Div is hiding menu bar, & how can i put more fading in slideshow

I would really appreciate help in my site for which design is almost complete. That was the hardest part. I have 2 questions.
First, after I put the slide show/rotating image gallary in, the div containing it covers the horizontal menu bar on top and I can't make it visible. I have tried to force the div down but then it just shows a grey line on top instead of menu bar.
Second, the images in slide show or rotating gallary are perfectly located where they should be but the images kinda jump up instead of smooth dissolving, slow, fading transition. is there anyway to make them smooth, slow, dissolving transition into each other? I can't find that kind of code and I am a newbie on DW.
I would really appreciate help in these matter. Here is the link to the test home page. Images in slide show will be changed later to patients photographs.
Any other suggestion to the site, design are really welcomed.
Thanks a lot in advance,

Also, there are LOTS of fundamental errors in your HTML code itself. Below, I've made a few changes and I've highlighted them. The line that I've highlighted in RED, remove the space in your filename. HTML is cAsE SenSITive. Normalize your filename with all lower-case letters. You had redundant text tags in some places. You had incorrect file linkage. You had redundant <href> tags with double quotes in the wrong places. Primarily, your HEAD tag was incorrectly formatted. You had two instances of body tag - one was incomplete.
Please run your page through W3 validator here in the future: http://validator.w3.org/ to find out and rectify errors.
For now, replace the HTML file with this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Surgery for Liver, pancreas, GI cancer and gastrointestinal problem in Winston Salem Triad area, North carolina</title>
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    You should consider updating to 10.4.11,
    But perhaps your Mac needs a bit of TLC:
    Repairing permissions is an important part of regular maintenance, and should always be carried out both before and after any software installation or update.
    Go to Disk Utility (this is in your Utilities Folder in your Application folder) and click on the icon of your hard disk (not the one with all the numbers).
    In First Aid, click on Repair Permissions.
    This only takes a minute or two.
    Background information here:
    and here:
    An article on troubleshooting Permissions can be found here:
    If you were having any serious problems with your Mac you might as well complete the exercise by repairing your hard disk as well. You cannot do this from the same start-up disk. Reboot from your install disk (holding down the C key). Once it opens, select your language, and then go to Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. Select your hard disk as before and click Repair.
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    I totally agree. If the menus are going to be transparent, give the users three things in addition:
    1) the ability to make the menu even less transparent
    2) the ability to blur the stuff behind the menu even more
    3) the ability to turn off the transparency entirely
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    Hi there,
    See the [[Menu bar is missing]] and the [[Back and forward or other toolbar items are missing]] articles.

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    Make sure that toolbars like the "Navigation Toolbar" and the "Bookmarks Toolbar" are visible.
    *Firefox menu button > Options
    *View > Toolbars (press F10 to display the menu bar)
    *Right-click empty toolbar area
    Use Toolbar Layout (Customize) to open the Customize window and set which toolbar items to display.
    *check that "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is on the Bookmarks Toolbar
    *if "Bookmarks Toolbar items" is not on the Bookmarks Toolbar then drag it back from the toolbar palette into the Customize window to the Bookmarks Toolbar
    *if missing items are in the toolbar palette then drag them back from the Customize window on the toolbar
    *if you do not see an item on a toolbar and in the toolbar palette then click the "Restore Default Set" button to restore the default toolbar setup
    You can check for problems caused by a corrupted localstore.rdf file.

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    It is not possible to have more than one combo in the source frame. This is because frame drivers can take only
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    It is not possible to have more than one combo in the source frame. This is because frame drivers can take only
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    Hello everyone,
    If there is someone that can help me I will be very greatfull to him
    If there is something confused in the main title look at this picture to understand better the situation in which I am.
    Thank you to everyone.

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    Go step by step and check.
    1. Start up in Safe Mode.
    2. Backup your computer.
    3. Empty Trash.
    4. Disk space / Time Machine / Local Snapshots
      Local backups
    5. Delete old iOS Devices Backup.
        iTunes > Preferences > Devices
        Highlight the old Backups , press “Delete Backup” and then “OK”.
    6. Re-index Macintosh HD.
        This will take a while. Wait until it is finished.
        System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy
    7.Try OmniDiskSweeper. This will show the storage size details of the items.
       Select Macintosh HD and click  “Sweep Selected Drive” at the bottom.
       Be careful. Delete only the files that can be safely  deleted. If you are not sure about any file, don’t touch it.
    8. Move iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie media folders to an external drive.
      Can you run EtreCheck and post the report here please?
      EtreCheck:  https://discussions.apple.com/docs/DOC-6173

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    Do you mean the Bookmarks Menu button on the Navigation Toolbar?
    You only see that button if the menu bar is hidden.

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    Yes, Bridge shortcut has been removed from PS CS5. However, you can go to File->Browse in Bridge option to open the file in Br CS6.
    Similar query has been answered here.

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    In my current Firefox, the "new tab" icon/item from the "customize" pop-up window menu of items is placed next to my home, back, forward buttons near the top-left of my header (Button 1 for "new tab"). Then, the tab bar automatically come with a small tab (with a + sign) to the right of your last tab opened (so you click on + and a new tab opens. Button 2 for "new tab"). I like to have this "new tab" button twice (as a + mini tab, and next to my "home icon".
    When I upgraded to Firefox 4, I seemed to be only able to "customize" or use the "new tab" in one place. Either as an icon next to home button, or as a "+ minitab", but NOT both.
    What can I do to put this button in Firefox 4 on BOTH places???
    Your help is really appreciated. I want to upgrade, but I want my buttons on both places...
    I upgraded to FF 4, but downgraded again just because this feature... that's just me of coarse :-)

    *New tab toolbar button: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/new-tab-toolbar-button/

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