DLL Hangs LabView

Here is a twist to the problem of a DLL hanging LabView.  Our development group sent me a set of vi's that call C functions from a DLL.  When I try to open the vi's LabView hangs.  I had the vi's changed so the 'Specify path on diagram' was checked.  This resolved the problem of the vi's opening.  Only problem is they wouldn't run when downloaded to PXI target running LabView RT.  Now for the interesting twist.  I kept trying to run the vi's with the 'Specify path on diagram' box checked but I never had any luck getting them to run.  I then went back to original vi's ('Specify path on diagram' not checked) and they would now load and not hang LabView.  On top of that, they downloaded to the target and executed without any problems. 
My question is what could changed in Labview?  I didn't change any options or any parameters in the .ini file.  I am trying to run the same vi's on a second machine and I'm having the DLL hang problem on that machine.  Again, I've compared .ini files and LabView options and there are no differences.  Any ideas?

AIM-USA wrote:
Here is a twist to the problem of a DLL hanging LabView.  Our development group sent me a set of vi's that call C functions from a DLL.  When I try to open the vi's LabView hangs.  I had the vi's changed so the 'Specify path on diagram' was checked.  This resolved the problem of the vi's opening.  Only problem is they wouldn't run when downloaded to PXI target running LabView RT.  Now for the interesting twist.  I kept trying to run the vi's with the 'Specify path on diagram' box checked but I never had any luck getting them to run.  I then went back to original vi's ('Specify path on diagram' not checked) and they would now load and not hang LabView.  On top of that, they downloaded to the target and executed without any problems. 
My question is what could changed in Labview?  I didn't change any options or any parameters in the .ini file.  I am trying to run the same vi's on a second machine and I'm having the DLL hang problem on that machine.  Again, I've compared .ini files and LabView options and there are no differences.  Any ideas?
LabVIEW ini files and options have little to do with such kind of problems. It is most likely something the DLL in question tries to do on loading, that is causing this problem. A possibilitiy is that it is using C runtime libraries that are not present on the target system. If the DLL was compiled with VS 2005 it will almost always reference the mscvr70.dll or similar DLLs unless you go to great lengths when compiling and linking that DLL. Now are these Visual C runtime libraries sometimes standard part of Windows but seldom of a non MS OS like the RT targets are. Also the VS 2005 runtime libraries aren't delivered with Windows XP and older (not sure about Vista) so need to be installed from the Visual C Distributables Installer (but this will likely not work on RT systems since those runtime libraries have again dependencies on (privat and undocumented) functions in the Windows kernel.
Now if it would be just a simple dependency you should get an error when trying to dynamically load that DLL ('Specify path on diagram' checked) or an error box telling you that the DLL in question could not be found (when unchecked). The error is sligthly misleading since the DLL itself could be found but LabVIEW was not able to load it into memory since Windows refused to load it into memory because of missing dependancies.
The fact that loading the DLL does hang LabVIEW makes me guess that the DLL in question does try to do some magic in it's own loading function (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) and hangs in there because of missing Windows components or something.
This goes deep into Windows internals and without seeing the source code of the DLL in question it is almost impossible to give more detailed advice.
Rolf Kalbermatter
Rolf Kalbermatter
CIT Engineering Netherlands
a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    RL5000.h ‏1 KB

    A LVRefNum seems to be an unsigned long data type (32bit). You can cast it
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    When you created the DLL what was the resulting type for the LVRefNum?
    Happy Holidays
    "Enrique" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > I see...
    > After doing some research, it seems to me that there is no easy way to
    > find out the type of data, other than looking at the header file and
    > have documents like Using External Code in LabVIEW handy. The
    > following information is from that document:
    > LVBoolean is an 8-bit integer. 1 if TRUE, 0 if FALSE.
    > LabVIEW specifies file refnums using t
    he LVRefNum data type, the
    > exact structure of which is private to the file manager. To pass
    > references to open files into or out of a CIN, convert file refnums to
    > file descriptors, and convert file descriptors to file refnums using
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    > I know you are creating a dll in LabVIEW, but I am pretty sure the
    > information applies as well and is useful. For your dll this can be
    > interpreted that, rather than passing a LVRefnum, try passing the file
    > descriptor.
    > From the header file, is can be deduced that TD1 is a cluster in
    > LabVIEW.
    > You are right in saying that "more details are needed on using the
    > LabView DLL within LabView from National Instrument Technical
    > Support.".
    > Enrique

