Does Oracle8i *815) supports Conn.Pooling URGENT..SOS

Dear Friends
We are using Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release Here
and there i found that Advanced JDBC features are supported
(like conn pooling /data source usage etc ) only by
version onwards. How far this is true.
Is because of this my JRUN Based Conn. Pooling fails. It tries
and tries and just go out of service stating
Err :
An Unexpected Excetpion has been detected in native code outside
VM. EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW occurred at Pc=0x77fod462
function name=(n/a)
I am sure this happens when Data Base Connection Process is
going on.
Please Commnet

Thanks for that reply. But still some issues. What you have mentioned is you are writing your own conn.poll scheme using Oracle Connection Pool classes. Am i right ? Like OracleConnectionPoolDataSource etc etc.
I have used thsi with Tomcat with same set up at backend and it was working fine with me too .;
Now what i am doing is using JRUN's capabilities of Connection Pooling mechanisms (just look up / datasoruce creation/ conn.object retrieval ) . I have avoided all my of own codings. Still it faces porbs. this force me to thndk in this way.
your comments are eargly awaited.
[email protected]

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    I am developing a mobile app which loads thumbnail images from a remote server. During testing on the Android platform, however, I have discovered that images are very slow to load. By monitoring server logs I have determined that the poor performance is caused by the lack of connection pooling, meaning that each request builds a new connection. Running the sample code below on a mobile device produces 20 requests and 20 connection attempts. By comparison, the same web or desktop app creates 2 connections and reuses those connections for subsequent requests. The substantial overhead and latency associated with generating new connections has a substantial affect on performance, with 20 thumbnails taking approximately 4-5 seconds to load on mobile versus 0.5 - 1 second on a desktop.
    I have included a sample app below to emphasis the performance issue. The image itself is very small (290 bytes) to focus the issue on connection latency. I have confirmed this behavior on numerous Android devices, running 4.1, 4.0, and 2.3. I have also attempted using Loader v. URLLoader v. URLStream and sequential v. simultaneous loading with no change in connection behavior. Attempting to set the connection to 'keep-alive' in the URLRequest also has no affect.
              import flash.display.Loader;
              import flash.display.Sprite;
              import flash.display.StageAlign;
              import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
              import flash.utils.getTimer;
              public class Main extends Sprite
                        private var _count:int = 0;
                        public function Main()
                                  stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                                  stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                                  trace("Start time " + getTimer() + " ms");
                                  var loader:Loader;
                                  var url:String = "";  // 290 bytes
                                  for (var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                                            loader = this.addChild(new Loader()) as Loader;
                                            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete);
                                            loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
                        private function complete(event:Event):void
                                  trace("Finished " + _count + " at " + getTimer() + " ms");
    So, I have a couple questions:
    1) Is there something that I can do to enable connection reuse?
    2) Is this an inherent limitation with Adobe Air for mobile?
    3) Can someone confirm whether this limitation exists on other mobile platforms (iOS or Blackberry)?
    Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. I am really hoping that this isn't a fundamental limitation of Adobe Air as it causes my app to feel very sluggish.

