Does NetWeaver / XI suitable for a generic BPM package?

We are focus on deliver BPM solution and service.  We are very interested in NetWeaver XI/BPM.  But would like to confirm the NetWeaver function is suitable for a generic BPM solution.  We are convinced that XI can do EAI/process integration very well, especially integrated to SAP.  But further more, We want to know if the XI can play a workflow role as well as Ultimus workflow.  For instance, organization management, security management, multi-level approval process, send alert/message/mail, workflow monitoring.
Any comment would be very appreciated.

No, at the moment it is possible to have an organization managment and approval process is not possible with BPM. However, the BPM process can be integrated with the SAP/non-SAP workflows in the application systems to enable the organization management and approval process.
Sending of alerts/messages/mails and monitoring is suppoted by BPM.
During configuration time a workflow template is generated for each BPM process develped in XI. So all the monitoring avaliable for workflow can be used to monitor the BPM process
I am not sure of what do you mean by security management in BPM?

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    Hi bkshn,
    This error is caused by the missing "Main" method in your project. it is the entry point of your project.
    If you want to create a EF project, you could follow the way in the aricle below.
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    And you could start to learn the EF from the following MSDN blogs.
    If you have any other concern regarding this issue, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Youjun Tang
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Go to your App.Xaml and R-Click Go to Properties
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    C:\Users\..........\Desktop\Blog_Reader\Blog_Reader\CSC    Blog_Reader
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    Solution for that is like below.
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    Hi Robana, 
    Good sharing on the Technet. 
    This will definitely benefit other who may encounter the same issue as yours.
    Thanks for your sharing again. 
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Andrew Main

    Can you post a screen snap and specification of your newsletter
    What I'm working on is a reprint of the Japanese version of the Thanksgiving Address for The Tracking Project, a fine organization run by a friend of mine. The Thanksgiving Address is an ancient Mohawk prayer/invocation, thanking all the elements of the world around us for their contributions to our lives. The original version takes a week to recite (and an elder who died a decade ago may have been the last man who remembered the whole thing); this is a much abbreviated version for international distribution. We produced the first edition, in the original Mohawk and English, in 1993. A year or two later, one of John's associates in Germany said he'd like to do a German version, so we did that. And so on. We just put out an Italian version, making ten different languages, each with the original Mohawk. See below the cover and one spread from the original English version, and samples from the Hawaiian and the Japanese version, which I'm working on now.
    I did the original English/Mohawk version in PageMaker in 1993, and every version since except the Japanese, as PageMaker doesn't handle Japanese. All the others are in the Latin alphabet, though the Hawaiian required a specially modified Palatino font (with accented letters in ASCII slots) which luckily someone at the University of Hawaii had made up in the pre-Unicode days. In the 90s I was sending PageMaker 5 files to the printer, which fortunately they could open and work onto the press; only in recent years have I come across an old copy of Acrobat and learned how to distill the PageMaker files into press-ready PDFs.
    For the original Japanese version in 1999, I took the usual layout in PageMaker, with the Mohawk text but the space for the other text blank, had it printed out at a service bureau on fine paper, then made up the Japanese text in AppleWorks, had it printed, then pasted the Japanese text blocks onto the PageMaker printout, and took it to the printer, who fortunately still had a camera to photograph it. I've been in graphic arts since the 60s, and was an expert paste-up man (pretty good on the corner print shop black-and-white camera too, as well as the IBM Selectric Composer), worked on (among others) the Whole Earth Catalog in the 70s and Stereophile magazine in the 80s.
    But now it's time to reprint the Japanese version, and the translator wants to make changes, so I figured it was finally time to try updating my work into the current computer world. I have no need of InDesign (nor money to buy it—or do you have to rent it now?). I first thought of using Libre/OpenOffice (wish they'd get that straightened out) for future file compatibility, and from what I knew it seemed to have all the details I needed for this simple job. But, as a Mac user exclusively since I got my first computer in 1988, I found the program opaque, and when I early ran into a situation where a command I needed wasn't on the menu the manual said it was on, I gave up and went to Pages, which I have used a little, though there's a lot about it I don't care for. It seems like a lot of effort has been put into the façade, but some pretty shoddy work behind it.
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    Apple has moved so far from their old base of professional print designers it would be safe to say it isn't going to do anything to fix the issues.
    Yes, 'tis a pity indeed. Now if you could do professional graphics on an iPad, there'd probably be a lot of time put into perfecting it. The Mac, though, and what it used to do, is old hat.
    Have you thought about running a 32 bit version of OSX that supports Pagemaker in emulation?
    I tried that once, back in the OS X 10.4 days, and it made my fans go wild. Anyway, the problem is that PageMaker can't work with Japanese—or I could just run it on my G3 PowerBook as I do for the other jobs.

