Displaying rendered HTML text in spry detail region

I have just started to play around with DW CS3 & spry and
love them!
I have a Master/Detail spry going from my database, but am
having a problem displaying the detail the way I need it. The mySQL
field is a BLOB for some HTML formatted text (I get the text
elsewhere using a Xinha textarea edit widget and load the the
formatted HTML text into my db). For example, my string is
"<h2>this test</h2><strong>xyz</strong>"
which is loaded into my db. I am using the dreamweaver ADDT export
XML functionality to generate my spry master/detail region.
My detail region is displaying the correct html associated
with the selected master table entry, but it's with the HTML tags,
not rendered as HTML (I don't want to see
<h2>title</h2>; I'd like to see title with <H2>
It's much like what I think a RSS feed would be, but can't
find a way just to get the html to render because I don't have the
files externally to source an iframe or anything. (I tried a XLS
fragment transformation, just putting the detail record field that
I want in an XLS file, but that didn't do anything).
Any kind of guidance, hint, point and laugh but then tell me,
would be greatly appreciated. I also posted at first at ADDT and
then General Dreamweaver because I didn't locate this forum in the
Forum topic list, so when I did find this I thought this is
obviously where I should have first posted - sorry if anyone has
also been surfing around. Thanks so much so any info.

Hi Don,
Thanks so much for responding. I actually did do that, but it
seems like I might be doing it in the wrong place. I tried it in
the .js that I have in my header:
var dsList = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("./export.php",
"theSpecials/special",{sortOnLoad:"rating",sortOrderOnLoad:"ascending",distinctOnLoad:tru e});
dsList.setColumnType("detail", "html");
which didn't do it. I also tried it right in my detail
display area:
<div style="overflow:hidden; width: 400px;"
<div> <!-- nested div for spry effect -->
<div id="detailDisplay" style="width:380px; "> <!--
spry:content="{detail}"> -->
<!-- echo '{dsList::detail}' ; ?> -->
</div> <!-- detailDisplay -->
</div> <!-- outter div for spry effect -->
<!-- spry detail region -->
Excuse the inline ugliness, will clean it up when it's
functional. But that doesn't seem to do it either. I am storing
that particular field as a blob in the mysql database, but I
already tried making that a VARCHAR which had no effect either.
Thanks so much for for the suggestion! Any other gems that I
can try?

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    this zip.
    Thanks for looking.

    Hi jmortimer,
    What you need to do is trigger the constructors for your
    validation widgets every time the region updates. To do this, you
    need to either move the constructor calls into your region, *or*
    call the constructors from an onPostUpdate observer on your region.
    To see an example of this, look here:
    Just a note ... don't move the constructor for your tabbed
    panel into the region. Leave it where it is today.
    --== Kin ==--

