Display file contents

Hi, I am learning servlets, and am trying to write my own simple upload program.
I'm trying to see first whether my code can pick up the contents of the file the user specifies. The form is set to multipart/form-data and uses POST.
Right now I'm using ServletInputStream to print out the information submitted in the request, but instead of printing out the contents of the file, it prints out all the POST parameters, including the file name parameter. It is only the file, theigh, and I want the contents of the file to also be displayed.
Can anybody please help me by describing what I could do to output the contents? Does another type of stream need to be opened to start looking at the file's contents, in addition to just looking at the POST headers and parameters?

Hi Sudhir,
I found an example which does similar to what you are looking for. Unzip the zipped file and you should see two examples.
File Read Customized will help you to read data from file and format into single column.
File Read Customized_multiple line will help you to read data from a file which has multiple rows and columns. Then it updates table on the front panel with new line read.
Please feel free to use it. I am also attaching a sample text file for you to try the example.
Kalyanramu Vemishetty
Automated Test Systems Engineer
National Instruments
example.zip ‏25 KB

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    Actually, you mean Linksys.  BIG difference there.
    Linksys Business Series was accumulated into Cisco Small Business, since it was purpose built for small business, not residential/consumer grade.
    The new PVC2300 actually are Cisco branded on the case.
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    Systems Engineer
    U.S. Partner Sales team
    RTP, N.C.

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    You may be right. Also it requires some configuration in SAP KPro ( document class etc).
    Please see SAP [Help |http://help.sap.com/printdocu/core/print46c/en/data/pdf/BCSRVBDS/BDS_STRUCTURE.pdf]on Business Document Services.
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         public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)
              throws IOException,ServletException
              ServletOutputStream out=res.getOutputStream();
              String fileURL="/mydomainWebApp/Test.htm";
              res.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachment; filename=" +="Test.htm" );
              BufferedInputStream bis=null;
              BufferedOutputStream bos=null;
                   URL url = new URL( fileURL );
                   bis=new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
                   bos = new BufferedOutputStream(out);
                   byte[] buff = new byte[2048];
                   int bytesRead;
                   // Simple read/write loop.
                   while(-1 != (bytesRead = bis.read(buff, 0, buff.length))) {
                   bos.write(buff, 0, bytesRead);
              }catch(final MalformedURLException e)
                   System.out.println ( "MalformedURLException." );
                   throw e;
              }catch(final IOException e)
                   System.out.println ( "IOException." );
                   throw e;
                   if (bis != null)
                   if (bos != null)
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    I checked the API of getContentStream() and getContentReader(). it will return the binary data of the document and the readable content will NEVER return to the Reader or InputStream variable.
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    <Personal Information Edited By Host>

    Your original post wat to ask to see what was in that folder.  The command I gave was to show that.  There is one finder invisible zero-length file in that folder named .com.apple.timemachine.supported which I believe means it can be uses as a TB backup.
    If you want to always see these finder invisible files -- everywhere -- then follow the instructions in this article:
    Show Hidden Files in Mac OS X
    Now you are asking about the folder itself, i.e., what it's access is.  I would think you would see that doing Get Info in the finder.  But the terminal command to do it is similar to seeing the folder's contents:
    ls -lde /Users/petesalcido/Documents/Dropbox/London\ and\ Paris\ Pics\ 2012
    Just -lde instead of -la as the ls options (that's an "ell" in the -lde just like the ls).

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    Your instructions for doing this are very clear. 

