Disk utility stopped working

Disk Utilities stopped working. It opens and recognizes all the drives, but all the functions (Verify, Repair Permissions, etc) stay grayed out and can't be selected. I'm using 10.7.5 and all is up to date.
Any ideas?

The First Aid tab is selected ??

Similar Messages

  • Disk utility not working when upgraded to Yosemite

    I have two MacBook pros (one is a mid 2010 13 inch and new Mid 2014 15 inch Retina), both of which disk utility stopped working when updated to OS X Yosemite from Mavericks. It says "You can't use this copy of Disk Utility with this version of OS X. Open the copy of Disk Utility located in the Utilities folder of the Applications folder of your startup disk." I was able to fix the old 13 inch by clearing the hard drive and pressing CMD+R to reinstall the OS but the new macbook I have not been able to fully clear the SSD. And for some weird reason my bootcamp partition on my 15 inch is being read as a totally separate hard drive instead as a partition.
    Any help on totally erasing the hard drives and making them one is greatly appreciated!

    If you don't already have a current backup, back up all data, then reinstall the OS.* You don't need to erase the startup volume, and you won't need the backup unless something goes wrong. If the system was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you may need the Apple ID and password you used.
    If you use FileVault 2, then before running the Installer you must launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the FileVault startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) It will be nested below another icon with the same name. Click the Unlock button in the toolbar and enter your login password when prompted. Then quit Disk Utility to be returned to the main Recovery screen.
    There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional. Ask if you need guidance.
    If you installed the Java runtime distributed by Apple and still need it, you'll have to reinstall it. The same goes for Xcode. All other data will be preserved.
    *The linked support article refers to OS X 10.10 ("Yosemite"), but the procedure is the same for OS X 10.7 ("Lion") and later.


    So initially, my mac just was stuck on the white screen with grey apple logo and the spinning wheel. It wouldn't move! So I held down the power button and turned it off, let it rest for good 8 hours, turned it back on and it was still the same! With the help of some online postings: command + control + p + r, I got to the Disk Utility page and I tried checking for any damage. For most part everything was"ok" or "clear"! Then I ran 'VERIFY DISK' for MACINTOSH HD and some problems occurred. I clicked on 'REPAIR DISK' as promted. It said "DISK UTILITY STOPPED REPAIRING MACINTOSH HD: Disk Utitlity can't repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
    I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO DO THAT ! I have not backed up a single thing on my mac!

    If you want to preserve the data on the boot drive, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data, you can skip this step.
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is unable to fully boot. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
    1. Boot from the Recovery partition or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) Launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in this support article, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.”
    2. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, boot the non-working Mac in target disk mode. Use the working Mac to copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    3. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.

  • Disk Utility stopped repairing Mac HD - Now what?

    My computer has been running slow so I cleaned up my desktop, trashed a bunch of old files and went to verify permissions. I was then told to use disk repair.
    In the middle of doing so I got this message - "Disk Utility stopped repairing 'Macintosh HD'. Disk Utility can't repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files."
    Besides occasional slowness, my computer is working fine and I was able to get back to my desktop. Is this slow down issue going to get progressively worse if I don't reformat the disk? Should I do what the message says? If so, how? I've never reformatted before...it sounds a little scary.
    I back up about once a week (just did so this morning) so I should be good to go there. I have AppleCare. Is this something I should bring the computer in for or can I fix this issue on my own?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Do as instructed. Get your self a backup drive if you don't have one. Backup your files. Then erase your OS X volume and reinstall Mountain Lion.
    Install or Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion from Scratch
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Erase the hard drive:
      1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
      2. After DU loads select your startup volume (usually Macintosh HD) from the
          left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
      3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Optionally, click on
            the Security button and set the Zero Data option to one-pass. Click on
          the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
      4. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
                because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • Disk Utility stopped verifying "Macintosh HD"

    I verify my disk and disk permissions every month or so, when I tried to verify the disk today I received the following message -
    "Disk Utility stopped verifying "Macintosh HD"
    The alert goes on to recommend I restart using my installion disk - since I'm running Lion - I don't have an installation disk.
    Details -
    MacBook Pro Mid 2010
    Shipped with Snow Leopard, upgraded to Lion - now running 10.7.2
    I am backed up with Time Machine right up until today.
    Details from Disk Utility
    Verifying volume “Macintosh HD”
    Checking file systemPerforming live verification.
    Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    Checking extents overflow file.
    Checking catalog file.
    Checking multi-linked files.
    Checking catalog hierarchy.
    Checking extended attributes file.
    Checking volume bitmap.
    Volume bitmap needs minor repair for orphaned blocks
    Checking volume information.
    Invalid volume free block count
    (It should be 23464181 instead of 23330172) ***
    The volume Macintosh HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.
    Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk.
    *** these numbers chang each time I attempt to verify.

