Distinguishing Admin and Normal User in Content Database.

I am new to Content Database. I am developing an application using the Content DB API's. Can we distinguish whether the logged user is Normal User or Admin User( User with Admin priviliges) with CDB API's.
If so please let me know how it is possible. If it possible with any API please mention the API.
This is very urgent for me. Thanks in advance.
Thank You,

Hi Ravi,
simple alternative would be:
//rey to switch to admin mode
sessionManager.setSessionMode(FdkConstants.SESSION_MODE_DOMAIN_ADMINISTRATION, null);
sop("U are an Admin user");
}catch(FdkException ex){
sop("U are not an Admin user");

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    Thx & Bye Tom

    Hi MrHoffman
    MrHoffman wrote:
    For further reading and improving your knowledge security beyond "root" and "sudo", there are Apple's security guides and the US NSA/CIA operating system security configuration guides.  Both of these resources are a little dated, but the underpinnings of the operating system and its security have not changed significantly; what you learn will still be valid, though there can be some features of newer releases (such as the profile manager, the lack of installed Java) that might be useful.
    Thanks a lot. The link  to the Mac OS security configuration guide seems to be broken but I took a short look into the Linux guide and this is also very interesting, even if I'm not using Redhat but Debian.
    MrHoffman wrote:
    Wo ist die Diskussion, bitte?
    In de.comp.sys.mac.misc but only one posing is interesting:
    Message-ID: <[email protected]>
    And there is only the problem addressed about the difference between an users login shell and an interactive sub shell and how it could be used for privilege escalation by modifying the $PATH variable to execute malicious code with root privileges. I remember this on earlier days in Linux when the actual directory (.) was at the end of the $PATH variable. This could end in the same issue after all.
    Thx & Bye Tom

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    We had the very same problem.
    After the deployment via SDM the iview template was there, but the iview template had a missing parameter: Forum View Target.
    Everything was fine, exept the page for the view was empty.
    We redeployed the KMC-UI (from the installing doc) and then restarted the portal.
    => all 3 parameters in the iview templates were available
    => Forums view did work fine
    Regards Martin

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    it is possible to copy/move a content database from one farm to another... so long as the NEW farm is at least as up-to-date (version/service packs/updates/hotfixes/etc) as the OLD farm.
    you can move a site collection into its own content database.
    hopefully that answers your question.
    Scott Brickey
    Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

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    Copy all the content on your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes. Then go ahead and sync the iPod with your new library.
    See this older post from another forum member Zevoneer covering the different methods and software available to assist you with the task of copying content from your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes.

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    Hi Barry, you need to Repair the HD 1st off with that error code 120 = HFS "Directory not found".
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Tiger Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    Then we can work on the other problems, if Disk Utility or fsck should fail to repair it, your best bet is DiskWarrior from Alsoft, you'll need the CD to boot from if you don't have another boot drive...

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    Thanks fwojciec, just worked that out seconds before thanks for the reply though man.
    It worked too, strange that the whole folder just disappeared.
    Last edited by Breakage (2008-02-17 18:37:12)

  • Disproportinate number of rows in AllUserData, AllDocs, NameValuePair_Latin1_General_CI_AS and StorageMetrics tables in Content Database

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    Does anyone have any advice around this?
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    AllUserData is all list data, AllDocs is all docs (including each version), and NameValuePair_ is an index for Lists/Libraries. This information is for all Webs on all Site Collections within that content database. You sure you're not just missing something?
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    Last edited by Nefer-Ra (2007-03-23 18:45:32)

    Nope ... this is the error message. It does not work.
    ** WARNING **: oss_open(): Failed to open audio device (/dev/dsp): Permission denied
    I chowned the file to belong to me ... is this a good security practice?
    Last edited by Nefer-Ra (2007-03-23 19:31:17)

  • Can anyone help regarding the Admin Login page and Normal User Page.

    Hi Friends,
    I have worked on normal login page it has been worked well. But now i have to create the Admin login page. That means, I have written the code in the following way.
    public String userLogin_action() {
            // TODO: Process the button click action. Return value is a navigation
            // case name where null will return to the same page.
            com.sun.sql.rowset.CachedRowSetXImpl crs = new com.sun.sql.rowset.CachedRowSetXImpl();
            String Name =  getUserName().getText().toString();
            String password =  getUserPwd().getText().toString();
             try {
                crs.setCommand("SELECT * FROM srni.UserTable");
                info("Cursor is been moving");   
                boolean ok = crs.getBoolean("Admin");
                info("Value of ok:" + ok);
                String Username = (String) crs.getObject("UserName");
                info("Usernames are:" + Username + Name);         
                info("Login Successfull");
                java.util.Date Date = new java.util.Date();
                info(" Admin Logged on :" + Date);
                return "toUserPage";
                info("Login Failed or Admin doesn't exist");
            catch (Exception e) {
                error("Login Failed : " + e.getMessage());
            } finally {
            return null;
        }You can see there that i have used the boolean type of value for verifying wheter the user is admin or not. If the admin type of column in database is true then it must allow the admin to certain page. Otherwise it must not redirect. So i have used this logic. When i am checking it is showing everything true,but it is not redirecting and it is saying that login failed. Please try the above code with a sample database table and verify it. You can see the output like this.
    Cursor is been moving
    Value of ok:true
    Usernames are: srinu srinu //here it must not go to next cursor,because srinu has been identified, but it is not behaving like that.
    Cursor is been moving
    Value of ok:false
    Usernames are: Chandu srinu
    Cursor is been moving
    Value of ok:false
    Usernames are: kirank srinu
    Login Failed or Admin doesn't exist The above output describes that it is moving the cursor from first row to the last row and checking all the usernames i n each row with the given username, and it is also checking wheter it is admin or not. Currently i have three rows so it is moving three times. It is retreiving every value correctly but in comparing it is not comparing. What to do.
    Please help me out from this problem.
    Thanking You in Advance.

