Do Adobe's PSD and AE templates make PAR a no-brainer?

Hi -
I've read a number of articles and Posts about PAR and I've experienced output MOVs that look great on computer monitor but blurry on a TV/DVD.  I'm aware of the differences of these monitors but something in the science or math of it just doesn't sink in.  So I'd like to run thru my plan hoping someone can correct or confirm... so I can proceed with some confidence and get it right this time.  Please be aware that because I don't know WHY I'm taking certain steps - some of my questions will seem really dumb.
I have an After Effects CS3 project that will eventually output to an MOV that I will use for a DVD and YouTube (extremes of quality).
I start with an AE template for a DV/NTSC project.  The frame size is automatically 720x480.  All the footage in this project will be stills, and most are scans of forms.  The text on the forms has to be sharp and undistorted in both output formats.
Has Adobe made this a no-brainer if I religiously use the templates provided??
If I start with a blank PSD  using the video/DV/NTSC template (same as the AE template), and then open the scans of the forms (JPGs) and drag them into this blank PSD, will the program take over and make any adjustments to the PAR if needed?  If I forge on and import the PSD layers into the AE file, will AE automatically work with the files to compensate for any distortion?
If I click  "Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction" off or on ( in either program) does that effect the final output or is that just for my eyesight's benefit?
Does anything I've said indicate that I'm understanding this... or am I way out of focus?
I appreciate some expert guidance.

Yes, you should use the appropriate composition settings preset for your output type. Don't try to overthink it. People run themselves into problems by trying to manually do things that After Effects is doing automatically.
> If I click  "Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction" off or on ( in either  program) does that effect the final output or is that just for my  eyesight's benefit?
That is just a preview option. It's a rough preview, so don't be surprised that it looks a little blocky/pixelated. It has no effect on output.
> The text on the forms has to be sharp and undistorted in both output formats.
Keep in mind that standard-definition video (720x480) is a very-low-resolution format. See this page for some tips:
"Best practices for creating text and vector graphics for video"
> that I will use for a DVD and YouTube (extremes of quality).
Are you suggesting that you think that a DVD is of higher quality than what you see on YouTube? DVDs use MPEG-2 encoding and have dimensions of standard-defintion televisin---in other words, low quality. These days, online video is very often better than what you see on a standard-definition TV.

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  • Adobe Functional Content and the Creative Cloud

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    To any Adobe Employee who may read this, can you please get someone at Adobe to take control of this issue and see that the library, templates and all other functional content gets packaged correctly and enabled as a download and "sub-install" for the parent product inside the Adobe Application Manager.
    I think as subscribing users we should get better service and direction from Adobe in regards to this functional content. As I type this I have more than 10 tabs open, each one leading to a thread that has something to do with how to install and fix a problem with the Functional Content for After Effects, Premiere Pro and Encore.
    See if you can in less than 30 minutes figure out exactly what to do to activate this content by reading these threads:
    I have been very reluctant to do anything because I am reading a lot of conflicting and incomplete information. This link in particular,, is really unhelpful because there are 3 methods to do something but reading it I am not sure if each method does the same thing or if each does one part of the 3 sets of missing Functional Content. Additionally "solution" 3 presents a place to put the content but then leaves out the path we are to do it to.
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    Do I now need to install one of the other "solutions"? Those of you in the community that are about to hit reply, please don't. Do not answer that question.
    Here is why...
    Adobe is responsible for delivering us customers a product. It is Adobe's responsibility to fix the mess that a number of paying customers are having regarding this Functional Content.
    Here is what I and I think a lot of other subscribers want you to do:
    You already have a Solution in place. One that doesn't require a lot of user intervention and doesn't require anyone to pick a "solution" and screw it up, search for more help and spend hours of their time fixing a mess.
    Adobe Application Manager. Create the proper installation packages. Put them on the servers, tell the AAM how to clean up the mess any users who have tried these "solutions" have made. Then have it install the proper packages as a "Sub-Installation" for each of the parent software that it is for.
    This solution will not only make things better for us end users, but you will also make the manageability of the Functional Content easier for your teams as well. And if your teams wanted to add additional Functional Content to any program that is part of the creative cloud or that the Adobe Application Manager manages, then it would be a simple matter of creating an installation package and adding it to the AAM's list of installable programs.
    You just did this exact thing with Lightroom 4.1! Why can you not do this for the Functional Content?!?
    Back to the Community Members that want to answer my post. Don't. Instead if you agree with me or even if you don't, sign off on this thread or indicate your virtual thumbs down. Either way I don't want an answer, I want an action from Adobe, the only ones who can fix the mess.
    I really believe that the Application Manager is the most elegant solution. If any of you have ever used Steam, you know what a great feeling it is when you can download a game demo, try it, buy it and just have everything take care of itself. I don't even have to worry about updates; Steam takes care of my games. And the thing that makes it really valuable? I DON'T PAY $50 A MONTH TO USE STEAM AND HAVE IT JUST WORK, IT IS FREE!
    All I want at this point is Functional Content that I don't have to read a 50+ page manual to install. I know that is an exaggeration, but honestly if it is 1 badly written set of instructions or 50 what does it matter? I don't pay Adobe so I can read up on how to install their software; I just want to use it.
    I guess I should also point out that this is now the second large hold up to my project that I started subscribing for. The first was a problem that I again had to figure out the solution to by working around it, when again Adobe seems to be unable to correct the problem, here, here, here and here.
    And now here I am again at a slight stand still because I can't use my DVD authoring software to create a button on a Wedding DVD menu.
    Okay, you can go ahead and reply... but I would still prefer no answers, just /agree or /disagree.

