Display image in tabnavigator with rollover effect

I need to create a tabbar with image in tabButton which should have
mouseOver and mouseOut effects.
Thanks and warm regards,

tabStyleName: tabStyle;
background-color: #3e3e3e;
.tabStyle {
    upSkin:Embed(source='assets/images/tab.png', scaleGridLeft=10, scaleGridRight=96, scaleGridTop=15, scaleGridBottom=16);
    downSkin:Embed(source='assets/images/tab_selected.png', scaleGridLeft=10, scaleGridRight=96, scaleGridTop=15,scaleGridBottom=16);
    overSkin:Embed(source='assets/images/tab_selected.png', scaleGridLeft=10, scaleGridRight=96, scaleGridTop=15,scaleGridBottom=16);
    disabledSkin: Embed(source='assets/images/tab_disabled.png', scaleGridLeft=10, scaleGridRight=96, scaleGridTop=15,scaleGridBottom=16);
    selectedUpSkin: Embed(source='assets/images/tab_selected.png', scaleGridLeft=10, scaleGridRight=96, scaleGridTop=15,scaleGridBottom=16);
    selectedOverSkin:Embed(source='assets/images/tab_selected.png', scaleGridLeft=10, scaleGridRight=96, scaleGridTop=15,scaleGridBottom=16);
    font-size: 11;

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  • Displaying image from Database with php

    Hello everybody,
    I'm working on a website that displays videos courses and tutorials as my final project
    and I'm working with "Flash builder 4" the database with mySQL and the application server with php
    Basically, the goal is to display a datagrid that shows the manager of the website in column all the information stored on the "Course" table
    the structure of the table is :
    Course (id,img,src,title,description)
    -id : primary key
    -img : path to a photo of course {for example picture of JAVA}
    -src : path to the playlist file {xml file}
    -title : String
    -description : String too
    I already succeeded to display all these contents on a DataGrid, but not with the image, I couldn't display an imageon its column using the path stored on the database, I used a DataRenderer to do that, and here is my code for Renderer and the DataGrid.mxml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
       xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" xmlns:courseservice="services.courseservice.*">
    import Renderers.CourseDeleteRenderer;
    import Renderers.CourseImageRenderer;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.events.FlexEvent;
    protected function dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
    getAllCourseResult.token = courseService.getAllCourse();
    <s:CallResponder id="getAllCourseResult"/>
    <courseservice:CourseService id="courseService" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <mx:DataGrid x="10" y="10" id="dataGrid"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="" dataField="img" sortable="false" itemRenderer="Renderers.CourseImageRenderer"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="id" dataField="id"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="src" dataField="src"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="title" dataField="title"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="description" dataField="description"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Delete" itemRenderer="Renderers.CourseDeleteRenderer"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Update" itemRenderer="Renderers.CourseUpdateRenderer"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:MXDataGridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
    <mx:Image source="{data}" width="60" height="60"/>
    Result :
    Problem :
    How can I access to the path of the image, I tried to write "data.img" instead of "data" as img is the name of the column in the database that stores the path but it wasn't successful.
    I know that it not complete statement "data" because "data" is a reference to what the DataGrid provides of information that gets from the (CreationComplete) event.
    Question :
    - Can you please help me with this so I can complete displaying images by accessing to what is on the column in tha DB so I can manipulate my datas that is stored there ?
    ==> I still have some questions about the buttons to update and delete datas fomr the DataGrid, but, until now I need to access successfully to the photo and display it
    Thank you,

    Anyone that can help me with this ?
    Please, try this with me, I'm asking Flex developpers this might be easy for you !
    It's just question of how to access the string stored in the variable "data", when I used XML I just type the path to the repeated element like this :
    XML file :
    XML File
    I used a Model as a reference to the xml file
    and an arrayList as a container of the repeated child
    I just write in the code "data.parent.repeated_child" to access the text in the "repeated_child"
    and here is the code, that I implemented to generate videos from xml file to display a video play list
    Video Playlist code(extract from XML file "data.xml")
    <fx:Model id="model" source="assets/data.xml"/>
    <s:ArrayList id="products" source="{model.video}"/>
    <mx:List  dataProvider="{products}" labelField="title"
      change="list1_changeHandler(event,List(event.currentTarget).selectedItem)" x="103" y="77" height="350" width="198"/>
    That was my goal to do that with the database.
    Please help me
    If you have other solution I still need it.
    Thank you,

