Display 0 if there is no data for that corresponding match

Suppose we have an employee table with columns employee_id and first_name. In case there is no matching data, the result should display zero.
Employee_ID               FIRST_NAME
10                               Harry
20                               Larry
select employee_id from employees
where first_name='Jack';
This will return an exception NO_DATA_FOUND, but I want to show 0. Is this possible?

adfSonal wrote:
Suppose we have an employee table with columns employee_id and first_name. In case there is no matching data, the result should display zero.
Employee_ID               FIRST_NAME
10                               Harry
20                               Larry
select employee_id from employees
where first_name='Jack';
This will return an exception NO_DATA_FOUND, but I want to show 0. Is this possible?
So many unanswered questions, this is really really hard to answer.
If you are trying to do it in SQL, we can provide 1 answer.
If you are trying to do it in PL/SQL, you may get a completely different answer.
What column(s) do you want to show 0 for? All of them? one of them?
Please be specific.
More information is better.
The simplest way is probably:
select NVL(e.emp_id, xx.emp_id), NVL(e.first_name, xx.first_name) first_name
  from employees e
       (select 0 emp_id, null first_name from dual ) xx
      ON xx.emp_id = e.emp_id;

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    Hi xitum,
    Per my understanding that you want to display the column name and the values in the style you have provided, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and you can achieve this by type the column names on the left of the values field and then add an "Underline" for the values field.
    Details information in steps below for your reference:
    Type the column name"DateKey" on the left of the [DateKey] and then double click the [DateKey] you will open the "PlaceHolder Properties" windows like below:
    Click the Font section and under the "Effect", choose the "Underline" this will add an underline under the values.
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    not display):
    =IIF(Fields!DateKey.Value="" or Fields!DateKey.Value is nothing,"               ",Fields!DateKey.Value)
    If you still have any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

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