    Firstly, you should never bother with Verifying the drive. If you're going to do anything then repair it:
    Repair the Hard Drive - Lion
    Boot from your Lion Recovery HD. When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported, then quit DU and return to the main menu. Upon completion select Restart from the Apple menu.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.

  • Copy to disk utility not working right

    My disk utility not work like it used to, it does not show up a disk when I put it in the drive. And I can't copy to disk anymore. A blank disk shows up as a removeable drive instead of a blank disk on the disk utility...??? I need to fix this so I can back-up my files and free up some space, help please?
    Dual 1.42 GHz PowerPC G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   2MB L3 cache per procesor 1.5 GB DDR SDRAM extra 250G HD

    The last time I saw a similar problem to yours, he was also running Panther. I advised reinstalling the 10.3.9 combo update, and his woes were gone.
    Another thought is to check System Preferences/CD's & DVD'S, and check your selection nuder "When you insert a blank CD" (or DVD).
    Running Disk Utility from the install disk, and repairing permissions is also another possible fix.
    G4 AGP(450)Sawtooth   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   2ghzPPC,1.62gbSDRAM, ATI9800, DVR-109,(IntHD)120&160,LaCie160,23"Cinema Display

  • Data Transformation Services Execution Utility stopped working and was closed

    I had the SSIS packages (ETL job) working fine for a long time and then we moved the server/machine and ETL job keeps failing.
    The ETL job run number of packages. The ETL job fails for the first run then I set the retires and it works in 2nd or 3rd try on the ETL job but it fails daily for the first run where DTexec.exe crash (log pasted below)
    Server: Windows 2008 R2
    SQL Server:  SQL Server 2008 R2
    RAM 64 GB
    CPU cores 8
    we had the similar specs on previous machine and ETL job worked fine. Only difference is we have 2 SQL server instances now on same machine.
    I am suspecting it's an issue with ETL packages  but why it was working fine before for a long time and after machine move it keeps failing.
    Any thoughts?
    Sig[0].Name=Application Name
    Sig[1].Name=Application Version
    Sig[2].Name=Application Timestamp
    Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name
    Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version
    Sig[5].Name=Fault Module Timestamp
    Sig[6].Name=Exception Code
    Sig[7].Name=Exception Offset
    DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version
    DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID
    DynamicSig[22].Name=Additional Information 1
    DynamicSig[23].Name=Additional Information 2
    DynamicSig[24].Name=Additional Information 3
    DynamicSig[25].Name=Additional Information 4
    UI[2]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe
    UI[5]=Check online for a solution (recommended)
    UI[6]=Check for a solution later (recommended)
    UI[8]=Data Transformation Services Execution Utility stopped working and was closed
    UI[9]=A problem caused the application to stop working correctly. Windows will notify you if a solution is available.
    LoadedModule[0]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe
    LoadedModule[15]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTEParse.dll
    LoadedModule[17]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTEPkg.dll
    LoadedModule[25]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTS.dll
    LoadedModule[27]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\dtsmsg100.dll
    LoadedModule[35]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DtsConn.dll
    LoadedModule[48]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\ExecPackageTask.dll
    LoadedModule[49]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\Resources\1033\dtsmsg100.rll
    LoadedModule[61]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTSComExprEval.dll
    LoadedModule[62]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\instapi10.dll
    LoadedModule[63]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Shared\SQLBoot.dll
    LoadedModule[69]=C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
    LoadedModule[73]=C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\OLEDB32R.DLL
    LoadedModule[96]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\instapi.dll
    LoadedModule[106]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\SQLTaskConnections.dll
    LoadedModule[108]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\BatchParser.dll
    LoadedModule[117]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTSPipeline.dll
    LoadedModule[123]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\OleDbSrc.dll
    LoadedModule[124]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\OleDbDest.dll
    LoadedModule[125]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxDerived.dll
    LoadedModule[126]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxRowCount.dll
    LoadedModule[127]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\CommandDest.dll
    LoadedModule[128]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxSplit.dll
    LoadedModule[129]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxMergeJoin.dll
    LoadedModule[130]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxSort.dll
    LoadedModule[131]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxDataConvert.dll
    LoadedModule[139]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxLookup.dll
    LoadedModule[140]=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\PipelineComponents\TxUnionAll.dll
    FriendlyEventName=Stopped working
    AppName=Data Transformation Services Execution Utility
    AppPath=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe

