Does anyone ever had a problem connecting to mobile me?

I have my ipod hooked-up to my computer but I need to use wifi service and mobile me is not working. It says that it appears to be offline but I don't understand what they mean by that!

I just checked and see this on the MobileMe page:  All MobileMe services are online.
The iDisk? That's your "cloud". You can store documents, photos, video, just about any files on your iDisk.
Tap the App Store icon on your iPod. Tap Search. Type in:    mobileme idisk
You can download and install the app from there.
You can have the iDisk on your computer as well.
If you are using a Windows based computer, follow the instructions.
Same for MobileMe Gallery app on your iPod.
If you can access mail, then MobileMe is up and running.

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    Did you used to have service and now suddenly you don't?
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