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    afaik there is no tool which provides you the possibility to create something like an instrument driver for .NET assemblies.
    Maybe we should take a look into terminology:
    - Instrument driver: This is a set of functionality, which provides the user with an easy to use API for a special instrument. Very often, the driver itself is written in C/C++ and provided as a DLL.
    - "Import Shared Library" Wizard: This wizard enables the user to create an own API for any C/C++ DLL (or compatible) for LabVIEW. This wizard requires the information on all exported functions; this info is contained in the header file. The result of the wizard is a set of VIs containing one Call Library Function Node each for each exported function.
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    - Global Assembly Cache (GAC): All assemblies contained here are registered in the system. Every application can easily work with assemblies contained here.
    - Private assemblies: This would be the way to work with .NET assemblies which are built on your own. You have to select the .DLL-file itself and make sure that the file can always be found in the same (relative)folder of your application.
    hope this helps,
    NorbertMessage Edited by Norbert B on 02-21-2007 02:16 AM
    CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
    Expert: Geometry
    Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.

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    #include <iostream>
    #include <Windows.h>
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        cout << "Test dll...............\n";
        return a;
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    Go to Solution.

    The issue you are having is that LabVIEW is not capable of using C++ DLLs directly. It only handles C DLLs. This does not mean that if you you cannot use the DLL if it's compiled with the C++ compiler as opposed to the C compiler. Rather, it means that you must take extra steps in order to use it from LabVIEW. The primary issue is that of name mangling or adornment. This is discussed here: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4877. Basically you need to prepend extern "C" in front of your prototypes in your header files. I would also suggest reviewing this article: https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-14564.

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    I'm assuming you have either Matlab installed or at the very least the Matlab Runtime, otherwise the DLL won't work. The "import" command relies on having a header file. Do you have one? You also need to make sure the DLL has been compiled so that it's compatible with LabVIEW. The most likely problem is name mangling, which also occurs when you try to compile a DLL written in C++. See this post, which contains links to useful posts.
    The mxArray datatype is a special datatype which is actually a structure. It's complicated. Your best bet is to create a C DLL that acts as an intermediary between the Matlab DLL and LabVIEW. If you are able to, you can, instead, simply call the Matlab code directly using the Matlab script node.

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    This cannot be done in LabVIEW. LV doesn't have the data type "Pointer" as C has.
    The only workaround I can think of is to use an array of strings in LV and in the interface define the parameter as "by reference". In LV you have to typecast the wire with the string to a cluster withthe layout of structS.
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    You have to read the document about memory and data types of LabVIEW. In elder versions this was in the LabVIEW Bookshelf but I haven't found it in short in the newer version.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

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    João Júnior

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    Hello Osvaldo,
    I analysed the updated tutorial you sent me, but the thing is that it doen't show how to create the DLL in LV 8.6 but only show how to accessing the DLL from VB6. My problem is really HOW TO CREATE THE DLL IN LV8.6. In the link http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3063 there is detailed information about how to do this in LV6.x, the problem is that I don't find the path Tools»Build Application or Shared Library (DLL) in LV8.6, I think the procedure in LV8.6 is a little bit different. Don´t you have an updated tutorial on how to build a dll in LV8.6?How could you help me?
    Kind regards.
    João Júnior

  • Creating dll in Labview

    Hello All,
    How do i create a dll in labview? I want to use it as a plug in into an application.

    Hi Demmy
    What LabVIEW version are you using? If you are using version 8 and higher then you have to have your VIs loaded into a LabVIEW project and you use the project build specification. You can access the LabVIEW 2009 help on how to build a dll here.
    Here is a quick summary:
    In the project window right click build specifications and choose New -> Shared Library (DLL). This will open the window to create the dll.
    Go to the Source Files category and use the arrow to take the VIs that you want into exported VIs, a dialog will then come up to define the function prototype for that vi. Do this for each vi you want to access in your dll.
    You will need LabVIEW professional version to create dlls and the target computer where you are using the dll must have the LabVIEW run time engine installed.
    Message Edited by Karissa on 03-03-2010 09:05 PM
    Systems Test Engineer
    Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA)

  • Problem with building a dll in labview

    I want to be able to run a LabView vi from Java and found that the best way to do this is to create a DLL in LabView and then call it in Java using JNI. I did a dummy program in LabView to test, but the problem is that the instructions I found don't seem to exist! For example, one tutorial I was following said to: "Open a new VI and select Tools»Build Application or Shared Library (DLL).". But I don't have that under tools, just Build Application (EXE) from vi, which gives a project file. In another place it said to "Expand My Computer. Right-click Build Specifications and select New»Shared Library from the shortcut menu to display the Shared Library Properties dialog box" but I have no idea what that means.
    I have the LabView 2009 trial version, could that possibly be making a difference? If not, what am I doing wrong? Or is there a better way to run a LabView program from Java?
    Thanks a lot!

