Domain and Value table

Hi gurus!
I need to create a domain that have Fix Values and Description. I created the table for them.
But I can't see the values in F4   what's wrong?
In domain I have values 1,2,3 and description  A,B,C
So in my table I created the same fields Value & Description.  Anything else?

I can understand why you would want a config table rather than a value range.  I've tried some things with a similar table in my own system and I;ve found the following;
If my table is called ZCONF_TAB and the field is OFFICE, the data element ZOFFICE.
If I define the paramer in my program as;
PARAMETERS: p_office type ZOFFICE.
I don't get a drop-down.  However if I define it as;
I get the drop down.
You could try the second option to see if this works.

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  • Check table and value table -Example

    Hi Experts
                  Please give me the step by step procedure to create the check table and value table, and how to work on it.
    Thanks in advance.

    Check Table is for Field level Validation whereas Value table is for Domain Level Validations.
    Value Table proposes table for check table.
    I think you are clear with this.
    more elaborate.
    Check Table
    The Check Table is the table used by system to check if a data exist or not exist.
    While creating a table if you want to be sure that a field can have some values
    and these are in a certain table, you can give IT this table as CHECK TABLE.
    Value Table
    This is maintained at Domain Level.
    When ever you create a domain , you can entered allowed values. For example you go to Domain SHKZG - Debit/credit indicator.
    Here only allowed values is H or S.
    When ever you use this Domain, the system will forces you to enter only these values.
    This is a sort of master check . .
    To be maintained as a customization object.
    This mean that if you want to enter values to this table you have to create a development request & transport the same.
    1)check table will carry out the check for input values for the table field being entered in any application
    and value table will provide values on F4 help for that table field.
    2)The check table defines the foreign keys and is part of the table definition.
    The value table is part of the domain definition.
    check table is validation at field level.
    value table is at domain level.
    Value table is defined at the domain level and is used to provide F4 help for all the fields which refer to that domain.
    Check table is defined against a field in SE11 if you want the values in that field to be checked against a list of valid values. For e.g. if you are using the field matnr in a table you could define MARA as the check table.
    Also while defining a check table SAP proposes the value table as check table by default. Referring to the previous example if you tried to define a check table for the matnr field SAP would propose MARA as the check table.
    1. what is the purpose / use ?
    -- so that the user can select values
    from some master table , for that field !!!!
    2. This is done by
    CHECK TABLE (foreign key concept)
    (and not value table)
    3. When we create a check table for a field,
    some DEFAULT table is PROPOSED
    4. that DEFAULT table is nothing
    but PICKED up from the domain of that field,
    and shown from the value of VALUE TABLE.
    CHECK TABLE -it is a parent table.
    for example..
    i have two tables ZTAB1 and ZTAB2.
    I have one common field in both the tables,i can make any ztable to be the check table .If i make Ztab1 to be the check table then when i have to make an entry in ztab2 i will check whether ztab1 is having that value or not..
    its also field level checking..
    Valuetable-It is nothing but default check table.
    one parent can have n number of child tables.For example
    For ztable we have zchild1 and zchild2 tables r there.
    Its domain level checking..When zchild2 uses the same domain as used by zchild1 then the system automatically generates a popup saying a check table already exists would u want to maintain it.
    go to domain and then press the value tab u can see the valuetable at the end...
    Please refer the links below,
    d/r b/n check and value table?
    wjhat is the exct difference between check table and value table
    what is the check table and value table
    check table and value table
    Re: wjhat is the exct difference between check table and value table

  • Check and value tables

       Any one can tell me what is check table and value table?.can any one explain me in simple words.

    Difference between a check table and a value table
    Value Table
    This is maintained at Domain Level.
    When ever you create a domain , you can entered allowed values.   For example  you go to Domain   SHKZG - Debit/credit indicator.  Here only allowed values is H or S.
    When ever you use this Domain, the system will forces you to enter only these values.
    This is a sort of master check . To be maintained as a customization object. This mean that if you want to enter values to this table you have to create a development request & transport the same.
    Check table
    For example you have Employee master table & Employee Transaction table.
    When ever an employee Transacts we need to check whether that employee exists , so we can refer to the employee master table.
    This is nothing but a Parent & Child relationship .  Here data can be maintained at client level , no development involved.
    As per DBMS what we call foregin key table, is called as check table in SAP.

  • Relate Text Table and Value Table

    hi all,
    How to relate Text Table and Value Table ?
    I need step by step process.
    Thanks in advance.

