Display Status on Web Application

Hi Guys,
Does any one have any idea of how to display Data status on the web application.
In BEx (Excel) you get it when you go to Layout and select Display text element and then select All. I am trying to do the same on the Web application.
I have gone through all the properties of the web template but i don't see any option saying that we can display data status and all those information on the web.Please let me know if any one of you have any idea about how it could be done
Thank you all for your help and reply,

Hi Martin,
I don't understand what exactly you are trying to say can you be more specific.
What i want is to display, when was the data last loaded to the infoprovider and name of the infoprovider and what query am i being used .. those kind of information.
Please let me know if you have any idea about this.
Thank you for your reply,

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    Thanks for the replies.
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  • Error in creating web application through power shell

     i have taken the  ps script from the  below url :
    credits to Roger  :
    But when i am running the script, i am getting many errors:
    Note: i am not using appln pool account password [as i dont know the password]
    want to know whether  this paramter is necessary.
    $ver = $host | select version
    if($Ver.version.major -gt 1) {$Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"}
    if(!(Get-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ea 0))
    Write-Progress -Activity "Loading Modules" -Status "Loading Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"
    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Setting Variables"
    #Set Individual Web App Variables
    #This is the Web Application URL
    $WebApplicationURL = "http://mysrvr:2020/"
    #This is the Display Name for the SharePoint Web Application
    $WebApplicationName = "myweb1"
    #This is the Content Database for the Web Application
    $ContentDatabase = "myContentDB"
    #Set Common Variables
    #This is the Display Name for the Application Pool
    $ApplicationPoolDisplayName = "mapppool2020"
    #This is identity of the Application Pool which will be used (Domain\User)
    $ApplicationPoolIdentity = "mydomain\myidd"
    #This is the password of the Appliation Pool account which will be used
    #$ApplicationPoolPassword = "Pass@word1"
    #This is the Account which will be used for the Portal Super Reader Account
    $PortalSuperReader = "i:0#.w|in\hariharan.venugopalk"
    #This is the Account which will be used for the Portal Super User Account
    $PortalSuperUser = "i:0#.w|in\spinstall.dev"
    Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Loading Functions"
    #Create Functions
    Function CreateClaimsWebApp($WebApplicationName, $WebApplicationURL, $ContentDatabase, $HTTPPort)
        #AppPoolUsed is set when calling the ValidateAppPool function. This will be true if the application pool is already running SharePoint web appplications
        #If the application pool is already being used in web applications, the syntax for New-SPWebApplication changes
        if($AppPoolUsed -eq $True)
            #Create the web application, assign it to the WebApp variable.  The WebApp variable will be used to set object cache user accounts
            Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Using Application Pool With Existing Web Applications"
            Set-Variable -Name WebApp -Value (New-SPWebApplication -ApplicationPool $ApplicationPoolDisplayName -Name $WebApplicationName -url $WebApplicationURL -port $HTTPPort -DatabaseName $ContentDatabase -HostHeader $hostHeader
    -AuthenticationProvider (New-SPAuthenticationProvider)) -Scope Script
            #Call the SetObjectCache function, which sets the object cache.
            Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Configuring Object Cache Accounts"
            #Create the web application, assign it to the WebApp variable.  The WebApp variable will be used to set object cache user accounts
            Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Using Application Pool With No Existing Web Applications"
            Set-Variable -Name WebApp -Value (New-SPWebApplication -ApplicationPool $ApplicationPoolDisplayName -ApplicationPoolAccount $AppPoolManagedAccount.Username -Name $WebApplicationName -url $WebApplicationURL -port $HTTPPort
    -DatabaseName $ContentDatabase -HostHeader $hostHeader -AuthenticationProvider (New-SPAuthenticationProvider)) -Scope Script
            #Call the SetObjectCache function, which sets the object cache.
            Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Configuring Object Cache Accounts"
    Function ValidateURL($WebApplicationURL)
        #Find out if a web application with the target URL exists
        if(get-spwebapplication $WebApplicationURL -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            #If a web application with the specifid URL already exists, wait 5 seconds and exit
            Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Aborting Process Due To URL Conflict"
            Write-Host "Aborting: Web Application $WebApplicationURL Already Exists" -ForegroundColor Red
            sleep 5
            #Setting the CriticalError value to $True results in the script to not create anything
            Set-Variable -Name CriticalError -Value $True
        #If the WebApplicationURL passed is not already a SharePoint web application, find out if it starts with HTTP or HTTPS
                #If the string starts with http://, and not https://, trim the protocol from the URL.  Set the host as the host header
                Set-Variable HostHeader -Value ($WebApplicationURL.Substring(7)) -Scope Script
                #If we're using HTTP, use port 80
                Set-Variable -Name HTTPPort -Value "80" -Scope Script
                #If the string starts with https://, and not http://, trim the protocol from the URL.  Set the host as the host header
                Set-Variable HostHeader -Value ($WebApplicationURL.Substring(8)) -Scope Script
                #If we're using HTTPS, use port 443
                Set-Variable -Name HTTPPort -Value "443" -Scope Script
    Function ValidateAppPool($AppPoolName, $WebApplicationURL)
        #Change the ErrorActionPreference to SilentlyContinue while preserving the original value in a temporary variable
        #Failing to do this will result in error messages being displayed if Get-WebAppPoolState does not return an object.  The script would still continue
        $CurrentErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        #Check to see if an application pool with the name passed by the AppPoolName variable already exists, assign this to a variable.
        #This variable will be used in order to determine if the application pool exists, but is not part of SharePoint
        $TestAppPool = Get-WebAppPoolState $AppPoolName
        #If we have a SharePoint application pool with the value passed by the AppPoolName variable, find out if there are any sites using that app pool
        #This changes the syntax used with New-SPWebApplication
        if(Get-SPServiceApplicationPool $AppPoolName)
            #Return all application pools used by all web applications
            $AppPools = Get-SPWebApplication | select ApplicationPool
            #Providing there is more than one application pool, find out what their names are
                foreach($Pool in $AppPools)
                    #Get The application pool display name for each application pool returned
                    [Array]$Poolchild = $Poolchild += ($Pool.ApplicationPool.DisplayName)
                    #If any application pool matches the value passed by ApplicationPoolDisplayName, set AppPoolUsed to True
                    #This is referenced in the CreateClaimsWebApp function
                        Set-Variable -Name AppPoolUsed -Value $True -Scope Script
                    #If the application pool display name does not match the value passed by ApplicationPoolDisplayName, set AppPoolUsed to False
                    #This is referenced in the CreateClaimsWebApp function
                        Set-Variable -Name AppPoolUsed -Value $False -Scope Script
            #Since this is a SharePoint Application Pool, set the AppPool value to the the SPServiceApplicationPool object returned
            Set-Variable -Name AppPool -Value (Get-SPServiceApplicationPool $AppPoolName) -scope Script
