Displaying a matrix on a Forms 6 form

I'm trying to figure out a way to display
a matrix on a form with three fields
2 text items and 1 check box eg.
Emp Finance Projects Transport ...
John X
Tom X
Sam X
Pete X X
Any ideas???

I had similar problem. May be my dicision will be helpfull for you.
There are table (for simplicity) sheet(emp, day, job) with the primary key(emp, day). It's needed matrix with X axis as 'emp', Y axis as 'day' (for a one month) and 'job' as the cell.
I created block SHEET_BLOCK with the items: EMP, DAY_01, DAY_02, ..., DAY_31. 'Query Data Souce Name' is:
SELECT emp FROM sheet;
EMP is the 'Database Item', but another (DAY_??) aren't 'Database Item'.
Cteated POST_QUERY trigger for populating fields DAY_??:
v_dest_item VARCHAR2(80);
v_rec_num NUMBER;
CURSOR c_emp_day_job IS
SELECT day, job
FROM sheet
IF :System.Mode != 'QUERY' THEN
FOR v_emp_day_job IN c_emp_day_job LOOP
v_dest_item := ':SHEET_BLOCK.DAY_' | | v_emp_day_job.day;
COPY( v_emp_day_job.job, v_dest_item );

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    Is is possible to display the matrix output in forms, if is possible please guide me how?

    Create table Matr(
    RL_Name Varchar2(20),
    Ob_Name Varchar2(15),
    Ob_Ver Varchar2(15),
    R_Num Number )
    Values are
    Insert Into Matr Values ('ABC', 'X','C1234',1111);
    Insert Into Matr Values ('ABC', 'Y','C1235',2222);
    Insert Into Matr Values ('ABC', 'Z','C1234',3333);
    Insert Into Matr Values ('ABC', 'P','C1231',7777);
    Insert Into Matr Values ('DEF', 'X','C3698',4444);
    Insert Into Matr Values ('DEF', 'Y','C7895',5555);
    Insert Into Matr Values ('DEF', 'Z','C4563',6666);
    Insert Into Matr Values ('DEF', 'Q','C1238',9999);
    Required output:
    RL_Name 'ABC' | 'DEF'
    -------------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------
    Ob_Name Ob_Ver | R_Num | Ob_Ver | R_Num
    ------------------------------------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------
    X C1234 1111 | C3698 4444
    Y C1235 2222 | C7895 5555
    Z C1234 3333 | C4563 6666
    P C1231 7777 |
    Q C1238 9999

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    I really doubt If you did search at all in the first place. Anyhow, check this:

  • How to Display an Image on my FORM

    Good Day!
    I would like to ask some help from you guys with my problem on how to display an image on my form. I would like to display my uploaded image on my form but instead of an image, the get_blob_file is showing. By the way, I'm using Apex 4.1
    I downloaded the Order Entry Sample Application and followed the Page 6, the Product Details. I even made snapshots of each details from Page Rendering to Page Processing in order not to miss a thing.
    At the moment, I was able to upload or store the image on my created Oracle table and also able to retrieve it on the Download Link Text with Content Disposition value of Inline, provided by APEX Settings. If I invoke the Download link beside the file browser, a page with the image will be shown, below is the address:
    However, instead of showing the image on a region, below is the one showing on my Form:
    <img src="apex_util.get_blob_file?a=200&s=339877802936975&p=230&d=7107921433296839&i=7107601420296838&p_pk1=54&p_pk2=&p_ck=7D6512D967336C4B94258EEA3CDF1BE6" />
    As you can see the parameter values are the same but I know I missed something that's why I'm here :)
    I would highly appreciate all the help you can provide and many thanks in advance.
    I tried to change gear by making an html region of type PL/SQL (anonymous block) and a procedure but still no image :(
    Below are the scripts.
    cursor cur is
    select *
    from wsemployee
    where empid = :P230_EMPID;
    for rec in cur
    IF rec.mime_type is not null or rec.mime_type != '' THEN
    htp.p( '<img src="my_image_display?p_image_id='||NVL(rec.empid,0)||'" height="'||100||'"/>' );
    htp.p( 'No Image ');
    END IF;
    htp.p( ' ');
    end loop;
    create or replace PROCEDURE my_image_display( p_image_id IN NUMBER)
    l_mime VARCHAR2 (255);
    l_length NUMBER;
    l_file_name VARCHAR2 (2000);
    lob_loc BLOB;
    INTO l_mime,lob_loc,l_file_name,l_length
    FROM wsemployee
    WHERE empid = p_image_id;
    -- set up HTTP header
    -- use an NVL around the mime type and
    -- if it is a null set it to application/octect
    -- application/octect may launch a download window from windows
    owa_util.mime_header( nvl(l_mime,'application/octet'), FALSE );
    -- set the size so the browser knows how much to download
    htp.p('Content-length: ' || l_length);
    -- the filename will be used by the browser if the users does a save as
    htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'||replace(replace(substr(l_file_name,instr(l_file_name,'/')+1),chr(10),null),chr(13),null)|| '"');
    -- close the headers
    -- download the BLOB
    wpg_docload.download_file( Lob_loc );
    END my_image_display;
    Edited by: user13831927 on Dec 22, 2012 3:24 PM