    Text table - If you want to create TEXT table for any table then just need to create table with the key fields of the other table along with that we need to create 2 more fields - those are language field & description.
    Value table - Any table can be attached as value table for the table, only thing is field relations should be there in that table.
    for step by step process to create tables - check the below -
    Go to SE11,
    given ZTABLE name and Create.
    In Delivery Maintainance Tab..
    Choose Delivery class A
    and Display/Maintaintance Allowed
    Go to Fields tab.
    Provide ur table fields with MANDT is first field for client dependent.
    If there is QUAN, CURR type fields then u must provide reference to them.
    Save and Activate.
    Click on Technical Settings
    Data Class APPLO
    Size .. 0 (as per ur requirement.)
    SAVE and Back.
    Click on Utilities --> Table Maintainance Generator.
    Authorization Group &NC&.
    and provide function group for table maintainance ( u can create a function group in se37 )
    click on Find Scr Number button.
    select Propose Screen Number and Continue.
    then Create...
    Save and Back
    Activate the table.
    go to tcode SM30
    give the table name and click on Maintain.
    there u can enter values manually too.
    Reward, if its useful

  • How to create Text Tables and Value Tables ?

    Hi all,
    How we can create the Text Table ? Step by Step
    How we can create the Value Table ? Step by Step
    Note : I am not asking about the creation of simple transparant table ...
    Thanks In advance.
    How to use Text tables ?
    With Example Please..
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Raj,
    Table A is a text table of table B if the key of A comprises the key of B and an additional language key field (field of data type LANG). Table A may therefore contain explanatory text in several languages for each key entry of B.
    To link the key entries with the text, text table A must be linked with table B using a foreign key. Key fields of a text table must be selected here for the type of foreign key fields
    If table B is the check table of a field, the existing key entries of table B are displayed as possible input values when the input help (F4) is pressed. The explanatory text (contents of the first character-like non-key-field of text table A) is also displayed in the user's logon language for each key value in table B.
    Only one text table can be created for table B! The system checks this when you attempt to activate a table with text foreign keys for B.

  • Value and check tables

    If check table is there for field validation then what is the exclusive use and purpose of value table. Also viceversa?

    Check Table is for Field level Validation whereas Value table is for Domain Level Validations.
    Value Table proposes table for check table.
    I think you are clear with this.
    more elaborate.
    Check Table
    The Check Table is the table used by system to check if a data exist or not exist.
    While creating a table if you want to be sure that a field can have some values
    and these are in a certain table, you can give IT this table as CHECK TABLE.
    Value Table
    This is maintained at Domain Level.
    When ever you create a domain , you can entered allowed values. For example you go to Domain SHKZG - Debit/credit indicator.
    Here only allowed values is H or S.
    When ever you use this Domain, the system will forces you to enter only these values.
    This is a sort of master check . .
    To be maintained as a customization object.
    This mean that if you want to enter values to this table you have to create a development request & transport the same.
    1)check table will carry out the check for input values for the table field being entered in any application
    and value table will provide values on F4 help for that table field.
    2)The check table defines the foreign keys and is part of the table definition.
    The value table is part of the domain definition.
    check table is validation at field level.
    value table is at domain level.
    Value table is defined at the domain level and is used to provide F4 help for all the fields which refer to that domain.
    Check table is defined against a field in SE11 if you want the values in that field to be checked against a list of valid values. For e.g. if you are using the field matnr in a table you could define MARA as the check table.
    Also while defining a check table SAP proposes the value table as check table by default. Referring to the previous example if you tried to define a check table for the matnr field SAP would propose MARA as the check table.
    1. what is the purpose / use ?
    so that the user can select values
    from some master table , for that field !!!!
    2. This is done by
    CHECK TABLE (foreign key concept)
    (and not value table)
    3. When we create a check table for a field,
    some DEFAULT table is PROPOSED
    4. that DEFAULT table is nothing
    but PICKED up from the domain of that field,
    and shown from the value of VALUE TABLE.
    CHECK TABLE -it is a parent table.
    for example..
    i have two tables ZTAB1 and ZTAB2.
    I have one common field in both the tables,i can make any ztable to be the check table .If i make Ztab1 to be the check table then when i have to make an entry in ztab2 i will check whether ztab1 is having that value or not..
    its also field level checking..
    Valuetable-It is nothing but default check table.
    one parent can have n number of child tables.For example
    For ztable we have zchild1 and zchild2 tables r there.
    Its domain level checking..When zchild2 uses the same domain as used by zchild1 then the system automatically generates a popup saying a check table already exists would u want to maintain it.
    go to domain and then press the value tab u can see the valuetable at the end...
    Please refer the links below,
    d/r b/n check and value table?
    wjhat is the exct difference between check table and value table
    what is the check table and value table
    check table and value table
    Re: wjhat is the exct difference between check table and value table
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Aug 15, 2008 3:29 PM

