo systemctl status fancontrol -l
    fancontrol.service - Start fan control, if configured
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service; enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Tue 2014-03-04 17:11:13 GMT; 17min ago
    Main PID: 31561 (fancontrol)
    CGroup: /system.slice/fancontrol.service
    |- 8347 sleep 10
    `-31561 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/fancontrol
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: Depends on hwmon2/temp9_input
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: Controls hwmon2/fan2_input
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: MINTEMP=20
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: MAXTEMP=65
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: MINSTART=150
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: MINSTOP=0
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: MINPWM=0
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: MAXPWM=255
    Mar 04 17:11:13 myhost fancontrol[31561]: Enabling PWM on fans...
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    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
    Last edited by pluckypigeon (2014-03-05 12:01:00)

    Algernop wrote:Have you implemented this by through the lm_sensors.service? This has been known to introduce boot-to-boot inconsistencies.
    Thank you for your response. I did have the lm_sensors.service problem before but not when I had this problem (I solved that by adding the modules created by sensors_detect to a module-load.d file.)
    The problem (I think) came from trying to fix the boot-to-boot inconsistencies (caused by lm_sensors.service). What I did was blacklist my k10temp module and that stopped a device from being detected. Then, when I generated the configuration file it didn't add the device.
    Below is my new configuration file, where you can see the device(hwmon1) is now in it.
    # Configuration file generated by pwmconfig, changes will be lost
    DEVPATH=hwmon2=devices/platform/nct6775.656 hwmon1=devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:18.3
    DEVNAME=hwmon2=nct6776 hwmon1=k10temp
    FCTEMPS= hwmon2/pwm2=hwmon1/device/temp1_input
    FCFANS= hwmon2/pwm2=hwmon2/fan2_input
    MINTEMP= hwmon2/pwm2=20
    MAXTEMP= hwmon2/pwm2=65
    MINSTART= hwmon2/pwm2=150
    MINSTOP= hwmon2/pwm2=0

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    Hi DJ EeeKay
    In the following article there is a list of messages that you can safely ignore:
    Note: that it was +Last Modified: April 17, 2009+ and I've noticed a few more after the last round of updates.
    Message was edited by: den.thed
    Also note that if you uncheck "Show details" you will no longer see the messages.

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    This happened to me upon T500 going into self-hibernation mode.  (A virus may have triggered this behaviour.)  I would like to share my experience.
    The screen is all blank, the lights including the disk light, caps lock, and I believe WiFi do blink but settle with power and processor (Z light) on, disk spinning, but nothing happening.  If I recall correctly, the disk then stops spinning.  Repeated booting results in the same outcome.  No Thinkpad is displayed on screen.  Screen is blank througout.  The machine makes no beeps.
    By research and trial and error, I arrived upon this sequence to resurrect the T500:
    remove all power
    lift keyboard and remove CMOS battery
    remove all RAM (this step may be unnecessary)
    hit power button 10 times in 5 seconds and then press the button for 10 to 15 seconds
    put battery back - no lights on dash should lit
    boot machine -- machine may cycle through several self-boots before it shows the "Thinkpad" on screen.  There are delays between the self-boots, so let it go through its paces.
    It should settle at "press F1 to setup time and day" message on the screen
    install CMOS while machine is on
    turn off and install RAM
    boot - machine should now boot normally - enter BIOS to restore the defaults, reboot
    you may then have to set date and time through windows
    good luck

    I didn't get the 1331 beeps when no RAMs. It could be that these are different problems. But the process I outlined is rather chancy - and does not always work. So try many times and do some variations. If you get the 1331 message, then I think you have passed the stage which held me up.