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    /dev/sda4 - ext4/ReiserFS - 12GB - for /var
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    Last edited by pythonscript (2012-05-25 16:52:20)

    Awebb wrote:@cfr: Uhm, now you're saying it… probably not. You will, however, need at least what's in your swap right now + the size of your ram. Or it used to be like that. It has been years
    The mainline kernel compresses the ram data before writing it to swap since 2.6.37 [1]. I can successfully hibernate my laptop which has 4GB ram and only 1.9GB swap. Of course, only the amount of ram that is actually used by programs is written to swap, all caches and such are just dropped.
    [1] … fe3d0e418f

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    Here is the error I get:

  • DVD Burn problem. "Device error - the target device isn't suitable for use"

    Hello everyone,
    I initially had a lot of problems with PE8. However the nVidia driver update solved most of them.
    Just thought it was important to report success as well as failure!
    However one problem remains. I get the following error at the 96% mark while burning. "Device error - the target device isn't suitable for use". It is always at the 96% mark and the program is "compiling [something]" when this happens.
    Having searched this site I notice that user rgferg posted a similar problem 13 days ago but was redirected to repost in a different place, but never did.
    I have tried to burn a 1hr clip 4 times and every time I have selected the slower burn speed (8MB/s) as has been suggested. It seems that inferior media is a culprit, so I have bought some [quality] Verbatim DVD-R media to try in my Phillips SATA optical drive. I am sceptical this will work, but open minded nonetheless. I will give it a whirl when my computer has stopped capturing the VHS I am working on.
    Each time the burn failed the disk was automatically ejected and the burn process had actually started and progressed perhaps ~40% or so.
    This indicates to me that it is a drive sharing issue, rather than a media issue. Somewhere on this forum it suggests that I go through a 20+ step process and delete/disable every piece of software that can compete with Premiere among other things. IF I do this what do I burn with outside of Adobe? Do I have to get imgburn or whatever it was called? What if I like Nero? Nero 6 has worked great for me for 3 years.
    So given I am willing to uninstall my old optical drive burning software, who out there can recommened commercial software that for them creates a painless Adobe burning experience with no errors or conflicts? Perhaps there is another solution that I did not see on this forum?
    I am running Windows XP SP3. I have the latest nVidia drivers for my SLI GeForce 7600 GS cards. I have 3 monitors. RAID 0 SATA, 2GB RAM, Athlon X2 5400.

    OK been working through the list of 20 things Adobe recommends to fix DVD burn error. No luck yet:
    system meets minimum requirements
    Project size does not exceed disk capacity
    successfully burned project to DVD folder -thus skip to step 8.
      8.   Using new blank media for burning
      9.   Try different media and DVD burners. Bought Verbatim DVD-R. Don't have another DVD burner. Adobe's supported burner list is VERY short, so of course mine is not on it.
      10.  Uninstalled Nero 6. Did NOT uninstall Acronis True Image workstation or Lightscribe. These do not access the drive unless I say so!
      11.  Have not yet disabled startup items and services. This will take a lot of work and will leave to last. Deactivated Spybot thus far.....
      12.  Disabled IMAPI CD burning COM
      13.  DMA if available already set. Haven't set this in BIOS yet. I already think it is, but will check next boot.
      14.  Updated DVD firmware
      15.  Already updated nVidia drivers
      16.  Don't have any other DVD drives to disconnect.
      17.  MPEG workaround. Will resort to if required.
      18.  Disable Autoplay? XP only has "prompt me each time to choose an action". I have set this for ALL file types.
      19.  Have NOT refreshed the DVD drivers in the registry. This step involves uninstalling PE8. Will leave this as last resort.
      20.  Visit forums to see if other have the same problem. Hi guys
    So still working through some of the items above.
    Can anyone direct me to advice on how to write the encoded files sent to the hard drive, or the VOB files that PE8 failed to burn to a disk? Will the former work with DVD menus?
    What a process.
    Stay tuned.

