Can you please let me know if <DISPLAY CONDITION> has an end tag.
While debugging i have noticed that it take under it, mean it does not end it condition if i dont give another condition.
Please let me know if there is any other alternative for if else statements in etext template

you can use
have seen very very complex e-text templates with lot of conditions, did not face any issue.
Where did you get struck ?
what is the issue you are facing on this >?

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    I'm trying to use the 'display-condition' attribute of the xdofo:inline-total element to get some boiler plate to appear on the first page only, and some other boiler-plate to appear on all subsequent pages (display-condition="first" and display-condition="exceptfirst") as detailed on page 2-78 of the 5.6.3 user guide.
    (This is not something that can appear in the header/footer, so we can't use 'different first page').
    If I don't specify a display condition then my boiler plate is displayed (although only if I add this as a string within the element, and the variable is not displayed correctly). But if I add the display-condition="first" then the element is not displayed at all.
    I've tried this with the 5.6.2 desktop previewer and with 5.6.3 within Oracle Applications. The results are pretty much the same.
    I guess I have two questions:
    1.) Is this the right way to do what I'm trying to do? (We need 'Assessment Information to be shown at the head of a table on page 1, and 'Assessment Information Continued' to be shown at the top of the table on all subsequent pages, and as this is a batch print job, we need the pageing to restart for each new main group)
    2.) If this is the right way to do it, can anyone help me get it working?
    I can post a small example xml and rtf if it helps.
    Thanks for any suggestions,

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    I've created 5 new items in the template.
    Each one of them uses a different printing condition as specified in the user guide, from which I quote:
    • first - the contents appear only on the first page
    • last - the contents appear only on the last page
    • exceptfirst - contents appear on all pages except first
    • exceptlast - contents appear on all pages except last
    • everytime- (default) contents appear on every page
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  • Display Conditions for Configurator OptionFeature Options - R12.1

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    1. I have a list of options under a Option feature
    2. These options are to be displayed as drop down list in the configurator user interface as the min and max selections allowed is 1. i.e. options are mutually exclusive.
    3. In configurator user interface, I have to display only the options that are available for user selection. i.e. Options that are either excluded by a rule of by an configurator extension, should not be displayed in the UI.
    Now, here is the problem.
    I am using the display condition for the drop down feature as below.
    List Item Display Condition List Item Model Node.SelectionState IsNot Excluded
    The above display condition removes the options that are excluded by a configurator rule (like logic rule or a CDL). But is does not remove the options from the list that are excluded by a configurator extension.
    I tried with all different display condition approaches. But I was unsuccessful in not displaying both type of options that are exculded by configurator rule and configurator extension.
    If anyone could help me achieve this, it would be of great help.
    NOTE: The logical state of option excluded by configurator extension is either FALSE or UFALSE.
    The logical state of option excluded by configurator rule is LFALSE.
    Hope the above explaination is readable. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Hi Jason,
    Thanks for your reply.
    yes I have tried using LFALSE (as you have mentioned in your message - (IOption)opt.setState(IState.LFALSE); ).
    But we cannot set the logical state of an option to LFALSE, LTRUE, UFALSE, UTRUE.
    we can only set it to FALSE, TRUE or TOGGLE.
    When I tried to set the state of the option to LFALSE, it throws an error saying - logical state of an option can only be set to FALSE, TRUE or TOGGLE.
    - user9356335

  • Tabs and display conditions

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    I was toying around with my Apex as I love to do, however, im a bit confused regarding tabs and display conditions.
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    And in expression1 I entered "select username from users where username=:APP_USER and admin='Y'"
    However, this somehow seem to fail the display condition, and the tab disapears entirely. regardless if I use my appuser (which has uppercase in the table) or the built in "admin" user.
    I tried this SQL out in the query tool and it asked for the bind variable value and I entered my username and it displayed 1 row correctly. But somehow this doesn't seem to work for the tab.
    Am I thinking the wrong way here or what am I doing? :)

    It is standard tab set, and I want the tab going to page 2 to be invisible for non admins for example, but I seem to make the admin tab disapear even thou I know my sql is correct, if I disable the display condition both tabs is visible again, so am I thinking reverse, or is it something else?
    Message was edited by:
    Mr plow

  • (no inline validation error displayed)) condition type and plsql expression

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    Is it possible to use a plsql expression (eg: (:REQUEST = 'PXX_LIST_ITEM')) AND (no inline validation error displayed)) condition type at the smae time ?
    HTMLDB must be testing a substitution variable when the conditional display section is set to 'no inline validation errors displayed'.

    I don't know for sure because I never used it, but I think you can use the pl/sql variable htmldb_application.g_inline_validation_error_cnt. This variable identifies number of inline errors found.
    You can also check if the variable htmldb_application.g_notification contains a value.

