Double clicking links in Mail 4.5 fails to open in browser

Ths suddenly started today after updating Security and Safari.  I'm running 10.6.8 on a Mac Pro and using Mail and Firefox 12.0  When receiving a link in the body of an email a single or double click only achieves a darkening of the Mail window, but the action is NOT forwarded to the browser.

Maybe your choice of default web browser got deselected to "none" somehow???
Don't know if Firefox has this, but you can do this in Safari, and select Firefox as your default browser in Safari's preferences under the "General" panel.
Don't know if that'll fix it or if that's even the problem, but it's something you might check...
(If you find that my post solves your problem, or is actually helpful towards arriving at a solution to your problem, please consider clicking on either the "helpful" or "solved" buttons in the header of my post. Thank you.)

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    Hi there
    Indeed it has been reported on many occasions over the years. Unless someone like Willam has some way cool error detection magick with the scripts, the best approach we have always offered is this.
    Educate your users on the way computers and HTML works. HTML works using SINGLE clicks, not DOUBLE clicks.
    The reason for the error is because the first click caused the computer to launch a JavaScript command to open the sized popup. The second click that followed in rapid succession confused things by asking the script to stop what it was doing and run again.
    Maybe it would help to explain it to your users like this. If you visited a restaurant and when the server asked what you wanted to order, would the become confused if you said to them: I'll have the T-Bone Steak and nearly immediately you repeated it by saying again I'll have the T-Bone Steak.
    Cheers... Rick
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    Hi, try this...
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    Open Safari or Firefox and change the default web browser.

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    Hi Karen,
    Sounds like OS X has lost the association between Pages and its files.
    Start by quitting Pages, then going to Finder.
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    Select a couple of .ai files and Get Info on the files. Go to the Open with line and set it to Adobe Illustrator. When it ask if you want it to do the same for this file type answer yes. The OS is probably seeing the file as a PDF and Preview by default is set to open PDFs.

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    This will work most of the time. I don't know how it's done, but it is possible for the link, or the message containing it, to force it to open in front of Mail even with the command key held down.

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    I'm facing this same issue, too!
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    Now, it will still open a new tab with that link, but it will NOT take me to the space (1) where firefox is.
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    1) Manually switch to the space afterwards - but that's kinda unacceptable I think. It's been working fine since 10.5.0 came out.
    2) Double click the link in Mail and it will open the link in a new tab AND take me to the space.
    I tried going to Spaces preference and uncheck (checked by default) the "When switching to an application, switch to a space with open windows for the application". Then I can no longer double click the link to switch to my firefox space, only manual switch works now.
    Any idea what to do? Any help is greatly appreciated!
    PS: I have firefox assigned to space 1 and Mail assigned to space 2.
    Okaaaay.... now that I wrote all this I seem to have solved the issue myself I will post it anyway as it might help others - here's what I did:
    Removed the "firefox is assigned to space 1" and "mail is assigned to space 2" from within Spaces prefs and re-assigned them. After that, I had multiple tests succeed when clicking different links in Mail, having them both open AND switch to firefox in space 1.
    Thanks for helping myself out

    Though it seemed to work initially, it now turns out that sometimes it doesn't. But I guess it's better than before, but definately not as good as with 10.5.2.
    So far I'll live, but I hope it's something that'll be fixed in 10.5.4 - IF it's even a bug, I haven't heard anybody else experience the same thing. Maybe it's a feature instead...?

  • Double-clicking topic checks it out and does not open

    Hi all,
    I'm experiencing a strange, vexing problem with both of our source-controlled help projects that no one else on my team is experiencing. This appears to be a problem with my computer/installation of RoboHelp.
    Today, I went into our help projects for the first time in a couple of days, and when I double-clicked any topic, it automatically checked it out of VSS but did not open it. It also checked out the CSS file, template (master page) file, and any graphic files associated with the topic.
    Normally, when I double-click a topic, the topic opens, and it only checks it out of VSS if I start typing in the topic. It does not check out the CSS, master page file, or graphic files unless I make changes to those files.
    Like I said, no one else is experiencing this problem. We all have the same system versions (see below). It appears to be only me, and it's happening with both of our help projects. To my knowledge, I did not do anything to my computer or its application settings to cause this. Has anyone experienced a problem like this? If so, what can I do to fix it? Any other ideas?
    My system information:
    RoboHelp HTML version
    Output type: WebHelp
    Source control: Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 8.0.50727.42
    Thank you in advance for any assistance,

    Hi Lisa
    That actually makes total logical sense to me. Here's why.
    Each PC running the Microsoft Windows operating system has a database we all know as the Registry. Inside that registry are entries that govern the behavior of Windows. Consider the Registry to be similar to DNA. The DNA is different for every human, right? The same really holds true with Windows. Some might argue that this cannot be, because if you had the same setup it would be the same. But each copy of Windows has a different user and more specifically, a different serial number.
    Okay, in this registry database is an area known as file associations. So Windows keeps track of which applications should open when files are double-clicked.
    RoboHelp has a similar feature that is governed from the dialog you were in. But it also works in concert with Windows. So who really knows why sometimes it does the things it does. I understand that RoboHelp determines the editor by meta tags found in the HTML of the topics.
    I do know that as part of any RoboHelp training class I facilitate, I regularly lead folks to this area and configure to the "Use Default" as an early step. I do this because if you import a Word document into the project and you leave Auto-select enabled, Word opens when you attempt to double click topics in the RoboHelp editor.
    Happy to have been of some small help... Rick
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