Displaying Disco/Portal Dashboards on Large LCD Panels

Something slightly different for you all.
My company is planning to put in place several large LCD displays on our sales floor to show information relating to sale performance etc. They ideally want to use a combination of Portal/Discoverer reports to generate the information.
Has anyone had experience of doing anything like this, and if so, do you have any tips that might be helpful?
I've also managed to find a Firefox plugin that will force automatic refreshes of the current displayed page, so that gets over the problem that Portal doesn't refresh automatically (at least not as far as I can see).
Of course, if what my company wants to do would be lunacy with Disco and Portal then please feel free to let me know!

Hi Andy,
Any luck with this?

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    Hi bryanus,
    Not sure if your "pinkish cast" at startup is similar to my recent problem with my clear 20" cinema display but.....
    Took it to local Apple reseller, they ran some tests with it and the DVI to ADC adapter - it seem to be the display. I get a redish/ pinkish tint on my screen at startup and after the Mac has booted up.
    Because it is not cover under the extended waranty, Apple quoted me about $750cad flat rate for repair. Considering that this is about half the cost that I paid when purchased two years ago - does not seem worth it to fix.
    My suggestion would be that if your screen is still under waranty, take it in for repairs before it is too late.
    Good luck.

  • Some LCD panel info

    Hello all,
    Like quite a few people on this forum, I recently purchased a new MB 13" aluminum and have been very disappointed in the quality of the LCD panel. In particular, I feel like the viewing angle on this display is significantly worse than my old Thinkpad X41 tablet, which is going on 4 years old. So, I went in search of some technical information, which I figured I would share...
    There are three main technologies for TFT (thin-film transistor, or "active matrix") LCD panels. Twisted Nematic (TN) is the most popular type of panel because it's cheap to manufacture and has very fast response times. However, image quality on the TN panels is the worst of the three technologies. In Plane Switching (IPS, S-IPS) is the best quality panel, but is expensive to manufacture and has relatively slow response times. Vertical Alignment (VA, PVA, MVA) is a mid-range technology, somewhere between the cost of TN and quality of IPS.
    This site provides a very nice explanation of the pros and cons of the three technologies:
    The vast majority of displays (notebooks and desktops) use TN panels because it keeps costs down and because the fast response times are better for games and movies. This trend was probably reinforced by the explosion of LCD televisions: for TVs, good response time is critical and vertical viewing angle is totally irrelevant.
    There seems to be a consensus that all three lines of MacBooks use TN panels, but possibly with different levels of quality. I could not find much information on what causes quality to vary between panels that use the same technology (i.e., why is one TN panel better than another.)
    Most IPS panels go into high-end displays, such as the Apple 30" Cinema display, for applications where image quality is crucial. It turns out -- and I did not know this at the time -- my old Thinkpad X41 is one of the few notebooks ever made with an IPS panel. I suspect they chose this panel because a tablet PC must be reasonably readable from a wide variety of angles (for example, laying flat on a desk), or it's useless.
    So, maybe we just have to wait for a MacBook Tablet...Jobs, are you reading this?

    SZGuy, nice digest of LCD info. You had me with every point except the one about viewing angle being irrelevant on a television. How so? When a family sits distributed around a room, all are entitled to a good view of the telly.
    Every TV of at least 32" or larger uses a wide viewing angle technology panel. IPS and PVA are still hugely important in television and I don't see that changing soon. In fact, it is TN that is irrelevant in the world of TV.

  • What's the latest Jan. 2010 spec LCD panel model #? (e.g. 9CBD, 9CA0, etc.)

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    Got the dreaded light leak developing on the side and hinge edges of my MBP -- but considering that my colours/calibration are pretty much bang on for my eyes as well as the fact that I've painstakingly applied an Anti-Glare film 100% free of lint bubbles LOL -- my conundrum if the latest spec'd panels are really any better or if it's still a lottery on whether you get a good panel if replaced under warranty. The last thing I want is to go backwards in quality!
    Also if you've gone through the warranty process I'm curious on whether you have any say on whether it is another 9CBD that goes in or if you can specify to them that you're only satisfied if a Jan. 2010 9CA0 (or whatever # it is) is put in?
    I am planning to wait to see if Apple quietly updates the LCD panels in the MBP line at the Jan. 27 iTablet/iPhone OS4.0 event before taking it in anyways, but hopefully someone can shed some light into how Apple have been going about dealing with the light leak issues. Thanks again.