    Hmm. You were absolutely correct, that's a bit disappointing!
    This is Android recompiled for 3.4 rather than 3.1.
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 11327 milliseconds or 226.54 per load.   50           8              11327    226.54
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 8899 milliseconds or 177.98 per load.   50           50           8899       177.98
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 9280 milliseconds or 185.6 per load.     50           50           9280       185.6
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 9513 milliseconds or 190.26 per load.   50           50           9513       190.26
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 9744 milliseconds or 194.88 per load.     50           8              9744       194.88
    COMPLETED 50 with 1 loaders in 16383 milliseconds or 327.66 per load.   50           1              16383    327.66
    Versus Apple iPad recompiled for 3.4 rather than 3.1.
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 502 milliseconds or 10.04 per load. 50      8        502    10.04
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 100 milliseconds or 2 per load.     50      50      100    2
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 117 milliseconds or 2.34 per load. 50      50      117    2.34
    COMPLETED 50 with 50 loaders in 93 milliseconds or 1.86 per load.  50      50      93      1.86
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 270 milliseconds or 5.4 per load.    50      8        270    5.4
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 307 milliseconds or 6.14 per load.  50      8        307    6.14
    COMPLETED 50 with 8 loaders in 316 milliseconds or 6.32 per load.  50      8        316    6.32
    COMPLETED 50 with 4 loaders in 555 milliseconds or 11.1 per load.  50      4        555    11.1
    COMPLETED 50 with 4 loaders in 547 milliseconds or 10.94 per load. 50      4        547    10.94
    COMPLETED 50 with 4 loaders in 535 milliseconds or 10.7 per load.  50      4        535    10.7
    COMPLETED 50 with 2 loaders in 1038 milliseconds or 20.76 per load.        50      2        1038          20.76
    COMPLETED 50 with 2 loaders in 1042 milliseconds or 20.84 per load.        50      2        1042          20.84
    COMPLETED 50 with 1 loaders in 2107 milliseconds or 42.14 per load.        50      1        2107          42.14
    COMPLETED 50 with 1 loaders in 2099 milliseconds or 41.98 per load.        50      1        2099          41.98
    Both are on release compile, which should take out all of the variability. So, yes, it looks as if the 3.4 AIR runtime has lost the connection pooling but ONLY for Android.
    PS: Code I used in my test (which was a conventional View based Mobile app) is below in case you want to include it when you submit a bug report.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:View xmlns:fx=""
      xmlns:s="library://" title="TestLLatency" xmlns:mx="library://">
       protected function uicomponent1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
       public function startTest():void {
        if(queue) throw new Error("Please wait for previous test to end.");
        queue = new Array();
        _count = 0;
        var loader:Loader;
        var i:int;
        for (i = 0; i < numToQueue; i++) {
         loader = bob.addChild(new Loader()) as Loader;
         loader.x = (i%10)*50;
         loader.y = Math.floor(i/5)*50;
         loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete);
        startTime = getTimer();
        for(i=0;i<numLoaders;i++) {
       protected var startTime:int;
       protected var endTime:int;
       protected var numToQueue:int = 50;
       protected var numLoaders:int = 8;
       protected var queue:Array;
       private var _count:int;
       private function complete(event:Event):void
       [Bindable] protected var results:String;
       protected function nextQueue():void {
        var url:String = "";  // 290 bytes
        if(queue && queue.length) {
         var loader:Loader = queue.pop() as Loader;
         loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
        } else if(_count==numToQueue) {
         endTime = getTimer();
         var elapsed:int = endTime-startTime;
         results += "\n"+("COMPLETED "+numToQueue+" with "+numLoaders+" loaders in "+(elapsed)+" milliseconds or "+(elapsed/numToQueue)+" per load.\t"+[numToQueue,numLoaders,elapsed,elapsed/numToQueue].join("\t"));
         queue = null;
         while(bob.numChildren>5) {
       protected function repeatTest(event:MouseEvent):void {
        var dob:DisplayObject = as DisplayObject;
        var testBehaviour:int = dob.parent.getChildIndex(dob);
        try {
         switch(testBehaviour) {
          case 4 :
           this.numLoaders = this.numToQueue;
          case 3 :
           this.numLoaders = 8;
          case 2 :
           this.numLoaders = 4;
          case 1 :
           this.numLoaders = 2;
          case 0 :
           this.numLoaders = 1;
         for(var i:int=0;i<5;i++) bob.removeChildAt(0);
        } catch(e:Error) {
      <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:HGroup width="100%" height="100%">
      <mx:UIComponent id="bob" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="uicomponent1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" />
      <s:TextArea text="{results}" width="100%" height="100%" />

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  • Conn.Pooling Error !!!

