Do I delete the events from Finder or in FCPX ?

Hi all FCPX experts,
I am trying to clear some harddisk space. I am thinking of deleting some old Event FIles.
Can I know whether it is better to delete the Events file form FInder or from FCPX itself ?

Tom Wolsky wrote:
If you don't need to back up the event, it doesn't matter where you do it. Either way puts it in the trash.
Thanks Tom,
I noticed in the finder, under the Final Cut Events folder, there are the following folders:
Original Media
Render FIles
Transoded Media
Assuming if I want to use back the Events i fututre,
Q1: what is the maximum contents I can delete ?
Q2: Is it correct to say that if I delete all the files in Render Files (and leave the folder Render FIles empty), I shall be okay ? FCPX will re-render again in future, right ?
Q3: I looked at the folder Original Media, it contains all mov files ... is it correct to say FCPX copies all the videos I imported into FCPX into this folder every time I do an import ? But why it doesn't have any pictures (I mean it is all videos) ?
Q4: In the Transcoded Media folder, there are also all mov files. How is this different from the mov files in the Original Media folder ?
Q5: I looked at the Render Files folder, they are all codes ... when we render a file, it generates a code ?
Once again, thanks a million ...

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    Sounds like you're working over a network.
    This is the boilerplate text often used in connection to saving to a network (please NOTE the part where it explains that normally, it does work, but that it is impossible to troubleshoot someone else's network remotely, and that's why it's not supported by Adobe):
    If you are opening files over a network or saving them to a network server, please cease and desist immediately in the event you are currently experiencing problems with one or more files. Working across a network is not supported.
      Copy the CLOSED file from your server to your local hard disk, work on it, save it again to your local hard disk, close it, and copy the closed file back to the server.
         Of course, the fact that Adobe does not support working across a network does not necessarily mean it won't work.   It should.
        Adobe's position is that there are too many variables in a network environment for them to guarantee that everything will work correctly in every network, especially given the fact that if something does not work properly, it's probably the network's fault, and Adobe has no way of troubleshooting your network.
      If you can't work locally, you are on your own, and if something happens, you're on your own. If you must work from a server, make sure your network administrator is a competent professional.
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    Also its better to try the path I had suggested as it will display the logs for that particular Cube only.
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    Try that and you should get the log.

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    Hello lonestar17,
    Thank you for the question.  It sounds like you are curious about how iCloud stores your photos.  Photo Stream stores your photos temporarily so that you can have time to sync them to your computer, but the photos will expire after 30 days:
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    No. Photos in My Photo Stream are saved on the iCloud server for 30 days. To save or back up these photos, you must copy them from My Photo Stream to your Camera Roll on your iOS device. You can then back up your Camera Roll using iCloud or iTunes.
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    iCloud pushes all your photos to the My Photo Stream album on your devices and computers, and manages them efficiently, so you don’t run out of storage space.
    Your iOS devices keep a rolling collection of your last 1000 photos in the My Photo Stream album. From there, you can browse your recent photos or move the ones you like to your Camera Roll or another album to keep them on your device forever.
    Because your Mac and PC have more storage than your iOS devices, you can choose to have all of your My Photo Stream photos automatically downloaded. In iPhoto or Aperture preferences on your Mac, select Photos (or Photo Stream) > My Photo Stream > Automatic Import. All of your photo stream photos will be imported into your Events, Projects, Photos, Faces, and Places folders in iPhoto or Aperture. On your PC with My Photo Stream enabled in the Control Panel, all of your photos will be imported into C:\\Users\<user name>\Pictures\iCloud Photos\My Photo Stream. For iCloud Control Panel 2.0 to 2.1.2 users, the path isC:\\Users\<user name>\Pictures\Photo Stream\My Photo Stream .
    You can find this information and additional information at the following link:
    iCloud: My Photo Stream FAQ
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    Thank you.

    That's what I like....succinct, clear, and perfectly accurate. THANK YOU.
    If I could ask you a follow up.... On my previous laptop and previous version of iphoto, I and my family had over the years created quite a mess with my iphoto folders, with some photos not even in folders and sitting outside of the typical iphoto folders. My new iphoto functions just fine but I suspect some of the random photos and files which appear outside of the typical iphotos structure within my new iphoto package may not be showing up in my iphoto library (I have not yet gone thru and tried to check). so my questions are:
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    (You may have to change your name to "unlucky girl1")
    Apple (and no one else) can not assist (with serial number or iCloud) in finding a lost or stolen iPad.
    Report to police along with serial number. Change all your passwords.
    These links may be helpful.
    How to Track and Report Stolen iPad
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product
    iCloud: Locate your device on a map
    Report Stolen iPad Tips and iPad Theft Prevention
    How to recover a lost or stolen iPad
    iCloud: Locate your device on a map
    How to Find a Stolen iPad
    Apple Product Lost or Stolen olen
    Oops! iForgot My New iPad On the Plane; Now What?
    If you don't know your lost/stolen iPad's serial number, use the instructions below. The S/N is also on the iPad's box.
    How to Find Your iPad Serial Number
    iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number
     Cheers, Tom

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    the new backup drive
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    Spotlight may still be busy rebuildig its index.
    You could try to rebuild the Spotlight Index, if you do see no progress:
    Spotlight: How to re-index folders or volumes
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    all the methods in the processRequest() are called during loading of the page.
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    Sorted now!
    To clarify for people like me: type "." in the search bar
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    They should all be highlighted now
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