    Thanks for your kind cmments matrixxzero. I agree rockykoston I will replace my keyboard eventually myself too, with all the stories here I'm terrified to hand my laptop into service, apart from not having the spare time, Idon't want it to come back scatched, damaged and/or unfixed. That doesn't augur well for Lenovo guarantees. I am fully cpable of servicing it myself but many customers aren't and shouldn't have to.
    As I say the other issue is model lines. Our Chinese friends have proven they can maintain quality and innovate now but their shere manufacturing muscle means it's all too easy to have too many models and too many variants with too much crossover.
    Why drop a great design like the Z710, only let down by a middling to poor Nvidia chip and introduce new 17.3" models with absolutely no maintenance covers and sealed batteries!! They should have upped the Nvidia chip (the same as the Y50) and a better WLAN card. Same with the 15.6" models - evolve the Z510 to have a case like the Z50 but the same or better components again. Similarly the Y50 should have been an evolution of the Y510 not a step down.
    Lenovo has definitely gone cheap in the upper end of the consumer range, when they needn't as there are tons of cheap laptops from the brand.
    Most of the reviews I came across for the Z510 described it as having very good build quality and since I changed laptops three times from the same store within my purchase period I had chance to compare closely, with at least Toshiba and Acer. I would not agree with these reviews it's OK but not great. The metal upper case fooled me a bit but it's less sturdy than a cheap i3 HP laptop it replaced. Again for around a $1000 it should be better.

  • T500 WXGA+ LCD Panel Adjustment Challenges

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    A number of different calibration programs such as Calibreze start by having you set the contrast to maximum. When I do this it washes out the screen so I back off on the contrast and try to proceed through the test but the result is that the color saturation is lacking. I am further frustrated by the video settings button on the same control panel. When I change the settings here it appears to have an effect only on the small test photos provided in the adjustment window. It has no effect on the display itself. I found a bunch of color management options in Vista but I have no clue as to where to begin with these. Lastly, I tried to find a user guide for but came up with nothing.Does anyone know where to find one?
    I am left wondering why I didn't just buy a machine with a dedicated graphics card.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Doublej,
    You don't say what is your purpose in adjusting your screen. If it is to have a truly calibrated monitor for the purpose of photo editing, then I recommend that you just give up on the laptop's screen anyway, and use an external monitor. The external monitor should be of type IPS or MVA or PVA (Wikipedia / Google these if you're not familiar with them) if a flat panel, or a (gasp!) CRT. All of those options are expensive, except the untrendy CRT. Just about every laptop screen these days and most external flat panels too use TN technology, which is great for gaming (fast response time) but utter garbage for viewing angles and color accuracy. Don't believe me? Load up a color photo on your laptop, then try looking at it from slightly above center, slightly below center, left of center, and right of center. See the color and brightness shifts? How can you possibly calibrate that? (You can't -- there's no way to always look at the screen from exactly the same angle, even if you could position your head perfectly, your eyes see different parts of the screen at different angles.) A good external monitor will also give you far better contrast ratio (brightest / darkest areas).
    After getting a decent monitor, it's still a good idea to calibrate it. (I've seen some monitors from Dell and Apple come pretty close without calibration, and others that were way out of calibration by default.) The X-Rite i1 Display 2 screen calibrator comes with easy-to-use calibration software for Windows and Mac. (Other calibrators may be just as good but I haven't used them so don't know.)
    The FlatPanelsDK Online Monitor Test is great for a quick visual check of your screen's calibration.
    One last thing: discrete graphics have NO color calibration advantage over your fine Intel integrated graphics.
    Results of Your Ideal Business-Class Laptop survey, concluded 2009-07-29.
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  • IBM Thinkpad T30 lcd panel..replacement in due?

    My lcd display panel is blurry (i.e. brightness level is not as expected though pressing Ctrl+Home)...
    Maybe should entire unit be replaced?  In this case, how to locate  the correct version as (2) types, XGA  and SXGA are
    Where can i find panel FRU number?
    If you fool me once, shame on you...
    If you fool me twice, shame on me!

    Welcome to the forum!
    A couple of things come to mind here:
    a) Go into BIOS>Configuration>Display and make sure it's set on "high". Press F10 to save and exit.
    b) Is the LCD slightly reddish/pinkish on initial boot? If yes, your backlight is dying and need to be replaced. Most people prefer to replace the whole LCD panel, though.
    c) If your LCD is not red or pink on boot, your inverter may be on its way out. Replacing it is a cheap and easy job, and that's where I would begin.
    All the FRU numbers and instructions on "how to" can be found in the HMM that can be downloaded here:
    Good luck and let us know. 
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

  • IBM Thinkpad 1024x768 TFT LCD Panel

    I have an IBM Thinkpad A30 2652-44U - works great - except it only offers me the default monitor - how do I access the TFT LCD Panel - if I go into Display...settings...advanced....monitor...the LCD is listed but not highlighted ....just the default monitor....my graphics card is the ATI Radeon Mobility - not sure beyond that..if I knew I could possibly upgrade the drivers - Are there drivers for the monitor? If so, where does one download them - many thanks for all help
    Go to Solution.

