DNS Malware/Errors in Lion

Recently my computer has been having DNS errors in Chrome, Firefox and Safari.  At first I thought it was an error or virus associated with my router, but I've discovered it must be native to my computer as I've recently moved.  I've done searches using ClamXav that have come up virus-less, and clearing the DNS using terminal command
sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
seems to work temporarily.  The more I browse an encrypted website over the course of an afternoon, the more likely it is that I will encounter an error either preventing it to load, or loading a totally different website (for example a Yahoo forum instead of google.com).
Is this a virus/malware or an independant software error?  How should I resolve this?

This is the only DNS malware, but I don't know that it's even functioning.
For the DNS Changer malware see the following:
Will your internet service cut off on July 9?
DCWG | DNS Changer Working Group
How to remove the DNS Changer malware

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    I get heaps of errors in lion server.
    one that pops up every few seconds is the following:
    Seems like the code or my DB table is wrong?
    03.02.12 08:00:02,573 collabd: [PGCConnection:122 1cba20 +0ms] Error in TXN: Error executing query [UPDATE notification SET batch_token=$1, batch_timestamp=$2 WHERE batch_token IS NULL]: ERROR:  column "batch_token" does not exist
    LINE 1: ...tion SET batch_token=$1, batch_timestamp=$2 WHERE batch_toke...
              0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8e16efc6 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
              1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff8a034d5e objc_exception_throw + 43
              2   PostgreSQLClient                    0x000000010192c81c -[PGCConnection executeQuery:withParams:] + 0
              3   PostgreSQLClient                    0x000000010192d1ad -[PGCConnection executeUpdate:withParams:] + 787
              4   CSService                           0x00000001018b8c3c __49-[CSContentService processNotificationsForBatch:]_block_invoke_0 + 103
              5   PostgreSQLClient                    0x000000010192c518 -[PGCConnection transactionInBlock:onError:] + 91
              6   PostgreSQLClient                    0x000000010192c4b5 -[PGCConnection transactionInBlock:] + 25
              7   CSService                           0x00000001018b8b9e -[CSContentService processNotificationsForBatch:] + 160
              8   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8e160f4c __invoking___ + 140
              9   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8e160de4 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 132
              10  CSService                           0x00000001018907f9 __52-[CSServiceDispatcher executeRequest:asPartOfBatch:]_block_invoke_0 + 28
              11  CSService                           0x0000000101893d98 +[CSExecutionTimer timerNamed:aroundBlock:] + 66
              12  CSService                           0x00000001018905ee -[CSServiceDispatcher executeRequest:asPartOfBatch:] + 1706
              13  CSService                           0x0000000101890936 -[CSServiceDispatcher executeRequest:] + 74
              14  collabd                             0x000000010183d8ba __61-[CSServiceDispatchHTTPConnection httpResponseForMethod:URI:]_block_invoke_0 + 357
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              16  Foundation                          0x00007fff91a1974e -[NSThread main] + 68
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    This is the only DNS malware, but I don't know that it's even functioning.
    For the DNS Changer malware see the following:
    Will your internet service cut off on July 9?
    DCWG | DNS Changer Working Group
    How to remove the DNS Changer malware

  • How do I remove a DNS Solution Error?  Sometimes when I do a search using a Firefox browser, this message comes up and it doesn't take me to the site I am looking for.

    Sometimes I use Firefox for browsing and when I do a search,  the search engine will not take me to the site but I get a message that says "DNS Solution Error".
    I believe it is some kind of malware.  I appreciate any help from anyone who knows how to fix it.

    You may have installed a malicious or defective Firefox extension. Remove all extensions that you don't know you need. If in doubt, remove all of them. Otherwise, check the Firefox network settings (not the Network pane in System Preferences) for a proxy server.

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    This is highy inconvenient since the Univers font family is what I use the most in Quark and now I will have to manually switch over to another font for my files to display correctly.  It is not the entire Univers font family that is affected by this glitch, only the Univers fonts that have CE in them.  According to all of the reports I've seen with Leopard, this issue is caused by it not recognizing bitmaps or something like that.  If anyone can offer any insight on how I can fix this I would be very appreciative.

    kirchoff - if you still have an issue with the font, have you completely cleared the font cache by restarting your mac in safe mode? I'm wrestling with FOND errors in Lion myself and that has alleviated 'some' of my problems. my other problems are related to screen fonts that have multiple weights contained within the file and internal names that don't resolve well...but i digress. good luck!