            #Set the AppPoolManagedAccount variable to the name of the managed acount used by the application pool returned
            #AppPoolManagedAccount is used in the CreateClaimsWebApp function if the application pool does not have existing web applications that are using it
            Set-Variable -Name AppPoolManagedAccount -Value (Get-SPManagedAccount | ? {$_.username -eq ($AppPool.ProcessAccountName)}) -scope Script
        #Check to see if the application pool is in IIS, but is not a SharePoint app pool
            #If the application pool exists in IIS and is not a SharePoint application pool, abort the script by setting CriticalError to True
            Write-Host "Aborting: Application Pool $AppPoolName already exists on the server and is not a SharePoint Application Pool `n`rWeb Application `"$WebApplicationURL`" will not be created" -ForegroundColor
            Set-Variable -Name CriticalError -Value $True
        #If it's not a SharePoint app pool, and it doesn't exist in IIS, we have to create one
            #Find out if a managed account exists by calling the ValidateManagedAccount function
            validateManagedAccount $ApplicationPoolIdentity
            #If the managed account exists, create an application pool using the existing managed account
            if($ManagedAccountExists -eq $True)
                #Set the AppPoolManagedAccount to the identity of the managed acocunt referenced by the ApplicationPoolIdentity variable
                Write-Host "Creating New App Pool using Existing Managed Account"
                Set-Variable -Name AppPoolManagedAccount -Value (Get-SPManagedAccount $ApplicationPoolIdentity | select username) -scope "Script"
                #Create a new SPServiceApplicationPool, assign that to the AppPool variable
                Set-Variable -Name AppPool -Value (New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name $ApplicationPoolDisplayName -Account $ApplicationPoolIdentity) -scope "Script"
            #If there is no managed account matching the account referenced by the ApplicationPoolIdentity, create it
                #Use the ApplicationPoolIdentity and ApplicationPoolPassword to create a credential object
                #This is necessary when creating a new managed account
                Write-Host "Creating New Managed Account And App Pool"
                $AppPoolCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $ApplicationPoolIdentity, (ConvertTo-SecureString $ApplicationPoolPassword -AsPlainText -Force)
                #Create a new managed account, assign that to the AppPoolManagedAccount variable
                Set-Variable -Name AppPoolManagedAccount -Value (New-SPManagedAccount -Credential $AppPoolCredentials) -scope "Script"
                #Create a new application pool using the new managed account, assign this to the AppPool variable
                Set-Variable -Name AppPool -Value (New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name $ApplicationPoolDisplayName -Account (get-spmanagedaccount $ApplicationPoolIdentity)) -scope "Script"
        #Return the ErrorActionPreference to the default value
        $ErrorActionPreference = $CurrentErrorActionPreference
    Function ValidateManagedAccount($ApplicationPoolIdentity)
        #Find out if the manage account referenced by the AppPoolIdentity already exists
        #If it does, set ManagedAccountExists to True
        if(Get-SPManagedAccount $ApplicationPoolIdentity -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            Set-Variable -Name ManagedAccountExists -Value $True -Scope Script
        #If it does not, set ManagedAccountExists to False
            Set-Variable -Name ManagedAccountExists -Value $False -Scope Script
    Function ClearScriptVariables
        #Set the ErrorActionPreference to SilentlyContinue
        #If this is not set, and the script variables referenced have not been set, an error message will be returned.  The script would still continue
        $CurrentErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
        #Remove the CriticalError variable
        Remove-Variable $CriticalError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $ErrorActionPreference = $CurrentErrorActionPreference
    Function SetObjectCache
        #Set object cache user account properties based on the value of the parameters supplied
        $WebApp.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = $PortalSuperUser
        $WebApp.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = $PortalSuperReader
        #Create a New Policy for the Super User
        $SuperUserPolicy = $WebApp.Policies.Add($PortalSuperUser, "Portal Super User Account")
        #Assign Full Control To the Super User
        #Create a New Policy for the Super Reader
        $SuperReaderPolicy = $WebApp.Policies.Add($PortalSuperReader, "Portal Super Reader Account")
        #Assign Full Read to the Super Reader
        #Commit these changes to the web application
    #Call the ClearScriptVariables function to empty out varialbes that should be blank when the script executes.
    #Validate the URL passed by calling the ValidateURL function
    Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Validating Web Application URL Variables"
    ValidateURL $WebApplicationURL
    #Validate the application pool variables by calling the ValidateAppPool function
    Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Validating Application Pool Variables"
    ValidateAppPool $ApplicationPoolDisplayName $WebApplicationURL
    #As long as CriticalError has not been set, create the web application using the variables passed.
    Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Web Application" -Status "Creating Claims-Based Web Application"
    CreateClaimsWebApp $WebApplicationName $WebApplicationURL $ContentDatabase $HTTPPort
    error  is thrown below:
    S D:\myworkspace\bif> iisreset
    ttempting stop...
    nternet services successfully stopped
    ttempting start...
    nternet services successfully restarted
    S D:\myworkspace\bif> .\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1
    reating New Managed Account And App Pool
    ew-SPWebApplication : "mysrvr:2020/" contains invalid character ':'.
    t D:\myworkspace\bif\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1:68 char:43
             Set-Variable -Name WebApp -Value (New-SPWebApplication
    ApplicationPool  ...
       + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share...PWebApplication:
      SPCmdletNewSPWebApplication) [New-SPWebApplication], ArgumentException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletNewSPWeb
    annot index into a null array.
    t D:\myworkspace\bif\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1:235 char:5
         $WebApp.Properties["portalsuperuseraccount"] = $PortalSuperUser
       + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray
    cannot index into a null array.
    t D:\myworkspace\bif\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1:236 char:5
         $WebApp.Properties["portalsuperreaderaccount"] = $PortalSuperReader
       + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NullArray
    ou cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    t D:\myworkspace\bif\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1:239 char:5
         $SuperUserPolicy = $WebApp.Policies.Add($PortalSuperUser, "Portal Super
    ser ...
       + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
    ou cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    t D:\myworkspace\bif\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1:242 char:5
       + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
    ou cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    t D:\myworkspace\bif\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1:245 char:5
         $SuperReaderPolicy = $WebApp.Policies.Add($PortalSuperReader, "Portal
    uper  ...
       + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
    ou cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    t D:\myworkspace\bif\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1:248 char:5
       + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
    ou cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
    t D:\myworkspace\bif\CreateSP2013ClaimsWebApplication.ps1:251 char:5
       + CategoryInfo         
    : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
       + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

