Display an array with Next-n Record functionality

I want to show results from an array that's created from
query results:
<cfif (WebEx is 0 or WebEx is "") OR (RPMSClassesUp.WebEx
is 1 and Compare("#dani#","#daniNow#") gt
0 and
Compare("#DateFormat(RPMSClassesUp.StartDate)#","#nowDate#") is 0)
OR (RPMSClassesUp.WebEx is
1 and
Compare("#DateFormat(RPMSClassesUp.StartDate)#","#nowDate#") gt
<cfset session.a_up
[1]="#RPMSClassesUp.UniqueClassID#" />
<cfset session.a_up[2]="#RPMSClassesUp.Title#" />
<cfset session.a_up
[3]="#RPMSClassesUp.ClassDescription#" />
I could loop through the results, but I'd like to only display
20 records per page like you can do
<CFOUTPUT query="RPMSClassesUp" STARTROW="#url.RowStart#"

"torque-speed measurement.vi" is the DAQ loop. Collected data are passed by a shared variable with a RT FIFO to "display.vi". The FIFO setting is uploaded in previous post. The DAQ uses 1kHz loop.
I think the RT FIFO settings are quite important to this problem. If I set it to 1 Point per Waveform instead of 100, the problem is gone. 
Please disregard the error when loading it.
display.vi ‏23 KB
torque-speed measurement.vi ‏44 KB

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    I think you should learn about shift registers.
    Your larger program will probably work better and be easier to modify and maintain if you use a state machine in place of the sequence structure.

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    Hi Bennekommer,
    I‘m writing to check if the suggestions were helpful, if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.
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    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    While the action you describe is not normal for the iPhone, is this the only time that it has occurred or has it happened again? There are the normal user trobleshooting procedures that you can follow, power off/on, reset, restore, however, if it has not happened again, it sounds like an isolated incident that has not been duplicated.
    Also, do you have a passcode lock on the phone to prevent others from accessing your data?
    Message was edited by: ChrisJ4203

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    Hi Shital -
    Thanks for the additional info...
    When I said that the total number of records is 15, I
    meant that my tableData's DataObjectList contains 15
    entries. (In case of DataControls you don't even use
    DataObjectList, but for my non data control
    applications I used DataObjectList). You are saying
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    five items. Then for next five records from 6-10 I
    will have to program in such a way that my method
    call returns 6-10 records.That's correct. In the case where you are explicitly providing data to the table via a DataObjectList, you need to feed the data to the table in page size blocks - and you also need to handle the table's goto event to scroll the table to the next/previous block of data.
    In previous version of
    UIX(2.1.7) I never had to program for next and
    previous buttons. UIX tables used to take care of
    that. That's why I am so surprised.It sounds like you must have been using the <bc4j:table> component. Is that the case?
    Getting back to your original issue...
    1. It does not work with Data Controls built
    from Java Beans or from TopLink.I believe that this is a bug in the preview release - and I'm fairly sure this will be addressed by production. In production, ADF should automatically handle wiring up table scrolling for you when binding your table to a data control - whether the data control is implemented via JavaBeans, Toplink, or BC4J. I believe that in the preview release, scrolling only working when binding to a BC4J data control.

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            /* Variable */
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    <cfparam name="sort" default="1">
    <cfquery name="getMerch" datasource="#APPLICATION.dataSource#">
    SELECT merchID, MerchName, MerchDescription, MerchPrice, MYFile, CategoryID
    FROM Merchandise
    WHERE CategoryID = 2
    <cfswitch expression="#sort#">
    <cfcase value="1">MerchName</cfcase>
    <cfcase value="2">MerchPrice</cfcase>
    <cfset rowsPerPage = 3>
    <cfparam name="URL.startRow" default="1" type="numeric">
    <cfset totalRows = getMerch.recordCount>
    <cfset endRow = min(URL.startRow + rowsPerPage - 1, totalRows)>
    <cfset startRowNext = endRow + 1>
    <cfset startRowBack = URL.startRow - rowsPerPage>
    <!--- changes the order by --->
    <cfif sort is 1>
    <a href="#CGI.script_name#?sort=#IIF(sort is 1, '2', '1')#" class="pre2Nav">Order By Price</a>
    <a href="#CGI.script_name#?sort=#IIF(sort is 2, '1', '2')#" class="pre2Nav">Order By Product</a>
    <!--- my next n buttons --->
    <cfif startRowBack GT 0>
    <a href="#CGI.script_name#?startRow=#startRowBack#" class="pre2Nav">< Back</a>
    <cfif startRowNext lte totalRows>
    <a href="#CGI.script_name#?startRow=#startRowNext#" class="pre2Nav">More ></a>
    <cfloop query="getMerch" startRow="#URL.startRow#" endRow="#endRow#">
    All my output goes here
    Can anyone help me get this to work together? is it possible? and more importantly, how hard is it going to be to do this?
    Thank you.

    if I use this:
    <cfdump var = "#isDefined('sort')#">
    I get YES as the output, even when I hit the next button and change the category.
    If I use this:
    <cfdump var = "isDefined('sort')>
    all I get is this:

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    i need to display the first 10 records in field1  next 10 record  field2
    please give me a idea my mail id is [email protected]

    In OBIEE 10g, within the 'table view properties' options (second icon from left in the edit table screen) you will see an option for rows per page. Set this to 10 and the arrows should appear.
    It can be quite hard to find the screen in question. From the pivot table builder screen, click the big round icon to the left of 'compound layout' drop down. Then you need to click the 'Edit View' icon in the header of the table. Finally you can then click the 'table view properties' icon, second left.
    Good luck,

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    Take it to an Apple Store and see about getting an out of warranty replacement. I believe it will run you about $150.