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    <HTML LANG="en-US" DIR="LTR">
    <!-- Generated: 1/11/2006, postxslt.pl [1012] v1
    Source: amsug304286.xml
    File: amsug304286.htm
    Context: nil
    Tiers: ALWAYS
    Pretrans: YES
    Label: Release 12 -->
    <!-- $Header: amsug304286.htm 120.4 2006/11/01 20:57:29 appldev noship $ -->
    <!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1010302_TTL--><TITLE>Product Overview (ORACLE MARKETING)</TITLE><!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1010302_TTL-->
    <LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="../fnd/iHelp.css">
    <BODY BGCOLOR="#F8F8F8">
    <A NAME="T304286"></A><A NAME="ProdOve"></A>
    <CENTER><H2><!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1010302--><B>Product Overview</B><!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1010302--></H2></CENTER>
    <p><!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1010304-->Oracle Marketing drives profit, not just responses, by intelligently marketing to the total customer/prospect base. By leveraging a single repository of customer information, you can better target and personalize your campaigns, and refine them in real time with powerful analytical tools.<!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1010304--></p>
    <p><!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1006611-->With tools necessary to automate the planning, budgeting, execution, and tracking of your marketing initiatives, Oracle Marketing provides you with:<!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1006611--></p>
    <p><!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1006612--><B>Customer Insight</B> - With sophisticated customer management and list generation, Oracle Marketing enables you to quickly generate target lists and segments using an intuitive user interface. The easy to use Natural Query Language Builder (NLQB) lets you query for customers or prospects using a natural language while hiding data complexity; fatigue management ensures that you do not over-contact the same customers with marketing messages; and predictive analytics helps you predict customer behavior that you can leverage to produce significant increases in marketing return on investments (ROI).<!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1006612--></p>
    ls.<!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1010304--></p>
    <p><!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1006611-->With tools necessary to automate the planning, budgeting, execution, and tracking of your marketing initiatives, Oracle Marketing provides you with:<!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1006611--></p>
    <p><!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1006612--><B>Customer Insight</B> - With sophisticated customer management and list generation, Oracle Marketing enables you to quickly generate target lists and segments using an intuitive user interface. The easy to use Natural Query Language Builder (NLQB) lets you query for customers or prospects using a natural language while hiding data complexity; fatigue management ensures that you do not over-contact the same customers with marketing messages; and predictive analytics helps you predict customer behavior that you can leverage to produce significant increases in marketing return on investments (ROI).<!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1006612--></p>
    <p><!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1006613--><B>Sales Alignment</B> - Oracle Marketing's leads management helps you compile and distribute viable leads so that sales professionals can follow up valuable opportunities and not just contact interactions. Additionally, support for distributing proposals and marketing material drive speedy and consistent setups and collaboration of best practices.<!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1006613--></p>
    <p><!--BOLOC ug1_OMPO1006614--><B>Marketing Insight</B> - While Oracle Marketing Home page reports and Daily Business Intelligence (DBI) for Marketing and Sales provide aggregated management level information in almost real time, operational metrics help in tracking the effectiveness of individual marketing activities.<!--EOLOC ug1_OMPO1006614--></p>
    <!-- Q6z5Ntkiuhw&JhsLdhtX.cg&Zp4q0b3A9f.&RQwJ4twK3pA (signum appsdocopis 1162406236 2673 Wed Nov 1 10:37:16 2006) -->

    you can try to use the:
    layout for KM navigation ivew (or customize to your own).
    This layout shows a folder tree on the left, a document list on the right. When you click on a document from the list it shows the contents of the file on the bottom of the iview.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to display the content of a file in the portal?

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    you can try to use the:
    layout for KM navigation ivew (or customize to your own).
    This layout shows a folder tree on the left, a document list on the right. When you click on a document from the list it shows the contents of the file on the bottom of the iview.
    Hope this helps,

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    We want to display the content of these data files(which we have pointed from WYSIWYG editor) in-line within the portal.
    Please help us to resolve this issue and let us know if any information is required from our end.

    Thanks for reply. However, can I use XSQL to dump the formated text to a file? or just can display to client through web browsers?

