Display text control

I need display a long text in delivery header which is created in purchase order header.  The text is added in delivery correctly, but is showed in a message several times, one for each position.
I had an access sequence with VVBK  Z011 (the text must be copied), and 1 in  Requirement number for texts. 
The display text for transfer is marked.
Any idea? I have searched several notes in oss but I don't find anyone,

Have you checked whether the same text is being determined at item level also? 

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    Here ya go   For 15 character limit...
    <mx:Label text="{(textInputA.text.length > 15)?textInputA.text.substr(0,15)+'[...]':textInputA.text}"/>
    This uses textInputA as a textInput box that someone can type into.  The result is that in the Text/Label component, it checks the length of the value of textInputA and if it's longer than 15 characters, it trims any characters beyond 15 and adds [...] to the end.
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    Let me know if this helps you

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    Edited by: suribabu124 on Jun 15, 2010 7:55 AM

    If you need to print a form like news paper you need go for multiple main windows.We know that we can use 99 main windows in one page.first create one main window and then leave a space then create one more window and select window type as mainwindow.
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    Like this you need to analyse and code according to your requirement.

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    I have done this where a CNiNumEdit control shows values, but I want it to show an Overload warning sometimes. You could use a similar technique to show text always in the control.
    Example, inside the square brackets is a string in my stringtable, [ "OL" .]
    If you set this as the FormatString of your CNiNumEdit control you just see OL in the control. The actual value (denoted by the dot) gets pushed outside the viewable area.
    Billy H.

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    I've been experiencing the same issue. I upgraded to 10.6.4 and I lost several fonts. The interesting thing is I also lost several power point images I had created. Shapes and lines were missing even though they did not involve the offending fonts, at least not directly. There was text elsewhere in the image that used it. Why this should obliterate the rest of the images I don't know.
    The three offending Fonts for me were:
    1) Times New Roman
    2) Arial
    3) Brush Script MT
    Anywho, I managed to fix this on my machine so I'm posting how I did it here. I'm not so sure as to the why, but here it goes.
    On my machine I have 4 font folders
    1) -> System -> Library -> Fonts
    2) -> Library -> Fonts
    3) -> Users -> Me -> Library -> Fonts
    4) -> Applications -> Office X -> Office -> Fonts (yes, I'm still running Office X from 2000)
    Inside of the Font Book application, it was kind enough to point out I had duplicate fonts. Some of these were the fonts in question and others caused me no troubles. Go figure. Anyway, disabling one or the other of the duplicate fonts did not fix the problem.
    Here's what did, though. In my case the duplicate fonts existed in the second of the font directories above (henceforth referred to as Font2) and the third of the font directories listed above (Font3). I browsed to these directories and copied the fonts to my desktop to have a back up. Back in Font Book, I told it to remove each instance of the Arial and Times New Roman fonts that would not display correctly in Excel (for the moment, I left Brush Script MT alone, kind of like a control)
    Now at this point there were no Arial or Times New Roman fonts in my Font Book. Turns out they were removed from Font1, Font2 and Font3, so good thing I have a backup.
    1) Opened up Excel. It did its font menu optimization thing and sure enough, I couldn't see anything.
    2) I close Excel.
    3) I double clicked on Times New Roman that I had in Font4. Font Book opened it and I chose to install it. It put it in my Font3 directory.
    4) I opened up Excel. It did its font menu optimization thing. Suddenly I can see Times New Roman again!
    5) I close Excel.
    6) I double click on the Arial Font from my Font4 directory. Font Book opens it and I install it to my Font3 directory.
    7) I open Excel, it does its font menu optimization thing and suddenly I can see Arial!
    8) I close Excel.
    Now at this point I'm wondering if my old font files got corrupted and because I was installing using the ones from my Font4 directory (which avoids the system directly) I was getting them back. So to test, I told Font Book to remove Times New Roman again, I go through the test of opening and confirming in Excel, and then I install the Times New Roman font from my desktop that I had copied out of the Font2 directory. Everything works fine in Excel. So it's not the file that was bad.
    I was also wondering if I needed to remove all instances of the fonts or if just one was causing the trouble. So I go back to Font Book and remove the instance of Brush Script MT that was in my Font3 directory. When I opened Excel I still couldn't see anything.
    I reinstalled the copy of Brush Script MT from the desktop and tried removing the other instance of the font, the one from the Font2 Directory. Excel still shows nothing. I then reinstall the associated font file from the desktop. Excel still doesn't like me.
    Finally, I removed all instances of Brush Script MT and installed at random one of them from the desktop. Suddenly Excel likes it.
    So I don't know what the problem was, maybe an associated was bad, but either way the only way I could get my fonts back was to remove all instances of the bad fonts from Font Book and then install the font again.
    In between removing and installing I would go into Excel where it would refresh its Font list at startup. Not sure if this had anything to do with it either.
    All my fonts now display correctly and all my powerpoint drawn images show up as well. I hope this helps someone else!