  • Display image from database with jspSmart

    I have successfully uploaded and saved images into oracle(8.1.5) table DATA_TYPE(dtid number, iconname varchar2(30), icon blob). When I try to display a specific icon in my browser, I get "javax.servlet.ServletException: General error" at:
    PreparedStatement pstmt = myConnection.prepareStatement(mySQL);
    My code looks like this:
    ResultSet myResultSet = null;
    Statement myStatement = null;
    Connection myConnection = null;
    myConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("Jdbc:Odbc:Te","te","te");
    String iconName;
    String pDTID = request.getParameter("dtid");
    String mySQL = "Select iconname, icon from data_types where dtid=?";
    PreparedStatement pstmt = myConnection.prepareStatement(mySQL);
    myResultSet = pstmt.executeQuery();
    iconName = myResultSet.getString("iconname");
    myUpload.downloadField(myResultSet,"icon","application/x-msdownload", iconName);
    I call this JSP from another JSP like this:
    <img src="imgModifyDataType.jsp?dtid=<%=pDTID%>">
    If we cannt display image with the help of another jsp like this then please guide me how to modify the imgModifyDataType.jsp to a servlet because I have never worked in servlets.
    Please help

    I think that it may help you get image from database. I used two jsp page. First one is getphoto.jsp that makes as table based in sql statment and invoke the getimage.jsp this last returns images based on
    the getphoto.jsp PhotoId.
    /** getphoto.jsp source code */
    <%@page import="java.sql.*,oracle.jdbc.*"%>
    <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <table width="781" border="2">
    <td width="83" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><b>PhotoId</b><td width="450" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><b>Description</b></td><td width="228" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><b>Photo Image</b></td>
    Connection conn = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    ResultSet rset = null;
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@itas:1521:oraITAS","yourDbUserId","yourDbPassword");
    stmt = conn.createStatement();
    rset = stmt.executeQuery("select photo_id,photo_description from photo");
    while (rset.next()) {
         <tr><td width="83"><%=rset.getObject("photo_id")%></td><td width="450"><%=rset.getObject("photo_description")%></td><td width="228"><img src="getimage.jsp?PhotoId=<%=rset.getObject("photo_id")%>" width="238" height="228"></td></tr>
    /** getimage.jsp source code */
    <%@ page contentType="image/jpeg; chaoResult=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*,java.io.*,java.util.*" errorPage="" %>
    String strConnString = null;
    Connection oDbConn;
    Statement oStmt;
    ResultSet oResult;
    String strConnection = null;
    String strUserId = "c_erober";
    String strUserPwd = "sybdev99";
    String strDatabase = "oraITAS";
    String strPhotoId;
    strConnString = "jdbc:odbc:" + strDatabase;
    String strSql;
    try {
    strPhotoId = (String) request.getParameter("PhotoId");
    strSql = "select photo_image from photo" + ( (strPhotoId==null) ? " where photo_id = '001'": (" where photo_id = '" + strPhotoId + "'") );
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver());
    oDbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(strConnString,strUserId,strUserPwd);
    oStmt = oDbConn.createStatement();
    oResult = oStmt.executeQuery(strSql);
    byte[] bytearray = new byte[4096];
    int size=0;
    InputStream sImage;
    sImage = oResult.getBinaryStream(1);
    while((size=sImage.read(bytearray))!= -1 ) {
    } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.getMessage();