    Actually, the second one is from LabView help. I tried looking up Application Builder like you said but again it begins with the instructions "Expand My Computer. Right-click Build Specifications and select New»Application from the shortcut menu to display the Application Properties dialog box" and I have no idea what this means What do they mean by My Computer? And Build Specifications? I don't have any of that... I'm sorry but I'm new to all of this, I've never worked with DLLs before in any language, and all I want to do is run my LabView program when I press a button on my Java interface!! If there is a better way to do it, that would be great!
    Thanks at any rate,

  • Build a DLL in LabVIEW & Use the DLL in LabVIEW

    I am trying to build a DLL for the simple vi with LabVIEW and want to use the DLL in LabVIEW. is it impossible?
    I wrote a vi and it have 2 terminals. one is the input for numeric dbl data type and one another is the output for numeric dbl 1D array data type.
    It was built with the Application builder for LabVIEW 8.0 and DLL was created successfully.
    I want to use this DLL in new vi with LabVIEW.
    Call library function used. I wrote a new vi to use that DLL.
    In config dialog I config each parameter for dll and connected terminals. but it doesn't work
    pleas refer to the attatched file and let me know what I missed.
    Array1D.zip ‏60 KB

    At first I kept scratching my head wondering why someone would want to do this. Create a DLL in LabVIEW to call it from LabVIEW. Seems redundant. But, perhaps it's an exercise or perhaps it's for testing the DLL...
    In any event, calling the DLL worked for me in 8.2. How are you configuring your Call LIbrary Function node? I have it set up as follows:
    return type: void
    iteration: Numeric, Signed 32-bit Integer, pass by value
    array1D2: array type, Signed 32-bit Integer, 1 dimension, "Array Data Pointer" format
    len: Numeric, Signed 32-bit Integer, pass by value
    Then I called the DLL like this:
    Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 03-16-2007 12:57 PM
    Example_BD.png ‏2 KB

  • How to create a dll in LabVIEW with a 2D array

    I'm attempting to create a dll in LabVIEW with the following parameters from Test DLL.vi:
    IN1 - Word
    Buffer - 2D array of Unsigned Byte
    OUT1 - Unsigned Byte
    The prototype is constructed as follows in the Build Specifications of the Project:
    uint8_t TestDLL(int16_t IN1, TD1Hdl *Buffer)
    The dll builds successfully but when I attempt to use it in another VI (using the Call Library Function block) the prototype appears but it does not look like what was defined from the Build Specifications.  Instead it looks like the following:
    void TestDll(void );
    I attached some screen shots of all the settings as described above.
    Test DLL Front Panel.JPG ‏85 KB
    DLL Prototype Before.JPG ‏84 KB
    DLL Prototype After.JPG ‏54 KB

    The Test DLL.vi is what I used to create dll prototype with in the Build Specifications in the project.
    Note:  There is no logic implemented yet.
    Test DLL.vi ‏7 KB

  • Using a cygwin DLL in LabVIEW 7.0

    I try to use a function from a cygwin DLL in a LabVIEW 7.0 VI. So
    I wrote
    void funcName(double values[], long number_values)
    for (int i=0; i < number_values; i++) values[i] /= 2.0;
    to the file test.cc and said (cygwin gcc 3.3.1)
    gcc -c test.cc
    gcc -shared -o hall.dll test.o
    Then I included it as a shared DLL in LabVIEW, added the correct
    parameter sequence and return value. The name of the function was
    a little bit different (Z8funcNamePdl).
    But: LabVIEW crashes every single time. Not matter what I say about
    calling convention or reentrance. As soon as the "configure" window
    is closed, *all* LabVIEW windows are closed.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thank you!
    Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa

    LarsRoe writes:
    > [...] LabVIEW arrays have a different structure than the
    > traditional C arrays. As a quick test, try passing in a single
    > DBL value by pointer for the first argument, and 1 for the second
    > argument.
    Even a "void Test()" lets LabVIEW crash. I now say
    extern "C" {
    void Test();
    void Test() {
    > The prototype in your C function needs to match the prototype you
    > get from the "Create C File..." Dialog.
    Granted, but quoting the gcc manual: "Good compilers never crash."
    I didn't *start* the VI after all.
    Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus

  • Calling Dlls from LabVIEW

    LabVIEW Gurus:
    I am working with some software engineers who have no experience in LabVIEW. Unfortunately I have little experience in C/C++ to make sense of their inquiry.  
    Basically we are dealing with “Data Marshalling”. I will call a DLL and issue a command (string) and get back a 2-D array and an integer. So far so good.
    The C/C++ programmer requested that I provide them with a pointer/memory address in which they will store data, so I can read it once the dll returns the array and integer. I browsed through the example online http://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-1690 and thought that if I wanted to read from the dll, the process is a simple as calling the appropriate function and configure the parameter (no pointers needed).
    So, is there a specific way that they need to write the C/C++ code to be used in LabVIEW? Or what else to I have to take into consideration?
    Thank you,

    That example is pretty simplistic as it only deals with integers. In this case no pointers are required since everything is returned by value. When you're dealing with arrays, however, you need to deal with pointers. If you open the Example Finder (Help -> Find Examples) and search for "dll" you will see the "Call DLL" example. That contains many examples of how to call DLL functions with a wide variety of datatypes. I strongly suggest looking at that example. There is also a chapter in the LabVIEW Help on calling DLLs (Fundamentals -> Calling Code Written in Text-Based Progamming Language).
    You have 2 things to consider:
    You're dealing with arrays - this means you typically need to pre-allocate the memory in LabVIEW, and it sounds like that's what the DLL expects you to do. This amounts to using the Initialize Array function to create your 2D array of the appropriate size and datatype.
    You may be dealing with a C++ DLL. LabVIEW can only interface to C DLLs. This doesn't mean that you can't create a DLL in C++, but it does mean that the C++ programmers need to add an extern "C" modifier to the function calls, otherwise you get name mangling, and LabVIEW won't be able to call the DLL. The DLL programmers should know what that means.

  • Pass a value to a dll under labview

    I have to build a dll under cvi and use it under labview. my problem is to pass a value to this dll from labview.
    But when I use it, labview return an error code and close the software...
    I can return value from the dll to labwiew but not the contrary. can you help me please.
    I am a beginner and I am sorry for my english..."
    don't think it's a calling convention beceause When I use the box "call a dll" in labview and I select my dll, I can see all functions I have create in the dll (just the extern functions). for the datatype, I use int or unsigned int and sometimes char. and I can receive this value in labwiew...
    but for the pointer that's certainly my problem
    this is the sourcecode of my function. I drive a digital
    to analogue converter and I want to select the exit (There is 4 exit 0x00,01,10,11 )and a voltage (0 to 255 in décimal):
    void __stdcall dac_sortie_tension (int sortie, int tension)
    outp(LPT1+0x000,4); /* not important*/
    outp(LPT1+0x000,2); /* ecriture de l'adresse2*/
    outp(LPT1+0x400,0x00); /* not important*/
    outp(LPT1+0x000,3); /* not important*/
    outp(LPT1+0x400,tension);/*write voltage*/
    if I use a constant to "sortie" & "tension" it's OK...
    I try to use this:
    void __stdcall dac_sortie_tension (int *sortie, int *tension)
    but it's the same..."
    when I select the fonction in labview, I can see them
    but there isn't argument' ("sortie" & "tension") and I have a void like this:
    void fonction (void)
    what is the problem..
    I can give argument to the function but there aren't used..."

    You need to configure the function manually. Once you select the dll and select the function, select the button Add a Parameter After. You can change the name of the parameter to sortie, keep the Data Type as long and then change the Pass field to Pointer to Value. Click again the Add a Parameter After button and do the same for the your variable "tension".
    For more information about calling external code in LabVIEW, refer to the following document (which should be also included with LabVIEW):
    Using External Code in LabVIEW
    Instructions on-line are here:
    An Overview of Accessing DLLs or Shared Libraries from LabVIEW
    Check also examples here:
    Communicating with External Applications
    Enrique Vargas

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