    Hi Arthur,
    Yes both instances are same.
    Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4263.0 (X64)   Aug 23 2012 15:56:56   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation  Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)
    I have run the Main package using the using SQL Agent, main package calls the child packages.
    The error message shown on SQL agent job is:
    R6025  - pure virtual function call.  The return value was unknown.  The process exit code was 255.
    or sometimes 
    The step did not generate any output.  The return value was unknown.  The process exit code was -532459699.
    in the even log it says:
    Error Level:
    Event ID 1000
    Faulting application name: DTExec.exe, version: 2009.100.4263.0, time stamp: 0x5036ba73
    Faulting module name: DTSPipeline.dll, version: 2009.100.4263.0, time stamp: 0x5036ba53
    Exception code: 0x40000015
    Fault offset: 0x00000000000a33c5
    Faulting process id: 0x98c
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf64ba9b72b27c
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTSPipeline.dll
    Report Id: e8eb9b4f-d0ad-11e3-babd-005056997b14
    Information Level:
    Windows error reporting  Event ID 1001
    Fault bucket , type 0
    Event Name: APPCRASH
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: DTExec.exe
    P2: 2009.100.4263.0
    P3: 5036ba73
    P4: DTSPipeline.dll
    P5: 2009.100.4263.0
    P6: 5036ba53
    P7: 40000015
    P8: 00000000000a33c5
    Attached files:
    These files may be available here:
    Analysis symbol:
    Rechecking for solution: 0
    Report Id: e8eb9b4f-d0ad-11e3-babd-005056997b14
    Report Status: 4

  • Airport Disk Utility not working on Intel mac...

    Ok here's a new one...
    I just got a new macBook (intel) to replace my 12inch G4. On the 12inch, Airport Disk Utility worked just fine recognizing my lacie drive hooked up to AEBS. I used a firewire cable to import settings to the intel macbook and that's when things went wrong.
    On the new laptop, Airport Disk Utility gives me an alarm chime when I open it and no matter what I do, it won't see the drive. What's more, I can't even get the icon to show up in the menu bar (even though the drive shows up when I check the base station with the airport configuration utility). Whenever I check either one of the boxes, I get an alarm chime.
    What's more the airport disk utility still works on the G4.
    I've tried resetting the network, reinstalling stuff- I don't know what else to do. I don't know much about networking, but I wonder if importing the settings from the G4 is somehow the culprit or just something to do with it being intel?

    Well I fixed this. Get the AirPortBaseStationUpdate2007001.dmg update. I had installed this, but it didn't put in a few items that it should have. Mainly a little application in Core Servies. I used Pacifist to install the Airport Disk Utility again, and then restarted. I no longer got a beep when opening AD Utility, but I had to uncheck "Automatically discover disks" then turn off file sharing on the router, wait for it to restart, then turn file sharing back on, and then open AD Utility after restart and click Auto Discover. It then saw my disks. I also changed the name of the Windows Workgroup, I don't know if that had something to do with it. Good luck!

  • Eos utility stop working

    I have a canon dslr 6d i have update the firmware 1.1.4 and i use the eos 2.14.0 utility i use the windows 7 32 bit.The fist days the eos utity it works now when i connect the camera via usb cable appears<<eos utility stopped working>>.the windows the can see the camera.
    Any solutions?

    Yes, re-install EOS Utility.
    EOS 1Ds Mk III, EOS 1D Mk IV EF 50mm f1.2 L, EF 24-70mm f2.8 L,
    EF 70-200mm f2.8 L IS II, Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 EX APO
    Photoshop CS6, ACR 9, Lightroom 6

  • Can I make my iMac 10.6.8 work with a usb superdrive? The internal disk reader stopped working.

    Can I make my iMac OS X(10.6.8) work with a usb superdrive? The internal disk reader stopped working.

    There are a couple of Apple Superdrives - one will only work with a couple of semi-resent Mac models without a Superdrive; the other supposedly works with all newer models without a superdrive. One of them will not work with any Mac which has a (non-working) built-in Superdrive.
    So, the best way around this is to buy a third party DVD drive/burner.

