Do i need up grade?

I have a 2010 imac model imac 11,2 intel i3 i noticed it going slower now my software is mac os x 10.6.8 should i upgrade to something else or what should i do to get the best performance out of my mac please help it`s all new to me????

How much memory do you have installed?
Telling us you have more than enough is a subjective answer.
If you iMac is running slow,
You may NOT have enough RAM memory.
How Full is your hard drive?
If it is nearing full, then this can also slow down your iMac.
If your are running Bloatware or CrapWare like antivirus apps or hard drive "cleaning" type of apps these can seriously effect the speed of your computer system.
OS X needs, by itself, between 2-4 GBs of RAM, alone , to do its thing quickly, smoothly and efficiently.
Run other app along side OS X and you may experience slow downs.
If your are running OS X10.6.8 and it's slow for you now upgrading the OS is only going to make your iMac even slower.
Every newer iteration of OS X is going to use more CPU, GPU and RAM cycles as well as more hard drive resources.

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  • DVD is dark: do I need to grade in PP before going to Encore? How?

    Excuse me if this is an obvious question. Searches didn't show up anything, and I could not find an FAQ for this Forum. The Encore docs seem to say nothing about this.
    I'm trying to make  a DVD from source material originating with a Canon XF-300 and Vixia cameras. The material looks ok in PP CS6, and as rendered as an MP4 file, with flesh tones at about 70 IRE. As is common, the performance stage is not exceptionally well lit, so is on the dark side, but shadow detail is still there.
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    I thought that this seems like an RGB to Rec709 issue. I tried adding a levels adjustment layer in PP, setting ouput black to 16 and white to 235. (My DVD player could play the PP-exported .m4v on a  USB stick.) That's an improvement, even if it's not exceptional.
    I've read a lot on the web and watched some videos, but not seen anything about this.
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    Brett Delmage wrote:
    I'm very used to working with color profiles in still photography, having used Photoshop for years and printed fine art photos. I'm using a calibrated monitor (but I understand PP does not use monitor profiles?) The profile complexity in video drives me nuts. The more I read, the less certain I am.
    Video is not stills. Two completely different things. Like trying to compare playing trumpet and clarinet. The only thing you can carry from one to the other is your ability to read sheet music. Or in this case, your ability to read light. None of the rest translates well.
    First, unless you preview your work on a calibrated production monitor (one that can show you what your vid. looks like in the Rec.709 space) then you are working blind. There are other good reasons to use a production monitor instead of a computer monitor. One is a waveform monitor, which will likely help you a great deal (you can even use the one in PPro, which will help but you won't be able to see exactly what's going on, because it won't work while you are playing the video in PPro, and because you won't see the exact colors, black and white points, and contrast that you should). Another is a vector scope. Another is an RGB parade. All highly useful tools in color correction and color grading, and all the more useful if you can watch them while the video plays.
    Second, as Mr. Jones suggests, do not send an MP4 to Encore for a DVD. Send only MPEG2-DVD for making DVDs. What you've done is like recompressing a JPEG in still photography. Some would say it's worse in video, IDK.
    Third, get yourself a copy of Van Hurkman's The Color Correction Handbook. Read it. Learn it. Use it. It will make this part of your life so much better.

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    Dear Customer, Thank you for visiting our English HP Support Forum. We are only able to reply to posts written in English. To insure a quick response it would be advisable to post your question in English. The following links are here to assist you if you prefer to post in the following Language Forum. English:                        Spanish:                      French:                        Portuguese:              German:                     Korean:                      ​ge Simplified Chinese:​ge  **Click the KUDOS star on left to say Thanks** Regards,K N R KI work on behalf of HP

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    I am very interested in SAP O&G! I have basic software knowledge (microsoft office etc). I want to learn SAP O&G, what kind of software exposure do i need. What path should i take that would best help me understand it. Are there prerequisites i need before I even attempt to learn it? I do not have any work experience (just internships and a couple summer jobs). I'm also currently enrolled in Supply chain management and logistics masters program. i also have a bachelors in petroleum engineering which is why i'm attracted to the idea of SAP O&G.
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    Hi Dami,
    Pleasing to know your interest in SAP and SAP IS OIL. As you mentioned that you are relatively fresh in the area of SAP, i would recommend you to start learning the basics of SAP first. Although this is not a pre-requisite, but it will definitely help you to start learning the specialized IS OIL solution. Otherwise it will be quite complicated to directly start with IS OIL.
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    if you boot into Safe mode, log in, and run your graphic design and animation apps, do they run just as slowly then?