  • Displaying ALV agan with deleted record not shown....

    Hello Gurus,
    I am working on ALV. The ALV deipalys data froma custom table. Now I have created a Button in application toollbar saying 'Delete'. I have wrirren logic  in 'ALV_UC (i_callback_user_command) so that when user pushes 'Delete' button, the data record gets deleted from custom table.
    call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
                i_callback_program       = lv_progname
                i_callback_pf_status_set = 'ALV_STAT'
                i_callback_user_command  = 'ALV_UC'
    *            i_callback_top_of_page   = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
                is_layout                = is_layout
                it_fieldcat              = field_lst
    *            is_variant               = g_variant
                it_event_exit            = gt_event_exit
                i_save                   = 'A'
                it_sort                  = it_sort
                i_screen_start_column    = i_start_col
                i_screen_start_line      = i_start_ln
                i_screen_end_column      = i_end_col
                i_screen_end_line        = i_end_ln
                t_outtab                 = p_outtab
                program_error            = 1
                others                   = 2.
    Now, I want the ALV to be dsiplayed with that deleted record not shown. How can I do this ? Is there a Refresh function or something  ?

    Hello Rajesh
    A quick view into the documentation of IMPORTING parameter I_CALLBACK_USER_COMMAND would have answered your question:
    Within the USER_COMMAND callback routine set
    REFRESH = 'X'.  " That's all
    EXIT routine for command handling
         Passing an EXIT routine indicates to the ALV that the application wants
         to respond to certain function codes.
         Generally, these are function codes that are unknown to the ALV (that
         is, are not standard ALV functions) and that were defined and set by a
         user status.
         See also the documentation on parameter  I_CALLBACK_PF_STATUS_SET.
         The interface of the form routine specified must be defined as follows:
                 FORM user_command  USING r_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
                                          rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
         Parameter R_UCOMM contains the function code triggered.
         Structure RS_SELFIELD contains the following information:
         o   tabname  : Name of the internal output table
         o   tabindex : Index of the internal output table
         o   fieldname: Field name
         o   endsum   : Cursor is located on the totals line
         o   sumindex : If >0, the cursor is located on a subtotals line
         o   value    : Value of the field on the list
         o   refresh  : (Exporting) List should be set up again
         o   col_stable:(Exporting) Keep column position when list is set up
         o   row_stable:(Exporting) Keep row position when list is set up again
         o   exit      :(Exporting) Exit list (and ALV)
         o   before_action: Call before standard action execution
         o   after_action : Call after standard action execution, before list
         o   ignore_multi : Internal use
         o   sel_tab_field: Internal use
         The EXIT routine is called whenever a function unknown to the ALV is
         triggered or if the routine call before/after the execution of a
         standard function code has been defined by interface parameter
         See also the documentation on parameter IT_EVENT_EXIT.
         The function code and the current cursor position are then passed on to
         the calling program through the EXIT routine.
         If the user has selected multiple rows by selecting checkboxes, the
         output table field designated as the checkbox contains the current state
         of the checkbox in the list.

  • Error "CRTranRec:: GetLinkedRecordId : Invalid linked record Id" is displayed when synchronizing with the BlackBerry Desktop Software

    When synchronizing data using the BlackBerry Desktop Software the following error is displayed:
    CRTranRec:: GetLinkedRecordId : Invalid linked record Id
    what to do?
    many thanks in advance

    Hi crugnola
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    Please check your address book if you find any contact with blank images then  add an image to those contacts ,it will  fix this sync error , have a look :
    KB31008 : Error "CRTranRec:: GetLinkedRecordId : Invalid linked record Id" is displayed when synchronizing with the BlackBerry Desktop Software.
    Or head over to this thread Cleanly "Starting Over" with the Desktop Software (non-BES)  and start all over again or within that thread on post #15 there is a link to older version of BlackBerry Desktop Software , download version 6.1 it has help many user that I know from this error.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • HT201066 Does the screen record function work with quick time pro for windows?

    I am looking at purchasing QuickTime Pro for Winodiws (yes I will be getting a mac soon...) and I was wondering if the screen recorder function that is with quick time on macs is still available on windows?

    Screen recording is part of QuickTime X, not QuickTime Pro. QuickTime X is only available for Macs.

  • How to print devlievery document with out condition record mess type

    Actually user want to take the sample print out  ( Hard copy ) of the delivery note and other documents for reference, even the message type processed, not processed and even ended with errors also
    I have written a program to display the delivery document numbers  with check boxses and added one button in application tool bar.
    onece user executed the program, he will able to see all the delivery or sales numbers with checkboxes.
    now requirement is, users will select check box and click on the print button it should fire printouts in local printer of user location.
    for this what we are planning is we want to maintian the entries in NAST by RV_MESSAGE_* function modules and printing the output immedaietly
    If any one worked on this kind of requirement, please suggest step by step, how we can print the documents with directly maitaining the message types with out condition records
    Thanks in advance.

    Generally if we create any document ( sales or delivery ), based on the condition record message type will be created and with message type details print will be triggered when the medium is 1, date time 4
    But in my case i want to take the printout irrespective of the message and condition records
    i want to take printout even if the message processed,not processed and ended with error.
    is there any way to take the print of the documents by using function modules or updation of NAST table.
    Please help me.
    Thanks in advance

  • Reading in a binary file and displaying an array correctly

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    Thank you in advance,
    Dan Ziehm

    Read the text file as string, then pass it through "spreadsheet string to array" with "," as delimiter, %b as format and an U8 array as type. I made a quick demo, see attached code image.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    binaries.gif ‏45 KB

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