Diskutil and SDK APIs give conflicting disk-status information

I have a new USB CDROM device. When I run "diskutil info /dev/disk1s2", it shows the device status information properly, including Ejectable status Yes. Please see the details below. But when I tried to retrive the "ejectable" status programatically using Mac OS X functions - "[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] getFileSystemInfoForPath",  "FSGetVolumeParms(info.volume, &params, sizeof(params)" or  "DADiskCopyDescription( disk )", I always get ejectable status NO or FALSE. I have some old USB CDROM devices - in this case, diskutil and Mac OS X functions show same results. What can it be? I tested it on many Mac OSs, everywhere it shows the same problem.
my-mac:Desktop sreekanthgeorge$ diskutil info /dev/disk1s2
   Device Identifier:        disk1s2
   Device Node:              /dev/disk1s2
   Part of Whole:            disk1
   File System Personality:       HFS+
   Type (Bundle):                      hfs
   Name (User Visible):                Mac OS Extended
   Owners:                   Disabled
   Partition Type:           Apple_HFS
   OS Can Be Installed:      No
   Media Type:              
   Protocol:                 USB
   SMART Status:             Not Supported
   Volume UUID:              BA5E769E-3CE0-33BA-9963-EBD55A11A176
   Total Size:               68.3 MB (68302848 Bytes) (exactly 133404 512-Byte-Blocks)
   Volume Free Space:        0 B (0 Bytes) (exactly 0 512-Byte-Blocks)
   Device Block Size:        2048 Bytes
   Read-Only Media:          Yes
   Read-Only Volume:         Yes
  Ejectable:                Yes
   Whole:                    No
   Internal:                 No
   Optical Drive Type:       CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+R DL, DVD+RW
   Optical Media Type:       DVD-ROM
   Optical Media Erasable:   No

Thanks for your reply.
If you are talking about diskutil, diskutil always returns the same results for /dev (device) and /Volumes/xxxx (mounted) path. Please see my code snippet below, all code look good and all Mac OS X function calls succeeded with proper results. But when I check the device/volume status, it always give "not-ejectable", "not-unmountable" and "not-removable". Read-only status is always NO (thats correct).
Thanks again!
Method 1 with "[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] getFileSystemInfoForPath"
    NSString *path = @"/Volumes/xxxx";
    BOOL isRemovable = NO;
    BOOL isUnmountable = NO;
    BOOL isWritable  = NO;
    BOOL ret =[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] getFileSystemInfoForPath:path isRemovable:&isRemovable isWritable:&isWritable isUnmountable:&isUnmountable description:nil type:nil];
    if ( ret )
        std::cout << "Removable " << (int)isRemovable  << "\n";
        std::cout << "Writable " << (int)isWritable << "\n";
        std::cout << "Unmountable " << (int)isUnmountable << "\n";
        std::cout << "Failed" << "\n";
Method 2 with "FSGetVolumeParms"
    CFStringRef mobiKEYVolumeName = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, "xxxx", kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    for (ItemCount volumeIndex = 1; result == noErr; ++volumeIndex)
        HFSUniStr255    volumeName;
        FSVolumeInfo    volumeInfo;
        FSRef           ref;
        bzero((void *) &volumeInfo, sizeof(volumeInfo));
        result = FSGetVolumeInfo(kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum, volumeIndex, &actualVolume, kFSVolInfoFSInfo, &volumeInfo, &volumeName, &ref);
        if (result == noErr)
            CFStringRef name = CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, volumeName.unicode, volumeName.length);
            if (name != NULL && (CFStringCompare(name, mobiKEYVolumeName, 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo))
                FSCatalogInfo info = {0};
                if (FSGetCatalogInfo(&ref, kFSCatInfoVolume, &info, NULL, NULL, NULL) == noErr)
                    GetVolParmsInfoBuffer params;
                    if (FSGetVolumeParms(info.volume, &params, sizeof(params)) == noErr)
                        std::cout << "Removable " << (int)((params.vMExtendedAttributes & (1 << bIsRemovable)) != 0)  << "\n";
                        std::cout << "Ejectable " << (int)((params.vMExtendedAttributes & (1 << bIsEjectable)) != 0) << "\n";
Method 3 with "DADiskCopyDescription"
    DASessionRef daSession = DASessionCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault );
    if ( daSession )
        DADiskRef disk = DADiskCreateFromBSDName( kCFAllocatorDefault, daSession,  "disk1s2");
        if ( disk )
            CFDictionaryRef desc = DADiskCopyDescription( disk );
            if ( desc )
                CFBooleanRef ejectable = (CFBooleanRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( desc, kDADiskDescriptionMediaEjectableKey );
                CFBooleanRef removable = (CFBooleanRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( desc, kDADiskDescriptionMediaRemovableKey );
                CFBooleanRef writable = (CFBooleanRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( desc, kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey );
                std::cout << "Ejectable " << (int)(ejectable == kCFBooleanTrue)  << "\n";
                std::cout << "Writable " << (int)(writable == kCFBooleanTrue)<< "\n";
                std::cout << "Removable " << (int)(removable == kCFBooleanTrue)<< "\n";