  • Performance impact on displaying images when tested with loadrunner

    We have a page in the application that displays PDF images to the user.
    The PDF's are stored on HP-UX file system and have the BFILE path
    of the image stored along with other meta-data. The ave size of the PDF is around 250 kb.The images are displayed fine when the user wants to view the images.
    The problem we have been facing is more related to performance.
    When loadrunner tests were conducted to allow 75 users to concurrently
    view the images, the CPU utilization shoots up to 100%.
    All other resources such as memory, io are fine and the image display time is
    within acceptable limits.
    Are there any settings or configurations that can be done to bring done the CPU utilization totolerable limits. Also the box hosts other application which we fear might be impacted and henceit is very important for us to bring down the cpu utilization
    The code to display the PDF is similar to the one in sample app
    OWA_UTIL.MIME_HEADER('application/pdf', FALSE);
    Htp.Prn('No image found.');
    We first thought creating the temporary blob might be costly and modified the code to use lob locator.Still the CPU utilization was over 100%.
    The next thing we tried was to eliminate the creation and usage of BLOBs altogether and directly render the images from the BFILE as mentioned in the code below and tried to use the browser caching also.
    htp.p('Expires: ' || to_char(sysdate + 1/24, 'FMDy, DD Month YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
    OWA_UTIL.MIME_HEADER('application/pdf', FALSE);
    Still the CPU utilization is over 100%.
    So can you please point to any configurations that neeed to be done on Apache App server/DB server or any optimizations at the code level to restrict the CPU utilization.
    Thanks in Advance

    Typically, you do not refer to PDFs as images. Common image formats are .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp, etc.
    Can you store them directly on the file system and just reference their URLs instead of reading them out of the database? If so, this should all but eliminate the CPU load.
    If you only have one database on this machine, you can use the database resource scheduler to throttle the CPU utilization of the sessions downloading images. If you have more than one db, then the Resource Manager is basically useless, which is one of the main reasons to only install one db per machine.
    Another thought is to use a web cache instance in front of the HTTP Server if their are a lot of repeat views of the same PDFs. This way you cache the first view of the PDF on the web cache tier so subsequent requests don't go against the db.
    Yet another option (though not out for HP-UX yet) is the 11g "Secure Files" option. I've done some informal testing on this last week and read performance was easily 3x faster than traditional LOBs. My tests weren't very scientific as I was using VMWare on a laptop which generally has very poor physical I/O performance. They claim reads performance is comparable to the Linux file system.

  • Problem when displaying images when working  with PHP, mysql and dreamweaver in a brower

    Hey Guys
    I am new to dynamic development but I already did some
    research and tutorials about how to get a dynamic web site working
    with PHP and Mysql in Dreamweaver. I set up a test page to view
    some content on it directly from the mysql database and it worked
    just fine in dreamweaver only when I pressed the
    live data view.
    When I tried to view the same page using the browser preview
    with firefox and internet explorer, plain text from the database
    was correctly displayed on the brower but the images were absent.
    In the mysql database I used the varchar as my picture data
    type field so that I will refer in dreamweaver in the data binding
    panel in the img.src to the picture column of my database.
    I anyone can tell me what am I doing wrong so that my
    pictures are not displayed in the browser when i click the browser
    preview facility in dreamweaver I would be very very and very
    pleased ! :)

    The odds are that it is the way that you have referenced the
    images rather
    than an issue with the database. If you have the images root
    relative like
    this "/images" then they will work in preview, and on the
    webserver, but
    will not view when looking at the file via localhost.
    If possible make the links page relative and then they should
    work fine.
    Paul Whitham
    Certified Dreamweaver MX2004 Professional
    Adobe Community Expert - Dreamweaver
    Valleybiz Internet Design
    "mariosal026" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ea3nq2$9ol$[email protected]..
    > Hey Guys
    > I am new to dynamic development but I already did some
    research and
    > tutorials
    > about how to get a dynamic web site working with PHP and
    Mysql in
    > Dreamweaver.
    > I set up a test page to view some content on it directly
    from the mysql
    > database and it worked just fine in dreamweaver only
    when I pressed the
    > data view.
    > When I tried to view the same page using the browser
    preview with firefox
    > and
    > internet explorer, plain text from the database was
    correctly displayed on
    > the
    > brower but the images were absent.
    > In the mysql database I used the varchar as my picture
    data type field so
    > that
    > I will refer in dreamweaver in the data binding panel in
    the img.src to
    > the
    > picture column of my database.
    > I anyone can tell me what am I doing wrong so that my
    pictures are not
    > displayed in the browser when i click the browser
    preview facility in
    > dreamweaver I would be very very and very pleased ! :)