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    I have Elements 7 and am running it with Vista Home Premium.  I am in tears over this--the slideshow is for my daughter's graduation party Saturday and I have no time to work on it except today!  I have tried opening it as the Administrator to no avail.  I do not have the "missing photos" (???) thing under my "File" icon.  And do not have the money to pay Adobe for their phone support....I can't tell you how important this is to me to have done for my daughter and her party, and I do not have the time to go back through all of the CD's that I have to download the photos a second time.
    Can someone PLEASE HELP!!! ???

    I know this reply is way too late to help you. But I'll give my 2 cents in case someone goes thru this thread looking for answers (as I did not long ago).
    I had the same issues with PE6 on XP Pro - missing pic for some of the slides after compiling to an output file (.wmv). And my symptoms were similar, missing usually the pics at or near the end of slideshow. I compiled/output the file several times, and noted the different file sizes of the compiled .WMV files, some larger, some smaller (missing more slides). Each time I recompiled the slideshow, different pictures would be missing - sometimes the last two, sometimes the last 4, sometimes 3 slides near the end but had the final two slides appear...frustrating, always a different result. I thought it was a resource issue with my PC since every slideshow had only missing slides near the end of the slideshow...not enough memory, CPU power, etc during the compilation? I toyed with the settings - closed resident memory programs, disabled internet...anything to increase memory (I had 2G of mem on a P4 cpu desktop) and reduce interrupts to the CPU, etc. NOTHING worked. So I loaded PE6 onto my laptop which had 4G mem, Dual Core 2 CPU. SAME RESULT - missing slides! Not sure if it was a resource issue at all, or if it was only part of the problem.
    So, I researched further into this forum, filtering thru hundreds of threads looking for the answer. And I found one semi-relatd, which suggested that the image size was too large. It did not make sense since all my pics were the same size, so why only the slides near the end of the slideshow?? Well, it would be a pain to reduce the size of all the pics in the slide show, so I only reduced the last quarter of the pictures (mostly the ones usually missing), leaving the first 3/4 of the pictures their original size (about 4000/3000 pix). The author of that thread mentioned that PE had issues with video output on pictures greater than 2000x2000. So I reduced the last 1/4 of my pics to 2000x1500 (they were landscape format). Saved the slideshow and then tried another output...IT WORKED!
    Still not sure why only the last 1/4 of the slideshow was affected, and I did compile this on my newer, more power and more mem laptop, so it could be a combination of what I did. Not going to investigate this further...I'm tired. I think the main thing is picture size. New cameras are 10MP-15MP with huge size images (on the default settings), and getting bigger. If this is the case (pic size issue), I think Adobe should really try to fix this.

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    1) There are some pretty good demo tutorials through Adobe on using Premiere Pro and Speedgrade together. I STRONGLY suggest you go view some of those ... you might start say with this one ... speedgrade/
    Note: there are several other segments to this that might be useful for you. Also search through the Adobe tv/tutorial stuff using search terms of premiere pro linked to speedgrade or similar.
    2) There are MANY different ways to process a PPro project through grading, especially one as long as yours. So I can only give general "details" for a general process. It is such a rich program in the way there are multiple "tricks" for each thing you might need to accomplish. Some will work "easier" for your brain than others. You'll have to work through that ... because there is not one way to do it.
    A fairly common workflow for a job as long as yours is to split the project into separate sequences in PPro, a "master" and several sub-sequences dependent on perhaps major sections of the film or commonly different "sorts" of footage. Say, the outside stuff shot during mid-day, or simply outside versus interior or whatnot. Factors that make a difference in the way you'll need to grade the shots, all grouped in sub-sequences as a "nested" group. Tthen take those sub-sequences over to Sg group by group for primary corrections. Get each main group of footage looking decent within it's own group.
    Then make an adjustment layer over each sequence/timeline in PPro, and create another sequence/timeline that includes a clip or scene from each of the groups of the previous step, then take that sequence/timeline over into Sg. Work on those top adjustment layers to "fit" or "blend" the various scene types into a coherent whole. Now, if done right ... those adjustment layers will have "spread" this work over each group and moved your grading work over all the affected shot sequences.
    After that, you'll need to take your whole master timeline into Sg and do a few final modifications.
    Sorry but I can't give you all the details of that ... just a general push. STUDY THE TUTORIALS! And then if Jim Simon or shooternz of Ann Bens or Fuzzy Barsik or some of the other experienced folk around here jump in, they can help with details down the road.
    And of course correct anything in my verbiage above that I've either mis-typed or simply gone wrong on. And sorry but these are such huge programs there isn't a simple 1-2-3 way to operate. There's maybe 40 of them, at least. All with sub-options. And derivations, adherents, and detractors.