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  • 12/03/2013 - Beta - AIR 4.0.1240 Runtime and SDK

    Adobe AIR Beta Channel Update
    This beta release provides access to the latest AIR runtime and SDK (with compiler) for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android.
    With this release, we are introducing a new numbering scheme for our product versions. Adopting the pattern set by Google with Chrome and Mozilla with Firefox, we will simply update the major version number with each subsequent release. In other words, beginning with the release of "Jones", Flash Player will become Flash Player 12. With each new major release, roughly every 3 months, that number will increase by one.
    This change will also apply to AIR and the AIR SDK, albeit not right away. Our "Jones" release will be numbered AIR 4 and AIR SDK 4; however, with our "King" (Q2 2014) release, the version number will be synchronized with the Flash Player version at 13.
    Below are some of the key features and benefits of AIR 4.0.  Please see our release notes for full details.
    New Features:
    iOS - Improved Packaging Engine
    We're very excited about this new feature.  The new packaging engine we're working on can improve iOS packaging time up to 10 times over the current packager!  However this feature is still early in development and we'd like to get your feedback.  To enable this feature, please use "-useLegacyAOT no" in the ADT command, before the signing options.
    Graphics: Buffer Usage flag for Stage3D
    We've added a new enum Class called Context3DBufferUsage which defines two constants, STATIC_DRAW (default) and DYNAMIC_DRAW.  These constants specify how buffers will be used in Stage3D. We've also added a new parameter, called "bufferUsage", to the constructors of VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer. This "bufferUsage" parameter uses one of the constants form Context3DBufferUsage, which will allow you to select the appropriate buffer type according to your needs.
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    Android - Support for native resources access by R* mechanism in native extension
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    Supplementary Characters Enhancement Support for TextField – EXTENDED BETA
    This is a desktop enhancement for supporting surrogate pairs in the TextField control.  Now, characters out of the Basic Multilingual Plane(BMP) with Unicode code points between U+10000 and U+10FFFF will work correctly in the TextField control.  It greatly enlarges the code point range we support and includes characters like emotion symbols (emoticons) and complex CCJK characters.  This feature is being introduced in the AIR 4 beta but will go live in a subsequent release.  Due to the sensitive nature of text display, we would like an extended test period to ensure no bugs are introduced.
    Stage3D Creation of Context3D with Profile Array
    We've added a new interface to Stage3D.requestContext3DMatchingProfiles(profiles:Vector.<String> ) which will create a Context3D with highest level suitable profile that is in profile array, based on the current hardware.  A developer can check the newly added property 'profile' to obtain the current profile that was chosen by the Flash Runtime.
    Support for Android 4.4 (KitKat)
    We've completed our support testing with AIR against the latest Android 4.4 release.  Please let us know if you encounter any problems.
    Known Issues:
    Timeline animation does not play properly in Air 3.9. [3647538]
    Hunger Games Adventures become unplayable after 10 min on iOS7 [3651083]
    Text field stops updating on iOS 7 after giving voice input. [3658462]
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    About the Beta Channel
    If you would like real-time notification for announcements related to the AIR Beta Channel, please subscribe to our Twitter feed@FlashPlayerBeta, or follow the Flash Runtime Announcements forums by choosing "Follow this forum" from the right-hand menu on the Forums page.
    You can find instructions for getting started with this release here: AIR Labs Page
    We encourage you to let us know what you think on our AIR Labs Forum

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    diskutil partitionDisk /dev/disk4 1 GPT "HFS+" "MemTest86" 100%
    TYPE NAME               
    *3.9 GB
    EFI EFI                
    209.7 MB  
    Apple_HFS MemTest86          
    3.6 GB
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    diskutil unmountdisk /dev/disk3
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    sudo dd if='//Volumes/Mac Mini Backup/Archives/MemTest86 Pro/memtest86-pro-usb/memtest86-pro-usb.img' of=/dev/disk3 bs=1m
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    diskutil list /dev/disk3
    TYPE NAME               
    *3.9 GB
    Microsoft Basic Data                    
    51.4 MB
    103.8 MB  
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    So if anyone cares to shed a little light on what is happening I would appreciate it.