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    //initially load these data sets. the function will be called by the links to update components later<script type="text/javascript">
         var intNumPhoto = 0;
         dsGallery = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("photofile.xml", "galleries/ride/photo");
         dsNav = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("photofile.xml", "galleries/ride");
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              alert("updating spry components for " + galleryDir);
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              dsNav = Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("photofile.xml", "galleries/" + galleryDir);
              "<span spry:detailregion = 'dsGallery'>
             <a href = 'javascript:' onclick = 'if(intNumPhoto > 0){intNumPhoto -= 1}; dsGallery.setCurrentRow(intNumPhoto);'>&lt;</a> {@id} / </span>
             <span spry:detailregion = 'dsNav'>{@numPhotos}
             <a href = 'javascript:' onclick = 'if(intNumPhoto < ({@numPhotos} - 1)){intNumPhoto += 1; }; dsGallery.setCurrentRow(intNumPhoto);'>&gt;</a>
    </script> <--- later ----><!-- SIDEBAR NAV. When link i clicked, set DataSet to the location of the new gallery -->
         <div id = "sideBarNav">
             <a href = "javascript:" onclick ='updateSpryComponents('ride');">Tannersville</a>
                <br />
              <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "updateSpryComponents('dive');">Dive</a>
            <br />
              <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "updateSpryComponents('poland');">Poland</a>
            <br />
              <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "updateSpryComponents('alaska');">Alaska</a>
    <div id = "content2">
         <!-- PHOTO CONTAINER I think I somehow need to refresh this section of the code to reload new data-->
         <div id = "fotoContainer" spry:detailregion="dsGallery"><img src = "photos/{@path}" width = "{@width}" height = "{@height}"/></div>
         <!-- IMAGE NAVIGATION -->
         <div id = "nav">       
             <span spry:detailregion = "dsGallery" id = "galSpan">
             <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "if(intNumPhoto > 0){intNumPhoto -= 1}; dsGallery.setCurrentRow(intNumPhoto);">&lt;</a> {@id} / </span>
             <span spry:detailregion = "dsNav" id = "navSpan">{@numPhotos}
             <a href = "javascript:" onclick = "if(intNumPhoto < ({@numPhotos} - 1)){intNumPhoto += 1; }; dsGallery.setCurrentRow(intNumPhoto);">&gt;</a>
    You could view source there to get the code. Here is what I believe is my problem
    I'm trying to automate the site so that when you click on one of the links on the left, without refreshing the page, the paths to the galleries xml file changes, and the spry Detail Regions (1 for the images, 1 for the navigation - left and right arrows). I think the problem is that once the link changes the set and calls my updateSpryComponenets() function, the detail regions need to be refreshed. I'm currently trying to solve this by dynamically rewriting the HTML thru .innterHTML, everytime I call updateSpryComponents().There may also be a problem in the Javascript function updateSpryControllers because if I put the alert after the spry calls, I never get the alert
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Ok, the first query on the Recent tab doesnt work for me because it wont show unless its already voted, and since these are supposed to be new blurts, that kind of breaks the whole site:
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    So I replaced it with what I originally had.
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date FROM Blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    But this doesn't provide me with the initial average rating:(

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    this zip.
    Thanks for any help.

    Hi jmortimer,
    What you need to do is trigger the constructors for your
    validation widgets every time the region updates. To do this, you
    need to either move the constructor calls into your region, *or*
    call the constructors from an onPostUpdate observer on your region.
    To see an example of this, look here:
    Just a note ... don't move the constructor for your tabbed
    panel into the region. Leave it where it is today.
    --== Kin ==--

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    Your above posted system details show outdated plugin(s) with known security and stability risks.
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32
    Update the [[Managing the Flash plugin|Flash]] plugin to the latest version.

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    Well I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but you can have a browser window pop up from an event in an applet. If you use something like:
    getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL(theUrl), "_blank");
    a new browser window will pop up with whatever URL you want.
    Hope that helps a little.

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    on (release)
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    myClickHandler = function (evt){
    if (evt.detail == Alert.OK){
    Alert.show("Thank you very much. Your message has been
    sent.", "Reservation Alert", Alert.OK);
    if (pickDateText1 != undefined && pickTimeText1 !=
    undefined && dropDateText1 != undefined &&
    dropTimeText1 != undefined && vehicleTypeText1 != undefined
    && pickLocationText1 != undefined &&
    dropLocationText1 != undefined) {
    loadVariablesNum ("reservation.php", 0, "POST");
    //name = "";
    Php Script:
    $to = "[email protected]";
    $subject = "$_POST[pickLocationText1]";
    $msg = "Pick Date: $_POST[pickDateText1]\n\n";
    $msg .= "Pick Time: $_POST[pickTimeText1]\n\n";
    $msg .= "Drop Date: $_POST[dropDateText1]\n\n";
    $msg .= "Drop Time: $_POST[dropTimeText1]\n\n";
    $msg .= "Vehicle Type: $_POST[vehicleTypeText1]\n\n";
    $msg .= "Pick Up Location: $_POST[pickLocationText1]\n\n";
    $msg .= "Drop Location: $_POST[dropLocationText1]\n\n";
    $headers = "From: Titans Reservation
    <[email protected]>\r\n" .
    "Reply-To: [email protected]\r\n" .
    "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();
    mail($to, $subject, $msg, $headers);

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    If you don't receive a reset email or you don't have a rescue address, you should contact AppleCare who will initially try to assist you with a reset email or if unsuccessful will pass you to the security team to reset your security questions for you.
    If you are in a region that doesn't have international telephone support try contacting Apple through iTunes Store Support.

