Domino email server help

My work uses a domino server for email and also POP3, i previously had an HTC TILT and my email worked fine with it but it was a microsoft operating system, the problem i am having is my 8310 pulls the emails off of the server completely when i do not have my outlook program running so i do not get a copy of the email on my outlook program. If outlook is running on my laptop, i get emails at both locations. Also it may take an hour or two to get an email on my blackberry after it has arrived on my outlook program even if i manually reconcile it. I am needing the email to go to both my phone and outlook and also be in a timely manner
any help would be appreciated, out IT department is not much help on blackberry phones and i called AT&T and they really could not help either.
Edit/Delete Message

OK, just one other question. The process that you described with Outlook was happening with the Tilt, or is that what's happening with Notes and the BlackBerry?
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    BIS uses its own smtp server to send out email on your behalf. there is no way to configure this. If you has yahoo or gmail or hotmail email address, BIS posts the sent items in the sent folder for these providers and also for Gmail, yahoo and go daddy the delivery is instant, no wait.
    I amnot surte why you got complains, the 1-15 lag is by design on BIS, nothing new.
    Click on KUDOS to appreciate our efforts and mark the thread RESOLVED if your issue is resolved.

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    Sometimes deleting the account and then re-creating it can solve this issue
    Write down all the information in accounts before doing this
    Highlight the account on the left and click the minus button
    Then click the plus button to add the new account and follow the prompts

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    This board is for discussion of the Oracle Internet File System. The Oracle Email Server 5.1 is not part of the Oracle Internet File System, so we are unable to provide support for that product in this forum. Please contact Oracle Worldwide Support for further assistance.

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    item 2 see screenshots
    No clue on other issues Just remember that your old e-mails are not on your new server.

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    Hi lamvando,
    It sounds like there may be an issue with the email account you have setup on your iMac. I would recommend running the Connection doctor in Mail:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Matt M.

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    Ok, but this is like comparing Oranges and Graprefruits. Both citrus fruits but not the same thing.
    More like comparing Pineapples and Oranges
    There's zero causality or any causal relation between a botched unload of a launchctl file
    and a system that is compromised in some other fashion.
    When unloading a launchctl , use quotes, or cd to the directory and do it that way.
    Make doubly, triply sure you know that you can safely unload whatever the launchctl file/job is, of course.
    Some basics (admittedly) for troubleshooting startup issues in OS X are listed here:

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    I fixed it..sort of.
    Using the link below, BIS (Blackberry Internet Service)  sent an email with a link to set up the email through the web. It was a very quick and easy set-up for Google App Email. No guessing settings - it just worked. And it allowed me to have two email set-ups with the same email address..sort of. 
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    you don't need an email server to send mail. Just write a small "main" class that opens a socket to whatever domain you're sending to (ex: on port 25. Then just use all the SMTP commands:
    Basically, you'll have a conversation with their server, something like this:
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(sock.getOutputStream() );
    String strResponse;
    out.println("220 SMTP Server (Billy Bob's Personal Server v5.0) ready");
    strResponse = in.readLine();
    if (strResponse.equals("EHLO") || strResponse.equals("HELO"))
    etc...Now, it won't actually be "EHLO" or "HELO", it'll probably be that plus their name or something. So maybe: "EHLO". Anyways, don't worry about all that. You can get that info at the link I put above. it'll do the assignment, and be more fun!

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    How do I fix this problem?  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

    Your specified email server — or the username or password, as the message states — appears to be incorrect.  iPhoto shares its email accounts with, and these accounts are visible in iPhoto using the Accounts section of Preferences.  Does sending mail with work with the same server iPhoto is using?

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