    The only known way to make it work on an external drive is by first installing Windows onto an internal drive, then cloning the install to an external Thunderbolt drive. Thunderbolt is seen as an extension of the internal bus, so Windows doesn't see it as an external device.

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    Fetch a list of schedulers (= long-lived processes with that loop with a Wait-operation) and check whether there are instances running for them
    Input: none
    Output: A list of (long-lived) process definitions together with a list of (running) process instances in XMLXML format could look like:
              <name>Mortage/Util/Scheduler A</name>
                                  <name>Set Value X</name>
                                  <name>Set Value X</name>
                                  <name>Set Value X</name>
                                  <name>Set Value X</name>
              <name>Mortage/Util/Scheduler B</name>
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    Quick Start (EJB mode): Searching for Process Instances using the Java API
    (and yes I went through all the possible options (other Quick Starts, API documentation))

    Yes, removing the block diagram obscures the code so much that not even newer versions of LabVIEW can make sense of it.
    I think under the hood it must be converting it to Perl.
    Spoiler (Highlight to read)
    If you believe this and have lots of money please contact me with your credit card info 
    If you believe this and have lots of money please contact me with your credit card info 
    LabVIEW 2012

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    Hi Everybody,
    Iam generating reports in a web-based application with Crystal Reports XI using Report Application Server(RAS) SDK API. The columns in my report exceed that of an A4 sized page. So, when I export that report to pdf, only those columns that fit to a page are showing up. To solve, this problem, I thought of using cross tab. But, I donot know how to generate cross tab report using RAS SDK API. I have tried to get some code from the internet. But, I did not find any java code for that.Can some one give me some sample code.It is very urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

    The easiest way I use is to create the worksheet as regular table and then when i verify the data I get (non aggregate) I duplicate it as a cross tab.
    In the duplication wizard I just need to define the axis (using drag and drop).
    if you want to create a cross tab from the beginning you need to define that in the new workbook wizard (check the "cross tab" rather then "table"), chose your fields and define the place you want them.
    The data point (the center of the cross tab) is aggregated as to your machine definition and will happen automatically.
    for example: to find the amount of receipt by months:
    On the left put the "Buyer Name", on top put the "Months" and in the data point put the amount.
    What you'll get is something like:
    months: jan feb mar apr ......
    jhon_smith 100 50 30 250 ......
    jhon_doe 80 45 90 453 ........
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  • OneDrive Hard Disk Status Info

    Would it be possible to add "to-be-used" / "to-be-reserved" status ?
    Why ?
    At the moment - for the reasons easy to understand - the hard disk status "space left" is not updated 
    during upload / is not even near the real one .
    What kind of problem does it cause ?
    a) user may have selected to upload files with different size to several folders and once the hard disk space
    becomes near the max limit, bigger files will not be uploaded whereas some smaller one will - this causes a situation
    difficult to analyze for user
    b) user may continue selecting files for upload although his/her disk space in OneDrive has exceeded the limit
    Would it be possible for OneDrive server to accept extra files for a while and give user option to  pay for more hard disks
    instead of rejecting the files, reminding user about maximum and forcimg him/her to reload those files ?

    for OneDrive, I'd ask here:
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • 12/10/2013 - Beta - AIR 4.0.1320 Runtime and SDK