    Hi Ying,
    you can add a UDF to the table spp2 with a programm
    but the table is not yet listed in the 'Manage User Fields' form.
    there's no way to "enable" it - sorry

  • Displaying a trigger error in forms

    In a before inserting table trigger, if inserted values are not correct, I raise an error :
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001,'Error message !');
    What I want is to display this error message in forms instead of the error 40508 - ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record.
    How can I ?

    look at Dbms_Error_Code and Dbms_Error_Text.
    You'll have to parse them, but you can grab the error messages off them.
    Here's a similar question I asked on Metalink... I never received an error there, but the solution was to write an on-error trigger for the block and capture the form errors related to inserts, updates, and deletes. Here's the question though:
    Oracle Forms/Web Forms Technical Forum
    From: ERIC GIVLER 18-Nov-00 15:16
    Subject: "Clean" capture of DBMS Error messages on raise_application_error
    "Clean" capture of DBMS Error messages on raise_application_error
    This is with Forms 4.5 Developer 1.3.2 (32bit)
    Has anyone written forms level triggers, I guess ON-ERROR triggers to properly capture the error messages raised from a database trigger or procedure that uses a RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR?
    I'd like to display the SAME message that I'm passing to RAISE application error, the message only, without all the other garbage.
    I was thinking of capturing the dbms_error_code and dbms_error_text, and then based on the form error code - kind of like in the example code in the Forms Help. Then, I'd parse these strings and strip off my error message, because the dbms_error_text contains the entire "error stack", ie:
    ORA-20100: SEASON DATES ERROR! Reservations exist in this date range
    ORA-06512: at "SUNTRACK.SEASON_DATES_BR_D", line 19
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'SUNTRACK.SEASON_DATES_BR_D'
    So... I'd like to just get "SEASON DATES ERROR! Reservations exist in this date range" message
    1. Is there an easy way to do this that I'm missing, or do I have to brute force, look for 'ORA'&#0124; &#0124;dbms_error_code&#0124; &#0124;': ' in my dbms_error_text, strip that off the front, and then grab the error text up to the first LINEFEED, chr(10), found in the dbms_error_text - that just seems a little "kludgy"
    2. Anyone have a nice solution? IT seems like there should be a "standard" on-error trigger that handles this type of situation.
    3. What would be all the form errors that I should look for that could have been the result of an error raised in a trigger???
    ie. frm-40509 (unable to update), frm-40510 (unable to delete

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  • Triger for display next record in oracle forms

    hai all,
    i want to do
    when new form opened i have to add new reord that is empty new form also my new rownum will be displayed.
    now i getting first record.
    GROUP_ROWNUM:     1
    GROUP_ID:      120130
    GROUP_NAME aaaaaaaaa
    need like:
    GROUP_ROWNUM:     7
    that can be done by
    trigger for display next record in oracle forms?
    or through property seting?
    thanks in adv,