    Welcome to the forum!
    Try this one, following closely the instructions on the download page:
    Good luck
    In daily use: R60F, R500F, T61, T410
    Collecting dust: T60
    Enjoying retirement: A31p, T42p,
    Non-ThinkPads: Panasonic CF-31 & CF-52, HP 8760W
    Starting Thursday, 08/14/2014 I'll be away from the forums until further notice. Please do NOT send private messages since I won't be able to read them. Thank you.

  • Satellite M100-165 - LCD panel reaction time

    Does anybody know where i can find information about the time reaction of my LCD panel in my M100-165?
    Does anybody know what is the LCD time reaction of m100-165 ( or m100 series )?
    Thx for answers :)

    The M100 series was delivered with an 14.1 WXGA 200 display type LTN141W1-L03-0.
    In my knowledge this display should support a response speed of 25ms.

  • DSC-HX90V LCD panel shows images upside down

    I bought the DSC-HX90V for my wife in late June, and we promptly took it on a three-week cruise and visit to Italy. The camera performed well, even in low light, and the telephoto worked phenomenally: Thanks to the 5-axis OIS, we were able to take 30X zoom images with exceptional clarity and no blurring (even when shooting distant ferries, containerships, etc. from the deck of a cruise ship). The viewfinder was a great convenience, and it was easier to use than we might have guessed (popping it up and flicking the back element of the finder out quickly became an instinctive process). But--and this is really weird--the camera developed a fluke after several days of use: the LCD began displaying images upside down, in both shooting and review modes. At first this happened sporadically, then it happened all the time, and finally--in the past few days--it reverted to displaying images correctly. Fortunately, there were two workarounds when the LCD was acting goofy: We could use use the viewfinder (which was immune from "upside down syndrome") or pull the bottom of the LCD panel out an eighth of an inch or so, which resulted in upside down giving way to right side up. I haven't yet called Sony's warranty service about this, but I'm guessing the problem is in the LCD's "selfie" position sensor. It would be great if it could be solved with a firmware update or system reset, but that's probably too much to hope for. In summary: Great camera, but with an annoying flaw that will need to be fixed.

    Hello Imboden, 
    Sorry to know that you are experiencing this issue with your camera. Please try to reset the settings in the camera by pressing MENU then Setup then Setting Reset. You can also do a Power Reset by turning the camera off, removing the battery. Press and Hold the On/Off button for a minute and then release it and reinsert battery. Turn on the camera and test the LCD screen.
    If the LCD panel still does not work properly, I would recommend sending the camera in to http://repair-camera.com/SonyRepairHome.aspx for evaluation and repairs.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accept as Solution".

  • Different LCD panel?

    I am interested to know if it is possible to put a lcd panel from another laptop into my lombard?
    I would like to know what connectors the lcd screen in my lombard uses.
    I have looked on bay at other panels and they look as if they use the same connectors.
    Does the screen use xvga? a 25-pin connector or is it 30-pin?
    what voltages does the screen need?
    Any thoughts?

    I'd say that you can most probably put a display from a Pismo onto the Lombard, or of course another Lomabrd, and maybe a 14" Wallstreet, but that is about it. I seriously doubt a screen from a PC laptop would work, you most likely blow out the new lcd and maybe fry the Lombard's motherboard.

  • Z61m: LCD panel replacement (WSXGA+ to WUXGA)

    I own ThinkPad Z61m (Type 9450-HAG). Unfortunately the LCD panel does not work any more (only top third of display works).
    I consider replacing of the LCD panel (WSXGA+, FRU no.: 13N7020).
    Is it possible to replace the original panel with WUXGA panel - 13N7198 or 13N7178?
    If it is possible, is it enough just to exchange the panels or it is also needed to replace other parts of notebook and/or upgrade BIOS or other software?
    Go to Solution.

    It should work no problems. In fact, you could probably use your old inverter. CCFL backlit LCD screens use a two pin connector from the inverter to the LCD. This connector is the same accross most if not all manufacturers.
    I tried replacing a 15.4" WXGA LED backlit LCD with a WXGA+ CCFL backlit LCD. Now you might ask yourself, can I convert to LED backlit LCD. While it may be possible, I don't want to say yes just yet. Anyways, what I had to do is disassemble the LCD and remove the screen. I disassembled the original WXGA LCD and replaced it with the WXGA+ LCD. Too bad it didn't work. It wasn't because I had damaged it. The LCD originally didn't work. It had an awful display. I just wanted to know if it was possible.
    The conclusion is that these parts are quite interchangeable. CCFL backlit LCDs generally use the same connectors for both the backlight and display. I am not sure about LED backlit LCDs, but it would be understandable that the manufacturers maintain some kind of uniformity. After all, they produce these LCDs for all the laptop manufacturers.
    \\ I do not respond to PM regarding individual tech support. Keep discussions in the forum for the benefit of others //

  • LCD panel type?