  • Canon mini Disk camera doesn't work if external drive connected

    A long story.      Anyway, I have a MacPro Intel Dual Core 266 Ghz with 5 Gbs RAM,  4 internal hard drives HD1~HD4 (HD1 OSX 250 and three 500Gb) and two external HD5 (two partitions~HD5 & Time Machine Backups) and HD6 (1 Tb each).
    I've been using a Canon mini DV video camera FV-M10 (Firewire 400) for live video (Skype/iChat) and also for importing video into Final Cut Express, After Effects or iMovie up until a few days ago.  Both "live" video and from the recorded mini cassette tape.  Then all of a sudden not one of the software recognized my camera anymore.  I tried both Firewire 800/400 and USB2 connections using a few different cables. In Skype...(sometimes) it automatically shows the name FV-M10 in the camera slot, but the screen is black.  No, I checked if I left the cover on.  I checked my Sony WX-5 digital camera and see if that is recognized.  Yes, both pics and AVCHD videos are seen using the USB connection. 
    The problem started like this.
    I was downloading a file.  Had to work for an hour and when I came back upstairs.  I noticed that the screen was frozen.   So, I shut the Mac down.  And when I started it again, well nothing happened except for a grey screen.  A half~sized cursor was stuck up in the top left.  But, my mouse also had a cursor which was movable.  
    It wouldn't even recognize the OSX Install Disk holding down "C" or "Option".  Only starting with "Shift" held down, "Safe Boot"  could I use the basics like Mail, Safari, Firefox.   NO sound and no video. Tried a few times as well as cleaned my OSX HD1 hard drive and re-installed from "Safe Boot" mode".   So, I had it sent into Apple Tokyo for repairs.   Apple put in a new board.     Great!      I came it back in two days.   I cleaned the OSX hard drive and re-installed Mac OSX with the up-dates as well and got some of my main backed up stuff Mail, bookmarks, address book etc.   It started fine.     But, when I went to use Skype, iChat, iMovie or Final Cut Express  they still couldn't recognize my camera.  I had been using the Canon FV M10 camera for a few years with both external hard drives on.  There were never any problems until just before I sent it into the shop.
    There was only one way to use my camera.  Un-Plug the external HD6.  Then the camera functions fine.  but remember I had been using this camera with both HD's for around two years without any problems.
    Notes on symptoms:  and what actions I took.  
    Front connections: FW400 Canon camera.  FW800 (Tried connecting HD6)  
    Rear Connections: USB2 1) MidiMan 2 x2   2) mouse  3) Canon Printer
                                   FW400 HD5  FW800 (tried HD6)
    With HD6 Connected.
    iMovie 11 9.02 : Start iMovie  O.K.  No camera on.   Turned camera "on" then "No Camera Connected" notice came up.   (did this a few times)   Turned camera off.   Quit iMovie. 
    2nd start:  Camera On.   iMovie freezes.   Spinning Colored beach ball.   I then Force Quit Option-Apple-ESC
    iMovie shows (not responding)  When I turn off the camera.  (not responding) disappears and iMovie is working again.  But, "No Camera Connected" shows again.  Quit!
    Un-Plugged (Ejected) HD6.
    When I un-plugged HD6,    (tried both the front and rear connections).   iMovie still on.  
    "No Camera Connected"  I Quit iMovie.
    Re-start iMovie:  Camera on… Live video and record miniDV tape can both be seen. 
    Skype:  Both live video and mini DV tape recording even plays back over Skype screen.
    iChat (same as Skype) O.K.
    Since Apple replaced the board 661-3932 Card Video, NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT which cost just about $X00.00  (¥XX,000).   I assume that they don't also check all the connections etc. I mean from the connector to the video board.
    The call to Apple Tokyo today.  
    Just talked to Apple (Mac) Tokyo about my computer problem.  Seems like they're trying to squeeze their way of more repairs by saying I have a hard drive configuration problem.   But it doesn't seem like that!   I worked with it 2~3 hours today...and  here is the basic problem.
    I've used the Canon FV M10 mini DV camera with Skype, iChat, iMovie and FCEx for few  years  (HD6) is over a year old-the most recent add on) with no problem.    With both external 1Tb hard drives.  And Apple said that it's a 3-party problem.  (different makers etc.)  But, it's NOT!     Yes, they put in a new board.   But, I'd say the problem is from the connection (where I plug the cable into the Mac)  to the board. 
    When I connect HD6 (1Tb ext hard drive).   FW 800 (either back or front connection) the video camera doesn't work in  Skype, iChat, iMovie, or Final Cut Express.     If I eject and Un-Plug HD6  all of them work fine.  The camera "live" or the camera playing back the mini DV tape video.
    Wouldn't this be a problem between the connections (front & back) to the new video board?  Or does anyone have an answer.   Apple seems to have said, "We can't help you".   Please someone help!  thanks

    +My mini isn't responding to startup commands like "C" or "D" from the keyboard.+
    You'll need a wired usb keyboard for these commands to work -- and the Apple Aluminum keyboard won't work either.
    But just about any PC usb keyboard will work. Alt maps to Option and Win-key to CMD.

  • Macbook Pro: Disk Utility doesn't see my HD

    Hi guys,
    My Macbook Pro has been running slower lately, but I honestly didn't think too much about it...until today. It's just over a year old, running Mac OS X, and I mostly use Safari as my browser, but I have to use Firefox for my online classes. Today, Firefox froze up and quit responding, so I Force Quit it. A few minutes after this, Safari did the same thing, and then it was my entire desktop. Nothing was responding; I had to shut down by pushing the power button.
    And then, it wouldn't turn back on. The chime sounded, the apple appeared, and the spinning circle underneath it. And it spun, and spun...until a generic "stop" symbol replaced the apple logo. I immediately shut it back down and did an online search. I followed every fix recommended for this issue. I tried reseting the PRAM, and then the SMC, and still the same thing happened. I tried to boot in Safe Mode, and if seemed to be working...right up until an hour passed and nothing new was happening. I shut it down again, and tried booting from the install disc of Snow Leopard. That worked, and I tried to do Disk Utility with the intention of following the online apple directive of running first aid on my HD. Except Disk Utility doesn't see my HD, only the boot disc and DVD drive. I'm guessing this is a bad sign. I tried calling Apple Care, but they are closed right now. I will call them in the morning, but in the meantime, I thought I'd see if anyone here had any advice I haven't already tried. Sadly, I haven't run Time Machine in...months. I'll end up losing a lot of stuff because I just didn't do that if my HD is toast.
    Any suggestions?