    YES, this block is base on the DB table
    through defualt navigational button i can go to next,last,new record
    but i want create seperate form for new entry, in that i want to display
    old rownum
    formula to get rownum automatically (i am not at all typing it is system generated)
    even though i created column group_rownum for rownum
    (i can't be typing)
    NEXT_RECORD; also not getting the next rownum
    i hope now understand me
    any posible way?
    thank you for your good input
    Name Null? Type
    SQL> select * from GROUP_MSTR1;
    123 AAAAAA
    124 BBBBBBBB
    126 DDDDDDDD
    1 eeeeeeee
    3 ggggggg
    7 rows selected.
    SQL> select rownum, GROUP_ID, GROUP_NAME from GROUP_MSTR1;
    1 123 AAAAAA
    2 124 BBBBBBBB
    3 125 CCCCCCCCC
    4 126 DDDDDDDD
    5 1 eeeeeeee
    7 3 ggggggg
    7 rows selected.

  • How to display a Report 9i from Forms if the Report has a Parameter Form?

    could some one please post me a code sample to show how to call a (paper layout, RDF) Report from Forms if I would like it to display the Report's parameter form first?
    Thank you in advance.
    Tamas Szecsy
    I used the following code segment do achieve the job, but I get "REP-546: Warning: The value of restricted LOV parameter P_ALAL is not among the selectable values" message, even though I would like to specify the P_ALAL value on the report's parameter Form.
    paramlist_id ParamList;
    tmp_riport_name varchar2(200);
    report_id          report_object;
    report_job_id varchar2(200);
    tmp_id number;
    -- init
    tmp_riport_name := null;
              -- parameter list
    paramlist_id := get_parameter_list('mytmp_params');
    if not id_null(paramlist_id) then
    end if;
    paramlist_id := Create_Parameter_List('mytmp_params');
    add_parameter( paramlist_id, 'PARAMFORM', TEXT_PARAMETER, 'YES' );
              -- call report
    report_id := find_report_object( 'DUMMY' );
    if report_id.id is null then
    end if;
    -- display
    set_report_object_property( report_id, report_execution_mode, runtime );
    set_report_object_property( report_id, report_comm_mode, synchronous );
    set_report_object_property( report_id, report_destype, 'preview' );
    set_report_object_property( report_id, report_desformat, 'PDF' );
    set_report_object_property( report_id, report_server, 'rep_geoias' );
         set_report_object_property( report_id, report_filename, :ALAP_REPORTS_NAME||'.rep' );
    report_job_id := run_report_object( report_id, paramlist_id );
    tmp_id := to_number(substr( report_job_id, length(name_in('rep_geoias'))+2 ));
    web.show_document( '/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'||tmp_id||'?server=rep_geoias', '_blank' );

    I think you specified report object name incorrect.
    in command line:
    Report1 must be name of report object in Form Builder.
    However to call report from Oracle Form you must do more work. For example:
    - Create report server name
    - Adding some code to set property for report object base on report server you created.

  • Setting values for non-displayed fields on a Tabular Form

    I'm having a problem setting non-displayed fields on the same table as displayed fields like last_update_date, last_updated_by, id's and other fields when creating new records or updating existing records in a Tabular form.
    What is the best and easiest way to set these values without using database triggers?

    Hi Jes,
    I'm a little reluctant to use database triggers as I used this product a couple of years ago and I'm fairly sure I handled this problem in HTML DB without the use of triggers. I am therefore I'm getting a touch frustrated that I can't remember how to do it now !!
    Do you know of any way of setting values for non-displayed fields on a Tabular Form without using database triggers?
    Also, you seem to be suggesting that database triggers is the best way to do this?

  • Displaying an image in a form

    i am trying to display an image in a form. The code worked fine in j2me emulator, but when i converted the program to a jar and ran the same program in my mobile phone.
    i get an exception in Image.createImage(.. method
    and exception value is just null.
    i know the image is not found in the specified location. but the image is there in the jar file.
    how do i solve this issue?
    thanks in advance.