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    Thanks for your time,
    - Tony

    Awesome, thanks guys - embedding the font worked perfectly.
    I have one more hurdle that is standing in my way (I suppose
    I should just start a new topic for this?), what would the syntax
    be to change the style of a child added to a canvas? Basically I
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    along the lines of '
    nameOfCanvas.getChildAt(n). ...'.
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    - Tony

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                     I have problem while displaying text field in ALV report which has more than 256 characters.
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               Can anyone guide me how to display more than 256 characters in ALV output using CL_SALV_TABLE.

    Please find the below code.
          gr_column ?= gr_columns->get_column( columnname = 'MATNR' ).
          gr_column->set_output_length( '300' ).
        CATCH cx_salv_not_found.
        Message : Column definition problem
          MESSAGE e075().
    Edited by: Archana.T on Jun 16, 2010 1:24 PM

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    u have create one Foooter window , this has to be called in  only One Page.So hardcode /assign this window to only one PAGE number.

  • When I click on - View - Page Source, I want to edit with NotePad - note just display text in fancy colors

    I like to edit my web pages easily,
    - click to see html, edit it, (file name already there), save it
    - hit restore on browser - see what I did -
    Just changed from IE
    which gave me NotePad, which is just fine for me
    Just changed to FireFox
    and it displays text in a non-editor,
    can't edit and save easily
    What to do??
    Even worst - after installing FireFox
    IE no longer clicks to NotePad
    but that fancy non-editor :-(((

    ViewSourceWith: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/394
    See also:

  • I have a Text control string box with some initial text. I would like to highlight old text with click of mouse and type in new data from keyboard

    I have a text control string box with some initial text (says: Please enter Name). I would like the operator to click on the text control box and have it automatically highlight so that when new data is typed in the old erases (all at once) and the new data is now in the text box.
    I tried using the "Text.Selection" property node and when I run it and put the mouse inside the text box the initial text is highlighted and if I press "delete" on the keyboard or if I start to type in new data the initial data does delete but once I start to type new characters they erase each other. For example if I want to type in “Willi
    am” I type the “W” and then the “I” but the “I” erases the “W” and now I am only left with an “I” in the text box and so on. I appreciate any help

    It seems you are continuously setting the property node over and over again. This should only happen once if you mouse over it.
    Create a property node for your text control with the following three items:
    (1) KeyFocus (wire a "true" constant to it)
    (2) Text.SelStart (Wire a "zero" constant to it)
    (3) Text.SelEnd (Wire a constant containing the string length of the text).
    Put this property node inside an event structure, triggered by "Mouse enter" on the string control.
    (see if the attached example works for you)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Enter_Name.vi ‏23 KB

  • Display Text in a query as a symbol

    Hi everyone,
    I have a query (BI 7) that displays runtimes of BI applications (generated from technical content -0TCT_MC01 multiprovider).
    In the rows there is 0TCTBIOTYPE (type of BI application) which usually displays texts as below:
    Web Template
    I would like to show in the report the symbol (image) instead of the key/text of this infoobject.
    Any idea?

    Hi Reuvel,
    Nice requirement.
    Not sure 100% but from my memory i guess we can display the image for characteristic, instead of text or key by using Analysis web item Using parameter modification in WAD .
    Kindly check for Modifcation parameter Display image Module (com.sap.ip.bi.*.Documentcontent) in WAD, it might solve your purpose.

  • How to display TEXT more than 500 char in a report as multiple lines.