  • Image not displaying with HTML text field

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    flash using CS3.
    I have a text field with the following code.
    feedback.htmlText = "<img src='Logo_small.png'</img>"
    nothing displays. The image and flash document are at the same level, so that is why I am using a relative link. Do I need to use a full (absolute) link to the image?

    That's not properly coded html...
    feedback.htmlText = "<img src='Logo_small.png' />";
    image tags do not have a closing tag and you didn't close the opening tag if they did, so it would still fail.

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    My problem / New Spec
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    process and info fields from other records which have this role
    name. Which is the bit I'm having problems with. I've been playing
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    Spry:if="'{Role}'.search(^/myVar/) != -1; but I've had no luck
    getting a value into a variable and I'm lack of experience is
    running out of ideas.
    Hope I've made sense this is my first time using spry and
    JavaScript, so any help is greatly welcome.
    Thanks Nick.
    Example of the XML file - Please note this is very much a cut
    down version.

    tried changing the Region HTML table cell attributes to width:75pct, but this has no effect.Unsurprisingly. Use a valid CSS length specification.

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    But now, i want to add hyperlinks to the chat pane, so a user could double-click on them and browse on internet.
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    But if the text is html, like < html>< b>hello</b></html>
    In the chat pane appends exactly the same: < html>< b>hello</b></html>
    If i want to display the rendered html text i have to execute:
    chatPane.setText(chatPane.getDocument().getText(0,chatPane.getDocument().getLength())); <-- this works ok
    But this solution is more expensive if the text grows. And it is a chat, the text always grows!
    Is there another solution to append html text (and render it) into a jtextpane or jeditorpane ???
    Can i create hyperlinks without the htmleditorkit?
    Thanks in advance.

    I executed doc.insertString(0,"text",null);
    null is the AttributeSet. But i dont know which attribute set i have to use.
    Please a little help :-(

  • HTML text not showing properly in CR 11

    I am trying to display the html text in the crystal report but the first screen shot displays something ugly text interpretation:
    But when i change the text interpretation to HTML then instead of showing nice html tags like ul, li AND table tags it is not recognizing the html tags at all
    is there any way to display the html nicely???????

    Not all HTML tags are supported by CR.
    Per KB 1657131, the supported HTML tags in CR2008 and later are:
    div (causes a paragraph break)
    tr (causes only a paragraph break; does not preserve column structure of a table)
    p (causes a paragraph break) 
    br (causes a paragraph break)
    h1 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & twice default size)
    h2 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 1.5 times default size)
    h3 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 9/8 default size)
    h4 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold)
    h5 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 5/6 default size)
    h6 (causes a paragraph break, makes the font bold & 5/8 default size)
    big (increases font size by 2 points)
    small (decreases font size by 2 points if it's 8 points or larger)
    ol (ordered list)
    ul (unordered list)
    li (list item)

  • How do I link a Spry data set with a detail region to a html web site?

    I have created a spry data set with a detail region. It works well. However, I would like to have a link from the detail region to another html web site. Can anyone help with the code? Below is the spry data set.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <title>The Advnentures of Crunchy and Munchy Squirrel: Field Nuts</title>
    <author>Levester Williams</author>
    <description>This delightful book for young readers teaches the importance of obedience and always doing what you know is right.</description> I
    <weblink >www.crunchyandmunchy.com</weblink>
    <title>More Dirty Little Secrets</title>
    <author> Dr. Claud Anderson and Brant Anderson</author>
    <description>In More Dirty Little Secrets, Dr. Claud Anderson and his son Brant Anderson, piece together little known facts about Black people, thier achievements, influence, involvement, tribulations and present them with wit and humor.</description>

    In your html page, use the following notation:
    <a href="http://{weblink}" title="{weblink}" target="_blank">{weblink}</a>
    I hope this helps.

