Display song times in playlists!

It's very important for me to know song time lengths in the playlists. I use it for a yoga class and it helps me throughout the planning and teaching. Please let us display the times in the lists (they still show up in the albums)! An accurate playlist length would be useful as well. 

Playlist length and song length still show for me.
Underneath the playlist title it shows how long the playlist is.
To see song times, they should be to the far right of a song title. If you cannot see it, go to VIEW -- > and turn off the friend feed or zoom out the display size so you can see everything

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    I wasn't clear.  The song lengths do not display in PLAYLIST view.  Please help.

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    solsun wrote:
    Wait a second... I guess it's not the time afterall..
    I guess the closest I can get to a solution is to select "Display Locators as Time" in the transport???
    Yes, unfortunately that seems to be it. I am happy to view a Big bar display for SMPTE as it is more accurate that only minutes and seconds. Looks like that and time in the Bar ruler is the best options for you.

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    i know little about classical music, etc, however, i have started a habit of my own to sort music listed on my library in the order as listed on a CD as i rip it in.
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    First make an iCal backup, File > Export > Archive.
    Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    __NOTE: Removing these files will remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    Once the computer is back up and running open iCal and test.
    Hope that helps.

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    <Edited by Host>

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    Thanks in advance.

    Is there a way of changing the volume level icon at the bottom of the screen to display the song time instead?
    There is not.  You can let Apple know how you feel about it using the form on this page.

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    Try putting the iPod into disk mode. I know that you said a reset was unsuccessful, but just try.
    -hold menu + select buttons for 10 - 15 seconds
    -when you see the apple logo fade away and come back on the screen IMMEDIATELY switch to holding the select and play/pause button
    If you get the checkmark with OK to disconnect, that is a plus. Plug it into your computer and it should switch to "Do Not Disconnect - Disk Mode" At that point it should be recognized by your itunes and you should be able to transfer your purchased items off of it.
    If not - iPod will need repaired.

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  • Search for song in a playlist

    Hi all,
    As I have created a number of playlists I am having difficulty trying to find a song in a playlist.
    This way I can avoid duplicating songs in playlists or know if I have created a cd with a particular song.
    Does anyone know how I can search for a song in a playlist?
    Every time I conduct a search it seems to only be looking through my itunes library and not playlists.
    Any help or info would be great!

    Hi cheekyage,
    Since there is no way to assign a "Playlist" to a specific piece of music, there is no way to find it specifically by "playlist". However, I have a suggestion that may be of help:
    If you don't have a million songs already in Playlists, then if you go into each song that is currently assigned to a particular playlist, and assign a "playlist" tag that is sortable to it, then it will accomplish the same thing:
    1.     Click on one of your Playlists and then click Edit at the top of the screen and click on Select All. Then click Command+I to Get Info on the group in that Playlist. You will get a dialogue box asking you if you want to edit information for multiple items - click on "Yes".
    2.     On the Info tab, you will see a "Grouping" box.
    3.     In the Grouping box type in the name of your Playlist
    4.     Then click on OK
    5.     Click on the screen to de-select the songs
    6.     Click on View  at the top of the screen and click on View Options
    7.     In the "Personal" section click on Grouping to select it then close the View Options window
    8.     In the top right-hand side of the Music display screen, you will see a little dropdown where you can change your display view. Change it to "List"
    9.     You should now see your Grouping column with your playlist name next to the songs in that Playlist
    Repeat steps 1-5 until you have assigned a Playlist names to all of the songs that are in a Playlist
    Once you are done, you will be able to see if a song has a Playlist name already assigned to it when you do a search.
    Hope this helps!
    Post back with any questions!

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    any ideas?

    I tried Lyrics View but it didn't work well for me. It listed music by song title, there was no way to change that to list by artist or album, and it was difficult to select a song to listen to; often a different one would play than the one highlighted.
    Pauser Pro works better but it's still frustrating.  I do enjoy being able to see lyrics again, but music is listed alphabetically by song title rather than by artist or album, and there is no preference panel which lets you change that by default. If you want to hear all the songs on a specific album and you select the artist, you get an alphabetized list of his or her songs with a blue cross to the left of each. Clicking All Songs places them on a list, which you can then click on to play a specific song. But you have to put the songs in that list first, and I was unable to make separate lists for each artist; attempts to do so led to them all being placed at the end of the first list.
    I was finally able to make up a Playlist using a specific genre on iTunes on my computer, transfer it to my iPad, and then access it through Pauser Pro, but the artists were again mostly mixed up and it took a very long time to rearrange them by artist so I could select one and hear all the songs by one person or group. Of course, after that it continues to the next artist on the list, but at least I don't have to keep fiddling with it while I'm busy doing something else and just trying to enjoy some music.
    I contacted the developer about these issues and essentially was told that the app was primarily developed for professionals performing on a stage and that it worked well for that purpose.  I'm still not clear on how to create discrete lists in one wished to do that, though.

  • Song order in playlists arnt correct on phone

    Hey folks, It seems that when ordering songs in a playlist by date added, they dont display in that order on my 3GS.
    They do display correctly on my iPod classic.
    Im running OS 3.1.3
    Any ideas?

    It is a smart playlist yeh, (recently added) and Id like to have it ordered so that the very latest songs are at the top.
    I have done what you said, and its worked thanks!
    Do I have to click 'Copy to play order' each time? For what reason does the live updating have to be switched off?

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