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    Cannot connect after upgrading Firefox
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Cannot%20connect%20after%20upgrading%20Firefox
    Firefox cannot load websites but other programs can
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Firefox%20cannot%20load%20websites%20but%20other%20programs%20can
    Clear Cookies & Cache
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Template:clearCookiesCache
    Clear the Network Cache
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/How%20to%20clear%20the%20cache#w_clear-the-cache
    Check and tell if its working.

  • Error NtpClient was unable to set a manual peer. DNS resolution error When using IP address.

    We have been migarting to some new DCs. one of the new DCs now has all the master roles call it DC01.
    when I try and sync/setup NTP on this server as the the authoritive NTP in the doamin I get:
    NtpClient was unable to set a manual peer to use as a time source because of DNS resolution error on '”10.*.*.*,0x1”'. NtpClient will try again in 15 minutes and double the reattempt interval thereafter. The error was: No such host is known. (0x80072AF9)
    I am using the following commands to set NTP up on the server.
    >net stop w32time
    >w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"10.*.*.*,0x1"
    >w32tm /config /reliable:yes
    >net start w32time.
    Is anyone aware of what the issue could be?
    Ps one of the old dc can still sync to this site manually if tried.
    cheers Mike

    First make sure your DNS is working properly, then please try this article below:
    Event ID 134 — Manual Time Source Acquisition
    Hope this helps.

  • IronPort DNS Hard Error Lookup (Emails Bouncing)

    One of our clients running Cisco IronPort ESA is having a challenge sending mails to some local domains (e.g. recipient.co.ke - sample non-existent domain) and keeps getting the error below:
    #< #5.0.0 smtp; 5.1.2 - Bad destination host 'DNS Hard Error looking up recipient.co.ke (MX): NXDomain' (delivery attempts: 0)> #SMTP#
    Mails to other domains such as gmail.com & yahoo.com are working just fine.
    Doing a dnsflush on the ESA temporarily solves the problem but it keeps recurring. Note that the client is able to receive mails from the same domains they can't send to.
    The ESA appliance is able to do nslookups to the same domains.
    Has anybody else experienced this challenge and how did you solve it?

    Check whether you're using a local DNS server or already on root dns server.
    GUI > Network > DNS
    Click on the radio button to use internet root DNS servers.
    VIA CLI:
    C370.lab> dnsconfig
    Currently using the local DNS cache servers:
    1. Priority: 0
    Choose the operation you want to perform:
    - NEW - Add a new server.
    - EDIT - Edit a server.
    - DELETE - Remove a server.
    - SETUP - Configure general settings.
    []> delete
    Do you want to delete a local DNS cache server or an alternate domain server?
    1. Delete a local DNS cache server.
    2. Delete an alternate domain server.
    []> 1
    Currently using the local DNS cache servers:
    1. Priority: 0
    Enter the number of the server you wish to remove.
    []> 1
    Note: You have removed the last local nameserver entry. DNS will now use the
    Internet root servers.
    Currently using the Internet root DNS servers.
    No alternate authoritative servers configured.
    Choose the operation you want to perform:
    - NEW - Add a new server.
    - SETUP - Configure general settings.
    Then commit the changes if you decide to move to Root DNS.
    To check the domain's DNS records (or in your case MX records)
    Use the command line.
    CLI > nslookup xxx.co.jp mx
    It will show you results if any DNS records can be found.
    C370.lab> nslookup cisco.com mx
    MX=alln-mx-01.cisco.com PREF=10 TTL=1d
    MX=rcdn-mx-01.cisco.com PREF=20 TTL=1d
    MX=aer-mx-01.cisco.com PREF=30 TTL=1d

  • DNS server Error, it says I have no DNS Servers

    DNS server Error, it says I have no DNS Servers

    We cannot help you with that amount of info..
    It says you have no DNS servers on what??
    I presume it is an apple router. What one?? What firmware?
    Plugged into what modem? Is the modem also a router? What mode is the airport in?
    If you changed your network around and have a cable modem. Did you power cycle it for at least 20min.. this is necessary.
    If you want us to help you full disclosure of the whole network.. impossible to answer without.

  • DNS refused Error in Failover cluster !!!

    Cluster network name resource 'Cluster Name' failed registration of one or more associated DNS name(s) for the following reason:
    DNS operation refused.
    Ensure that the network adapters associated with dependent IP address resources are configured with at least one accessible DNS server.
    Not sure, What is the issue here? All of a sudden getting error in my cluster. My DNS settings are looks OK.