  • Formatted HTML output with Spry regions - is it possible?

    I have recently begun using the XML export extension in
    conjunction with an Access database to output dynamic data into a
    page with a Spry master/detail setup. So far, my simple example is
    going great, but I've run into a snag that I need some help with.
    To explain what I'm doing - it's a simple article page with
    the list of articles on the left with the title and date and the
    article title and full contents on the right hand side. So far it's
    all working very well, updating in real time when I click an
    article title on the left. The problem is the output with this one
    field which stores not only text, but also HTML formatting that is
    generated by a wysiwyg editor used on the article creation side of
    this little app. This HTML formatted content is the article body
    and is stored in a field named the same - "body". With traditional
    ASP, the HTML formatting displays as expected and all is well, but
    with Spry, it doesn't output formatted HTML, but instead shows the
    content and HTML code together as text. How can I get this one
    field ("body") to be output so all the HTML formatting is shown?
    This is my simple page example. Click through and you'll see
    what I mean.
    Here's the section of code in question regarding the output
    on that right hand panel where the body is displayed for each
    <div spry:detailregion="ds1">
    {title}<br />
    {entryDate}<br />
    <br />
    Is it possible to have that {body} section shown so the
    dynamically created HTML code from the wysiwyg editor is displayed

    Steve Skinner wrote:
    > Is it possible to have that {body} section shown so the
    dynamically created
    > HTML code from the wysiwyg editor is displayed
    The version of Spry that ships with Dreamweaver CS3 (Spry
    1.4) doesn't
    support the type of output created by the XML Export
    This issue has been corrected in Spry 1.5, but no plans have
    been made
    public for integrating Spry 1.5 into Dreamweaver CS3. You
    would need to
    download Spry 1.5 from
    of how to hand-code the fix for output from XML Export are
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • Spry data region to display multiple data sources

    I'm developing an interactive menu using the Spry and Ajax framework that lists the menu items on the left (in a Spry accordion) to a corresponding image and description on the right. I have the basic functionality working, however, my menu items are broken into sub categories, and I can't seem to get my detail region to display attributes for more than 1 ds.
    My current status is here: http://bit.ly/PUG1y
    As you can see, my menu is broken into sections; i.e. Tapas, Pizzas, Entrees...etc. The Tapas secion works perfectly, and the Pizza section appears correctly on the left. However, I cannot get the detail region on the right to link to both Tapas and Pizzas. Right now I am trying to use separate XML files for each category, but could see my XML looking like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <name>Fresh Tilapia Dip</name>
              <title>Fresh Tilapia Dip</title>
              <desc>Mesquite Smoked Fresh Fish w/ Tortilla Chips and Pickled Jalapenos $6.99</desc>
                <name>Jamaican Jerk Chicken Satay</name>
              <title>Jamaican Jerk Chicken Satay</title>
              <desc>Served with Pineapple Chutney w/ 101’s Spicy Tartar. $9.99</desc>
    I do not know how to set up the Spry regions to get this to work.  This seems like it should be pretty straightforward, but I have not had a lot of experience using Spry. What is the easiest/best practice method to get this to work correctly? Thanks for your help.