    Hi Benjamin,
    If you're getting a Null Value error anywhere, that means a variable you're referencing isn't set to anything. If you're getting that try echoing out each variable after it's assigned to see if it's set to anything.
    The link you are referring is for SharePoint 2010 and verified on Windows Server 2008 R2 and 2008, but not Windows Server 2012.
    The approach in this case includes the following per the blog:
    Check to see if a web application with the current specified URL is already in use – exit if it is
    Check to see if an application pool with the name already exists. If so use it, otherwise create one
    Create a web application based on the parameters specified
    Assign the object cache properties to the new web application
    Create policies for the object cache users to the web application
    To simplified the code, we could use powershell below to check if web application and application pool have been already in use ahead. And skip the last two steps in the first time.
    Get-SPWebApplication | fl displayname, applicationpool
    Please refer to New-SPWebApplication
    which is used to create a new web application within the local farm:
    http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff607931(v=office.15).aspx. Only two parameters i.e. ApplicationPool and Name are required, we could try a simple command at first:
    Please run Get-SPManagedAccount to check the managed account, then execute the command below:
    $ap = New-SPAuthenticationProvider
    New-SPWebApplication -Name "Contoso Internet Site" -Port 2014 -ApplicationPool "ContosoAppPool" -ApplicationPoolAccount (Get-SPManagedAccount "Domain\Administrator")
     -AuthenticationProvider $ap -SecureSocketsLayer
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exposing a Form-Driven Web Application within a Portlet