    Did you even read the post?
    Jeff A Wright wrote:
    For now though please reference Library, title templates, template projects missing: Premiere Pro, After Effects, Encore CS5 - CS6 - ssing.html for information on how to obtain the additional content.
    Have you read the page in your link?
    Can you correctly install from the instructions on that page?
    And I quote:
    Additional Solution: Install the Resource Central library content   
    Download the extra library content
    Choose your language to begin the download:
    English French German Japanese Italian Spanish Korean
    Extract the Library content to the Library folder
    Extract the zip file that you just downloaded. This will create a .7z file, eg. en-US.7z.
    Extract the .7z file to any convenient location, eg. Desktop. This will create a folder based on the language you selected.
    Copy the contents of the language folder (eg. en-US) to the following location:
    Keywords: cpsid_85388
    Where? Copy the contents to where? I don't see a path written there... is it a secret? Do I have to highlight the hidden text? Nooo... that didn't work...
    Honestly I must appologize for my brashness and sarcastic attitude. I find it questionable to expect the paid subscribing creative but not technically inclined customers to do the work of fixing this problem when Adobe has the means and the tools to fix it for us.
    Jeff Bellune wrote:
    Not an employee, but I am a forum moderator.  Please stop spamming the forum with links to this topic.  They have all been deleted.
    Ok. Fair enough, I will admit that last night in my anger and frustration I was being a little childish.
    But as a Community Professional don't you believe that you would be better served by Adobe if they were to make one easy simple Adobe Application Manager download for the content that should have been published right at the launch of the new version? Wouldn't your time be better spent actually working on your projects rather than fixing Adobe's mess and responding to people in 10 different forums trying to help them?
    All of this also makes me wonder how Adobe prioitizes the "bugs" that people are dealing with. Wouldn't it be quick to put a someone or a couple of people on the problem of gathering the functional content and getting them to package it and ready it for publishing through the AAM? The process of adding it to the list of installs might be more complicated but a package that knows where to put the content? I would think that something like this could be give a get it done now priority as it would aleviate a lot of the forum posts and something like the missing export choices in Media Encoder or Premiere Multicamera Issues would take more time due to investigation and so you put them on a priority based on the number of users affected.
    It just seems to me that a month after launching a new version is an awfull long time for the publishing of an update to add functional content that was in all the previous versions.
    I guess I will stop "ranting" now. Thanks for responding Jeff AW, at least I have official word that there will be some sort of update on this issue.