  • Safari not displaying images on ipad with retina display

    I can see the images on my iphone 4s but the same page does not show the images on my ipad4. This is one of the urls-http://www.montereyboats.com/boats/cruisers-and-sport-yachts/260scr/#overview. There is 8 images on the top of the page that do not load. They do auto play, you can see the boxes switching in order but the pictures do not show up.

    You're welcome. I tried private mode i Safari and it was still OK. On the settings> Safari page start at the top change search engine, go to the website anew and see if it makes a difference. If no difference change search engine back. Still on the same page scroll down to privacy and location. One by one change each setting, if no success change it back to the way you had it then try the next setting. Just to make sure we're viewing the same page, first you see the logo and boat and option for country. The next page has the eight pictures, right ?

  • Rotating Image with Fade Effect

    Ok looking to rotate an image with a fade effect; below is a rotating image code.
    (Wanting this effect to be transitional and smooth. Transparency? Opacity?)
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function adArray() {
    for (i=0; i*2<adArray.arguments.length; i++) {
    this[i] = new Object();
    this[i].src = adArray.arguments[i*2];
    this[i].href = adArray.arguments[i*2+1];
    this.length = i;
    function getAdNum() {
    dat = new Date();
    dat = (dat.getTime()+"").charAt(8);
    if (dat.length == 1)
    ad_num = dat%ads.length;
    ad_num = 0;
    return ad_num;
    var ads = new adArray(
    var ad_num = getAdNum();
    document.write('<div align="center"><A HREF="'+ads[ad_num].href+'" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="'+ads[ad_num].src+'" '
    +'BORDER=0 name=js_ad></A></div>');
    link_num = document.links.length-1;
    function rotateSponsor() {
    if (document.images) {
    ad_num = (ad_num+1)%ads.length;
    document.js_ad.src = ads[ad_num].src;
    document.links[link_num].href = ads[ad_num].href;
    // -->
    Any ideas?