    Its definitly the heap size image, it can be case that image size is very large, u just try by optimizing the image and decreasing the size of image,
    the image size(widht*height) is larger than actual phone screen
    try with small image(small width*height) you will come to know the problem

  • Displaying chart in Adobe Interactive Form

    Has anyone have tried to display a chart in Adobe Form?

    Well there are no standard controls for dislaying charts but a quick search on google and I found this solution on Adobe Forums. Hope it helps you.
    You could use an image field on your form, and have a SOAP Web Service draw your graph and save it on your server. Then when you update the data, you can make a call to the SOAP and just change the image field to be your new image.


    Can any one tell me when I execute the command
    the display object in the oracle form gets enlarged than the original size at design time. How can I prevent it ?
    The update_chart contains the following code :
    If :charttype = 'PIE' Then
    og_set_template (og_get_object('bar'), og_get_template('template1'));
    og_set_template (og_get_object('bar'), og_get_template('template0'));
    End If;
    og_set_query(og_get_object('bar'), og_get_query('query0'));
    og_update_chart(og_get_object('bar'), og_all_chupda);

    I think you have created your chart item larger than you should have to create it. Please make it small and see.
    Good Luck!

  • Displaying oracle report inside oracle forms applications

    I want to display an report inside an forms window. Using web.show_document either replaces the browser current window or opens a new browser window, but i want to display the report at an location inside my forms window.
    What can I do?

    the documentation is in the online help and also covered in a whitepaper on otn:

  • Display data on OLE object (form) in Crystal Report

    Hi All,
    I m using Crystal Reports 2008. We have Business Objects XI 3.1 SP3 environment.
    I have a crystal report with OLE object embedded in it. The OLE Object is a form on which the database fields and the formula fields are supposed to be displayed. The OLE Object form has multiple lines (rows) and sections. I have a formula field that sometimes brings multiple records and I want to be able to display those records as rows (one below the other) on the same page until all rows on the form are filled. I have 2 problems:
    1. When the formula field brings more than 1 record, only one record is displayed on one page and the next record goes and prints on the next page i.e. the records are not being displayed below each other.
    2. How do I make sure that the records display on the next page of the report once all empty lines/rows on the OLE object form are filled?
    Your replies are much appreciated.
    Thank you.

    if I understand correctly, your OLE object is a form and your data needs to display on it.
    What you can do is, inserting the OLE object on page header and then in the section expert, click "Underlay the following section".
    Note that the structure of Crystal report is RH, PH, GH, Details.
    So, if you insert OLE object in Page Header (PH) and you have a group, underlaying the OLE means displaying the object underlay Group Header (GH).
    So, it is a bit of twisting to do and your OLE object needs to fit well as in A4 (or the paper size you need) consistently.

  • Display/Edit Table Row in form's Header

    Hi all,
    I am going to develop a form with matrix. This form is connected to an UDO (with header and row tables).
    The "special" requirement is that when a user selects a row, the row details must be shown in the form's upper part, out of the matrix. Also, editing these fields should be permitted and it should be the same as editing the row. (I hope I explained myself correctly).
    My question is: has anyone done something like this before? How should I proceed?
    At the moment I already created the form with two folders.
    - Folder 1 shows the normal document header fields (CardCode, CardName, RefNum, etc.).
    - Folder 2 shows the same fields as one matrix row. The fields in Folder 2 are connected to UserDataSources.
    The matrix, document remarks and document total are always visible.
    Tomorrow I'll start the code to make this work, but I would appreciate any input you experts can provide.
    Thanks in advanced,
    Vítor Vieira

    Hi Binita,
    Not quite, but close. Instead of having two matrix's I'll have 1 matrix and a set of User Fields (in the form's title) that should act has a single matrix row.
    Please take a look my form so you can understand it better.
    Production Memo
    What I need it to code a solution were the user can edit the row value, either in the row itself or in the form's title fields.
    In other words, I'll need to connect the selected row to the fields I created in the form's title...
    Thanks for your help,
    Vítor Vieira

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