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    In the Apple Store website, the products listed as suitable for the Apple Travel Adapter Kit includes the MacBook but does not mention the MacBook Air. (The MBA's MagSafe Power Adapter is 45W; the Mac Book's is 60W) Has anyone used any of the Apple adapters with an MBA? I'm going to be in Argentina next February and would like to use mine while there.
    Hope someone can help me!

    The travel adapter kit is only the detachable plugs that you can swap out on your brick. I have used the travel adapter kit appropriate attachments in Europe and UK and it works perfectly. The brick itself is the "converter" for your MBA. The travel adapter kit is just the interchangeable plugheads.

  • Device Error-The Target Device Isn't Suitable For Use

    I read this in another forum after I experience this problem. Hope it helps some of you. I encountered the problem when I was exporting my finished movie. I had added a few effects like transitions and menu makers as well as stop markers to my timeline. When I went to Share, Create Disc and was exporting to a folder on my drive so I can preview the movie before I actually burn it to a Disc. During encoding well after 50% it stopped and said "DEVICE ERROR-THE TARGET DEVICE ISN'T SUITABLE FOR USE". I tried a few things that were normal when trying to export.
    1. Restarting.
    2. Created a new folder.
    3. A different drive.
    4. A DVD-RW.
    Nothing was working, so I turned to Adobe forums and others like it. I found that Stop Markers can cause problems as well as some menu markers. It advised to delete the markers and try exporting again. Sure enough it worked, it exported with no problem. But I didn't like that after watching to video and reaching the end it would go to the next chapter without going back to the menu like most DVD videos do after playing. So I restarted Premiere and added all my Stop Markers to the timeline and began to export the movie and it worked just fine. I'm guessing that it just needed to be deleted and added again later after doing a restart so the computer has a fresh cache. Restarting computer works well after 1 hour of editing.

    Erwin - thank you for the tip.  I have had the same problem and tried several builds as you have taking aroound 2.5
    hours per build.  Removing the Stop marker has enabled me to write to a directory, Still have an error with regard to the menu not automatically shoiwng.  However, as I write, burning direct to a DVD to remove any copying problems..
    Again, many thanks for your help.

  • Device error -the target device isn't suitable for use. Solution found!?

    Hello everyone,
    I have received the following error many times on my machine for different projects when trying to burn to disk and folders:
    Device error -the target device isn't suitable for use.
    I have multiple hard drives with ~60GB, 40GB and 12GB. I have tried to burn 4.7GB discs and folders and 8.5GB folders.
    I have previously tried nearly ALL 20 troubleshooting items recommended by Adobe and have even changed to Verbatim media. None of these solved the problem.
    What did solve the problem, EVERY SINGLE TIME, was freeing up hard drive space or reducing the length of the project.
    You may look at the available hard drive space and THINK that you have enough. But you don't.
    Perhaps the remainder of this thread could be used to discuss the disk space requirements for projects. I can't seem to crack the formula. I just keep deleting/archiving files until the project works. I have ordered some new big HDD's to be rid of this error forever.

