Do these two CSS classes do exactly the same thing?

Is there any conceivable difference between :
.a {
.b {
     top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0;

They do not do the same thing.  Class "a" will abide by the inherit margins of the parent container since no positioning information is given, thus defeating why the element is absolute as opposed to relative, whereas class "b" has a position set

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    The Page Template must contain a reference to exactly one stylesheet.
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    The class to be added cannot have a selector any more complex than a single class. E.g., this is fine:
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         background-color: red;
         padding: 5px 10px;
    This will fail:
    .content .button {
         background-color: red;
         padding: 5px 10px;
    The classes to be added must each be added to the list in the Partner Portal (Partner Portal › Tools › Online Editor Settings › select your site from the dropdown › Editor Apply CSS).
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    Use the Behavior framework for making changes in the scene. This uses an internal j3d thread which is in sync with the rendering thread.
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    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Azam
    Me too faced the same for the Inbound Invoic Idoc Application . alternatively I used to get the error . Once 53 next 51 ... like that .It was the data issue in segment field E1EDS01-SUMME Total value of sum segment.It was resolved after ging the proper value .
    Sree M.
    Edited by: Sree  Merugu on Jul 2, 2008 6:14 PM

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    Is any component  availble to do like this ? Or any other way to do like this ?
    Please help me..
    I am using Flash Builder 4.5 on windows 7.

    Hi Nicky
    As Bev. describes in iMovie. Best way !
    In FinalCut Express this is very easy. Picture in picture to Video-wall is so easy to do.
    Each video on it's own track (up to 99) and turn on VireFrame and change size so that each
    video has proper size and place. It's done.
    Just the easy ability to change size and rotation (parts of a degree) can do so much difference.
    Yours Bengt W

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