  • Disk utility stopped verifying; need repair... over and over and over

    I've gone through the restart, Command+R drill 4 times. Repaired the disk using "Disk Utility." Restarted after repair, ran disk utility to verify the repair and BAM disk utility stops verifying and instructs me to restart ... etc.
    The errors have been consistent: orphaned blocks, invalid volume free block count. But when I use utility disk after restarting and pressing command+r, the "repair disk" does not appear to do anythign beyond "Load and Verify" freespace summary and block accounting. Am I missing a step?
    Any suggestions appreciated.

    That article does not pertain to the OS you are running. "This article has been archived and is no longer updated by Apple."
    It pertains to using fsck not Disk Utility for:
    Products Affected
    Mac OS X 10.3.9, Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X Server 10.2, Mac OS X Server 10.3, Mac OS X Server 10.4, Mac OS X Server 10.4.7, Mac OS X Server 10.5

  • Disk Utility stopped repairing the disk. I was instructed to backup as many of my files as possible.reformat the disk and store my backed files.  I am using an I Mac 2010.  I am not sure what caused this problem.   I use time machine

    Disk Utility stopped repairing the disk. I was instructed to backup as many of my files as possible.reformat the disk and restore my backed up files.  Since I use time machine, can I assume that all my files and programs can be restored from my recent back ups? 

    Hi jeromefrodia, 
    Welcome to the Apple Support Community!
    I understand that you are concerned about your data before reformatting the disk. Because you use Time Machine your information should be safe. Please refer to the attached article for information about what Time Machine backs up and how to restore from that backup. 
    Mac Basics: Time Machine backs up your Mac

  • Disk Utility stopped repairing "disk1s2"-a partition from an external hard disk

    I bought a new Seagate Go Flex Desk 2TB exernal HD.Three days ago one of the three partitions(1.7TB) on this HD stopped working,when i tried to repair the volume in Disk Utility it stoped repairing, showing the following message-
    Verify and Repair volume “disk1s2”
    Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    Checking extents overflow file.
    Checking catalog file.
    Invalid sibling link
    Rebuilding catalog B-tree.
    The volume   could not be repaired.
    Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.
    Now the problem is after starting it only shows the other two partitions,in Disk Utility the problematic volume no longer bears the name given by me and shows 'disk1s2' in dimmed letters. I had some nessesary piece of data in that volume.My question is-
    1.Is there any oter software that i can try to fix with?
    2.If i reformat the disk and ceate the partition again would it work smoothly?
    3.there were power cut off 7-8 times when using the HD,if it's the reason ten why the other two partitions are working properly?One of these volumes used to contain Time Machine Back-up.
    Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

    I have (kind of) a simmilar problem with yours, does DiskWarrior really helped?? Since it's not free, is there any other program that might helped ???

  • Why has my Printer Utility stopped working?

    I had a problem with my printer printing out washed out and orange images with blue lines on them and then it stopped printing text altogether. I had only used it a few times, so I called the Epson support people.
    As soon as I said it was running on a Mac the guy said it was a Macintosh software problem and told me to change stuff and to then download new drivers and then uninstall the software and reinstall the new drivers. Anyway that didn't work.
    So I called them back a number of times always getting another person, with a different solution and still nothing changed.
    Then the last guy I spoke to said it was simply that the cartridges were empty!!
    But now after mucking around and downloading new drivers and all my Printer Utility isn't working anymore.
    When I click on it, it searches for the printer and cannot find it, therefor I cannot run a maintenance for clogged cartridges, low ink, that kinda stuff, etc.
    I did trash the download stuff that was on my desktop after installing the new drivers. Could it be something to do with that? I haven't emptied the trash yet if it is. But I wouldn't know what to do if this is the problem anyhow.
    Can anyone please tell me how to get it working again???

    Many vendors just aren't comfortable with Macs. Most times all they do is read through their online 'Troubleshooting' guide (maybe never having actually worked on a Mac) and then they give you the 'textbook' example of what to do. Not much help in most cases (in all fairness, I've experienced the same thing from a FEW Apple Help Desk staff.
    Anyway, one thing you might do is try UNInstalling the drivers, and reinstalling them - BUT, it's possible you have something partially installed, etc. Had similiar problem the other night, downloaded the LATEST version of StuffIt Expander, and it screwed up everything I tried to do after that. I went back to StuffIt's site, downloaded the PREVIOUS version and everything worked fine again. I had downloaded and re-downloaded some Epson Drivers and Installed/reInstalled them for an hour without success. As soon as I installed the PREVIOUS version of StuffIt Expander, BAM, it all worked agian... Amazing!! Another thing to try, run Disk Utility to Verify Permissions on your Startup Disk. It's a good idea to do this BEFORE and AFTER updating any version of the OS, and AFTER following the installation of new software, just to keep things running smoothly... Good Luck!!
    20" iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    20" iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    20" iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Disk Utility Stops Responding