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    Is there a way to hide / display conditionally export links in a dashboard. Also, is there a way to limit the export options to display only Export to Excel, and not all the other options such as pdf, etc.
    Thank you

    Hi Laurent,
    Regarding limiting the choices of export, you can refer to below post:
    Re: Export to only PDF,Excel, PPT

  • To display condition types in sales order

    Hi Gurus,
    When the condition records are maintained for the condition types they are displayed in the sales order,here user has to create the condition records, without knowing the condition types he cannot create the records.
    One method is creating condition records for all materials with zero amount. other than this method is there any possibility to display cond types in the sales order.

    Dear Chetan,
    Goto order - item - condtion - analysis
    As soon as you have gone inside , on right side you will find overview which will give you all condition type
    Now , you can decide which has to be maintained and which not required.

  • Display Condition info of a PO

    Hello Gurus,
      How can I display the condition records maitained in a PO? I tried using table konh but it only works for quotations. The bapi (BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL) that I'm currently using only displays line items.

    KONV and KONP tables are both conditions tables. These tables are used when you want to find e.g : the Basic price value or excise duty values (just to name some ) .
    These tales store the values based on the document condition number.
    The Document Consition number(KONV-KNUMV) is number that gets generated whenever a PO or a sales order gets created. So this KNUMV is the link between the PO or the sales order. The KNUMV gets stored in KONV as well as the header tables of Sales order and Purchase order.
    Let me give you an example: Incase you have a sales order number say 1206 now for this you want to create to know what is the Basic price: - so you would go to VBAK get the KNUMV of 1206 , for the KNUMV fetched go to KONV and give this KNUMV you will get all the conditions for this sales order. Same is the case with PO's also.
    Now KONP also stores the conditions can be used with access sequences eg a003 or a055 etc. you cantake the KNUMH value from these tables and get the rate from KONP.This table only stores the rates and not the values. i.e KBETR value and not KWERT value.
    I hope this answers your question

  • Displaying conditional gif in report

    for a column in a report, is it possible to display a picture dependent on the column value ( i.e. checkmark for yes values)

    this is a pretty easy one to accomplish using straight sql, actually. you'd simply decode your column in question and conditionally select the image link out based on your decoded value. for example, if our table was Foo and our column in question was Col_1. you could write your query for that region like this...
    select decode(f.Col_1,'Yes','<IMG SRC="/i/my_checkmark.gif">',f.Col_1) my_column_alias
    from foo;
    put into plain english, this query selects all values of Col_1 from the foo table. as it renders the results, it checks the values of Col_1. if that value is a 'Yes' it then returns the HTML to display your checkmark gif. if the value is something other than a 'Yes', the query returns that value.
    hope this helps,

  • Field display conditionally

    I am having some problem regarding adobe forms , Scenario is:
    there is one total field and one nettotal field , nettotal field is addition of total + discounts.
    now if the discount is initial the field wil not come in the form and if the discount is not initial the field have to be displayed.....
    in smart forms with the help of flag we can apply condition to any field whether we want to display that field conditionally,
    how can we achieve this in adobe .????
    whether we can do this by alternative ...

    i hve tried that code but it is not working
    i hve certain question related to it ??
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    2. there are two type of form one is formcalc and second is javascript , which one i wil take .
    rite now i am coding like this
    if LV_PA_TEXT.rawValue == null
    LV_PA_FORM.presence = 'hidden'.
    LV_PA_TEXT Is my field name and LV_PA Is my form name
    i have taken both the fields in this form and i am making this form invisible when the value is null... and i am putting this code into forcalc .......  it is not working

  • Column display conditionally in Dashboard

    Hi Everyone
    I need help, thanks in advance for helping me.
    I have a drop down(A,B,C) in a dashboard.
    and I have columns (A1,A2,A3, B1,B2,B3, C1, C2, C3) in an analysis report.
    my requirement is such thats when I select 'A' from Drop Down, I should display only columns related to 'A'(like A1, A2, A3). Same way for when I pick 'B'(B1,B2,B3) and 'C'(C1,C2,C3).
    As of now, I am thinking of having three 'Analysis Views' and showing them conditionally, but apart from that is there any other to accomplish this.

    Try this way,
    create a variable prompt with values A B C and create 3 different reports in one report A1 A2 A3 columns and in other reports as per required and put this 3 reports in 3 different sections and create a section condition for this 3 reports and display any 1 section according to the selection from the prompt.
    To create the variable prompt and section condition follow this below link to achieve this.
    Mark If Helpful/correct.