    Here is the script I finally got working! It would have not came to me without your help guys!
    var pictureWebPartName="Pictures"; // name of the picture library web part
    var showThumbnails = true; //otherwise show full sized images
    var randomImg = true; //set to true to show in random order
    var useCustomLinks = false; //true to use second column as URL for picture clicks
    var RotatingPicturesLoopTime = 5000; //2000 = 2 seconds
    var imgToImgTransition = 1.0; //2 = 2 seconds
    // don't change these
    var selectedImg = 0;
    var imgCache = [];
    var imgTag;
    function RotatingPictures()
    imgTag = document.getElementById("RotatingImage");
    //Find the picture web part and hide it
    var Imgs = [];
    var x = document.getElementsByTagName("TD"); // find all of the table cells
    var LinkList;
    var i=0;
    for (i=0;i<x.length;i++)
    if (x[i].title == pictureWebPartName)
    // tables in tables in tables... ah SharePoint!
    LinkList = x[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
    // hide the links list web part
    if (!LinkList)
    document.all("RotatingImageMsg").innerHTML="Web Part '" + pictureWebPartName + "' not found!";
    //Copy all of the links from the web part to our array
    var links = LinkList.getElementsByTagName("TR") // find all of the rows
    var url;
    var len;
    for (i=0;i<links.length;i++)
    //if (links(i).id.match("row")!=null)
    if (links[i].childNodes[0].className=="ms-vb2")
    Imgs[len][0] = links[i].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].href;
    if (useCustomLinks)
    if (links[i].childNodes[1].childNodes.length>0)
    { Imgs[len][1] = links[i].childNodes[1].childNodes[0].href; }
    { Imgs[len][1] = "" }
    if (Imgs.length==0)
    document.all("RotatingImageMsg").innerHTML="No images found in web part '" + pictureWebPartName + "'!";
    for (i = 0; i < Imgs.length; i++)
    imgCache[i] = new Image();
    imgCache[i].src = Imgs[i][0];
    if (useCustomLinks)
    // now show the pictures...
    function RotatingPicturesLoop()
    if (randomImg)
    if (document.all){
    imgTag.style.filter="blendTrans(duration=" + imgToImgTransition + ")";
    if (useCustomLinks)
    { RotatingImageLnk.href=imgCache[selectedImg].customlink; }
    { RotatingImageLnk.href = url; }
    if (showThumbnails)
    // convert URLs to point to the thumbnails...
    // from airshow%20pictures/helicopter.jpg
    // to airshow%20pictures/_t/helicopter_jpg.jpg
    url = revString(url);
    c = url.indexOf(".");
    url = url.substring(0,c) + "_" + url.substring(c+1,url.length);
    c = url.indexOf("/");
    url = url.substring(0,c) + "/t_" + url.substring(c,url.length);
    url = revString(url) + ".jpg";
    imgTag.src = url;
    if (document.all){
    selectedImg += 1;
    if (selectedImg > (imgCache.length-1)) selectedImg=0;
    setTimeout(RotatingPicturesLoop, RotatingPicturesLoopTime);
    // utility function revString found here:
    // http://www.java2s.com/Code/JavaScript/Language-Basics/PlayingwithStrings.htm
    function revString(str) {
    var retStr = "";
    for (i=str.length - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i--){
    retStr += str.substr(i,1);
    return retStr;
    // add our function to the SharePoint OnLoad event
    <!-- add your own formatting here... -->
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td id="VU" height="125" width="160" align="center" valign="middle">
    <a name="RotatingImageLnk" id="RotatingImageLnk" alt="click for larger picture">
    <img src="/_layouts/images/dot.gif" name="RotatingImage" id="RotatingImage" border=0>
    <span name="RotatingImageMsg" id="RotatingImageMsg"></span>
    Thanks again guys!

  • Need help with Rollover Image cross browser problem

    I am having a cross browser problem with my websites rollover nav links.  The trouble is, while they work perfectly fine in IE8 and IE9, I’ve also attempted to use them through Opera, and they simply don’t work.  They don’t link nor do they do their rollover effect.  And I was trying to figure out what I have done wrong.  Currently the site is not completed, but the first two pages are, the “news” and “about me” pages are currently (as of right now) working.  The address to the site is below.
    I hope that someone can help me with this, if needs be I can put the code for the CSS and HTML into this part if it will save some time for everyone.  Sorry too about the PNG images, I have to change those over to semi-transparent GIF’s yet so the site does take a while to load…
    Hope someone can help me with this!

    When I disable CSS in my browser, the rollover buttons work just fine.  This tells me your CSS is messed up and you've layered something over your menus which is making them inaccessible to users.
    I noticed you've applied relative positioning to just about everything on your page.  Why?   Default CSS positioning (unspecified or static) is all you need for 98% of layouts.
         Learn CSS positioning in 10 Steps
    My advice would be to start over using a pre-built CSS Template with all the divisions and columns you're likely to need for this project.  Below are some good links to get you on the right track.
    For professional CSS Templates that are rock solid & perform well in all browsers, visit Project Seven:
    Ultimate Multi-Column Layouts
    http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/ultimate-multi-column-liquid-layouts-em-and-pixel-width s
    Not Just a Grid CSS Framework
    EZ-CSS Templates (watch the screencast to see how it works)
    Dreamweaver CSS Templates for beginners
    New DW Starter Pages
    Good luck with your project!
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

  • Problem with displaying image

    Sorry, I'm a beginner in APEX and have some problems with displaying images in my application. I have read the same topic but unfortunately didnt find the solution.
    So.. I have the interactive report
    table test (
    I need to display the column blob_content.
    Thnks a lot.

