Does Java have asynchronized I/O?

Hello everyone,
I am wondering whether Java has asynchronized I/O (whether built-in core Java SDK or 3rd party release), which is similar as select or poll in UNIX. Current read/write will be blocked when underlying stream is not ready. For example, when retrieving data from remote machine, we will be blocked if the remote machine will not response immediately.
Thanks in advance,

Thanks kajbj,
Your reply is very helpful. I have found most ofthem
are dealing with NIO. IIRC, NIO is for JDK 1.4 or
later version JDK, but I am using JDK 1.3. I am
wondering what asynchronized I/O SDK could I use.There are third party libararies for asynch IO that
works with JDK 1.3, but they all require native code
so your application won't be platform independent. I
would upgrade to JDK 1.4 instead of using such
/KajYour reply is very helpful. I am considering upgrade my application to JDK 1.4. Meanwhile, could you recommend some third party libraries for asynchronized I/O that works with JDK 1.3? I want to compare this solution with JDK 1.4 solution.

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    void getMethod();
    Interface B{
    void getMethod();
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    Public Interface a
    Sub getMethod()
    End Interface
    Public Interface b
    Sub getMethod()
    End Interface
    the class can implements bot these interfaces with the same method signature:
    Public Class c
    Implements a, b
    Public Sub agetMethod() Implements a.getMethod
    End Sub
    Public Sub bgetMethod() Implements b.getMethod
    End Sub
    End Class
    I can write a class which can invoke the specific methods without ambiguity:
    Public Class k
    Public Sub New()
    Dim atmp As a = New c()
    Dim btmp As b = New c()
    End Sub
    End Class
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    [email protected]

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    Look at Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler

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    GrantSR wrote:
    Not the code, per se, but the classes they define... Yessum, most certainly: ASM, among others.
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