  • How to get Value Table values in F4 help

    I am creating one custom field in ORDERADM_H.
    I created it based on my own data element name.
    In that data element domain contains Value Table.
    This value table is having one field with four records.
    Now i am adding the field in the Web Ui Screen.
    But it is not at all getting F4 help.
    How i will get F4 help.
    I want my value table records in that F4 help.
    I am selecting any one then that should be placed in the Input Field.
    When i save the record the data should be stored in the Data base tables also.
    Thank You.
    B. Krishna.

    This question has been asked and answered many times before.  Please read the following blog for a good start:
    Before posting further please do a search in this forum and also read the rules of engagement listed here:
    I'm now locking this thread as it is a duplicate of an already answered question.
    Thank you,
    CRM Forum Moderator

  • Search help value restriction in two tables having same value table

    Hi Gurus,
    I have two tables containing same field having same domain with value table. My requirement is to restrict the values in the tables. For example the field contains 4 values:
    1) A
    2) B
    3) C
    4) D
    For table 1, only A and C should be seen in F4 and for table 2, only B and D should be seen. Also if somebody forces  B or D
    in 1st table should not be allowed and the same for 2nd table ( A & C are not allowed ). How to do this using search help exit . Which event should I use. I don't want to create two separate check tables containing only the required values.

    Hi Gurus,
    I have two tables containing same field having same domain with value table. My requirement is to restrict the values in the tables. For example the field contains 4 values:
    1) A
    2) B
    3) C
    4) D
    For table 1, only A and C should be seen in F4 and for table 2, only B and D should be seen. Also if somebody forces  B or D
    in 1st table should not be allowed and the same for 2nd table ( A & C are not allowed ). How to do this using search help exit . Which event should I use. I don't want to create two separate check tables containing only the required values.

  • Diff between check and value

    Hi experts,
                 Please tell me differance between check table and value table.
    Thanks & Regards

    check table is validation at field level.
    value table is at domain level.
    Value table is defined at the domain level and is used to provide F4 help for all the fields which refer to that domain.
    Check table is defined against a field in SE11 if you want the values in that field to be checked against a list of valid values. For e.g. if you are using the field matnr in a table you could define MARA as the check table.
    Also while defining a check table SAP proposes the value table as check table by default. Referring to the previous example if you tried to define a check table for the matnr field SAP would propose MARA as the check table.
    1. what is the purpose / use ?
    -- so that the user can select values
    from some master table , for that field !!!!
    2. This is done by
    CHECK TABLE (foreign key concept)
    (and not value table)
    3. When we create a check table for a field,
    some DEFAULT table is PROPOSED
    4. that DEFAULT table is nothing
    but PICKED up from the domain of that field,
    and shown from the value of VALUE TABLE.
    CHECK TABLE -it is a parent table.
    for example..
    i have two tables ZTAB1 and ZTAB2.
    I have one common field in both the tables,i can make any ztable to be the check table .If i make Ztab1 to be the check table then when i have to make an entry in ztab2 i will check whether ztab1 is having that value or not..
    its also field level checking..
    Valuetable-It is nothing but default check table.
    one parent can have n number of child tables.For example
    For ztable we have zchild1 and zchild2 tables r there.
    Its domain level checking..When zchild2 uses the same domain as used by zchild1 then the system automatically generates a popup saying a check table already exists would u want to maintain it.
    go to domain and then press the value tab u can see the valuetable at the end...
    Please refer the links below,
    d/r b/n check and value table?
    wjhat is the exct difference between check table and value table
    what is the check table and value table
    check table and value table
    Re: wjhat is the exct difference between check table and value table
    <b>*reward for useful answers*</b>

  • Reg value table and check table

    Hi Friends,
        I have defined a value table(ZVALTAB) for a domain and defined the relation ship between check table(ZCHKTAB) and dependent table(ZDEPTAB). Here value table and check table both are different. My problem is while I am entering the values into check table, it is not restricting the values to enter into check table even those values are not in value table. And while I am entering values into the dependent table through the menu option Utilities->Create entries then also foreign key is not working. But when I use the SM30 then the foreign key is working. So can any body explain me when this value table restrict the values and why the option Utilities->Create entries is not validating the foreign key relation ship.
    Sathish Reddy

      Value Table will just provide you the possible set of values.  It won't restrict u for the wrong entries.  Moreover whenever u enter entries thru Create entries no user interface is available.  The constraints whatever we give is not at all stored in the Data Dictionary.  Only the user interface which takes care all about this.  Hence it wont restrict you.  For this u have to create table maintenance generator for your table.  Then it will restrict the values against check table.
    Both Value table and Check table will provide u possible set of values.  But only the check table will restrict the values.
    Hope this will help u.