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    hi team,
    I have files which are already uploaded in SAP. I can read the contents of the file but
    I can't find the UI element where I can display the content of the file.
    I have heard that IFrame can be used to solve the purpose. But using IFrame I am only
    capable to show files which are in MIME objects.
    Can anybody give suggestions how to achieve it?

    have you tried
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/9d/a6884121a41c09e10000000a155106/frameset.htm">TextView</a> or <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/3b/219141c1d0ae5fe10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm">FormattedTextView</a> ?
    You could also make a development request.
    Regards, Heidi

  • Display blob content as pdf file

    Dear Expert,
    Currently i'm using oracle apex 3.0.1.
    I'm having a problem on displaying blob content (from database table) as pdf file on oracle application express but i'm able to save to download the pdf.
    Below is the procedure that i used to display blob content,
    PROCEDURE lf_html_pdf (pv_image IN VARCHAR2, pv_index IN NUMBER) is
    l_mime VARCHAR2 (255);
    l_length NUMBER;
    l_file_name VARCHAR2 (2000);
    lob_loc BLOB;
    selecT OI_BLOB,DBMS_LOB.getlength (OI_BLOB)
    into lob_loc,l_length
    from ord_img
    where oi_tno= pv_image
    and oi_ti='PDF'
    and oi_idx=pv_index;
    when others then
    OWA_UTIL.mime_header (NVL (l_mime, 'application/pdf'), FALSE);
    HTP.p ('Content-length: ' || l_length);
    WPG_DOCLOAD.download_file (lob_loc);
    END lf_html_pdf;
    I get the error message as below when i execute the procedure above;
    Error report:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 356
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 415
    ORA-06512: at "HCLABPRO.PKG_PDF", line 220
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    *06502. 00000 - "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"*
    I'm appreciated if expert can have me on the problem above?
    From junior

    *Always post code wrapped in <a href=http://wikis.sun.com/display/Forums/Forums+FAQ#ForumsFAQ-Arethereanyusefulformattingoptionsnotshownonthesidebar?"><tt>\...\</tt> tags</a>:*
      PROCEDURE lf_html_pdf (pv_image IN VARCHAR2, pv_index IN NUMBER) is
         l_mime        VARCHAR2 (255);
         l_length      NUMBER;
         l_file_name   VARCHAR2 (2000);
         lob_loc       BLOB;
            selecT OI_BLOB,DBMS_LOB.getlength (OI_BLOB)
            into lob_loc,l_length
            from ord_img
            where  oi_tno= pv_image
              and oi_ti='PDF'
              and oi_idx=pv_index;
                when others then
         OWA_UTIL.mime_header (NVL (l_mime, 'application/pdf'), FALSE);
         HTP.p ('Content-length: ' || l_length);
         WPG_DOCLOAD.download_file (lob_loc);
      END lf_html_pdf; Start by getting rid of:
                when others then
                null;and never using it anywhere ever again.
    If you're not actually going to use the <tt>l_mime</tt> and <tt>l_file_name</tt> variables then remove these as well. (Although I really think you should set a filename.)
    Error report:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 356
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.OWA_UTIL", line 415
    ORA-06512: at "HCLABPRO.PKG_PDF", line 220
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    06502. 00000 - "PL/SQL: numeric or value error%s"
    The error stack indicates that the exception is being raised in <tt>HCLABPRO.PKG_PDF</tt>: what is <tt>HCLABPRO.PKG_PDF</tt>? Does this actually have anything to do with the procedure above?
    I get the error message as below when i execute the procedure above;How do you execute it?
    What happens when it's executed without the <tt>when others...</tt> built-in bug?

  • Can we Read/Display the content of Word/PDF file  in Flex 3/4 ?