    The buttons are all created using the same library object (but MC), except for the code you have in the revised file does not call on that for the con button.
    You have it calling on something with a linkage name of "con", which a quick check tells me doesn't exist--so it is undefined in the code when you try to use it.  I found this by using trace(newConBut._x); after its _x value was assigned, as I mentioned you should try.   So the first thing you want to do is change the following line from...
    var newConBut = _root.attachMovie("con", "conbut", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
    var newConBut = _root.attachMovie("but", "conbut", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
    so that it uses the but MC that serves that purpose in the library.  Then you want to correct the _x assignment of the buttons to what I think you had earlier...
    newConBut._x = 650-newConBut._width;
    newRecBut._x = newConBut._x-newRecBut._width;
    Here is a picture of what those changes do (note, without the XML file I had to finagle things just to work, so the biutton labels aren't what they will be)...

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    I got some users with Domain Admins Right and Remote Desktop Users Right. But, they are denied to access Remote Desktop services to other servers. I have confirmed that since set up I have no Remote Desktop Related GPO in Domain. I tried to create but issue
    still persists.
    Zaw Tun Naing

    YOu need to track down the machines that are denying the authentication and then look thorugh the member server and DC's to find any events within the Security Event log and post those errors.  This should define ehat specifically is the reason why
    you are being denied.
    One thought, not sure how the service accounts were intially created but someone could have gone into the local security policy and DENIED the right to remotely or locally logon.  Basically only allow to run as a service right.
    Paul Bergson
    MVP - Directory Services
    MCITP: Enterprise Administrator
    MCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security, BS CSci
    2012, 2008, Vista, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4
    Twitter @pbbergs http://blogs.dirteam.com/blogs/paulbergson
    Please no e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup.
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Always launching admin and standard user

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    Every time I launch iTunes from a standard user's account, I get the "you cannot oppen the application iTunes because another user has it open" error in the admin account.
    It appears that iTunes is trying to launch in both places.
    Any ideas?

    More information would help. Are they not displayed on the login screen or you can't see them in System Preferences?

  • Possible to create separate passwords for admin and main user account?

    My ex wife is going to lend me her Macbook so I can open a separate account to transfer 30K critical business emails from my current Macbook Pro to Mail.app whilst it gets replaced by Apple.
    I still need to work with these emails over the week I'll be left without the computer.
    I was thinking, when requesting to import the mailboxes from my External HD, will it ask for a administrators password?
    She's a bit paranoid about giving me it if that's the case, even though I couldn't give a toss... so is there a way to password protect her main user account with one password, and create another admin password for importing an external mail folder - as OSX sometimes asks for an admin password to install apps etc.
    If I can just use a guest account and import the 'Mail' and 'Mail Downloads' folders from my library to a separate Mail.app on her computer without a password, then great.
    If it's the case the admin password is needed, please let me know ASAP so we can make arrangements for her to hang around to type it in whilst I initially make the transfer - which would be a right royal pain because I'd have to tidy the house up and put some putpourri out and ****.

    She can create a new account for you to use. She can set it up as a new Standard account which restricts you from admin privileges. You can use the same username and password as you use on your machine. You will have access to the standard OS X applications such as Mail so you can download your email into a separate account. This can be configured to be exactly the same Mail account you use on your machine.
    Once your use of her machine is finished and you've transferred your data to your machine, she can log into her admin account and delete the Standard account you were using.

  • Sharing Itunes library between an admin and user account on one imac G5

    Please forgive the repetitive question. i have set up an admin and a user account on my iMac. I set the itunes library to users/shared/music/itunes/itunes library on both accounts. The music shows up on the admin account but not the user account.
    Can anyone give a quick step by step including obscure settings that may need to be altered so that I can finally get this pesky stress monkey off my shoulder!
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   Ipod video 30Gb

    Someone recently poasted a similar problem as yours.
    Here's the discussion and solution:

  • Impossible to set up a TC with admin and users privileges

    Sorry for my english first. I'm not an english speaker...
    That's one week I'm playing with my Tc to try to set it up with admin and users privileges and and doesn't succeed to find a good way to do it....
    What I want to do: set up my Tc so that I'm an admin and can do whatever I want in the folders of each user. I want the user to have access to one folder with their name. Let's say I would like to user my TC like a usual network drive or NAS.
    What I discover: if I enable file sharing with accounts on my TC and define two users user1 and user2 with Read write privileges, user1 can see a folder user1 and put whatever he wants in it and there's a share folder for user1 and user2. BUT I cannot be admin on the TC when account filesharing is on. It means I cannot put anything in user1 folder beacuse I don't see user1 folder. It is just like if you have user accounts on TC you can just change the privileges but not defined an administrator. I'm able to see user1 folder for instance solely changing the filesharing back to secure shared disks "with time capsule password". If i do so I can see all the folders on the TC.
    But it's very annoying because it means that each time I want to put a file inside the folder of one of my user, I have to restart my TC "with time capsule password", put the file, set it up back to user account and restart again the TC.... Not really practical!
    Anyone got an idea how to use the Tc with user accounts (one admin and others users...)

    I forgot to mention that I tried also another method: giving guest access to TC to my two users but there are several problems here: first they can only read (if not they would have the same privileges as me) what means they can put any document in the TC. Second, they see all the folders on the TC and the idea is that they can only see the shared one....

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