Does connecting require an xserve reboot?

Apologies if this is a simple question, but I actually haven't found a definitive answer yet. Assuming I've got an xserve raid that's partitioned and formatted hsfs, can I power it down, connect it to my xserve via FC, power it on & have the xserve mount it automatically like it would a firewire drive?
I.e, do I have to reboot the xserve I attach the array to in order to get it mounted?

It should automatically mount with no reboot necessary.
Only if you change RAID sets that are attached does it sometimes require a reboot.

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         One thing that will help for a time: go to your router and change the wireless control channel. When I first did this I got full connectivity for about 48 hours... and now the problem is back. I'm now changing the wireless control channel every 12 hours, which is a pain but at least keeps me connected. I've tried a few other solutions that are out there and that has been the best one so far.
         to do this on a motorola router: type in your address bar.
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    Hi Hem,
    You want to retrieve data from Oracle Database using BW and you are having a problem?
    Try isolation technique to solve your problem.
    Try to use third party softwares e.g. MS Excel. Retrieve data from Oracle using MSExcel. If MSExcel can retrieve data then you can conclude:
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    Message was edited by: nikkormac

    ep, make sure you're looking in the right Library folder. forgive me if you already know this, but there are several Library folders on a normal OS X installation: there's one on the top level of the hard drive, one in the System folder, and one in each user's home folder. birman was talking about the one in your home folder.
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    Gigabit Ethernet, (if that's what you would like to know).
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    Please advise.

    IP addresses must be unique.  Making your printer have the same IP as your PC or your router will cause a mess.
    On the front of the printer: Setup > Network > Restore Network Defaults.  Now let's set a static IP address for the printer in this manner:
    - Print a Network Config Page from the front of the printer. Note the printer's IP address.
    - Type that IP address into a browser to reveal the printer's internal settings.
    - Choose the Networking tab, then Wireless along the left side, then the IPv4 tab.
    - On this screen you want to set a Manual IP. You need to set an IP address outside the range that the router automatically sets (called the DHCP range). You can find the DHCP range of the router using its internal settings page or in its manual. Use the CD that came with your router or type the router's IP address (ends in .1) into a browser.
    - Use for the subnet (unless you know it is different, if so, use that)
    - Enter your router's IP (on the Network Config Page) for the gateway and first DNS. Leave the second one blank.
    - Click 'Apply'.
    Now, shut down the router and printer, start the router, wait, then start the printer.
    After this you may need to redo 'Add a Printer' using the new IP address.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • Does CR2011 require BOE Platform?

    Dear Experts,
    I have installed the trial version of CR2011 and managed to connect to ECC5.0 using ABAP imports and assigning correct SAP authorisations. I am able to develop reports based on infotypes/tables.
    I am about to purchase this software CR2011.
    However, does CR2011 require BOE (Business Object Enterprise) platform as a pre-requisite? I only need to connect to ECC and extract data from infotypes and tables.
    Since my trial version is able to do that, without BOE, i assume CR2011 does not require BOE?
    Kindly advise.

    Hi Zul,
    CR 2011 is a client tool which is independent of Business Objects Enterprise to create report. You can directly report of your datasources (ECC, etc.).
    There is just an additional functionality given in Crystal Reports that if you have BOE then you can save your Crystal Reports to the BOE server using CR 2011. if you do not want to use BOE that is completely fine.
    But if we want to use Crystal Reports for Enterprise (Which is another Crystal Report client tool for designing report based on universe .unx or on BEx queries), which require BOE 4.0 to be installed as it uses webservices. In your case i dont thing that you will be using Crystal Reports for Enterprise, as then you will not be able to use your ECC data source to create your reports.
    Kuldeep G

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    The MacBook Air runs the identical operating system as any other Mac, and is subject to no arbitrary limitations imposed on the latest software, or by the latest software.
    The only remaining factor is hardware. All Mac software has it's own individual requirements for the system, that being the speed of the processor, the amount of memory, the type of graphics processor required, etc. Some select software, say intense game apps, will not run very well or at all on the MBA, and it simply the lack of a system's component compatibility of performance. But this is a factor present in all computers, nothing special about the MacBook Air.
    So, as long as the hardware is sufficient for the system requirements of the software, you can install and use any full version app designed for OS X Lion.

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