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    Try a reset: Simultaneously hold down the Home and On buttons until the device shuts down. Ignore the off slider if it appears. Once shut down is complete, if it doesn't restart on it own, turn the device back on using the On button. In some cases it also helps to double click the Home button and close all apps from the tray before doing the reset.
    Log out and log back in with your AppleID (Settings App > iTunes&App Stores)
    Reset your wireless router.

  • Is Flex the answer for our Remote image viewer project

    My company has a new project and I am trying to figure out if
    Flex (in conjunction perhaps with AIR) would be the best platform
    to do this on. I am not a Flex developer...I have a ColdFusion
    background, so I need your help to decide if we should go looking
    for a Flex Guru.
    We need to grade digital papers remotely. The idea is that a
    grader would launch this application and login. Then the system
    would display a paper (a scanned image) on the screen and the
    person would enter a score. The system would interface with the
    backend via ColdFusion CFCs to a SQL server.
    Features we would like:
    1. The image pane would allow zooming of the image in case
    some text was hard to read. Ideally it would allow real-time
    brightness and contrast also, but perhaps that is asking too much.
    2. If the paper was multiple pages (it could be), then the
    application would have an area which showed thumbsnails of each
    page. The grader could click on the thumbnail to skip to other
    3. I don't know about Flex/AIR security, but the entire
    session would have to encrypted (SSL). Security is important on
    this project. Can Flex/AIR be configured to stop/prevent screen
    4. Is flex capable of good keyboard handling? We would like
    to offer keyboard shortcuts for everything. If the grader types a
    number, then we want to assume they are scoring the paper. If they
    use the arrow keys, we want to flip between pages, etc.
    5. Can it handle image caching? Performance will be
    important. So while the grade is looking at page one, we would want
    to be downloading any additional pages in the background if the
    paper was multi-page. Then once they flip to the next page it is
    Any help would be appreciated. We are just starting to
    research this project, and it looks like Flex/IR could be a strong
    solution...but I am ignorant as to many of the capabilities.

    Thank you both for you answers. We will keep digging on a
    Flex/AIR solution to this problem, as it seems pretty viable.
    picnik looks to have a lot of the functions we need. Of
    course we would need to leverage those functions in our own app. I
    had come across the fig_panzoom thing...that looked very promising.
    Could the image container dynamically size based on the size of the
    application window? Since this would probably be a desktop AIR app,
    the user could size it depending on their needs. Ideally the image
    container would then also size accordingly (as a percentage of the
    window). By not have a fixed size image container, a user with a
    larger/higher res screen could see more of the image than someone
    with a smaller one.
    For the image capture issue, I have seen some cases where I
    am not able to easily take a screenshot of a flash applet. I have
    tried to take screenshots and the flash area I am trying to capture
    shows up as a black box. I don't know if this is an active
    protection or just a fluke in my capture attempts. Ideally we would
    want to try to prevent screen capture of our AIR app. I will take
    that issue to the AIR forums I guess.
    Thanks again.

  • Deciding on a Mac Pro

    I am curious to know how anyone out there goes about making a final decision on a Mac Pro (or MacBook Pro) purchase. Not so much the ''want vs. need'' debate, because we all grapple with that. But directly dealing with the fact of buying a computer and then a few months or many months later, something new comes out and they add something better to the system you have.
    I know if you think too much along those lines, you should never buy a computer because there will always be product refreshes and updates. And unless you buy a new computer every 6 months, you`ll never have the best, greatest thing.
    I had a 2009 MacBook Pro and I had nothing but problems with it. Apple replaced the hdd many times over and 2x I sent it back for repairs. They ended up sending me a replacement, which I sold right away and waited a little bit until the 2010 Mac Pros came out. I bought a 6 Core, 3.33Mhz system, and once again have been having problems with it - slowness, sluggishness, etc. HDD replacements. Sent it in once 10 days ago for repairs and they removed one memory stick. Same problems still, so it went back to repairs today. Apple said they are going to replace the logic board and test more. But they also said if this system still acts the same, they will replace it.
    So case in point, in thinking about this possible (or probable) replacement - should I hang in there with this same Mac Pro or should I go to the 2011 MacBook Pro? I am not a power user by any stretch of the imagination. I could just as easily get by with a bare bones MacBook or iMac. I wanted a computer that would be overkill for my needs. But I do often wonder/worry about my system each time there is a product refresh or change in features.
    Just curious what other 2010 Mac Pro owners feel about this.