    I feel your pain... I was JUST running into the same issue and debated on using a similar menu for the restaurant site I did.
    Anyhow, here's how you do it. I solved it with this answer here: SOLVED: Multiple Data Sets (renamed)
    You can reference the source code here. Data Set Shell with Accordion
    The skinny version goes like this: You take your multiple data sets and combine them into one "Shell" using SpryDataSetShell.js
    Copy that to your Spry Assets folder and link to it alnog with your Accordian JS files.
    <script src="../../includes/SpryDataSetShell.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    create a shell of all your datasets.
    var DATASET_2 = new Spry.Data.HTMLDataSet("../link_to_dataset", "Event_Table");
    var NEW_DATASET_SHELL = new Spry.Data.DataSetShell(dataMay);
    Then substitute your NEW_DATASET_SHELL in your code for the detail on the right
    <div spry:detailregion="NEW_DATASET_SHELL" class="YourContainer">
    Create an OnClick call in your accordian menu on the left...
    <div class="AccordionPanelContent" spry:region="DATASET_1"><p spry:repeat="DATASET_1" spry:setrow="DATASET_1" onclick="NEW_DATASET_SHELL.setInternalDataSet(DATASET_1, true);">{item} {item}</p></div>
    Do that for each of your accordian panels... Good Luck. Let me know if you need anything else.

  • Static  text corrupts randomly in html text region

    I am creating on a page a series of hide/show regions with static html containing images stored in the database. The tags in the html are pretty straight forward, just a few &lt;p&gt;, &lt;br&gt; and <img></img>. The size of the region is about 400-1000 characters. The problem is when I run the page and display the region, I see characters missing from the displayed page or are corrupted. For example an "&lt;br&gt;" tag I inserted would turn into "&amp;lt;br>" or an image name "SummaryOutput.jpg" would be "SumaryOutput.jpg". Sometime the missing character are not even in the text I generate but in the substitution string like #WORKSPACE_IMAGES# where some images gets complete path while others are missing one character in the uri (e.g. "et" instead of "get"). This happens about 70% of the time for some regions with multiple images. The ones with only one image link don't seem to have the problem.
    How I created the region is this.
    1. creating an an HTML Text Region, hide/show (although I did tried switching to no-template and the problem still existed).
    2. upload the images into the db and not assign them to any application.
    3. create my html doc using MS Word and save as "filtered htm".
    4. open the html doc using TextPad and edit the image links to using the db image (e.g. <img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#imagename.extension" alt="Image Title">
    5. Cut&Paste the html code into the Resource textarea of the HTML Text Region. Click "Apply Changes"
    6. Display the page. Most of the times the page displays fine, but when there are two or three images (less than 70kb each) contained in the html code I often see the randomly missing characters.
    7. When I do view source on the page, I see that the link to the images are corrupted.
    8. When I do edit page and look at the region->source. Sometimes I see the characters changed but sometimes not (eg. The name of the jpg is correct in the textarea but wrong in the output page)
    Here are the things I've tried which did not work.
    1. Remove all html tags from the html, keeping only the <img> tags. So only plain text and <img>
    2. Do all the work in one IE6 browser window instead of using two sessions of FireFox and an IE. I thought maybe session states are conflicting.
    3. I see the same problems in both IE and Firefox so I don't think it's a browser issue, at least on the viewing end.
    4. There are no items in these regions, just text and images.
    The behavior I am seeing is completely buzzard to me and I've exhausted all my methods of debugging. I did some searching on the forum and did not see any problems approaching what I am seeing on my server. Has anyone seeing anything like this or have an idea where to look for the problem?
    Edited by: [email protected] on Jun 25, 2009 1:10 AM

    nope - it's set to static. I do have a link embedded using
    the properties panel and thought that might be the reason. It
    wasn't. Strangest thing. I've recreated some of the text boxes and
    they are working. It's happened a few times to me - and I'm
    beginning to think it is a quirk in Flash 8.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Post 2.2.1 upgrade iPhone / iTunes sync crashes iTunes

    I upgraded my 3G iPhone to v2.2.1 today after taking a backup. Following an incident free upgrade - sync'ing the iPhone produces a crash in iTunes during the application sync section. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Thanks

  • How to resolve IndexOutOfBoundsExc~ in LinkedList...

    Here's the executable code:/* Cannot resolve the ClassCastException */ import java.util.LinkedList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class ProblemList   MusicDatabase mDBase;   LinkedList musicList;   public ProblemList()        musicList = new

  • I need help in Swedish

    I need help in Swedish thanks Åke