    I'm running Mountain Lion on a mid-2012 MBP. I'm finding that Disk Utility will open and work fine for a period just after a reboot, but then it will stop responding for no apparent reason. It happens consistently every time. Has anybody heard of this? Please help! Many thanks.

    1. This comment applies to malicious software ("malware") that's installed unwittingly by the victim of a network attack. It does not apply to software, such as keystroke loggers, that may be installed deliberately by an intruder who has hands-on access to the victim's computer. That threat is in a different category, and there's no easy way to defend against it. If you have reason to suspect that you're the target of such an attack, you need expert help.
    If you find this comment too long or too technical, read only sections 5, 6, and 10.
    OS X now implements three layers of built-in protection specifically against malware, not counting runtime protections such as execute disable, sandboxing, system library randomization, and address space layout randomization that may also guard against other kinds of exploits.
    2. All versions of OS X since 10.6.7 have been able to detect known Mac malware in downloaded files, and to block insecure web plugins. This feature is transparent to the user, but internally Apple calls it "XProtect." The malware recognition database is automatically checked for updates once a day; however, you shouldn't rely on it, because the attackers are always at least a day ahead of the defenders.
    The following caveats apply to XProtect:
    It can be bypassed by some third-party networking software, such as BitTorrent clients and Java applets.
    It only applies to software downloaded from the network. Software installed from a CD or other media is not checked.
    3. Starting with OS X 10.7.5, there has been a second layer of built-in malware protection, designated "Gatekeeper" by Apple. By default, applications and Installer packages downloaded from the network will only run if they're digitally signed by a developer with a certificate issued by Apple. Software certified in this way hasn't necessarily been tested by Apple, but you can be reasonably sure that it hasn't been modified by anyone other than the developer. His identity is known to Apple, so he could be held legally responsible if he distributed malware. That may not mean much if the developer lives in a country with a weak legal system (see below.)
    Gatekeeper doesn't depend on a database of known malware. It has, however, the same limitations as XProtect, and in addition the following:
    It can easily be disabled or overridden by the user.
    A malware attacker could get control of a code-signing certificate under false pretenses, or could simply ignore the consequences of distributing codesigned malware.
    An App Store developer could find a way to bypass Apple's oversight, or the oversight could fail due to human error.
    For the reasons given above, App Store products, and other applications recognized by Gatekeeper as signed, are safer than others, but they can't be considered absolutely safe. "Sandboxed" applications may prompt for access to private data, such as your contacts, or for access to the network. Think before granting that access. OS X security is based on user input. Never click through any request for authorization without thinking.
    4. Starting with OS X 10.8.3, a third layer of protection has been added: a "Malware Removal Tool" (MRT). MRT runs automatically in the background when you update the OS. It checks for, and removes, malware that may have evaded the other protections via a Java exploit (see below.) MRT also runs when you install or update the Apple-supplied Java runtime (but not the Oracle runtime.) Like XProtect, MRT is presumably effective against known attacks, but maybe not against unknown attacks. It notifies you if it finds malware, but otherwise there's no user interface to MRT.
    5. XProtect, Gatekeeper, and MRT reduce the risk of malware attack, but they're not absolute protection. The first and best line of defense is always your own intelligence. With the possible exception of Java exploits, all known malware circulating on the Internet that affects a fully-updated installation of OS X 10.6 or later takes the form of so-called "trojan horses," which can only have an effect if the victim is duped into running them. The threat therefore amounts to a battle of wits between you and the malware attacker. If you're smarter than he thinks you are, you'll win.
    That means, in practice, that you never use software that comes from an untrustworthy source, or that does something inherently untrustworthy. How do you know what is trustworthy?
    Any website that prompts you to install a “codec,” “plug-in,” "player," "extractor," or “certificate” that comes from that same site, or an unknown one, is untrustworthy.
    A web operator who tells you that you have a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with your computer, or that you have won a prize in a contest you never entered, is trying to commit a crime with you as the victim. (Some reputable websites did legitimately warn visitors who were infected with the "DNSChanger" malware. That exception to this rule no longer applies.)
    Pirated copies or "cracks" of commercial software, no matter where they come from, are unsafe.
    Software of any kind downloaded from a BitTorrent or from a Usenet binary newsgroup is unsafe.