    Hatter, obviously if you want to buy a complete PC, $2k will not fit. But a simple google search will reveal many "budget" gaming PC parts lists for you to assemble yourself for a far better value.
    And my budget is $1200, not 2400.
    $1200 Mac Pro
    $800 CPU upgrade
    $375 GPU upgrade
    = $2375 (2400)
    Here is one under $1200 that will beat your Mac Pro:,3276.html
    Here is a $2000 build that will blow your Mac Pro out of the water:,3277.h tml
    And another, this one with a GTX 680:***_ivy_bridge _gaming_pc_step_step
    I appreciate your input, but I do NOT want another gaming pc.
    Why is that? The Mac Pro is a professional/server computer, NOT a game computer. You're paying for  3 year old hardware, two of the most expensive bits (CPU and GPU) of it you will be throwing away!
    Gaming PCs do not need server grade parts, so you're basically paying a huge premium for the case and you're still stuck with 3 year old technology.
    So the 2009 single processor quad core with 8 threads will outperform the dual quad core/8 threads 2008 model?
    Not even close. The 2009 model has 8 theoretical threads while the 2008 model has 8 physical threads. At best, you'll see 75% the performance of the 8 core.
    The single CPU 2009 is a very poor value since you're stuck with one CPU. You're better off finding a low-spec dual CPU if you plan to chuck the old cpus.
    What bugs and limitations? To what?
    To a 3 year old computer running an unsupported GPU, which means you will never be able to run OSX unless you reinstall the old 5770 GPU  before you boot into the Mac side.
    If you plan on never booting into OSX, you're throwing away half the computer's value. Which is why I suggested you build a PC.

  • Small problem could it be fixed? Green strickes

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    When looking close to the emac screen when turned off it shows the green stuff but when looking at it like a foot away it does not should I be worried?
    Also using a flash light on the screen nothing shows up?

    Not bottled water; depending on the brand, those are either mineral springs water (containing, well, minerals) or processed tap water; while the processing removes more of the trace chemicals, it's still not distilled water. You don't need laboratory grade distilled water; you should be able to find gallon jugs of distilled water in drug stores and supermarkets (often in the store's automotive department) for around US$1
    Plain windex works well enough with most eMac models but not the ones with tat particular batch of anti-glare coating used from about halfway through the production run of the 1.0 GHz into the early run of the 1.25 GHz models, if my wholly unreliable recollection is right; on those (and your appears to be one), Windex did a pretty good job of causing the streaks in the first place. But if your display is streaked enough that you want to remove the anti-glare coating pretty much entirely to get the CRT glass clear again, Windex is certainly a better choice than, say, GooGone. (That's a joke of sorts --- I've used GooGone on auto windshield splatters that wouldn't respond to Windex; GooGone gets rids of the original stain, but you then need a couple of passes with Windex to get rid of the GooGone.)
    In your place, I'd try the distilled water first and see how much progress a couple of minutes efforts make before deciding whether to resort to Windex. If you have Bon Ami glass cleaner, that works evn better on monitors.

  • Adobe Captivate 6 Survey Quiz?

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    I've got a Learning Style survey (10 questions) where the user chooses each question's answer, and their overall totals will determine if they are a Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic learner. For example, if the user chooses mostly answers "A", then he/she is a Visual Learner.
    I've tried Flash, HTML, etc. but none of them seem to work well.

    Hello and welcome,
    A long time ago I created this example about learning styles, which I explained in two articles about advanced actions (would be already much easier in later versions):
    And bit more recent:
    If you want to make a conclusion based on those questions, you'll need to grade your survey. That is why I'm posting the links.
    Remains the problem, which you didn't explain: what do you want to report?

  • Original 5D Mark iii H264 to Color Issues

    Ive cut a project in Final Cut using ProRes422 Files created in Log and Transfer.
    ive now reconformed the final edit back to the original 5d3 H264 files ready to grade in color.
    The problem is once its in Color (via send to color) all the edits are wrong, ie the clips are all out of sync and referencing another segment of that peice of footage.
    I know that reconforming back to H264 does work as ive done it on 60D and 5D Mark ii with no issues at all. but the mark 3 is a different kettle of fish.
    id prefer to grade the H264 rather than the prores.
    any one had this issue and know a fix? (other than grading prores)
    details of footage if it helps: 1080P 25fps IPB compression
    Thanks for any help

    Strange becuase ive graded H264 files from 60D and 5D2 many times in color without the need for ProRes until final render from color. ive only started having issues with the 5D3. (of course when editing i cut with prores proxy files)
    >If you are going to use Color, you need to grade ProRes.  Besides, ProRes is 10-bit 4:2:2...the original H.263 files are 8-bit 4:2:0
    This is true but you lose data everytime you transcode and prores likes to compress blacks ive found. from my own experience ive have better results grading H264 files in color.
    Ive very fimilar witht the 5D/prores workflow as thats how i used to do it but once i found i have more flexiblity using the h264 ive always used that.... until i got a 5d3

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