    Sure seems to be a failed(ing) hard drive. If you happen to get it into safe mode again, the ONLY thing you should immediately do is copy off your Home folder to an external USB disk, SD card, something. Then just get it to an Apple store for check.
    Try to copy your files off first and don't try anything else to get at that disk until you copy your home folder. If the disk is failing and you're trying to do things to it you'll loose the chance to get that data.

  • Ever since my upgrade to lion 10.7.3, and iCloud, my macbook is running extremely slow. What can I do? It doesn't seem like my contacts are pushing through to the computer from iPhone.

    Ever since my upgrade to lion 10.7.3, and iCloud, my macbook is running extremely slow. What can I do? It doesn't seem like my contacts are pushing through to the computer from iPhone.

    Then your basic issues are: too little RAM, incompatible software, dysfunctional installation.
    Add more RAM or kill as many programs that you use until the computer is running normally.
    See App Compatibility Table - RoaringApps. Upgrade any old software.
    Reinstall OS X:
    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Reinstalling OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility and press the Continue button. After Disk Utility loads select the Macintosh HD entry from the the left side list.  Click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If Disk Utility reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit Disk Utility and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall OS X: Select Reinstall OS X and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.
    Alternatively, see:
    Reinstall OS X Without Erasing the Drive
    Choose the version you have installed now:
    OS X Yosemite- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mavericks- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mountain Lion- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Lion- Reinstall Mac OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet
                     if possible because it isthree times faster than wireless.

  • SSD Cache in HP ENVY Phoenix 800-445qe doesn't seem to be installed right

    I have a newly purchased HP ENVY Phoenix 800-445qe which includes what's supposed to be a 16gb ssd cache.  Running WIndows 7 Pro 64.  
    The ssd drive was factory installed so it shows in Windows as with the name DATADRIVE1 (doesn't sound like it was intended as a cache, does it?) and it shows as drive E:. My understanding is that if it were really installed as a cache, it wouldn't be showing as a drive in Windows Explorer.
    The HDD was set as ACHI in BIOS, not RAID.  The Intel RST screen in firmware (accessable through Ctrl-I) shows both drives as non-RAID Disks.  The HP support assistant shows the Intel RST x 64 driver v installed. 
    Elsewhere on the HP site is a support article with the title: A Seondary 16 GB Drive Shows up in Windows 8 File Explorer, which is the problem I'm having except, I have Win 7, not 8; it says to download a softpaq with release notes that say it only applies to HP ENVY HP-8 systems and requires Win 8; it's fix is to install Condusiv ExpressCache, which I'm under the impression is an alternative to Intel's RST, not something that works with it.  So that doesn't seem to be the fix I'm looking for.  HP Tech Support's helpful suggestion was to find a local computer dealer an pay them to fix it. (Yeah, right.)
    Does anybody here know how to get this thing working?

    There ain't no such thing in the Control Panel.  *sigh*  
    Let me jump off in a very different direction, because as this point I've probably wasted more time on this than the cache can ever save me over the life of the system....
    I have a 128GB SSD on order that I was going to install as my data drive, and then keep it backed up on a partition on the HDD.  That's almost twice as large as my OS+Programs partition on my current XP machine.  I'm thinking maybe I should bail on the whole cache thing, install the 128GB drive as my OS+Programs drive, and set up the 16 GBs as a data drive (since it seems to be set up that way already anyway.  That's a little small, but I can make it work if I move older data files to the HDD as a kind of near line storage.
    Unless you know of a reason I can't do that--like the mSATA SSD won't work as a drive--the question then becomes, how do I set up the 128GB SSD as the OS drive?  I see two possibilities:
    The first would be to use the HP restore image function to initialize the SSD, so it has the EFI partition with the Boot information, and then use Norton Ghost to restore the Ghost image I've created from my now customized Drive C (removing bloatware etc) to the new SSD.  
    The second--which could be a lot easier-- would be to make a ghost image of the entire drive of the current HDD and then use Ghost to restore the image to the 128GB SSD. 
    Do you know if either or both of these approaches will work?

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