    Software that purports to help you do something that's illegal or that infringes copyright, such as saving streamed audio or video for reuse without permission, is unsafe. All YouTube "downloaders" are in this category, though not all are necessarily harmful.
    Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash Player, must be downloaded directly from the developer’s website. If it comes from any other source, it's unsafe.
    Even signed applications, no matter what the source, should not be trusted if they do something unexpected, such as asking for permission to access your contacts, your location, or the Internet for no obvious reason.
    6. Java on the Web (not to be confused with JavaScript, to which it's not related, despite the similarity of the names) is a weak point in the security of any system. Java is, among other things, a platform for running complex applications in a web page, on the client. That was always a bad idea, and Java's developers have proven themselves incapable of implementing it without also creating a portal for malware to enter. Past Java exploits are the closest thing there has ever been to a Windows-style virus affecting OS X. Merely loading a page with malicious Java content could be harmful.
    Fortunately, client-side Java on the Web is obsolete and mostly extinct. Only a few outmoded sites still use it. Try to hasten the process of extinction by avoiding those sites, if you have a choice. Forget about playing games or other non-essential uses of Java.
    Java is not included in OS X 10.7 and later. Discrete Java installers are distributed by Apple and by Oracle (the developer of Java.) Don't use either one unless you need it. Most people don't. If Java is installed, disable it — not JavaScript — in your browsers.
    Regardless of version, experience has shown that Java on the Web can't be trusted. If you must use a Java applet for a task on a specific site, enable Java only for that site in Safari. Never enable Java for a public website that carries third-party advertising. Use it only on well-known, login-protected, secure websites without ads. In Safari 6 or later, you'll see a lock icon in the address bar with the abbreviation "https" when visiting a secure site.
    Follow the above guidelines, and you’ll be as safe from malware as you can practically be. The rest of this comment concerns what you should not do to protect yourself from malware.
    7. Never install any commercial "anti-virus" or "Internet security" products for the Mac, as they all do more harm than good, if they do any good at all. Any database of known threats is always going to be out of date. Most of the danger is from unknown threats. If you need to be able to detect Windows malware in your files, use the free software  ClamXav— nothing else.
    Why shouldn't you use commercial "anti-virus" products?
    Their design is predicated on the nonexistent threat that malware may be injected at any time, anywhere in the file system. Malware is downloaded from the network; it doesn't materialize from nowhere.
    In order to meet that nonexistent threat, the software modifies or duplicates low-level functions of the operating system, which is a waste of resources and a common cause of instability, bugs, and poor performance.
    By modifying the operating system, the software itself may create weaknesses that could be exploited by malware attackers.
    8. ClamXav doesn't have these drawbacks. That doesn't mean it's entirely safe. It may report email messages that have "phishing" links in the body, or Windows malware in attachments, as infected files, and offer to delete or move them. Doing so will corrupt the Mail database. The messages should be deleted from within the Mail application.
    ClamXav is not needed, and should not be relied upon, for protection against OS X malware. It's useful only for detecting Windows malware. Windows malware can't harm you directly (unless, of course, you use Windows.) Just don't pass it on to anyone else.
    A Windows malware attachment in email is usually easy to recognize. The file name will often be targeted at people who aren't very bright; for example:
    ClamXav may be able to tell you which particular virus or trojan it is, but do you care? In practice, there's seldom a reason to use ClamXav unless a network administrator requires you to run an anti-virus application.
    9. It seems to be a common belief that the built-in Application Firewall acts as a barrier to infection, or prevents malware from functioning. It does neither. It blocks inbound connections to certain network services you're running, such as file sharing. It's disabled by default and you should leave it that way if you're behind a router on a private home or office network. Activate it only when you're on an untrusted network, for instance a public Wi-Fi hotspot, where you don't want to provide services. Disable any services you don't use in the Sharing preference pane. All are disabled by default.
    10. As a Mac user you don't have to live in fear that your computer is going to catch some terrible disease every time you install an application, read email, or visit a web page. But neither should you have a false sense of safety. The greatest harm done by security software is precisely its selling point: it makes people feel safe. They may then also feel free to take risks from which the software doesn't protect them. Nothing can lessen the need for safe computing practices.

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