    Adobe AIR Beta Channel Update
    This beta release provides access to the latest AIR runtime and SDK (with compiler) for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android.
    With this release, we are introducing a new numbering scheme for our product versions. Adopting the pattern set by Google with Chrome andMozilla with Firefox, we will simply update the major version number with each subsequent release. In other words, beginning with the release of"Jones", Flash Player will become Flash Player 12. With each new major release, roughly every 3 months, that number will increase by one.
    This change will also apply to AIR and the AIR SDK, albeit not right away. Our "Jones" release will be numbered AIR 4 and AIR SDK 4; however,with our "King" (Q2 2014) release, the version number will be synchronized with the Flash Player version at 13.
    Below are some of the key features and benefits of AIR 4.0.  Please see our release notes for full details.
    New Features:
    iOS - Improved Packaging Engine
    We're very excited about this new feature.  The new packaging engine we're working on can improve iOS packaging time up to 10 times over the current packager!  However this feature is still early in development and we'd like to get your feedback.  To enable this feature, please use "-useLegacyAOT no" in the ADT command, before the signing options.
    Graphics: Buffer Usage flag for Stage3D
    We've added a new enum Class called Context3DBufferUsage which defines two constants, STATIC_DRAW (default) and DYNAMIC_DRAW.  These constants specify how buffers will be used in Stage3D. We've also added a new parameter, called "bufferUsage", to the constructors of VertexBuffer and IndexBuffer. This "bufferUsage" parameter uses one of the constants form Context3DBufferUsage, which will allow you to select the appropriate buffer type according to your needs.
    Android Workers
    Introduced as a beta feature in AIR 3.9, we're continuing to improve this feature based on your feedback in preparation for an official release in AIR 4.
    Android - Support for native resources access by R* mechanism in native extension
    Currently, to use the native Android resources in the Android Native Extension one has to use getResourceID() API while typically to access the resource IDs developers use the R.* mechanism. AIR 4.0 onwards, apps developers will be able to access the resources by R.* mechanism. All the dependencies need to be specified in platform.xml as following and all the dependencies and resources to be packaged in the ANE.
    Supplementary Characters Enhancement Support for TextField – EXTENDED BETA
    This is a desktop enhancement for supporting surrogate pairs in the TextField control.  Now, characters out of the Basic Multilingual Plane(BMP) with Unicode code points between U+10000 and U+10FFFF will work correctly in the TextField control.  It greatly enlarges the code point range we support and includes characters like emotion symbols (emoticons) and complex CCJK characters.  This feature is being introduced in the AIR 4 beta but will go live in a subsequent release.  Due to the sensitive nature of text display, we would like an extended test period to ensure no bugs are introduced.
    Stage3D Creation of Context3D with Profile Array
    We've added a new interface to Stage3D.requestContext3DMatchingProfiles(profiles:Vector.<String> ) which will create a Context3D with highest level suitable profile that is in profile array, based on the current hardware.  A developer can check the newly added property 'profile' to obtain the current profile that was chosen by the Flash Runtime.
    Support for Android 4.4 (KitKat)
    We've completed our support testing with AIR against the latest Android 4.4 release.  Please let us know if you encounter any problems.
    Known Issues:
    [3680824] Application playing mp3/video crashes after coming to foreground from background.
    Fixed Issues:
    [3679894] [Android] Returning from Alarm Clock on Android causes black screen
    [3655695] Sound gets stop on clicking Power button even when UIBackground tag value set to Audio in application.xml
    [3650915] Packaging multiple SWFs fails, even with ample memory
    [3648374] Timeline animation does not play properly in Air 3.9
    [3658462] Text field stops updating on iOS7 after giving voice input.
    About the Beta Channel
    If you would like real-time notification for announcements related to the AIR Beta Channel, please subscribe to our Twitter feed@FlashPlayerBeta, or follow the Flash Runtime Announcements forums by choosing "Follow this forum" from the right-hand menu on the Forums page.
    You can find instructions for getting started with this release here: AIR Labs Page
    We encourage you to let us know what you think on our AIR Labs Forum

  • Please restore e-mail or at least give us some real information.  Tech support is almost smug in their response for additional information.  The iCloud status page has said the same thing since yesterday.  A real dis-service.  My business depends on this!

    Please restore e-mail or at least give us some real information.  Tech support is almost smug in their response for additional information.  The iCloud status page has said the same thing since yesterday.  A real dis-service.  My business depends on this!  Any one have any suggestions not being offerd by tech support or Apple?  Anything at all?

    mdjb wrote:
    I just lost a big opportunity to get a new client because of this!!   almost 24 hours now without any email service. I was one of the original.mac customers.  I am over this time to move on. It is an inferior product.
    My sympathy, but, this is what you agreed to when you chose to use a free system: (From terms of service agreement, iCloud)
    And this is no different from any other free service I'm afraid. Pay for your mail, then you have the right to expect service.