    Does anyone know what kind of LCD panels were used in the iMac G4 17 1.25GHz? TN, IPS, *VA?
    I'm looking towards upgrading to a new machine, and just want to know what kind of panel type I'm used to now.

    Thanks for the response. No, I am curious about what panel type is used; TN, S-IPS, S-PVA etc.
    I purchased mine in late 2003, but the lcd panel was damaged in 2007 and defective/not used since then. I remember the panel display did not exhibit the "dirty look" of later/current generations of LCD panels coming from the antireflective coating, thats why I am curious about what panel (type/manufacturer) it is.
    If I open it, I wonder if I could find any of this information. Or maybe I should call Toshiba and give the type and serial and they could look it up.

  • IPS LCD Panel - 04w3462 vs 04w3919

    Does anyone know the differences between 04w3462 vs 04w3919 LCD panel display?
    I purchased Thinkpad X230 with a HD Premium display with an FUR 04w3919, and they replaced it in the lab to 04w3462. 
    Moderator edit: Title expanded for clarity.
    Go to Solution.

    You can also install software like SIW or HWINFO to read the model #, then google it to check the manufacturer details.
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  • Are T4X0s lcd panels a complete fail?

    At first we had the "vertical band" in our displays:
    http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/T400-T500-and-newer-T-series/t410s-vertical-band-in-my-LCD/td-p/245040 (12 pages)
    And now, people are coming up with bright spots on their displays. Some of the users already replaced their displays before due to the "vertical band"!
    http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/T4-T5-und-neuere-T-Serie/T410s-Wei%C3%9Fe-Flecken-auf-dem-Display/td-p/4... (german)
    I know those T4X0s series ThinkPads are thin as hell. But they break much too often. Lenovo has to find a solution for this. A friend owns his T410s for 5 months now and it's the second time he has to carry in his ThinkPad due to display issues.
    Just wondering, when the first thread with desperate T420s owners will emerge... Is this really such a hopeless situation?

    My T400 has had a bright spot since about the first week, so issues might not just be with T4x0s. I haven't had a chance to ship it back yet to have it fixed (ship it as it is under 3yr warranty) as the machine is in constant use.
    While my T420 was being worked on recently (on-site service) I asked the tech about display issues. He also services Sony and other models. According to the tech, he sees display problems more often in other brands of laptops. He said that it generally happens to students or other highly mobile people, and they notice it after the machine is removed from a backpack or other bag. He finds these odd as the lcd panel will be spiderwebbed or have other issues but the glass/ plastic in front of the panel will have no damage. He blames the trend of thin & floppy displays for these issues.
    When asking for help, post your question in the forum. Remember to include your system type, model number and OS. Do not post your serial number.
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help others with the same question in the future.
    My TPs: Twist 2HU: i5-3317U Win 8 Pro, 4GB RAM 250GB Samsung 840 | T420 4177CTO: i5-2520M, HD+, Win 7 Pro x64, 8GB RAM, Optimus, 160GB Intel 320 SSD, Intel 6300 WiFi, BT 3.0 | T400 2764CTO: P8700, WXGA, Win 7 Ult x64, AMD 3470, 8GB RAM, 64GB Samsung SSD, BT, Intel 5300 WiFi | A20m 14.1" PIII 500 (retired). Monitors: 2x Dell U2211h IPS 100% sRGB calibrated w/ Spyder3.

  • Light leak (bleeding) theory sponge gasket around lcd panel . Apple fix?

    been looking at the light leak issue crop up on the forums and this may have already been suggested.
    But if you look at the ifixit teardown and the part of them lifting up the digitser:
    You can see apple chose to use a sponge gasket around the display right on the LCD bezels edge!
    now anyone whos worked with laptops repairing them (myself) and has fitted a raw LCD panel knows that any pressure on the LCD steal bezel will cause the backlight to bleed through, much like if you pressed an uncoverd LCD screen with your finger.
    Now whats to say this sponge gasket isnt doing the same? soon as they stick the glass to the back plate the gasket puts pressure on the LCD, If so it could be easy fixed by a softer gasket/setting it further back or maybe ditching it and blocking dust from outside at the openings!
    Just a theory what you guys think?
    Message was edited by: Aibo82

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