    Hello All,
    Can we  read/display the content of Word/PDF file in Flex 3 or Flex 4?.  I have one word file containing  Arabic  and English content with some settings like  Bold, Color, Align etc. I want to display the content of this word file as it is in the flex web application.
    Awaiting for prompt reply.
    Thanks and Regards

    thank you for your immediate reply, but,
    sorry, this does not work.
    With this code:
    <cfpdf action = "read" source = "dok_1.pdf" name =
    <cfdump var="#mypdf#"/>
    I get this result:
    Everything, but no text of the document.
    Application name of application
    Author bimbam Verlag GmbH
    CenterWindowOnScreen [empty string]
    ChangingDocument Allowed
    Commenting Allowed
    ContentExtraction Allowed
    CopyContent Allowed
    Created D:20080710
    DocumentAssembly Allowed
    Encryption No Security
    FilePath [empty string]
    FillingForm Allowed
    FitToWindow [empty string]
    HideMenubar [empty string]
    HideToolbar [empty string]
    HideWindowUI [empty string]
    Keywords [empty string]
    Language [empty string]
    Modified [empty string]
    PageLayout SinglePage
    Printing Allowed
    Producer [empty string]
    Properties [empty string]
    Secure Allowed
    ShowDocumentsOption [empty string]
    ShowWindowsOption [empty string]
    Signing Allowed
    Subject [empty string]
    Title Rheinische Angler-Zeitschrift
    TotalPages 1
    Trapped [empty string]
    Version 1.3
    Maybe i do not understand the cfpdf tag the right way.
    What i want is a kind of pdf-to-text conversion.
    Do I have to use the processddx action? I do not think so.
    But there is a property DocumentText .. ?

  • Need to read text file content and have to display it in multiline text box

    dear all,
    Need to read text file content and have to display it in multiline text box.
    actually im new to file handling. i have tried up to get_line and put_line.
    in_file := TEXT_IO.FOPEN ('D:\SAMPLE.txt', 'r');
    TEXT_IO.GET_LINE (in_file,linebuf);
    i dont know how to assign this get_line function to text item
    pls help me in this regards,

    Simply write:
    in_file := TEXT_IO.FOPEN ('D:\SAMPLE.txt', 'r');
    TEXT_IO.GET_LINE (in_file,linebuf);
    :block2.t1 := chr(10)||:block2.t1||chr(10)||linebuf;
    chr(10) --> is for new line character

  • Displaying doc/txt file contents from portlet

    Hi, Can someone pls give a hint on how to do this:
    One "book" type content created, with a doc file uploaded. The "publisher " for
    this content is set to "sams".
    create a content selector which retrieves only this (content) book correctly.
    create two portlets. one portlet with above content selector inserted, displays
    the publisher name with a hyperlink.
    I want the other portlet to display the contents of the file uploaded, for this
    publisher. I could establish portlet comm. and could display other properties
    of the book such as "author/titile" on the second portlet, but want to know how
    to display the uploaded file contents.
    thanks much,

    As far as retriving the contents of an uploaded file...
    If your XML document has been loaded into Content Management as a binary
    property, you have two options:
    a) to directly inline the content into the JSP, do something like this:
    <cm:getProperty id="node" name="binaryPropertyName" failOnError="true"
    (This assumes node holds a reference to the Content Management Node
    object (perhaps retrieved via a <cm:getNode> tag)
    b) to retrieve the value into a script variable for more processing, do
    something like this:
    Property bodyProp= (Property)node.getProperty("binaryPropertyName");
    InputStream in= node.getPropertyBytes( bodyProp.getId() );
    // dont forget to close the InputStream
    String result=null;
    InputStreamReader reader= new InputStreamReader(in);
    StringBuffer streamContents= new StringBuffer();
    char[] data= new char[8192];
    int charsRead;
    while ((charsRead = reader.read(data)) > 0 )
    streamContents.append(data, 0, charsRead);
    result= streamContents.toString();
    "portal developer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:40ae343d$[email protected]..
    Hi, Can someone pls give a hint on how to do this:
    One "book" type content created, with a doc file uploaded. The "publisher" for
    this content is set to "sams".
    create a content selector which retrieves only this (content) bookcorrectly.
    create two portlets. one portlet with above content selector inserted,displays
    the publisher name with a hyperlink.
    I want the other portlet to display the contents of the file uploaded,for this
    publisher. I could establish portlet comm. and could display otherproperties
    of the book such as "author/titile" on the second portlet, but want toknow how
    to display the uploaded file contents.
    thanks much,

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