  • 8/20/2014 - Beta - AIR Runtime and SDK

    Adobe AIR Beta Channel Update
    This beta release provides access to the latest AIR runtime and SDK (with compiler) for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android.  You can download the AIR beta here: Download Adobe AIR 15 Beta - Adobe Labs
    Below are some of the key features and benefits of AIR 15. Please see our release notes for full details.
    New Features:
    Stage3D “Standard” profile support for iOS and Android
    In the Flash Runtime 14 release we introduced the Stage3D “Standard” profile which provided many advanced 3D features.  At that time, the “Standard” profile was only available on desktop platforms.  In the AIR 15 release we are extending this coverage to mobile platforms.  If a device supports OpenGL ES3, it can successfully request the “Standard” profile and use the same advanced features as the desktop platform.
    Relaxing Stage3D Render Target Clear
    In previous versions of Stage3D, after switching the render texture through Context3D::setRenderToTexture, you were required to clear it before drawing. In this release, we're removing this limitation and optimizing the use of render textures. This change will allow you to further optimize and reuse depth and stencil buffers between different render textures.
    StageText.drawViewPortToBitmapData now supports Retina displays
    Currently, AIR will allow a bitmap with the same width/height of the StageText object to be passed into drawViewPortToBitmapData.  While fine for standard resolution displays, this is not sufficient for Apple's Retina HiDPI displays.  Based on customer feedback, we've altered the drawViewPortToBitmapData method to accept a doubled size BitmapData with StageText's view port on a Mac Retina display, and then draw a HiDPI image from the view port.
    Improved Packaging Engine is now default - iOS
    Starting AIR 15, new improved IPA packaging engine is now the default packaging mode when packaging for AOT targets ipa-app-store, ipa-test, ipa-ad-hoc and ipa-debug. If you encounter any packaging or runtime issues, please report at http://bugbase.adobe.com. To use older packaging mode, use "-useLegacyAOT yes" in the ADT command, before the signing options. To learn more about the feature, please follow http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/ios-packaging-compiled-mode.html
    AIR Gamepad Enhancements
    AIR Gamepad feature enables the app developers to provide a second screen on Android mobile devices for the Flash based browser games. AIR Gamepad API enables Flash based browser apps to connect to a paired Android device running the AIR Runtime app and therefore allowing the Android devices to be used as game controllers or second-screen interfaces. Following enhancements are available starting AIR 15.
    Multiplayer Support
    Gyroscope Events
    Magnetometer Events
    Applying skin as AIR gamepad screen
    To learn more about the feature and usage guidelines, please follow www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/android-air-devices-as-gamepads.html
    AIR Cross Promotion
    Adobe AIR 15 now supports cross promotion of AIR games for mobile devices. Cross promotions can be effective in saving some amount of advertising cost. With the right partnership, you gain access to a wider customer base with a demographic similar to that of your application. This cross promotion is free and works on a credit system. All you need is to earn enough credit points by promoting other AIR games to begin your own promotion campaign. The AIR SDK offers the new AdViewer API for promotion campaigns as a SWC, it provides functions to load and show in-game advertisements. You earn credit points for promoting AIR games by other developers based on ad impressions and clicks. To learn more about the feature and usage guidelines, please follow www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/cross-promotion-of-air-games-mobile.html
    Fixed Issues:
    Multiple stability fixes
    Failing to call Context3D.clear before drawing on every frame no longer throws a runtime error. (3726980)
    Poor AIR performance while starting app after restarting Windows OS. (3690665)
    ADL crashes when Workers attempt to open local shared object. (3768436)
    StageVideo with camera doesn't work properly, no video is displayed. (3781244)
    [iOS] [Fast Packager] Couple of runtime performance fixes in new fast packager.(3695884)
    Known Issues:
    [AIR] [Android L] Application hangs on playing Mp4 videos.
    [AIR] [Android L] Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Bengali, thai characters are displayed as boxes.
    [Javascript] Custom cursor failed on the Jscode HTML AIR app, but success on the AS code AIR APP. (3792475)
    [Win]Unable to prevent default when pasting into TextField with AIR 14.(3776183)
    AIR Publish Fails when Including Large Files. (3772815)
    [Win] GPU accelerated video stop playing when screen resolution changes after NetStream.Buffer.Flush event. (3766000)
    Dispatching Sound Complete. (3764974)
    [iOS] [Fast Packager] "Compilation failed while executing: compile-abc" error pops out when packaging some large AS code applications. (3753783)
    [iOS] [Fast Packager] FPS reduces for Feathers Component Explorer app on iPad when packaged with fast packager.(3776055 )
    About the Beta Channel
    If you would like real-time notification for announcements related to the AIR Beta Channel please follow the Flash Runtime Announcements forums by choosing "Follow this forum" from the right-hand menu on the Forums page.
    You can find instructions for getting started with this release here: AIR Labs Page