    Hi All,
    I'm having a bit of a problem exposing a form-driven Web-Application within a portlet window.
    The web-application I'm working with utilizes the Oracle XSQL servlet and is basically a collection of .XSQL pages which are formatted using .XSL stylesheets that produce output HTML for the client.
    The application contains hyperlinks for navigation, but is largely Form driven.
    The application has already been deployed into an Oracle Application Server 10g container as a J2EE object(.ear file), and is fully functional and accessible over the web.
    In order to expose this application thru a Portlet window I utilized the Url-based provider services that come with the Oracle PDK. This allowed me to set up a simple URL-based provider for the site without any coding whatsoever. I also included inline rendering declarations to force the application response to be rendered within the Portlet window.
    This setup works fine when only hyperlinks are used to navigate thru the application, however, Forms do not appear to work with this setup. Everytime a form is submitted, the data is posted to the Portlet which fails to pass it thru to the underlying web application. Instead the Action="somepage.xsql" parameter is appended to the URL of the Portal itself thus returning a "page not found",etc... error.
    After much OTN searching I have found that the PDK 10.1.2 URL services package does not support Forms for inline rendering. Thus this solution comes close but falls short of what I need.
    I was wondering if anyone can point me to a solution that would:
    1) allow me to display the entire web application within a Portlet window (app only outputs HTML & some client-side javascript, but takes POST requests to the XSQL Servlet)
    2) without modifying it's current Form-driven interface, or any of the application's underlying code for that matter,
    3) and without having to resort to java coding the Portlet interface.
    The URL-Based Provider setup is almost perfect, I just need to find a way to allow forms to pass thru to the underlying application so that it's response can be rendered correctly.
    Current Setup:
    Oracle Application Server (Portal & Wireless) 10.1.2g
    J2EE with OC4J_containers.
    Oracle XSQL Servlet (ver 10)
    Windows 2000 OS

    I tried that, the default "Base URL" provides the "Display Option" attribute but only gives me these 2 options:
    - Full browse window link
    - New browser window link
    I have also tried other items that use "Base URL" (Simple URL, UrlItem, URL) and are all the same thing. The only items I could find (relevant to this need) and provide the option "Item displayed in page area" were:
    - "Page link" item
    - "External Application" portlet
    I even created a fresh Instant Portal to recreate the defaults and add the URL item again, but nothing :(
    Edited by: stics on Apr 29, 2010 4:52 PM

  • How can I query a https website used to display the status of an application using Powershell?