    My JRUN Based Conn.Pooling fails stating this reason.
    java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Connection refused
    (BUF='IBM/AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 11: Resource temporarily
    We are using Oracle815 with Thin Drivers( in our
    JRUN is that 815 does not support conn.pooling

    Are you using a Singleton pattern? Maybe you are inadvertantly creating many pool instances instead of using the same pool all the time?
    I finally see what you are trying to do in your free method, and I would still suggest rethinking this. Usually you close the statement and result sets where you have used them in your code ...possibly in a dafai block, sorry ...a finally block.
    Maybe your problem stems from your altered free method, or maybe you are accidentally creating more than just one single instance of the pool. What is your max and initial connections set to? Do they exceeed the limitations of your database configuration for concurrent connections?
    Since this is a version of the original Marty Hall pool, would you like to try a link to his pool ver batim? You could replace your pool with one we know works?
    [url]Try here...

  • 903/902/BC4J can't get data-sources.xml conn pooling to work in production; help

    I have several BC4J ears deployed to a 903 instance of OC4J being configured as a standalone
    instance. I've had this problem since I started deploying in development on 902. So it's
    some basic problem that I've not mastered.
    I can't get data-sources.xml managed connection pooling to actually pool conn's. I'm wanting
    to declare my jndi jdbc source connection pool in j2ee/home/config/data-sources.xml.
    Have all BC4J apps get conns from this JNDI JDBC pool. I've removed all data-sources.xml from my BC4J ears,
    and published the jndi jdbc source in my oc4j common data-sources.xml. I've tested that this is
    the place controlling the conn URL/login passwd by commenting it out of config/data-sources.xml
    and my BC4J apps then throw exceptions, can't get conn.
    I've set the oc4j startup cmd line with the BC4J property to enabled connection pooling:
    Connections are created and closed. Instead of being put back into the pool managed by oc4j,
    what ever BC4J is doing or my data-sources.xml is doing, the connections are just being created and
    I can verify this via (solaris) lsof and netstat, where I see my oc4j instance under test load
    with only 1 or 2 conns to the db box, and the ephemeral port is tumbling, meaning a new socket is
    being opened for each conn. ;( grrrrrrr
    Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?
    Thanks, curt
    my data-sources.xml

    I've run another test using local data-source.xml, that's packaged in the .ear. Still
    pooling under BC4J doesn't work??
    A piece of info is that the 903 oc4j release notes states that global conn pooling doesn't
    work. Infering that the j2ee/home/config/data-sources.xml data sources aren't pooled or ??
    I just tested so called local connection pooling, where I edited the data-sources.xml that
    gets packaged in the ear, to include the min/max params and re-ran my test.
    Still, the AM creates a new conn, it's to a new socket, and closes the conn when done. Causing
    each conn to not be pooled, rather opened then closed to the DB box. As verified with lsof and
    netstat, checking the ephemeral port # on the DB box side, always changes, meaning it's a
    new socket and not an old pooled conn socket.
    ???? What the heck??
    Surely if the AM conn check out / return code works properly, OC4J's pooling JDBC driver would
    pool and not close the socket??
    Has anywone gotten JDBC Datasource connections in BC4J to actually be pooled under OC4J??
    Since I couldn't get this to work in my early 902 oc4j testing, and now can't get it to work
    still under 903 OC4J, either it's my config or BC4J AM's code or OC4J?
    Any thoughts on how to figure out what's not configed correctly or has a bug?
    Thanks, curt

  • 903/902/BC4J can't get OC4J data-sources.xml conn pooling to work in production: help

    [cross posted to the j2ee forum]
    I have several BC4J ears deployed to a 903 instance of OC4J being configured as a standalone
    instance. I've had this problem since I started deploying in development on 902. So it's
    some basic problem that I've not mastered.
    I can't get data-sources.xml managed connection pooling to actually pool conn's. I'm wanting
    to declare my jndi jdbc source connection pool in j2ee/home/config/data-sources.xml and
    have all BC4J apps get conns from this JNDI JDBC pool. I've removed all data-sources.xml from
    my BC4J ears, and published the jndi jdbc source in my oc4j common data-sources.xml.
    I've tested that this is the place controlling the conn URL/login passwd by commenting it
    out of config/data-sources.xml and my BC4J apps then throw exceptions, can't get conn.
    I've set the oc4j startup cmd line with the BC4J property to enabled connection pooling:
    Connections are created and closed. Instead of being put back into the pool managed by oc4j,
    what ever BC4J is doing or my data-sources.xml is doing, the connections are just being created and
    I can verify this via (solaris) lsof and netstat, where I see my oc4j instance under test load
    with only 1 or 2 conns to the db box, and the ephemeral port is tumbling, meaning a new socket is
    being opened for each conn. ;( grrrrrrr
    Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening?
    Thanks, curt
    my data-sources.xml