    1009316 wrote:
    Hello! Welcome to the forum: please read the FAQ and forum sticky threads (if you haven't done so already), and update your forum profile with a real handle instead of "1009316".
    When you have a problem you'll get a faster, more effective response by including as much relevant information as possible upfront. This should include:
    <li>Full APEX version
    <li>Full DB/version/edition/host OS
    <li>Web server architecture (EPG, OHS or APEX listener/host OS)
    <li>Browser(s) and version(s) used
    <li>Region/item type(s) (making particular distinction as to whether a "report" is a standard report, an interactive report, or in fact an "updateable report" (i.e. a tabular form)
    With APEX we're also fortunate to have a great resource in apex.oracle.com where we can reproduce and share problems. Reproducing things there is the best way to troubleshoot most issues, especially those relating to layout and visual formatting. If you expect a detailed answer then it's appropriate for you to take on a significant part of the effort by getting as far as possible with an example of the problem on apex.oracle.com before asking for assistance with specific issues, which we can then see at first hand.
    Sorry, I'm a beginner in APEX and have some problems with displaying images in my application. I have read the same topic but unfortunately didnt find the solution.
    So.. I have the interactive report
    table test (
    I need to display the column blob_content.This is described in the documentation: About BLOB Support in Forms and Reports and Display Image. There's an OBE tutorial that followed the introduction of declarative BLOB support in 3.1 as well.

  • Load images with some effects

    Hi, I wanted to load java images with some effects like we have in power point like blinds or appear in Java swing when user clicks on the image.
    I have these specific questions in mind:
    1.Is there a way to do this in Java?
    2.Also how will this behave when the image to load is huge like 25 Mega Pixel?
    3.If we are dealing with large images being switched, what mechanism should be used for incorporating images in the application?
    4. Can there be a provision of displaying an image over another one with the one on the top having some transparency?

    Kayaman wrote:
    835085 wrote:
    how can this be done? do you have any pointers. i have played with swing earlier but did not know about the effects thingy.Well I didn't mean that you'd have ready made powerpoint-like effects (unless someone has created a library for that kind of stuff). I mean Java is a programming language, Powerpoint is a crime against nature.
    You'd need to program those effects (or find a library that does).OK, i think i will have to try this out first.
    The point is that i wanted to confirm to go with java or choose python.
    I need to track user inputs and display really large images. Now the interaction is really on graphical side like have moving images in the application which are transparent. I know Java but havent played with images yet and was not sure whether it will be worth spending days on this and then switch to python.
    well my scenario will be 2x2 matrix of screens. it will be a 25 MP screen. so wont this work now in this context?Sure, if you have the resolution.
    i was thinking in terms of response time. any inputs?And I was answering in terms of response time. The Fullscreen API. Of course you'll need to keep all the images in memory (or at least a certain range if you want to show them fast enough).
    4. Can there be a provision of displaying an image over another one with the one on the top having some transparency?Sure.any pointers?Well, Java does support transparency and alpha channel. But you'll need to go through the APIs to find ways to do those.
    Is there a reason why you want to do this in Java?I mentioned that I have worked on swing before but was not sure to do it in a totally new prog. language like python.

  • Copying a table with rollover images & links

    Need help...
    Using Dreamweaver CS4.
    I have a table with rollover images and links from those rollovers"
    I now want to copy and paste the table into other pages, but when I do, my links are broken and the rollovers don't work.
    I have my Site Def preferences set to "Links relative to: Document"
    Is there an easy way to copy & paste a table with rollover graphics and links?
    I've tried dragging the table from the page with the working links onto the different page.  The graphics show up, but the second state of the rollovers soesn't show up, and I get some weird link error:
    Can anyone help?