    Need assistance on querying the status of an application using Powershell. The status of the application is displayed in a https website. I want to receive a notification when one of the listed applications fails.
    Below is an example the failures I need to capture.
    SSOL Status
    Current App Server: xpps2.xx.com
    SQL Server Details: 
    SSS_MyAccount DB Connection: PASS
    SSS_MyAccount DB Query: PASS
    CAGWEB DB Connection: FAIL - Unable to Connect
    CAGWEB DB Query: FAIL - Pay location not found
    DB2 Server Details:
    DB2 D Connection: PASS
    DB2 Q Query: FAIL -Acct not found
    DB2 X Query: PASS
    DB2 N Query: PASS
    DB2 S Query: PASS
    DB2 K Query: PASS
    DB2 I Query: PASS
    Mitem Server Details:
    MITEM server: MITEMP2
    MITEM Total Devices: 10
    MITEM Devices Lines Up: 10
    MITEM Devices Logged In: 10
    MITEM Devices In Use: 0
    Mitem Server Status: PASS
    Web Service Details:
    SAW Web Service Status: FAIL
    Maximo Vizcaino

    thats where you are going to check what it is supposed to be.
    lets say your page shows as SSOL Status : running  you
    probably want to use "if($totalstrng.ToLower().contains("ssqlL status
    : running"))". its
    checking if the html page contains the string you are looking for.
    you might want to print $totalstrng
    and see what you need to look for.
    usign XMLHttp
    or XML object  as mentioned by JRV might be easier and faster way.

  • How to capture the Status code in Web application Transcation monitoring if we are using multiple Request

    Hi Team
    We would like to monitor 12 url,s which requires Authentication. Hence i have added the same in one Single Web application transcation template.
    i have added the below info to the get the Stats code displayed in Alert
    Status code is $Data/Context/RequestResults/RequestResult["1"]/BasePageData/StatusCode$
    when i recived a alert it gave the Status code of the 1st Request
    hence i changed the same as
    Status code is $Data/Context/RequestResults/RequestResult["12"]/BasePageData/StatusCode$
    But still i am facing the same issue .
    My first request shows me a status code of 200, and my 12th Request comes with 500 but in the alert i get 200 but it should be 500.
    Kindly help me in how i can get the Status code for the multiple  Request.

    Hi Sriram,
    Please run the test of your 12th Request, view full result and check if Status Code is 200.
    Meanwhile, you can run the URL manually to check the result.
    Niki Han
    TechNet Community Support

  • How can I display my MS Outlook/Exchange 2010 Calendar events on my web application's calendar?

    I'm building a web (client) application (built in html/JavaScript/jQuery) that has a built-in calendar. I would like to pull in my Outlook/Exchange Calendar events
    and display them in my web application's calendar. What is the best way to do that from a JavaScript/jQuery environment? I've been searching all over for plugins or examples of how to talk to Exchange/Outlook and retrieve Calendar events but I haven't found
    a solution yet. We are currently using MS Office/Outlook/Exchange 2010. I don't need to modify the calendar events, just read them. (Note that I can't use an OWA Web Parts link
    to display the calendar in an iframe; I need to have access to the actual event data so I can include other UI elements that I need for my application.) Thanks
    in advance for the help!

    There's an old Java API for EWS, and you can access EWS with direct soap request to retrieve the data you want.
    There's no place like

  • Displaying a photo obtained from SAP R/3  in a Web Application Module

    I am currently developing a Web Application Module (through NWDS) which displays details of employees (name, last name, picture, etc...) obtained from a RFC function module called remotely through SAP JCA connector.
    I could obtain the picture passed through the RFC module, but now I need to displayed in a JSP page. I first start to look for a service which allows me to upload the picture to an application server cache as I have already done with
    in Web Dynpro development, but could not find anything alike. Then I tried to upload the picture to a relatively referenciable (Web Application) path, that I can use as a source for the IMG HTML tag, but I am just able to save the picture at the root directory of the application server (/usr/sap/SID/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0) and this path can not (and must not) be referenced through my application JSP.
    Please any help or workaround will be gladly welcome
    Best regards,

    We have tried the same from SOAP UI client also and it is not working,
    same result as PI. But I repeat the Service is working from DOTNET applications.
    If it is not working in SOAP UI then it will not work in PI also. I suggest you to re-import the WSDL in you .net application and check.

  • Problem displaying WebHelp in firefox called from web application

    We're using RoboHelp 7.03. When the WebHelp is generated, it seems that the navigation topics all immediately begin with a few illegal characters. This isn't a problem in IE -- it ignores these characters and displays our help pages fine. In Firefox, however, the WebHelp loops when trying to open the main topic page and does not display the "Show TOC" link for the sub-pages. (The navigation pages I'm referring to are the skin files, whgdata files, whdata, etc.)
    I should note, this occurs only for the project that we're calling from within a web-based application we offer our customers. Firefox displays the WebHelp correctly when opened regularly from the browser.
    I did a search-and-replace operation on the WebHelp published for the web application. Removing the illegal characters took care of the problem, but I'm wondering if there is any way to remove these characters from the output so we don't have to remember to do the search and replace each time we publish the project? (It's in beta stage right now; we're going to be republishing the help fairly often.)
    I'm not sure if these will display properly, but the illegal characters look like this: 
    Thank you,
    Sasha M.