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    First let me apologize for posting a reply that was only suitable for advanced users.  Photoshop is broad and powerful therefore has a huge learning curve.  In fact I would state no one knows and uses all of Photoshop.  When we first get Photoshop it intimidate us and we're very uncomfortable using it.  Many thing are not intuitive there in much learning involved.  After some time we begin to know something and we are able to do some thing.  Learning become rapid and we start playing in Photoshop.  It is very important to play with Photoshop.  Playing with Photoshop and asking for help with in forums like this IMO is the best way to learn. 
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    I do not type or do English well so let me do some screen captures.  I can not stress enough how important Black, White, Grays and Blending is when it come to image processing.  Become friends with Multiply, Screen, Overlay and Luminosity blending.....
    However when there is a white or black background though you can blend them you can not add a style like a drop shadow, emboss or make it invisible setting fill to 0 so only the style is visible.  When there is contrast between the logo and background it is easy to separate the two. To select the background and delet it to have the logo with a transparent background.  Many tools can be used to create the selection hee I use my action kill white.
    Vector Shape would work better for scaling However it would be best to create the logo from scratch in a vector program like illustrator but I never had the resources to justify the Creative suite. I only had Photoshop.  Recently Adobe gave me and other a year subscription to the creative suite for our participation here.  I still have not installed anything but Photoshop,  A while back I found a program that can create vector patf for black and white art work.  It will not be as good as using something like illustrator. However vector paths can be edited in Photoshop and cleaned up some. Here is the PSD it 13MB because od the gradient

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    Ok.. Please correct me if I'm wrong, because if what I am saying is actually true, then Aperture has some seriously frustrating issues.
    I use Aperture 3 to organize my photos and to do minor corrections, but the majority of my photo editing takes place in Photoshop CS5. I shoot in Raw so I expect to be able to use Adobe's wonderful Camera Raw plugin before opening a photo in Photoshop.
    Aperture gives you the ability to edit a photo in Photoshop and have the edited photo go back into Aperture. Thats a great feature. Unfortunately, it seems that if I try to send a raw photo from aperture to photoshop, it will not open in the Adobe Camera Raw plug in. It simply opens in photoshop. If I just drag the thumbnail from aperture into photoshop, it will open the camera raw dialogue and everythings great.. but if I do it that way, it will not update in aperture once I am done editing.
    It would be totally fine if I could just save the photoshop file and reimport it into aperture, but when I do that, it just shows up as a blank white photo, instead of the actual photo.
    So long story short there is no way to use Aperture AND adobe camera raw. I don't want to use Bridge.
    or is there???? Please give me a solution here or I want my money back.
    Or is there a way to reopen the camera raw function in photoshop, once the photo is already opened?
    Thanks for your help!

    I understand your concern, as I wondered the same thing. You might want to read
    regarding a possible workflow for your situation (altho' they are using CS3, not CS5).
    I use CS4 but want to move to CS5 to get the additional features of ACR (excellent noise reduction, lens-specific aberration controls, etc.) Thus, my interest in using ACR vs AP3 for some of my images.
    I know now that AP3 is doing RAW processing at the moment of import, and that 'file' is no longer able to be processed by ACR via AP3. I was wondering about your trick of dragging the thumbnail to Photoshop and having it open in ACR. I cannot duplicate this, and I've tried different methods. If I could do this, that would be half the battle. (Can you enlighten me?) I will also take a look at Catapult.
    I know of no way to open ACR while an image is open in Photoshop (APS). The plugin seems to kick in only when you open it from Bridge or the Finder.
    Regarding the blank white photo, I'm assuming it is a PSD with no thumbnail. I have seen this when I import 'old' PSD's into AP3. I fixed this by going into the Preferences in APS, under File Handling/File Compatibility make sure you set 'Maximize PSD and PSB File Compatibility' to 'Always'. Then, you must open the blank white photo files and Save As... the same file name to overwrite the blank one. You should then see the thumbnail. (Also in APS Preferences, set File Saving Options, Image Preview to 'Always Save').
    Granted, not having the option of easily using ACR is a tough pill to swallow for those of us who are in the Bridge/APS camp. I will readily forgo the 'pleasures' of using Bridge for AP3. I will NEVER give up APS since I need layers and graphic/text capabilities it offers. So a smooth interaction between AP3 and APS is a must for me. However, AP3 offers so much more than Lightroom, that I won't look back, now that I've made the switch. Good luck!

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    is it possible to print a document to Adobe PDF printer and getting exactly the same document?? same size, same black and white
    I'm using acrobat6

    I suspected as much.  I was hopeful it was something like a setting that needed to be changed or a reg hack that needed a bit changed from 0 to 1 to make the printing work as expected.  I only installed the local printer to see if the RDP session
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    to “Disabled” but
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    Please consider this approach...
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    Local Disc C
    Program Data
    Premiere Elements
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