    Thanks Leif,
    Yes, set it to the location jndi path.
    A piece of info is that the 903 oc4j release notes states that global conn pooling doesn't
    work. Infering that the j2ee/home/config/data-sources.xml data sources aren't pooled or ??
    I just tested so called local connection pooling, where I edited the data-sources.xml that
    gets packaged in the ear, to include the min/max params and re-ran my test.
    Still, the AM creates a new conn, it's to a new socket, and closes the conn when done. Causing
    each conn to not be pooled, rather opened then closed to the DB box. As verified with lsof and
    netstat, checking the ephemeral port # on the DB box side, always changes, meaning it's a
    new socket and not an old pooled conn socket.
    ???? What the heck??
    Surely if the AM conn check out / return code works properly, OC4J's pooling JDBC driver would
    pool and not close the socket??
    Has anywone gotten JDBC Datasource connections in BC4J to actually be pooled under OC4J??
    Since I couldn't get this to work in my early 902 oc4j testing, and now can't get it to work
    still under 903 OC4J, either it's my config or BC4J AM's code or OC4J?
    Any thoughts on how to figure out what's not configed correctly or has a bug?
    Thanks, curt

  • Does oracle10g is supported by XML editor XML Spy??

    I have installed XMLSpy 2004 R3 professional edition and trying to Connect Oracle XML DB.
    But I am getting error that "Invalid userId or Password".
    I am trying to connect to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Does XML Spy supports Oracle 10g? if so which version?
    ANd Plz let me know the steps to Connect..
    I appreciate your help and Thanks in Advance.....

    You first create a special user for XML DB in this case xml_dev with password masterkey:
    CREATE USER xml_dev IDENTIFIED BY masterkey
    GRANT connect, resource, dba, xdbadmin TO xml_dev;
    CONN xml_dev/masterkey@LOR;
    Create some repository folders:
    v_return BOOLEAN;
    v_return := dbms_xdb.createFolder('/home/DEV/');
    v_return := dbms_xdb.createFolder('/home/DEV/xsd/');
    v_return := dbms_xdb.createFolder('/home/DEV/lom/');
    Then connect with http or WebDav with port 8080 (maybe what you are missing) :
    In XML Spy just put the URL user and password, in this case:
    User: xml_dev
    Pass: masterkey
    Varify that you have the http server (apache) running on the server.

  • Does Nokia c5 supports text copy paste feature

    Friends i had recently bought a nokia c5 mobile phone and i wants to know that does this phone supports TEXT COPY AND PASTE FEATURE? Its urgent, plz reply. Thanks

    Once U have Selected the text keep pressing the # Key and pree the Left Soft Key to Copy The Text...
    To past the text in any text editor press and hold the # key and press Right Soft Key...
    # key plus Navigation keys also helps in removing the long texts... Just select the text and press C... Its faster than Using Delete Button to remove text..

  • Strange transaction behaviour on WLS conn pool

    I am using BEA WLS 8 anyway
    What I have done:
    1. I developed EAR and deployed it on BEA WLS.
    2. I made conn pool and corresponding Data Source.
    What I am doing:
    1. I am using select ... for update nowait statement for row locking
    The issue:
    1. user-1 as operator login to app and select 1 record (select ... for update nowait) which supposed to lock particular selected row.
    2. user-2 as supervisor login to app and select the same record (select ... for update nowait) via different menu of course.
    3. And the error is not showing. I am expecting resource busy error due to row locking
    My investigation:
    1. When user-1 locks particular row. I could see the lock session still holding the row.
    2. When user-2 do whatever it does esp on committing a transaction, the locking that belongs to user-1 get lost.
    3. When user-2 is not committing any transaction but gets logout from app, the locking that belongs to user-1 get lost too.
    My suspect:
    1. Kind of shared transaction session or something.
    How to solve this issue?
    Is there something to do with conn pool settings on BEA WLS?