  • Display Condition Type - Error

    Hello Experts,
    I am trying to display a Custom Condition Type (ZCTY) on VK13 Transaction. But It's giving me an error:
    Rebate condition ZCTY is not defined for this transaction
        Message no. VK028
        You have attempted to process rebate condition type ZCTY with a
        transaction not defined for the processing of rebate condition types.
    System Response
        You cannot maintain rebate condition type ZCTY using this transaction.
        Rebate conditions can only be processed using the rebate agreement. You
        can reach the maintenance screen for rebate agreements via the master
        data menu of your application.
    Can anybody please let me know if I have to use other transaction to display?
    Thanks for the help.

    I bet you were given a condition table name for ZDNE with key Customer/Material but
    the same condition with key customer/ship-to/material is in a different table. The "key" here essentially translates into the table key in the dictionary, so even for the same condition type there could be more than one database table.
    Unfortunately, there is not much standard functionality available for the pricign conditions. You might want to check out BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS, but we had very bad experience with it - it does not perform any validations and it actually "not released" (as well as the FMs in your post). On the other hand, BDC is extremely slow.
    Hope this helps and good luck!

  • Display conditioned selectbooleancheckbox in table

    Hi Forum,
    I've requirement that in a table say there are 2 columns 'status' and 'check'. where check column displays as selectbooleancheckbox.
    1. If the value of status column is 'done' corresponding check column value is 'NA'
    2. If the value of status column is 'under process' corresponding check column value is 'selectbooleancheckbox'
    now if i check 'selectbooleancheckbox' in first row, it should automatically checks another checkbox value in same column based on some condition .
      <af:column sortProperty="prop1" sortable="true"
                                     headerText="test" id="test">    
                            <af:switcher id="s2" facetName="#{row.status == 'done'?'checkbox':'outtext'}">
                                <f:facet name="checkbox">
                                  <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true" text=" " autoSubmit="true"                             
                                <f:facet name="outtext">
                                  <af:outputText value="#{row.row2}" id="ot6"/>
    Bean code:
        public void OnSelect(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            RichSelectBooleanCheckbox ch = (RichSelectBooleanCheckbox)valueChangeEvent.getSource();
            DCIteratorBinding it = ADFUtils.findIterator(ITERATOR_NAME);
            RowSetIterator rit = it.getRowSetIterator();
            Row curRow = rit.first();
            Row nextRow = rit.next();
            nextRow.setAttribute( "checkbox" , selected ); Please help..

    989186 wrote:
    now if i check 'selectbooleancheckbox' in first row, it should automatically checks another checkbox value in same column based on some condition .I don't understand this part - What do you mean check another checkbox in same column? Do you have two af:selectBooleanCheckbox in the same column?
    A few things that I notice -
    1) sbc1 is not bound to a value
    2) Your code sets the attribute "checkbox" to selected for the second row in the iterator. Is that what you expect it to do?
    3) I can't see where the "checkbox" attribute is used in the page.
    It would help if you state your requirements a bit more clearly. Even better if you leave out the ADF references and just state the business requirement.

  • Display conditional symbol

    I want to display a conditional symbol if the number of rows for a particular item exceeds a limit. For example, if i have 5 address rows in my xml file, and i want to display only 4 in the template and show a symbol if there are more records available.
    My row text is:
    for-each UGSchoolDetailsVORow
    and my code is:
    <?for-each:UGSchoolDetailsVORow[position () < 5]?>
    I only want to display 4 records but i also want to display a ~ symbol if there are more than 4 records
    Many Thanks

    That didn't work i'm afraid. only 1 record was displayed instead of 4.
    I have a similar bit of code in another part of the template
    <?xdoxslt:ifelse(string-length(Statement)>5000, concat(substring(Statement,1,5000), '~'), Statement)?>
    I guess something like this but related to rows instead of string length.

  • Update of static LOV data display condition is not reflected in comp export

    Hi team,
    here is another possible little bug in 4.0.1.
    I updated the conditional display for one entry in a static LOV.
    This change is correctly reported in page 4000:4111 in the last updated column, but it is not reflected in the more general last updated column for the entire LOV component (page 4000:4110).
    This affects also the component export where the updated static LOV does not appear in the first places if i sort the report by the most recently updated column (page 4000:688).

    1. I am currently on SBO 2005A PL 20, I've checked the issue of the "last purchase price" not being refreshed in the BOM on PL 36 .... Incidentally, the system behaves in the exact same fashion. I heard I can force the data refresh by using a format search, do you know how to do it?
    2. If I don't use "last purchase price", instead using "My price list", thus I can use "Update parent items globally" to update the BOM. To achieve this goal, you suggest to use DTW, which I am still trying to figure out, meanwhile I've checked the SAP SDK and found the table ITT1 contains a column "PriceList" , which flags the certain price list being used. Can I reset this field to flag my price list without affecting data integrity?
    Edited by: Rui Pereira on Apr 29, 2009 1:15 PM
    Edited by: Paulo Calado on Jun 17, 2009 1:08 PM

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