    While it is certainly possible that diskspace is one factor in getting the dreaded "target device isn't suitable message" (usually after lenghthy processing), it does not appear to be the only one.
    I got the message trying to burn a 3 minute video to a dvd on two seperate computers one running xp pro with 150Gb of spare disk space and one running W7 HP with 50Gb of spare space. Tryng to burn to a folder gave the same error.
    To me, this pointed to something in the app, or the project, so firstly I deleted the disk menu...burn completed ok. Re-instated a menu (different one)....burn failed. Removed one scene marker and the stop marker......burn completed ok. Re-instated stop marker......burn failed
    Am I missing something on the purpose of the stop marker?
    There was nothing obviously wrong with the project, although I will admit that I am new to PRE but am not a complete novice to video editing.
    The encoding process of the menu's (both passes) went ok, and it wasn't until it got to the "encoding media" phase that the error message appeared.
    It would certainly seem that more illuminating error reporting would be beneficial in this case, but it would also seem to be worth trying changes to the menus or markers to see if that fixes the error message.

  • Is quick time pro suitable for home movies?

    is quicktime pro suitable for home movies?

    is quicktime pro suitable for home movies?
    That depends on how you define "suitable" (the editing capabilities you want/need to use) and what you mean by "home movies" (the editing compatibility of the files you need/want to edit).
    QT 7 Pro does not add any additional codec components. It merely unl, ocks editing/conversion features not available to to base QT 7 player app. If you to convert, trim, merge, edit, mask, layer, and/or composite various forms of "compatible" data (up to 99 tracks), then it is a cheap alternative to full video editing apps/suites costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars. While it has many advanced capabilities and features, the utility often requires the user to perform many of the actions manually at a low or basic graphic user interaction level. If you are expecting QT 7 Pro to open files the base QT 7 player won't already open, then you will be diasappointed.

  • Which laptop is best suitable for me? Macbook Air 11 inch, Macbook Air 13 inch, or Macbook Pro 13 inch?

    I'm an 8th grader who does powerpoints, word documents, web browsing and light gaming, light movie editing on imovie, some ichat and some apps. Should I get a macbook air 11 inch 256gb and 8gb of ram, macbook air 13 inch 128gb and 8gb of ram or macbook pro 13 inch 8gb of ram 500gb hard drive?. Which one is most suitable for me? I need it to last 4-5 years.

    Strictly speaking, the size of the screen has nothing to do with a decision to install Windows on any Mac. It should work with the base 13" MBP, even with just 4GB ram.
    But it is more complex than to just "install windows"; first, you have to buy a copy of Windows. Any copies you have, even if on DVD, will not work (because the OS contains proprietary code based on the model and manufacturer of your Windows laptop.) Then you have to decide if you want a dual boot (meaning setting up another partition on the HD that holds only the Windows OS and files), or purchase Parallels, which you install as Apple software, then install windows "into" Parallels. If you use dual boot, you can only switch from one OS to the other by way of shutting down and re-booting. If you use Parallels, you can jump from one OS to the other just like switching to different programs in the Mac OS. Parallels runs under $40 these days, and MS Windows 7 Home Premium is ~$165 (both on Amazon).
    There are often business or academic reasons to have Win7 on a Mac, but each person should seriously consider whether buying a Mac so that you can install Windows is a sound decision. I mean, why bother with the Mac?  I first thought I would have to install Windows on my Mac, but found Mac versions of my critical programs, and learned how to use the many programs the Mac OS already provides to get the same, and often improved functionality over what I had with Windows.
    I know you will have a tough decision to make about this. And you are spending a great deal of money for an 8th grader (and for a lot of other people too). It's important to weigh all the factors, decide on your choice, and then make the purchase without having any doubts about your decision. Have confidence in your purchase, and move forward from there.
    One final note; I bought my first Mac machine only about 9 months ago. I've bought two more since then. And for each one, I bought the AppleCare warranty and have never regretted it. I won't know if I need it for repairs in a year or two, but just having an ability to call Apple at nearly any time, and have programs, functionality and OS behavior explained to me gives me real peace of mind. I may have to call AppleCare more than once to get a good answer, but in the end, the service has always come through for me. I suggest you consider this strongly.
    I hope my lengthy replies have been helpful; you've got a great treat ahead of you once you make the purchase!

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