Dock Icons broken

Upgrade install of Yosemite on my retina MBP (10,1) it worked fine for three days, now (nearly) all the dock icons are a generic gray box. Hovering over them gives a "tooltip" like indication of what app is associated, and clicking on them does launch the app. Problem persists despite restart, I will try repairing disk permissions.
Anybody else seen this bug? I searched the web without running into mention of it.

restarted in Single User Mode, ran -FSCK, icons restored.

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    When apps are updated via the CC desktop app, they sometimes (not always) come down with a new name which causes the link in the dock to break.
    This would be a nuisance with one or two apps, but when a CC user has (like I do) a dozen icons in their dock it means that every major update requires several broken dock icons to be replaced. And if (like me) the user has more than one login on their machine (for separate personal and business workspaces) then the nuisance is doubled.
    For example, I have just downloaded "Adobe Edge Animate CC 2014.1", which has removed the earlier version leaving an orphaned dock icon ("Adobe Edge Animate CC 2014"), for the sake of adding ".1" to the file name.
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    Some creative brains need to be exercised on this, don’t leave it to the nerds.

    If it happens in a new user you may be able to repair this with the 10.5.4 Combo Update This is a fuller install, as opposed to an incremental "delta" update so it should overwrite any files that are damaged or missing. It does not matter if you have applied it before.
    Remember to Verify Disk before update and repair permissions after update from /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.

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    Any ideas?

    You could try an SMC reset.  If the video driver was somehow getting out of whack from a power issue this may help - but it's a longshot.
    The instructions for the Mac mini:
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord.
    Wait fifteen seconds.
    Attach the computer's power cord.
    Wait five seconds, then press the power button to turn on the computer.

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    Yes, I have the same problem as well. And it started happening after the recent software update. I have also tried the suggested solution - dragging out the icon and restarting, but it still doesn't work.
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    Find the info.plist file in the Application, and edit it.
    Put this:
    just above the penultimate </dict> entry.
    You might have to move the application to update the registry. Then move it back. Relaunch.
    You need to be aware that this will also eliminate the menu bar, which might be problematic depending upon the application.

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    Are we to assume that if we click and hold on a dock icon and "Force Quit" is presented as an option, that the application has stopped responding?

    drdocument wrote:
    So if I click and hold a dock icon and "Force Quit" is shown instead of "Quit" would that indicate that the particular application is in the midst of some process and simply unable to respond?
    Should I simply allow more time for the app to finish whatever it's doing?
    it could be either. sometimes an application is busy and is showing as not responding but will come out of it after a while. but sometimes it's truly hanging and then you have to force quit it to get rid of it. there is no way to tell just by looking at the dock. give it a bit of time and if it's still not responding then force quit. but if it's happening all the time then you may have problems with your system.
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    so what does disk warrior say when you try to rebuild the directory? and you should also verify the internal drive on the mini too.

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    I'm glad that helped. Thanks for posting back.
    ... when I save this as an application as "run only", it's relatively quick to run, but there's a delay to load... I assume it's opening Script Editor every time?
    As long as the script is saved as an application -- Run Only or not -- it should definitely not cause the Script Editor to open. You can verify this by closing the Script Editor application altogether prior to clicking on the docked script icon that you saved. You should notice that the Script Editor does not open when the script is run.
    FWIW, I went back and saved a version of the script as a Run Only app, and I didn't notice any difference between it and the original, which was saved without the Run Only option checked. The delay that you're noticing might be accounted for by the fact that the script, because it was saved as an application, will be activated just as any other standalone application would be. This happens prior to Safari being activated. Watch your menu bar when clicking on the docked script icon and you should see the name of the saved script app appear for a split second before Safari gets activated.
    The only time I can think of that you might wish to save the script as a Run Only application would be if you wanted to conceal the script for some reason. If, for example you were publishing the script as a part of an application release and didn't want its contents known, or you didn't want an end user to be able to edit the script, you might select the Save As > Run Only option. To illustrate this, try dragging and dropping a script saved as a Run Only application onto the Script Editor's icon. You should see a warning dialog to this effect:
    *Unable to read the file because the script is not editable (it was saved as run-only).*
    Whereas if you drag a script that was not saved as a Run Only app onto the Script Editor's icon, the script should open in the Editor, and it can be edited.
    I played around with the "stay open" option for saving the script as an application, but it appears I have to close the app and reopen it before I can get it to work a second time.
    The Stay Open option is appropriate for scripts which use an "On Idle" handler, which really wouldn't apply in this case. Check out more on Idle Handlers here and here.
    Is there a faster way to use this multiple times throughout the day?
    One way you might speed up the action would be to save the script +as a script+ by choosing Save As > File Format: script from the Script Editor's File menu. The resulting script can then be activated by assigning a hot key to it using one of several 3rd-party keyboard shortcut programs available on the Internet. (I used Spark, assigned a function key to the script I posted earlier, and found the action to run significantly faster.)
    Good luck.

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    Have you tried adding the following css selector to your css file.
    .nav-bar a {
        text-align: center;
    or insert it in the <style> tag you have on the page:
      <style type="text/css">
      body {
        margin-left: 200px;
      .n {
        text-align: center;
    .nav-bar a {
        text-align: center;

  • Can't stop the dock icon bouncing when there is an "alert" from Thunderbird

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    I'm using Thunderbird for my email. Is there a way to stop the dock icon bouncing when there is an "alert"? These happen relatively frequently in connection with my Yahoo account, and every time the icon bounces until I go to Thunderbird and click "ok" on the alert box. This is slowly driving me nuts. I have disabled the "animate dock icon" setting for new mail, and for my whole system when programs start or open, but it hasn't had any effect on the behaviour of the icon with regards to alerts.

    Sorry, I am not trying to be difficult. I'm just lost.
    Hey, no problem, really... we're here trying to help & just need to find out what is needed to help!
    You really should right click on the whole Thubderbird folder and Archive it first, so we can go back if need be.
    Then, it appears that if you just recreate the account, with the name, email, server, and smtp, then everything comes back for that account... at least for global accounts.
    If you wish to hold off on this then just move the original .js back and start T-Bird again, then I can search for a way to edit the existing .js file, because for some reason, when you change your prefs back, it's not changing that file like it should.

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    Since the Apple Store folks could not replicate the problem, you may want to consider a cause that is part of your particular environment.
    For example, if you use a power strip (surge suppressor), what else is connected to the same power strip? Is it possible that you may have too many power-hungry devices connected to the same single wall outlet, and the iMac is not getting sufficient power? Or maybe it's some electrical interference with another device on the same circuit? As a test, try disconnecting everything else, and see if the problem recurs, or connect the iMac directly to a wall outlet by itself to see if the problem recurs.
    Try moving the iMac to a different location in your home and running it to see if the problem recurs.

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    Is an external display connected and turned off? If not, open Mission Control. Do you see the window(s) in any other spaces?

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    In Mountain Lion, this behaviour has changed.  Now either nothing happens, or Mission Control Expose kicks in with a blank screen since there are no Finder windows already open to show.
    Is this just my install or does everyone find this annoying removal-of a-useful-feature behaviour change?  Seems like a mistake to me.

    I never knew the feature existed, so I don't miss it. It also isn't something I'd use in my normal workflow.
    However, it is disconcerting to lose functionality that was useful to you.
    You can file feedback here.

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    How can I get rid of the omnipresent number?

    I dont know how to solve this, but im guessing that the 7 could be from your old computer's mail application and theres probably a hidden file somewhere in the system that is keeping it there. :P

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