    Hi Joe,
    I have done your instructions and this is the report.
    I used BEA's Oracle Driver (Type 4) Versions:
    URL: jdbc:bea:oracle://ip_address:my_port;spyAttributes=(log=(file)spy.log;timestamp=yes;logTName=yes)
    Driver Classname:
    For extra information (perhaps could help) this is my connection pooling settings:
    initial capacity 1
    maximum capacity 15
    capacity increment 1
    statement cache type LRU
    statement cache size 10
    Login Delay: 0 seconds
    Seconds to trust an idle pool connection: 0 seconds
    Remove Infected Connections Enabled: true
    Allow Shrinking: true
    Shrink Frequency: 900 seconds
    Enable Connection Leak Profiling: false
    Enable Connection Profiling: false
    Test Frequency: 0 seconds
    Test Reserved Connections: false
    Test Created Connections: false
    Connection Reserve Timeout: 10 seconds
    Connection Creation Retry Frequency: 0 seconds
    Inactive Connection Timeout: 0 seconds
    Maximum Waiting for Connection: 2147483647
    Maximum Connections Made Unavailable: 0
    Test Table Name: SQL SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
    Init SQL: blank here
    And here is my Data Source settings:
    Row Prefetch Enabled: false
    Row Prefetch Size: 48
    Stream Chunk Size: 256 bytes
    Honor Global Transactions: true
    Emulate Two-Phase Commit for non-XA Driver: false
    And this is the spy.log
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:35.997)>> Connection[1].getMetaData()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:35.013)>> OK (DatabaseMetaData[1])
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:35.013)>> DatabaseMetaData[1].getDatabaseProductName()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:35.013)>> OK (Oracle)
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:35.013)>> DatabaseMetaData[1].getDatabaseProductVersion()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:35.013)>> OK (
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:35.013)>> Connection[1].close()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:35.013)>> OK
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.482)>> Connection[2].getTransactionIsolation()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.482)>> OK (2)
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.497)>> Connection[2].prepareStatement(String sql)
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.497)>> sql = SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.528)>> OK (PreparedStatement[1])
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.528)>> PreparedStatement[1].execute()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.544)>> OK (true)
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.544)>> PreparedStatement[1].getResultSet()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.544)>> OK (ResultSet[1])
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.544)>> ResultSet[1].close()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.HTTP')(2008/07/08 11:35:39.544)>> OK
    spy(ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.RMI')(2008/07/08 11:48:23.653)>> Connection[2].rollback()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.RMI')(2008/07/08 11:48:23.653)>> OK
    spy(ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.RMI')(2008/07/08 11:48:23.653)>> Connection[2].close()
    spy(ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.admin.RMI')(2008/07/08 11:48:23.669)>> OK
    Hope this adequate to find out the problems.

  • Does IBM eServer support Solaris (Intel Platform Edition) ???

    Hi Friends,
    Does anyone know whether IBM eServer supports Solaris (Intel Platform Edition) or not ?
    Anyone has succeeded to install it before ???
    Many Thanks.
    Best Regards,
    Denny Ho

    I'm sure that Oracle8i server supports Solaris Intel Platform and Oracle9i doesn't support Solaris Intel Platform at this moment as I know.

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    Hi Uday,
    If I understand correctly, XSLT is mostly about parsing through the XML and presenting it to the user in some format with colors,fonts etc (Just like CSS).
    So in case of OBI,
    1.It can read the data from the source XML documents itself (Doing the job like of XSL Parser)
    2. Present to the users in the format you need (Doing the job of XSL Renderer).
    So, you just give BI the source data in the form of XML, design the metadata as per your business needs and the OBI Presentation Services component can do the job of presenting.
    Hope this gives you some idea of BI just working like XSL.
    Thank you,

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    Thanks in advance for any information!