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 
    <title>Phyllis Bramson</title> 
    <style type="text/css"> 
    body { 
        background-color: #CCC; 
    <script src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 
      var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); 
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  • Trouble with rollover image in div

    Hello there,
    I am having some trouble with the following.
    I want to create a rollover image 90 pxl x 90 pxl and put it inside a div 90 pxl x 90 pxl.
    The div is inside other divs and makes up a kind of a table. I checked that all the div and image sizes are the same but when I place the cursor inside the div and select 'insert rollover image', my images are all squashed up and don't appear normal size. Very odd.
    Here is some of my code:
    CSS of div (I want to put my image inside smallBox01a)
    #Header #rightColumn #smallBox01 {
        height: 90px;
        width: 270px;
    #Header #rightColumn #smallBox01 #smallBox01a {
        float: left;
        height: 90px;
        width: 90px;
          <div id="smallBox01a"><a href="tobi.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('tobi','','Images/TobiOver.jpg',1)"><img src="Images/TobiOff.jpg" alt="Tobi" name="tobi" width="90" height="90" border="0" id="tobi" /></a></div>
    Poor old Tobi cat's face is all squashed up. Any idea what is going wrong? I don't have any padding within the div either.
    PS I also should add that when I tried to simply add in one of the Tobi images instead of the rollover image, it appeared perfectly fine within the div. It is only the rollover that is getting vertically squashed up.

    So, I've been playing around with your page in dreamweaver and I put a <div> container around your entire web page and then set the width to 1200px. That contained all the contents so that when you re-size the web page the contents don't colapse.
    Not sure if that's what Murray or Nancy mean and am curious if their is a better way.
    That would work although 1200px is too wide.  Something along the lines of 1000px would be better, since you want the page to display in a maximized browser viewport on a 1024 screen without dropping horizontal scrollbars.  I still use 960px as a maximum width....
    Re the centering of the page: Good question I would like to know how to do it "properly"
    In the CSS body rule I put:  margin-left: 20%;
                                                margin-right: 20%;
    Again, I'm not sure if that's the correct way to center the page, and would like to know a better way.
    It's not the best way to do this, which would be to use a fixed width container (as you have done) and just assign it left/right margin settings of 'auto', e.g.,
    #container { width:960px; margin:0 auto; }
    You can center *any* block element within its container with this method.

  • When I copy & paste a photo with rollover my rounded corner effects don't copy.

    I am trying to copy & paste a square photo box with a style of rounded corners on top right and bottom left. The box has a tinted rollover effect with text that displays when the curser is over the box. I want to take this box and copy and paste several more exactly the same. When I try to copy & paste it, the corners of the box become rounded on all 4 corners and the corner effect button is disabled. Why is this happening?

    Please try to drag the content from one page to another and then check.

  • How can i Display images with may own table

    I want display images with my own table. How can I use in this query.
    SELECT    '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:'
           || 'getImageHeight(''my_img'
           || '#ROWNUM#'');javascript:redirect'
           || '(''f?p=&APP_ID.:212'
           || ':&SESSION.:DISPLAY:NO::P212_IMAGE_ID:'
           || ID
           || ''');">'
           || '<img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#edit.gif" '
           || 'alt="Edit"></a>' ID,
              '<img id="my_img'
           || '#ROWNUM#" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#'
           || filename
           || '"/>' image
      FROM wwv_flow_filesThanks
    Edited by: user10966033 on Sep 28, 2009 1:41 PM

    You don't use #workspace_images# since that is for STATIC files, not images in a table..
    see this thread for help: Re: Display image from blob
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

  • In Mail 3.6 remote images in HTML messages display as blue squares with ? even though checked in viewing references.

    In Mail 3.6 remote images in HTML messages display as blue squares with ? even though checked in viewing references.

    The point is that that button should not be there, if the preference setting is as you say. This indicates the preference setting is stuck, and that is what I was trying to help you resolve.
    The full purge is done as follows:
    Quit Mail, and in the Finder open Home/Library and locate the Mail folder. Control-click over the Mail folder, and choose Duplicate -- then drag the resulting copy to the Desktop for temporary backup. Next, open Home/Library/Preferences and find the com.apple.mail.plist file and drag it to the desktop.
    Relaunch Mail, which will open as though new, and when prompted to import anything DECLINE. Instead, re-enter your account info, and Mail will re-discover the account folders for your accounts, and all should be well, after setting preferences as you desire.
    Ask any needed questions, and keep us posted.

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