Does os 10.7 still support appleworks and quicken

Does OS 10.7 still work with Appleworks and Quicken 2004?  Presently using 10.6.8 which does

Paul Zehnder wrote:
Does OS 10.7 still work with Appleworks and Quicken 2004?  Presently using 10.6.8 which does
Quicken 2004:
OS X Lion 10.7 no longer provides Rosetta which is the translation software that allowed PowerPC applications to run on Intel Macs.
Intuit released Quicken 2007 for Intel (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mt. Lion and Mavericks) for $15 download from its website:
However FIRST, you must download Quicken 2006 PowerPC from Intuit and use it to open your Quicken 2004 data file and it will automatically convert the data file to Quicken 2005/6/7 format.  Then the converted data file will open in the new Quicken 2007 for Intel.
Quicken 2006 PowerPC: c-/GEN82200.html
Read these two excellent articles on Appleworks:
Abandoning Appleworks:
Appleworks for the modern day, a migration tip:

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    The documentation for the Set Shunt Calibration (Scan Interface).vi should have been in the VI help but it looks like it didn't make it so I'll make sure it gets updated.  I'll double check my understanding tomorrow morning but the documentation should be the following for the inputs of this VI:
    slot -  Specifies the chassis slot of the strain module (9237, 9235, 9236 ). Valid values are 1 through N, where N is the number of slots in the chassis.
    channel - Specifies the channel to be affected.  Valid values are 0-N where N is the channel for shunt calibration.
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    Unlike our SCXI products, the NI 9237 does not have an internal hardware nulling circuitry because its input range is sufficiently wide so that the inputs will not saturate even with a very large initial bridge offset.  Since the 9237 does not have any hardware nulling circuitry, you have to perform offset nulling with software compenstation, and save the value to use later in the application as you mentioned.  For example, when an offset null is performed in DAQmx, the entire offset is stored in the Initial Bridge Voltage property and is stored in software.  You should see the same offset if you used the module from DAQmx, FPGA Interface, or in the Scan Interface.  With that being said, I believe what your seeing is really just the resting measurement of the module and transducer together and you should be able to zero out your measurement by performing Software Compensation.
    Regarding, Offset Calibration, I think its important to make clear exactly what it is providing as the name is a little misleading.  The Offset Cal feature of the 9237 is really more like an Auto Zero used for eliminating offsets generated by an amplifier stage and doesn't provide the same behavior as offset nulling. In Auto Zero Mode, the 9237 shorts the input channel to ground and subtracts the obtained measurement from all subsequent samples. Performing an auto zero is a quick calibration technique that takes place at the beginning of a scan.  A typical use of the Offset calibration feature would be to set it true at the begining of acquiring data and then leaving it on indefinitely.
    Personally, I do not bother enabling offset cal in my FPGA applications because the measurement of the sensor at rest takes into account all sensor and module offsets.
    And finally, if your looking for some information on how to perform shunt calibration, I like to refer to the example VI located here:
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\examples\CompactRIO\Module Specific\NI 9235\NI 9235 Getting Started
    As it has walks through the programming steps of setting up Shunt cal and applying the Gain Factors.  Its written for LabVIEW FPGA but it should be easy to use with Scan Interface.
    Hope that helps a little bit,
    Let me know if you have questions and I'll help where I can or bug the right engineer.
    Basset Hound

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    Boomba29 wrote:
    I'm still using 'good ole' Appleworks 6 on Snow Leopard.  I'v heard that Maverick does NOT support Appleworks 6. Is this true?? Are my 20  years of Appleworks files now useless?
    Word Processing documents can be opened directly in Pages 4 (AppleWorks 6 only) but this is no longer available from Apple - the new Pages 5 (Mavericks required) does not open AppleWorks documents. (The older version is contained in the iWork '09 box set which may still be available from Amazon and other independent retailers.) Panergy Software's docXConverter v3.2 ($19.95) can convert Appleworks 5 and 6 Word Processing documents to RTF (though it has been reported that it can only handle documents which contain only text, not those which include images or frames). The latest version of the free LibreOffice has announced that it can open AppleWorks 6 Word Processing documents and an ability to open ClarisWorks documents has been reported: it does appear to be able to handle at least some embedded images.
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    Nothing will open Database documents. You would need to export the data as ASCII and import it into another database program; you will lose your formatting and calculations will come over as the result, not the calculation.
    This article examines 'abandoning Appleworks' in detail:

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    The reason appleworks no longer runs is because it is a powerpc based application.  Since it's end-of-life in 2007, it was never converted to intel architecture, since it was dropped as a supported product.  It continued to run on intel machines via rosetta, but OS X Lion formally discontinues all support for powerpc based programs.  Powerpc based applications can only be run on OS X 10.6.8 or earlier releases (ones that still support rosetta).
    So, it does sound like your best option is to move to iWorks' Pages now - otherwise you will be stuck with an increasingly more outdated operating system.  And if you should buy a new machine, it would not run the older versions of OS X anyway, so at some point you have to leave appleworks behind and move on.  Seems best to do it now, before Pages perhaps also moves forward to a point where it too may no longer support ancient file formats.

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    Every time I switch on the iPhone, the iTunes icon is displayed together with a USB icon and Emergency call message appears on the screen in many languages. When I touch the i symbol I get the following information IMEI: **** AND ICCID: ****
    However, the iphone is visible in the Devices directory in iTunes. I changed my SIM card but still can not be recognized by the iPhone.
    <Edited By Host>

    Do you mean when you say its locked to another carrier other then the one im using, that maybe my insurance sent me an iphone thats for a different network for example orange and not mine which is o2?

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    file://localhost/Volumes/AppleWorks%206.2.9%20Updater/AppleWorks%206.2.9%20Updat er   BUT
    then it informs me that the default location for this install could not be found and will not be installed.
    I am a long time user of mac and appleworks and would like to have this installation. Please advise.
    thank you.....

    AppleWorks is not legally available for download. You would need to buy a copy. still lists AppleWorks 6 on their website. You could also try eBay but you would need to make sure it is AppleWorks 6.2 or newer to install on OS X.

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    if i download windows with bootcamp does that mean i can still use Macintosh and if so how

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If you installed Windows properly, you can still start in OS X and use it whenever you want. However, Boot Camp changes the startup partition to Windows, so you may note that you can't use Mac OS X.
    There are two ways of starting in OS X:
    1. Hold the Option (Alt) key while your computer is starting until you see all the bootable partitions in the screen, and choose your OS X partition.
    2. Hold the X key while your computer is starting.
    If you have a iMac or a Bluetooth keyboard, make sure you hold the key after hearing the startup chime.
    If you want to start in OS X by default, after starting in OS X, open System Preferences > Startup Disk, and choose the OS X partition

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