    Hi Karthikeyan R – FGS,
    Could you offer us your cluster event ID and original error message, or you can enable the DNS debug log and filter your cluster VIP to get the DNS register error. Please confirm
    you are using the enough permission account when you create your cluster, the detail permission require you can refer the following KB:
    The related KB:
    Using server debug logging options
    Failover Cluster Step-by-Step Guide: Configuring Accounts in Active Directory
    I’m glad to be of help to you!
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • How do you stop the "DNS lookup error"!!!

    I upgraded 3GS to 4.3.1 last year. I upgraded my Dell 1st then synced my iPhone to upgrade it. Many apps that
    were on my phone remained in my Dell...I really hate the PC but I need all my data..pix etc &amp; on the PC on my iPhone. The Apple Store @ Stanford said to bring my phone &amp; PC into the store...the cost to fix the old PC &amp; download ALL to my iPhone is frightening! I have bought apps that don't show on my phone!...then "DNS lookup error" prevents me to get into aol mail. HELP I know I need iOS upgrade, but the cost of fixing the PC &amp; everything has me screaming @ things that need upgrades Toooooo often HELP

    The backup does not include songs at all or apps or movies.

  • "No DNS Servers" error after 7.6 update

    After updating my Airport Extreme 4thGen to firmware 7.6 I recevied this "No DNS Servers error".  I did a restart of the modem then the Airport Extreme the problem is still there.  Please help.

    Crowhaven, did that work?
    I just updated firmware for my 5th gen Extreme, and got told that there were no DNS servers.
    I don't have a clue what a DNS server is.... (and why should I, I'm no IT expert!).
    I went into network settings, clicked on my 2Wire option (modem that used to do the wifi too) and found an IP address and some words.... it wouldn't let me type letters into the DNS box that came up with the warning, so I just typed some numbers in, which appear to be an IP address too.... it seemed to work.... I'm managing to post this.
    However, I have a feeling that I'll have problems later... :-)
    I'm running the latest version of Snow Leopard on a Mac Pro, 1st gen Intel.
    Anyone know what I should put in those two DNS boxes???

  • Critical: LDAP: query DNS result DNS Hard Error looking up e

    I am not having any luck when trying to connect to all 3 of our LDAP Servers...I get this error in the logs:
    Critical: LDAP: query DNS result DNS Hard Error looking up MyServer.Mydomain.com (A): NXDomain
    It is open through our Firewalls. I don't even see the Test Query reach our Firewalls...any suggestions what I am doing wrong?
    We were using Surfcontrol and it worked fine... :?:

    In Surfcontrol I put the IP without the DN and the query returns all the users.
    In IronPort when I put the IP without the DN and do an Accept query using my email address in the Recipient Address I get the above error.

  • DNS server errors

    Have people been getting this message from their gateway more often?  I have a Westell 327W and this seems to happen more and more.
    LAN PC Unable to communicate with DNS Server. (error = 'connection timed out', count = 3)

    Those errors are pretty self explanatory. It means for some reason the DNS Proxy on the modem is unable to contact the DNS Server it is set up to use. By any chance has your connection been dropping? If not, it's most likely Verizon's DNS servers being on the fritz again.
    I often suggest using 3rd party DNS over ISP DNS. Often times they are more reliable and in many cases they are quicker. I suggest the use of the following well-known server:
    The first to bring me 1Gbps Fiber for $30/m wins!

  • DNS Server Errors 4015 and 4010

    Hi all,
    we have upgraded a 2003 Domain to 2012 R2. All DCs now are 2012 R2. The Domain and Forest Level are 2008. Be checking the Eventlogs of the DNS Server we found that we have DNS Error 4010 and 4015 Events repeatedly.
    The DNS server has encountered a critical error from the Active Directory. Check that the Active Directory is functioning properly. The extended error debug information (which may be empty) is "". The event data contains the error.
    The DNS server was unable to create a resource record for f55ab78a-df8d-4c2c-8420-52dc8b5604e2._msdcs.domain.local. in zone Domain.local. The Active Directory definition of this resource record is corrupt or contains an invalid DNS name. The event data contains
    the error.
    We found that the Errors are available on oll DCs. The errors occurs only after the DNS Server Service are restartet on the DCs.
    We check the dcdiag /e /test:dns with all PASS
    We check the netlogon Service are successfully update be a restart the _.msdcs records in the Zone if the record are not present
    We check the _msdcs.Domain.local Zone, it is in the forest Root Partition and AD integrated. We move it to the root of the DNS like the KB817470 describe
    We check the dns by the Best Practices Analyzer, wihtout a error
    We check the AD replication by repadmin without error
    Thanks for help
    Regards Steven

    Can you tell more information about the migration?
    The roles that installed on windows server 2003 before migration. Is DNS role installed on it?
    You can refer to this similar thread:

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