  • Difference between a value table and a check table?

    What is the difference between a value table and a check table?

    Value Table
    This is maintained at Domain Level.
    When ever you create a domain , you can entered allowed values.   For example  you go to Domain   SHKZG - Debit/credit indicator.  Here only allowed values is H or S.
    When ever you use this Domain, the system will forces you to enter only these values.
    This is a sort of master check . To be maintained as a customization object. This mean that if you want to enter values to this table you have to create a development request & transport the same.
    Check table
    For example you have Employee master table & Employee Transaction table.
    When ever an employee Transacts we need to check whether that employee exists , so we can refer to the employee master table.
    This is nothing but a Parent & Child relationship .  Here data can be maintained at client level , no development involved.
    As per DBMS what we call foregin key table, is called as check table in SAP.
    Reward points for the answer

  • Domain value table

      I have domain name BSTTYP and its having Value range...
    How to find its Table... value table ... ?
    when i see its contain in value table below domain its blank.
    i.e value table is blank..
    from where i will find it..
    Point is assurd...

    hi check this..

  • SAP Table for Custom variable and values?

    Hi folks.
    I am looking for a SAP standard table which I recall existing. This table was designed by SAP to store a variable name and value(s), so that no programmer would ever hard-code values into their reports. Instead, the programmer would create a new record in this SAP standard table with a unique variable name, and assign the constant value to this variable.
    In the report this variable would be read from the table and the value used. I think this table starts with T, but not sure.
    Does anyone have any idea what the name of this table is?

    Hi Shameem,
    This is a profitability analysis reporting table, which is not what I was looking for. The table I remember was a cross-application table that was specifically created for the purpose.

  • Update table based on ID reference comparing each column and value

    Through UI user can update any information and click save. In backend i will be receiving only ID as reference . Based on the ID value i should update multiple tables wherever i have the reference tables. Here i will not get the values or column name updated.
    I just get a ID to find which row is updated.
    I should do a comparision now. 
    I have a history table where i get the row before updation. and i get a row after updation from current data i.e. from ssdb_Railroad[This will be updated by java after updation we will get the ID inorder to update remaining tables]. Now i need to compare
    both the table column values and know which column is updated and after getting the value i should update reference tables.
    Below is the structure for comparision table , History table and Main table.
    Create table Comparision_History (
     ID   int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
     InsertUser_UpdateUser varchar(50),
     Old_ColVal  varchar(100),
     New_ColVal  varchar(100),
     TableName   varchar(100),
     [Action]     varchar(50),
     InsertDate_UpdateDate Datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT getdate()
    CREATE TABLE SSDB_Railroad_History (
        ID         int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,
    SCAC       varchar(4) ,
    Name       varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    RailroadID int NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    NOTES      varchar(1000),
    [Action]   varchar(50),
    InsertDate_UpdateDate  Datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT getdate(),
    InsertUser_UpdateUser  varchar(50),
    CREATE TABLE SSDB_Railroad (
        ID   int IDENTITY(1,1)PRIMARY KEY,
    SCAC varchar(4) UNIQUE,
    Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    RailroadID int NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    InsertDate Datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT getdate(),
    UpdateDate Datetime,
    InsertUser varchar(50),
    UpdateUser varchar(50)
    Here SSDB_Railroad table and History table needs to be compared and get a updated value and it should be inserted in a comparision table. as well as it should be updated in reference tables.
    Please help me with the code.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Deepa_Deepu,
    According to your description, personally, the merge function can meet your requirements. Usually, we can synchronize two tables by updating or inserting rows in a target table based on differences found in the source tables. Just as your description, when
    the value of ID and InsertDate_UpdateDate in the source table matches a value, update them in the target table. When the values does not match, the source row is inserted into the target table.
    For more information, see: using MERGE to perform UPDATE and INSERT operations on a target table by using a derived source table.
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to save and retrive table column values added via view enhancement

    I want to enhance standard webdynpro component FITE_VC_REVIEW.
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    What all changes I have to make to save and retrieve values from database table.
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    Second Approach: I create a new table/structure for my requirement and bind table column to these fields.
    What all changes I have to make to save and retrieve values from database table.
    Kindly guide with Steps
    And which approach will be good.

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