    Hi Friends,
    i have a requirement like i should display Texts of length more than 500 Characters in a report( ALV LIST) as multiple lines
    I am fetching the data Using FM READ_TEXT
    the output im currently geeting with 150 Char in lenth as a single line
    How we can split the text into multiple lines in a report
    first i would like to know is it possible? if possible please give your valuable suggitions if not is there any alternative way to do this task.
    Thanks & regards

    This is possible but the Solution might not look Standard/Appropriate to you.
    In ALV, you can have Multiple Line Output...There is a Field in the Field Catalogue..called as Row_position...this is by default 0...which means Single row/Line ALV output....You can have this Value in the Range of 0 to 3.......A ALV field with row_position 1, will be displayed in the second line for every record...i.e. you will have multiple line for a single record of ALV.
    In your case......you can use this but you need to split your field in two fields.....but you may end up spliting a single word....but for that also you can design the logic of splitting the Fiel value at SPACE only......
    This may work.......and Sorry if not work......

  • Issue when transport request of Text Control

    Dear Gurus,
    I have some problem when modified Text controls.
    My customer want to copy item text from Quotation which is use access sequence 9000 to item text in Sale Order
    What I do.
    1. I go to SPRO -> Sale and Distubution -> Basic Function -> Text Control -> Define Access Sequences For Deermining Texts -> Sales Document -> Item -> Textproceture -> Text ID's in procedure of Sale order Item
    2. I input Access squence 9000 to sepecific Text ID and ticked "Refer/Duplicate"
    3. I save and I get the Transport Request
    4. I create sale order reference Quotation and the result is system copy text.
    5. Then, I transport request to Simulation Server.
    6. I create sale order reference Quotation but this time system does not copy text
    I want to know why problem is occurs. if you have reference document about this issue please tell me.

    Run the program 'RSTXTRAN' using transaction SE38 and attach the Text object to your TR.
    Last time I faced the same problem.
    Everything gets transported except Text object.
    Hope it will be useful to u.
    Revert if not resolved.
    Edited by: Amit Gupta on May 14, 2009 7:31 AM

  • Text control boxes in PDF's created in InDesign

    Not sure if this was the best place to post this, but I'm new to using InDesign and not sure who to ask.  Here is my dilemma:
    I have created an exercise book in Word.  There are various sections, some have questions while others are more of a journal.  I have added a Rich text Content control box which will allow users to type in their answers or add daily content to the journal and the boxes expand as long as they are inserting text.  The section breaks keep the headers and footers in the correct placement.  This also allows them to print the document with all of their answers showing.
    Now, the problem is that, while the client likes this, they don't like that the headers and footers are grayed out and the colors are not as vibrant in Word as the program part I created and saved as a PDF.  They also don't like that if we keep this as a Word document, all the text is editable. 
    So my question is, can I create a PDF that has the same features with the expandable text control boxes.  If I can, would you recommend InDesign to do this?

    4tun8mom wrote:
    Now, the problem is that, while the client likes this, they don't like that the headers and footers are grayed out and the colors are not as vibrant in Word as the program part I created and saved as a PDF.
    They're being a bit impractical in their complaints, in fact they remind me of my Dad!  The final product is still fine.
    4tun8mom wrote:
    They also don't like that if we keep this as a Word document, all the text is editable.
    That's fair enough, the solution would be to make the text in the header and footer an image instead.
    4tun8mom wrote:
    So my question is, can I create a PDF that has the same features with the expandable text control boxes.  If I can, would you recommend InDesign to do this?
    No you can't.  I'm pretty sure you can't create a PDF with expandable boxes and I'm very sure that you can't create a PDF that will add pages with headers and footrs.  However you can create a PDF with basic fillable text boxes, they're called forms and you need Acrobat as well to do it, google it and you'll find plenty of info.

  • Need to display TEXT in web selection screen

    HI All,
    We are working on CRM-BW  modeling. We have one field called "product" which will have key and medium text. We need to display both key + text in web reporting selection screen. When we ran first time text was not showing in web report. Then we found and change the configuration in search help in SE11 for that field. Then we can see the text+key combination in RSRT but still we can't see the text in web report selection screen...
    Now what we have to do to display text in selection screen on web...
    Please give your inputs  ASAP.....we are in UAT phase....
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Arun,
    For you case: Display key & text in selection screen.
    In BW,
    You can go to query designer, then you'll go to the info-object belong to the variable (selection-screen : product). Right-click, find for the properties, Then you'll see the option for <b>display as</b>.
    Choose it for Key and text.
    Then save it.
    Go to the report, in the selection screen, when you're choosing for the help, you'll see the value displayed by key & text.
    Hopefully it can help you a lot.
    Thanks a lot for any points you choose to assign.

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