    Those characters are known as the BOM characters. See item 22 in http://www.grainge.org/pages/authoring/rh7/using_rh7.htm.
    You say the behaviour is different when you run the help independently and when the developers call the help. Could it be that you are viewing it from a different location? What if the help is run from the location the developer's use but independently of the application?
    Visit www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • How to display BLOB image column with WEB application, JSF, ADF BC

    I looking for a way to display the content from a blob column on a WEB application, JSF, ADF BC
    The blob column contains a JPEG image.
    About the application
    The model contains a viewobject where the blob column attribute (photoimg) type is of type : BlobDomain
    Now I have to create the view to display the content of photoimg inside a JSF-JSP page.
    Any advice ?

    Search is your friend
    How to display the content of a BLOB column in a ADF/BC pages ?

  • Cannot display BIG5 characters for web applications deployed to 9iAS

    I have just installed the J2EE and Webcache module of Oracle9iAS Release 2 to
    my Windows NT Server 4.0 and deployed a simple web application to it. However,
    I found that the JSP cannot display chinese (Big5) characters correctly. My JSP
    is something like:
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=BIG5" %>
    <% String s = SOME_BIG5_CHARACTERS; %>
    <%= s %>
    On the other hand, I tried to re-direct the standard output to a log file and
    do the following in my servlet.
    Now, the Big5 characters CAN be displayed correctly in the log file. So, I am
    confused with where the problem is.
    Here are my settings to my 9iAS:
    1) Using regedit, I have set the NLS_LANG variable of the corresponding
    2) In the file %ORACLE_HOME%\Apache\Jserv\conf\jserv.properties, I have
    inserted the following line:
    3) In the file %ORACLE_HOME%\Apache\Apache\conf\httpd.conf, I have added the
    following line:
    PassEnv NLS_LANG
    4) In the file %ORACLE_HOME%\opmn\conf\opmn.xml, I have added the following
    line to the corresponding OC4J instance:
    5) For my application server, I set the java option with -Dfile.encoding=Big5
    6) I have replaced the file font.properties with font.properties.zh_TW under
    7) I have set the following in the file orion-web.xml of my web application:
    Anyone have idea on fixing my problem? Thanks in advance.

    I met a similar problem before but not exactly your case. When I compile the JSP by Jdeveloper, it will convert the chinese characters to strange characters. It makes me crazy to handle the chinese characters ...
    Anyway, by my experience, you better isolate the chinese characters from your JSP or Java programs. Instead, put all language dependent text in a properties file and then use native2ascii to covert your properties file into Unicode. Of course, u need to change your page charset to UTF-8.
    U can get more idea from the following site.
    Brief Description of Internationalization:
    Detail Tutorial:
    Native-to-ASCII converter:

  • Inactive status  - v$session  users list over WEB application

    Hi all
    When user connect through asp or asp.net, we create a connection in the session object. New sid gets created with each session.
    When user normally logs out the application, his sid gets finished in the v$session users list. But when he dees not logs out in the normal way as we can not force thousand of users over WEB to log out normally, what will happen to the v$session ?.
    1st - We wish to know to know that whether the list will run into thousands of inactive status users OR they automatically gets finished over time. We use the default profile as applicable to new user.
    2nd - If the list of inactive status users gets increased to thousands of users which can be possible for the WEB application , there must be some limit fixed by Oracle 8i/ 10g database OR there may be serious performance problems. This simultaneous connection of thousands of users over WEB is easily possible and when connection is created in session object , what could be the scenario. We avoid creating connection object in the application start event to improve performance for the given sesion.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Suresh bansal

    Thanks for prompt reply
    1st - Can u give some idea for create connection pools using asp.net environments. Further in the connection pool environment as to how much simultaneous running connections we should need to open and how.
    2nd - If we have pool of say 100 connections and there are more number of simultaneous WEB users, what will happen to the application as to whether it gets to hanging /waiting for the pool connection to be free or give error ?.
    Suresh Bansal

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