    I've settled on the following workaround, which fixes the problem consistently, albeit with a slight flicker sometimes:
    Check if you're on Android;
    Add an ENTER_FRAME listener to the stage in the activation handler (called when returning to the app from an overlay displayed by a native extension);
    Use a ticker to have 2 frames delay between the quality switch, anything quicker than that resulted in inconsistent or non-functional behavior for our app;
    Switch from StageQuality.LOW to StageQuality.HIGH and back again. Going to MEDIUM and back did *not* result in a fix.
    In my case, the code for the switch itself looks like this:
    private function OnActivate(event:Event):void
         if (Settings.IS_ANDROID)
              _Ticker = 0;
              stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, OnEnterFrameFixGPUContextLoss);
    private function OnEnterFrameFixGPUContextLoss(event:Event):void
         _Ticker ++;
         if (stage.quality.toLowerCase() == StageQuality.LOW) // stage.quality returns string in capitals
              stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH;
              if (_Ticker > 2)
                   stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW;
                   stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, OnEnterFrameFixGPUContextLoss);

  • Is it possible to wipe out iMac with ML upgrade and THEN reinstall SL from disk, back up with TM?

    Iv'e been going round and round with my iMac ever since Genius bar employees "upgraded" me to ML while replacing Seagate HD per the recall. THis is a late 2009 27-inch iMac that came with SL.
    What I think might solve this once and for all is to completely wipe out the hard drive and THEN reinstall SL from the disk that was shipped to me by Apple.
    Here's what has happened thus far:
    1. iMac was working fine, but per emails from Apple, replacing the Seagate HD that came with the computer was advised. Made appt, took it in after backing up to external hard drive.
    2. Picked up  the iMac first week of August. Found that they had upgraded me to ML.
    3. Proceeded to put back contents of backup from July 27 (before the hard drive was replaced, all saved in SL).
    4. Immediately after back up was reinstalled, realized that iPhoto contents (ALL of my saved files/photos, movies, etc, both work and personal) are inaccessible. Also, fan will not stop running (and this is true even when there is no user signed in, ie, no CPU-intensive programs running). Programs that worked in SL no longer work with ML (iWeb, etc).
    5. Have been in  contact with Apple numerous times, and finally got a senior tech to work with me via phone. I had a SL disk borrowed from a friend (the 27-inch was a replacement for original iMac that was defective and never received any install disks with new iMac Jan 2010). Per instructions from Apple tech, backed up iMac, then tried to reinstall with SL disk. When the progress wheel only kept spinning, he said that the disk I was using must be incompatible and I waited for a replacement SL install disk to be mailed to me.
    6. Called back when I got the new SL disk, and then we tried it again. When the progress did the same thing, ie just spinning, Apple tech said that I must have a hardware problem and he instructed me to make another appoitment with the Genius bar. I did that and am supposed to take it in tonight.
    7. Apple tech said it  must be a hardware problem, that the super drive would not read the install disk, BUT, the super drive (actually both of them, one inside the machine, one external super drive  purchased separately) has no problems reading audio CDs. It is ONLY the SL reinstall disk.
    That, along with the continually running fans that have also been deemed by Apple tech to be bad hardware (which were both fine before the upgrade to ML) make me think that it is the ML software that does not work properly with this late 2009  iMac. It was designed for SL, not  ML.
    I suspect that if the hard drive on the iMac is completely wiped clean and SL then reinstalled with the disk that was mailed to me, this would put my machine back in order with SL as the OS.
    I'd like to try that BEFORE I take this iMac back to the Apple Store. I have the back up from July (before ML was put on as the OS) and that's what I'd like to put back on. I can more easily save  jpegs that were savde after ML was put on as the OS than I can save everything (one by one) that was on this iMac from Jan 2010 till July 2013.
    Is there anyone who can give me a yes or no, whether this would work or not? Wipe it all out, start fresh with a new SL installation and back up from that July 2013 backup?

    Yes it is. That is why you got a set of reinstal disc with your Mac. For just this purpose.
    But if you have a 2009 model it might of come with Leopard. But you should still be able to use that reinstall disc or the retain Snow Leopard DVD you used to upgrade to SL to restore your Mac from a Time Machine backup.
    First you need to boot the system from either the original reinstall DVD or the retail SL DVD and use Disk Utility to Repartition the drive as One Partition. you MUST do that to get rid of the Mt Lion Recovery HD partition. Once that is done there should be an option to Restaore your Mac from a TM backup. Have the backup drive connected before you start the system from the Reinstall DVD, either of them whichever you chose.

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