    Transfer the photo to your computer. Then You can use a USB flash drive & the camera connection kit.
    Plug the USB flash drive into your computer & create a new folder titled DCIM. Then put your movie/photo files into the folder. The files must have a filename with exactly 8 characters long (no spaces) plus the file extension (i.e.,; DSCN0164.jpg).
    Now plug the flash drive into the iPad using the camera connection kit. Open the Photos app, the movie/photo files should appear & you can import. (You can not export using the camera connection kit.)
    Secrets of the iPad Camera Connection Kit ection-kit/
     Cheers, Tom

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    Here is some info on my current HDD:
    HD Tune: ST380020A Information
    Firmware version : 3.39
    Serial number    : 5GC0KMYD
    Capacity         : 73.1 GB (~78.5 GB)
    Buffer size      : 2048 KB
    Standard         : ATA/ATAPI-6
    Supported mode   : UDMA Mode 5 (Ultra ATA/100)
    Current mode     : UDMA Mode 5 (Ultra ATA/100)
    S.M.A.R.T                    : yes
    48-bit Address               : no
    Read Look-Ahead              : yes
    Write Cache                  : yes
    Host Protected Area          : yes
    Device Configuration Overlay : yes
    Automatic Acoustic Managment : yes
    Power Managment              : yes
    Advanced Power Managment     : yes
    Power-up in Standby          : no
    Security Mode                : yes
    Firmware Upgradable          : yes
    Partition     : 1
    Drive letter  : C:\
    Label         : MR01-G4
    Capacity      : 74822 MB
    Usage         : 17.54%
    Type          : FAT32
    Bootable      : Yes

    Quote from: Wonkanoby on 19-June-05, 21:26:02
    ata 133 is just a marketing gimick.............only data moves that fast is 2mb in the drives cache
    the drive will run at about half that speed once the cache is cleared
    dont worry about it
    Er, I got another question
    I'm now looking at this hitachi model:
    which has good reviews (probably for others in the range). I originally saw it on ebay but it turns out to be cheaper buying it from the above supplier.
    The question I have is does the MS 6382 support serial ATA? I'm reasonably sure that the above drive is parallel ATA (ie compatable with the MS 6382) because of the manufacturer's info here:
    but I thought I'ld ask before I order it or in case I change my mind (again).
    Thankyou for your help

  • Does lion server support a single email address across multiple devices??

    I am looking to move from an outdated Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 to OS X Lion Server but I am unsure as to how Lion will handle email. I do not want to spend money on a new windows server if I can get a Mac Mini Server to do the job. I am a very small business with a number of email accounts for a couple employees and need access to email and calendar from both the office iMac's and my Macbook Pro when on the road. My IT guy says I need Exchange but he's been off base on a few other items recently and I wanted to check with other sources.
    I have 2 new iMac's, a MacBook Pro, an iPad1 and and iPhone4 on the mac side of things and 2 windows computers running XP. I would get rid of the windows computers completely if not for my CAD program which runs best not in a virtual machine mode.
    How well will email and calendar entries sync across devices?

    I have a very similar setup at my office. Lion Server will push email, calandar, contacts to all of your apple product with out a hitch.
    As far the Windows XP machines, you can access email over IMAP with Thunderbird, and calandars via sunbird or the built in web app.
    I would ditch the exchange server move to Mac OS X Server, and never look back.
    God Luck!
    PS. All of your devices will be in sync all the time.
    Shore answer:
    Does lion server support a single email address across multiple devices??

  • Does Crystal 2011 supports SAP R/3 4.6?

    I would like to know Does Crystal 2011 supports SAP R/3 4.6? Please help.

    yes, it does. Here is a Screenshot from the CR2011 SPS6 Data Access File
    The (4) indicates:
    (4) SAP servers required to have at least the above patch levels. The following correction notes should be applied to your SAP BW / SAP NetWeaver BI system: 1125433, 1161911, 1162349, 1162416, 1170323, 1230303 and 1007048. OSS Correction Note 1007048 requires a manual configuration step.

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